• Title/Summary/Keyword: oral hygiene care program

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A Convergence Study of Adults' Oral Health Behaviors and Periodontal Disease (성인의 구강건강행위와 치주질환과의 융복합 연구)

  • Lee, So-Young;Lee, Yu-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2019
  • Periodontal disease as one of oral diseases is a chronic disease that continuously worsens once it occurs. It begins with gingivitis in the late school childhood. Its prevalence rate gradually increases in adolescence and continues to rise until young and middle ages. Therefore, the preventive care for the disease in one's whole life is of very importance. Since periodontal disease can be prevented and controlled by oral health behaviors, this study focuses on the relation between adults' oral health behaviors and the disease and emphasizes its importance. Based on the data of the 2015 6th (3rd Year) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the prevalence rate of periodontal disease was compared according to study subjects' oral health behaviors. As a result, gum disease treatment, the count of gum brushing, use of dental floss use of interdental brush, and subjective oral health condition were statistically meaningful. Given that oral health behaviors are related to periodontal disease, it is necessary to conduct a systematic study for developing and performing the oral health education program to make the right habit of oral health behaviors.

A study on the job awareness of dental hygienists and their job performance (치과위생사의 수행업무에 대한 인식도 및 실태조사)

  • Sim, Su-Hyun;Hwang, Yoon-Sook
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.153-166
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    • 2007
  • The job of dental hygienists is specialized, and they have to be capable of performing their primary duties including prevention of oral diseases, oral prophylaxis, and oral health education. To ensure their successful job performance, dentists should have an accurate understanding of their duties and need a change of mind-set about them. And there should be written legal and concrete regulations on the coverage of their work in order to let them boost their job performance with pride and a sense of responsibility. The purpose of this study was to examine the actual roles and job performance of dental hygienists in clinical field in an attempt to discuss the substantial job performance of dental hygienists and their job enlargement. It's basically meant to help enhance the efficiency and quality of medical services. The subjects in this study were 471 dental hygienists in dental clinics, dental hospitals, university hospitals and general hospitals across the nation, on whom a survey was conducted in person from March 2 to 25, 2005. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS Win 12.0 program, and the findings of the study were as follows: 1. The major jobs they currently performed included oral health education, hospital management, simple duties, extensive dental hygiene duties and joint treatment assistance. They hoped to continue to be responsible for oral health education, preventive treatment and extensive dental hygiene duties. 2. As for their current job by age, extensive dental hygiene duties, preventive treatment, joint treatment assistance, preserving treatment, prosthetic treatment and pediatric treatment were most conducted by the dental hygienists who were at the age of 26 to less than 31, and those who were at the age of 31 and up were most responsible for hospital management and simple duties. 3. As to job awareness by workplace, their workload was statistically significantly different according to their workplace. The hospital employees took care of more work than those in clinics. 4. Concerning job awareness by age, the younger dental hygienists suffered more role conflicts and were given a less free hand in work handling, the middle-aged group's job was uncertain. Legal regulations about the coverage of their work should be prepared in detail as a measure to stir up their responsible job performance and pride. In order to take advantage of experienced dental hygienists, their duties should be more differentiated and specialized, and their working conditions should be improved to boost their job satisfaction. That is, they should be given ample chances for promotion and serving as a middle manager and be given fair treatment according to their career. If their work is accurately darified and specialized based on career, it will boost the efficiency of dental treatment. Dental hygienists also should direct sustained efforts into self-development in order to become a skilled and professional oral health personnel.

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The effect of the oral health behaviors on the periodontal status in teenagers (청소년의 구강보건행태가 치주조직 상태에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Jae-Hwa;Kim, Keon-Yeop;Jeong, Seong-Hwa;Kim, Ki-Su;Lee, Yu-Mi
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : This study aims to improve health and the quality of life of teenagers by identifying an association between the periodontal status and oral health behaviors of Korean teenagers using 2010 Korean National Oral Health Survey data. Methods : Subjects were teenagers aged from 12 to 15 in Korean National Oral Health Survey (KNOHS). The questionnaire consisted of periodontal status, general characteristics, periodontal related factors, and oral health related behaviors. Results : Gingival bleeding was found in 56.9% of teenagers because unhealthy periodontal status and tartars were found. Those who were 15 years old had unhealthier periodontal status than those who aged 12 years old. Those who lived in rural areas tended to have worse periodontal status than those who lived in the big cities. Access to dental floss, mouth rinsing solution and regular dental checkup tended to make the healthier periodontal status. Smokers had the worse periodontal status than the nonsmokers. Conclusions : The oral health care in the teenagers aged from 12 to 15 is very important because the permanent dentition is completed in this stage. It is necessary to lay emphasis on the oral health improvement and dental caries prevention program to the teenagers.

