• 제목/요약/키워드: optical performance evaluation

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감마선 분포 측정을 위한 섬광필름 기반의 감마 영상 검출기 제작 및 성능평가 (Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of a Scintillating Film-based Gamma Imaging Detector to Measure Gamma-ray Distribution)

  • 신상훈;유욱재;장경원;조승현;이봉수
    • 센서학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.202-207
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    • 2015
  • As a feasibility study on development of a gamma imaging probe, we developed a scintillating film-based gamma imaging detector that can obtain scintillation images with information of gamma-ray distribution. The scintillating film-based gamma imaging detector was composed of a sensing probe, an image intensifier, and a beam profiler. To detect and transmit scintillation image, the sensing probe was fabricated by coupling a scintillating film, a fiber-optic image conduit, and a fiber-optic taper, consecutively. First, the optical images of USAF 1951 resolution target were obtained and then, modulation transfer function values were calculated to test the image quality of the sensing probe. Second, we measured the scintillation images according to the activity of the 137Cs and the distance between the surface of 137Cs and the distal-end of sensing probe. Finally, the intensities of scintillating light as functions of the activity and the distance were evaluated from the region of interest in the scintillation image. From the results of this study, it is expected that a fiber-optic gamma imaging detector can be developed to detect gamma-rays emitted from radiopharmaceuticals during radioimmunoguided surgery.

조명각 변조 방식의 3차원 입체영상 표시장치설계 및 공차분석 (Design and Tolerance Analysis of 3-D Stereoscopic Display Modules with Alternating Illumination Angles)

  • 정우철;하상우;박헌용;오범환;박세근;이일항;이승걸;박순룡;조성민
    • 한국광학회지
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2005
  • 조명각 변조 방식에 의한 3차원 입체영상 표시장치의 구현을 위해 렌티큘라 렌즈가 만족해야할 조건을 확립한 후 근축광선이론으로 렌즈 규격 및 모듈 구조를 설계하였고, 유한광선 추적법(finite ray tracing)을 이용하여 스테레오스코픽 모듈의 규격변화, 조립과정의 정렬오차, 그리고 관찰자의 관찰 조건에 따른 영향을 분석하였다. 이를 통해 신호잡음을 최소화하기 위해 제작 공정에서 렌즈 함몰부가 발생하지 않아야 하며, 평판형 액정 셔터와 렌티큘라 렌즈 판 사이의 어긋남이 최소화되어야 함을 알 수 있었다.

Evaluation of the Photon Transmission Efficiency of Light Guides Used in Scintillation Detectors Using LightTools Code

  • Park, HyeMin;Joo, Koan Sik;Kim, Jeong Ho;Kim, Dong Sung;Park, Ki Hyun;Park, Chan Jong;Han, Woo Jun
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • 제41권3호
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    • pp.282-285
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    • 2016
  • Background: To optimize the photon transmission efficiency of light guides used in scintillation detectors, LightTools code, which can construct and track light, was used to analyze photon transmission effectiveness with respect to light guides thickness. Materials and Methods: This analysis was carried out using the commercial light guide, N-BK 7 Optical Glass by SCHOTT, as a model for this study. The luminous exitance characteristic of the LYSO scintillator was used to analyze the photon transmission effectiveness according to the thickness of the light guide. Results and Discussion: The results of the simulations showed the effectiveness of the photon transmission according to the thickness of the light guide, which was found to be distributed from 13.38% to 33.57%. In addition, the photon transmission efficiency was found to be the highest for light guides of 4 mm of thickness and a receiving angle of $49^{\circ}$. Conclusion: Through such simulations, it is confirmed that photon transmission efficiency depends on light guide thickness and subsequent changes in the internal angle of reflection. The aim is to produce an actual light guide based on these results and to evaluate its performance.

Abnormal Behavior Recognition Based on Spatio-temporal Context

  • Yang, Yuanfeng;Li, Lin;Liu, Zhaobin;Liu, Gang
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.612-628
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents a new approach for detecting abnormal behaviors in complex surveillance scenes where anomalies are subtle and difficult to distinguish due to the intricate correlations among multiple objects' behaviors. Specifically, a cascaded probabilistic topic model was put forward for learning the spatial context of local behavior and the temporal context of global behavior in two different stages. In the first stage of topic modeling, unlike the existing approaches using either optical flows or complete trajectories, spatio-temporal correlations between the trajectory fragments in video clips were modeled by the latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic model based on Markov random fields to obtain the spatial context of local behavior in each video clip. The local behavior topic categories were then obtained by exploiting the spectral clustering algorithm. Based on the construction of a dictionary through the process of local behavior topic clustering, the second phase of the LDA topic model learns the correlations of global behaviors and temporal context. In particular, an abnormal behavior recognition method was developed based on the learned spatio-temporal context of behaviors. The specific identification method adopts a top-down strategy and consists of two stages: anomaly recognition of video clip and anomalous behavior recognition within each video clip. Evaluation was performed using the validity of spatio-temporal context learning for local behavior topics and abnormal behavior recognition. Furthermore, the performance of the proposed approach in abnormal behavior recognition improved effectively and significantly in complex surveillance scenes.

Manufacture and characteristic evaluation of Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc-Oxide (IGZO) Thin Film Transistors

  • 성상윤;한언빈;김세윤;조광민;김정주;이준형;허영우
    • 한국진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국진공학회 2010년도 제39회 하계학술대회 초록집
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    • pp.166-166
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    • 2010
  • Recently, TFTs based on amorphous oxide semiconductors (AOSs) such as ZnO, InZnO, ZnSnO, GaZnO, TiOx, InGaZnO(IGZO), SnGaZnO, etc. have been attracting a grate deal of attention as potential alternatives to existing TFT technology to meet emerging technological demands where Si-based or organic electronics cannot provide a solution. Since, in 2003, Masuda et al. and Nomura et al. have reported on transparent TFTs using ZnO and IGZO as active layers, respectively, much efforts have been devoted to develop oxide TFTs using aforementioned amorphous oxide semiconductors as their active layers. In this thesis, I report on the performance of thin-film transistors using amorphous indium gallium zinc oxides for an active channel layer at room temperature. $SiO_2$ was employed as the gate dielectric oxide. The amorphous indium gallium zinc oxides were deposited by RF magnetron sputtering. The carrier concentration of amorphous indium gallium zinc oxide was controlled by oxygen pressure in the sputtering ambient. Devices are realized that display a threshold voltage of 1.5V and an on/off ration of > $10^9$ operated as an n-type enhancement mode with saturation mobility with $9.06\;cm^2/V{\cdot}s$. The devices show optical transmittance above 80% in the visible range. In conclusion, the fabrication and characterization of thin-film transistors using amorphous indium gallium zinc oxides for an active channel layer were reported. The operation of the devices was an n-type enhancement mode with good saturation characteristics.

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대기압 마이크로웨이브 플라즈마를 이용한 다양한 크기의 ZnO tetrapod 합성 및 광촉매 특성 평가 (Synthesis of size-controlled ZnO tetrapods sizes using atmospheric microwave plasma system and evaluation of its photocatalytic property)

  • 허성규;정구환
    • 한국표면공학회지
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    • 제54권6호
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    • pp.340-347
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    • 2021
  • Among various metal oxide semiconductors, ZnO has an excellent electrical, optical properties with a wide bandgap of 3.3 eV. It can be applied as a photocatalytic material due to its high absorption rate along with physical and chemical stability to UV light. In addition, it is important to control the morphology of ZnO because the size and shape of the ZnO make difference in physical properties. In this paper, we demonstrate synthesis of size-controlled ZnO tetrapods using an atmospheric pressure plasma system. A micro-sized Zn spherical powder was continuously introduced in the plume of the atmospheric plasma jet ignited with mixture of oxygen and nitrogen. The effect of plasma power and collection sites on ZnO nanostructure was investigated. After the plasma discharge for 10 min, the produced materials deposited inside the 60-cm-long quartz tube were obtained with respect to the distance from the plume. According to the SEM analysis, all the synthesized nanoparticles were found to be ZnO tetrapods ranging from 100 to 600-nm-diameter depending on both applied power and collection site. The photocatalytic efficiency was evaluated by color change of methylene blue solution using UV-Vis spectroscopy. The photocatalytic activity increased with the increase of (101) and (100) plane in ZnO tetrapods, which is caused by enhanced chemical effects of plasma process.

적조 탐지를 위한 기계학습 모델 비교 연구 (A Comparative Study on Machine Learning Models for Red Tide Detection)

  • 박미소;김나경;김보람;윤홍주
    • 한국전자통신학회논문지
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.1363-1372
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    • 2021
  • 유해조류의 대번식으로 정의되는 적조는 광역적으로 발생·확산되는 특성을 가진다. 이는 기존의 조사 방법만으로는 탐지의 한계가 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 적조를 원격탐사 기법을 활용하여 탐지하였다. 또한 단순히 chlorophyll의 농도가 아닌 광특성을 이용하여 탐지의 정확도를 높이고자 하였다. 적조는 해수신호가 복잡한 남해안에서 주로 발생하며 남해안의 주 적조 종은 Cochlodinium polykirkoides이다. 따라서 기계학습 기법을 활용하여 시각적인 판단에 국한되지 않고 연구자의 관찰과 경험에 의존해 발견하지 못했던 특징을 반영하여 객관성을 확보하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 기계학습 모델 중에서 서포트백터머신과 랜덤포레스트를 사용하였고 두 모델의 성능 평가 지표로 정확도 등을 산출한 결과 각각 85.7% 80.2%의 정확도를 보였다.