Effect of perceived stress on general health and oral health status in elderly: results from the Korea national health and nutrition examination survey 2014 (노인의 스트레스 인지가 전반적인 건강상태 및 구강건강상태에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Eun-Sil;Cho, Han-A
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.899-910
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to identify the rates of perceived stress of elderly people over 65 years old and to confirm the influence of stress on general health and oral health status. Methods: Using data from the National Health and Nutrition Survey for 2014, 1,472 people over 65 years of age were selected as final subjects. Stress was used as an independent variable and dependent variables were included physical health (perceived health status), mental health (depression), and oral health (perceived oral health status). The following confounding variables were adjusted for the current study: demographic characteristics (gender, age, education level, house income) and health - related characteristics (drinking, smoking, exercise, frequency of tooth brushing, using oral care product, dental exam, comorbidity, restrict activity). Complex sampling analysis was applied and logistic regression was performed to determine the effects of stress on physical health, mental health and oral health status. Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (95% Confidence Interval, 95% CI) were calculated. Results: Logistic regression indicated that stress was significantly associated with low physical health (OR=2.18, 95%CI: 1.49-3.20), low mental health (OR=8.68, 95%CI: 4.98-15.11), low oral health (OR=1.53, 95%CI: 1.06-2.21) after adjusting for confounding variables. Conclusions: The perceived stress of the elderly was found to be related to the general health and oral health status. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate stress as a predictor of health risk for the health promotion of the elderly on multidisciplinary assessment and continuous evaluation. In addition, health support policies should be provided to achieve good health status for elderly.

Relationship between Dental Caries Experience and Obesity among Elementary School of Student's in Gyeongsan (경산시 일부 초등학교 학생들의 치아우식증 경험 및 비만도의 관련성)

  • Choi, Sung-Suk;Jung, Hong-Sep;Choi, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.429-436
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze factors relationship between dental caries experience and obesity among elementary school of student's in oral health clinic to provide empirical data for school of oral health program. The subjects of this study consists of 235 elementary school student's in Gyeongsan area. The data were collected from July 1 to 30, 2011 by self-administrative questionnaires. Increased with age in the lower level dental caries experience. Dental caries experience and obesity realted to were not with Mother's employment status, education level, economic level each other. Number of weekly exercise normal weight (9.4%) than obesity weight (21.5%) was higher in the 0 times. The obesity and dental caries experience was not associated with each other. The results suggest that social and demographic variation and regardless of don't home care made in support do student's oral and health care school health in terms of how much management so school oral health clinics later gradually enlarge and systematic a national policy will be implemented.

The relationship between precarious work and unmet dental care needs in South Korea: focus on job and income insecurity (한국 노동시장 불안정성과 미충족 치과의료의 관련성: 고용과 소득 불안정성을 중심으로)

  • Che, Xianhua;Park, Hee-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the accessibility of dental care services among individuals with precarious employment in South Korea. Methods: We used the $9^{th}$ wave of the Korean Health Panel data (2015) and included 7,736 wage and non-wage earners in our study. We determined precariousness in the labor market as a combination of employment relationship and job income, and categorized individuals based on this into the following four groups: Group A comprising those who report job and income security, Group B comprising those who experience job insecurity alone, Group C comprising those who report a stable job but low income, and Group D comprising those who experience both job and income insecurity. Accessibility to dental care services was determined by experience of unmet dental care needs and unmet dental care needs caused primarily by financial burden. Logistic regression analyses were used to assess the effect of precarious work on access to dental care services. Results: Individuals with job insecurity (Group B; OR=1.445; 95% CI=1.22-1.70) and both job and income insecurity (Group D; OR=1.899; 95% CI=1.61-2.24) were more likely to have unmet needs than the comparison group. Both groups B and D were also 2.048 (95% CI=1.57-2.66) times and 4.435 (95% CI =3.46-5.68) times more likely, respectively, to have unmet dental care needs caused by financial burden. Education status, health insurance, and health status were all also effective factors influencing unmet dental care needs. Conclusions: Unstable employment and low income resulted in diminished access to dental care services. Therefore, governments should consider health policy solutions to reduce barriers preventing individuals with employment and income instability from accessing adequate dental care.