Poly(urea-urethane) 자기복원 코팅층을 가진 도장 보호필름 물성 연구 (Properties of Paint Protection Film Containing Poly(urea-urethane)-based Self-Recovery Coating Layer)

  • 송민석
    • 접착 및 계면
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2023
  • 최근 자기복원(self-recovery) 코팅층을 가진 자동차용 도장면 보호필름의 적용이 증대되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 poly(urea-urethane) hybrid 자기복원 코팅층을 가진 poly(vinyl chloride) 기재 보호필름에 대한 기본 물성에 대한 평가 결과를 보고한다. Poly(urea-urethane) 기반 코팅층을 구성하고 있는 주요 화합물의 비율과 코팅층의 두께 변화에 따른 자기복원성능을 확인하였으며, 색차 값 측정을 통해 내오염성능을 정량화 하였다. 또한, 소수성 첨가제로 외부 오염에 대한 표면특성을 향상시키기 위하여, 소량의 실리콘계 반응형 첨가제를 코팅 조성물에 함량에 따른 easy-cleaning 효과와 접촉각을 확인하였다. 마지막으로, poly(urea-urethane) 자기복원 코팅층을 가진 보호필름의 장기간 사용에 따른 변색 및 변형에 대한 가능성을 확인하고자 촉진 내후성 평가를 진행하였다.

구조 건전성 감시를 위한 스마트 가속도계의 성능 평가 (Performance Evaluation of Smart Accelerometers for Structural Health Monitoring)

  • 이진학;오혜선;윤정방
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제26권4A호
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    • pp.605-609
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    • 2006
  • 이 연구에서는 최근 사회기반시설물의 스마트 모니터링을 위하여 많은 관심을 받고 있는 광섬유 FBG형 가속도계와 MEMS형 가속도계의 적용성을 평가하고자 하였다. 이들의 성능을 비교하기 위하여 저주파수 영역에서 높은 민감도와 신뢰성을 가지고 있는 ICP형 가속도계를 스마트 센서와 동시에 모형구조물에 부착하여 소규모 진동대 실험을 수행하였으며, 계측된 응답을 이용하여 모드해석을 수행함으로써 간접적으로 계측자료의 신뢰성을 비교하였다. 계측자료로부터 구한 모드자료를 이용하여 진단빌딩의 층간 강성을 추정하였다. 추정된 강성의 신뢰성을 검증하기 위하여 기지의 질량을 추가하여 구조물의 특성을 변경시킨 후, 다시 진동대 실험을 수행하여 구한 실험모드해석 결과를 수치해석결과와 비교하였다.

Evaluation of Adhesive Characteristics of Mixed Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Using Yellow Popular and Softwood Structural Lumbers

  • Keon-Ho KIM;Hyun-Mi LEE;Min LEE
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • 제52권1호
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    • pp.58-69
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    • 2024
  • To evaluate the adhesive characteristics of mixed cross-laminated timber (CLT) using domestic softwoods structural lumber proposed by KS F 3020 and yellow poplar, penetration depth of adhesive and thickness of bonding line were analyzed based on the results of boiling water soaking delamination. 3 Types of adhesives and 2 types of major layer were divided into a 5 ply CLT using yellow popular as minor layer. The bonding performance of the mixed CLT as structural members was evaluated based on the KS F 2081. The thickness of bonding line between layers of the mixed CLT was measured with a scanning electron microscope, and the adhesive penetration depth in the layer members was measured with an optical microscope. As a result of boiling water soaking delamination test of mixed CLT, the CLT specimens using PRF and PUR adhesives met the requirements of KS F 2081. It was verified that the penetration path of the adhesive in the layes was mainly through the tracheid cell in the case of Japanese larch and Korean red pine layers, and through the vessel and radial tissue in yellow popular layers. The penetration depth of the adhesive was the highest for the PRF adhesive under the same pressing time conditions, and the thickness of the bonding line was in inverse proportion to the penetration depth in the case of the PUR adhesive.