The Actual Status of Elderly Orofacial-Function Improvement Program in Seoul and Gyenggi-Area

  • Lim, Do-Seon;Kim, Ju-hee;Lee, So-yeon;Jung, Im-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2021
  • Background: Although the orofacial-function improvement exercise (OFIE; oral exercise) was first introduced in Korea 10 years prior, it is still not covered by medical insurance, and no detailed survey on the dissemination of related programs has been conducted. Therefore, this study investigated the actual status of the education and practice of OFIE among the elderly and at elderly welfare institutions in the Seoul and Gyeonggi Provinces. Methods: Senior citizens aged more than 65 years old, public health centers (total of 69) and elderly welfare institutions (including nursing homes and elderly welfare centers, total of 56) per administrative area in the Seoul and Gyeonggi Provinces were targeted. We analyzed 200 elderly people and 93 institutions who agreed to participate in the survey. For the elderly, general characteristics, experience and route, current practice, and necessity regarding OFIE were investigated. For institutions, the history and plan of education programs on OFIE were investigated. Results: Regardless of the general characteristics, both the rate of experience and practice for OFIE were low overall; moreover, although they felt it was necessary, they had insufficient motivation for its implementation. Moreover, only a few institutions which were operating the education about OFIE regardless of the COVID-19 situation. Conclusion: Although OFIE is necessary for the elderly, its distribution remains insufficient. Therefore, further efforts are needed to expand the education and raise the awareness of oral exercise among elderly individuals and senior welfare institutions.

Relationship of Oral Health Behavior to Self-Efficacy in High School Students (고등학생의 구강보건행태와 자기효능감의 관련성)

  • Ju, On-Ju;Woo, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.355-360
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the oral health behavior and self-efficacy of adolescents. The subjects in this study were 300 selected students in a girls' high school located in the city of Iksan. A survey was conducted from November 2 to 5, 2014, with questionnaires that covered oral health behavior and self-efficacy, and the answer sheets from 298 respondents were analyzed by a statistical package IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 21.0. The group that got regular dental checkups (3.26) excelled the other group that didn't in self-efficacy (p<0.05), and the group who made use of oral care products and who brushed their teeth four times or more had a better self-efficacy than the other group that didn't. The students who considered themselves to be in better oral health scored higher in self-efficacy, and the groups who had no difficulties in pronunciation (3.66) and mastication (3.32) scored higher (p<0.01, <0.001). Masticatory dysfunction (r=-0.184) and pronunciation disorder (r=-0.200) were negatively correlated with self-efficacy, but oral health status (r=0.243) had a positive correlation with it. Self-efficacy was better when oral health status was better (p<0.001) and when there was no pronunciation disorder (p<0.01). The above-mentioned findings suggested that there was a close relationship between oral health behavior and self-efficacy. Therefore the kind of program that aims at changing youth oral health awareness and oral health behavior should be prepared to improve the self-efficacy of adolescents.

The relationship between sleep duration and the number of remaining teeth among the elderly using data from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) (노인의 수면시간과 현존치아 수와의 관련성 : 제6기 국민건강영양조사 자료를 이용하여)

  • Kim, Nam-Suk;Yoon, Jung-Won;Lee, Jung-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.731-742
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: To analyze the association between sleep duration and the number of remaining teeth in people aged 65 years or older in order to provide basic data for improving sleep quality and developing oral health programs for teeth maintenance. Methods: The raw data for the analysis were obtained from the sixth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) dataset, conducted between 2013 and 2015. The 4,340 subjects included in the study underwent oral examinations and then proceeded to answer related questions. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS (ver 23.0) program via composite samples, with the calculations for mean, standard deviation, chi-square test, and logistic return analysis being performed. Results: An analysis of the effect of sleep duration on the number of remaining teeth among people aged >65 years old showed that if the confounding variables were not corrected for, the risk of having less than 9 hours of sleep was 1.40 times higher (95% CI: 1.06-1.86). However, this was not statistically significant in models that corrected for gender, age, and other confounding variables (p>0.05). Conclusions: The association between sleep duration among the elderly with their number of remaining teeth was confirmed. Therefore, measures to improve sleep quality and oral care practices to maintain the remaining teeth in people over 65 years old should be developed.

Essential services in children's family dentistry program and the role of dental hygienists (아동 치과주치의 프로그램의 필요도와 치과위생사의 역할)

  • Seung-Hun Lee
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.431-439
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the essential services, importance, interval of examinations, and role of dental hygienists in children's family dentistry program. Methods: A total of 124 participants completed a self-administered questionnaire. The data were analyzed using independent t-test, and ANOVA, and Pearson correlation analysis. Results: All participants stated that oral examination and panoramic radiography are required; children should be educated about brushing, use of oral products, and regular check-ups; and preventive treatments such as molar sealants and prophylaxis should be offered. They stated that light-curing resins and glass ionomer fillings should be offered in treatment services. They stated that examination intervals should be shorter for education and prevention rather than treatment. Dental hygiene students were more likely than dentists and dental hygienists to say that the program was more important. There was a correlation between oral examinations and education and treatment, and between essential services and their importance. Conclusions: Services considered essential and important should be provided first, education and prevention should be provided more frequently than treatment, and their importance should be emphasized not only to dental hygiene students but also to dental hygienists and dentists who are the main providers of services.