• 제목/요약/키워드: olfactory organ

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포유동물의 생식과 페로몬 (Mammalian Reproduction and Pheromones)

  • 이성호
    • 한국발생생물학회지:발생과생식
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2006
  • 설치류를 포함한 대부분의 포유동물은 페로몬 반응을 중개하는 두 개의 화학감각 시스템(chemosensory system)을 갖고 있는데, 각각 주후각시스템(main olfactory system, MOS)과 부후각시스템(accesory olfactory system, AOS)이다. MOS에 속하는 화학감각뉴런들은 주후각 상피 내에 위치하며, AOS에 속하는 화학감각뉴런들은 비강 윗부분의 서골비기관(vomeronasal organ, VNO)에 위치한다. 공기 중의 비휘발성 페로몬 성분들은 구개 위쪽으로 열린 관을 통해 VNO의 내강으로 이동한다. 페로몬 수용체 단백질들은 크게 두 개의 슈퍼패밀리 V1R과 V2R로 나뉘는데, 이들은 구조적으로 큰 차이가 있으며 MOS에서 발현되는 후각 수용체들과는 무관하다. 이들은 7개의 막관통 도메인을 갖는 G-단백질 결부 단백질(seven transmembrane domain G-protein coupled proteins, V1R은 $G_{{\alpha}i2}$와, 그리고 V2R은 $G_{0\;{\alpha}}$와 연관)이다. V2R은 비고전적 MHC Ib 유전자 산물인 M10과 기타 8개의 M1 패밀리 단백질들과 함께 작용한다. 그 외 VNO 뉴런의 중요한 구성 분자는 TrpC2로, 이는 transient receptor potential(TRP)의 양이온 채널 단백질이며 세포내 신호전달과정에서 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 추정된다. 포유동물의 화학적 의사소통과정에서 페로몬은 작용 모드 또는 효과에 따라 4종류로 분류할 수 있는데, 프라이머(primer), 신호자(signaler), 조정자(modulator) 그리고 방출자(releaser)이다. 근본적으로 이들 화학신호에 대한 반응들은 개체 간, 심지어는 한 개체 내에서도 다양할 수 있다. 이러한 다양성은 페로몬이 스테로이드 호르몬들과 함께 또는 단독으로, 신경전달물질들과 같은 비스테로이드 요인들의 후각정보 처리 과정에 미치는 각종 조절의 차이에 의해 나타날 수 있다. 이러한 조절은 유리한 사회적, 환경적인 조건들을 갖도록 수용자의 생식 축에 미치는 영향을 증강 또는 촉진한다. 가장 좋은 예는 수컷 생쥐의 소변 중의 테스토스테론 의존적인 주요 요단백질(major urinary proteins, MUPs)에 의한 임신방지효과(Bruce 효과)이다. 흥미롭게도 생쥐 GnRH 뉴런은 냄새와 페로몬 양자 모두로부터 페로몬 신호를 수용하는 것 같다. 비록 상당한 논란의 소지는 있지만, 그간의 연구들은 생식과 기타 여러 기능들 사이에 복잡한 상호교차 관계가 있음을 시사한다. 여기서 GnRH 뉴런은 다양한 원천으로부터의 정보를 통합하고, 다시 다양한 뇌기능을 조절하는 것으로 보인다.

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유비쿼터스를 위한 후각 인식 컨텐츠 구현 (An Implementation of the Olfactory Recognition Contents for Ubiquitous)

  • 이현구;노용완
    • 디지털산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2008
  • Recently, with the sensor technology, research about the electronic nose system which imitated the olfactory organ are being pushed actively. But, in case of general electronic nose system, an aroma is measured at the laboratory space where blocked external environment and is analyzed a part of measured data. In this paper, we propose the system which can measure and recognize an aroma in natural environment. We propose the Entropy algorithm which can detect the sensor reaction section among the continuous detection processing about an aroma. And we implement the aroma recognition system using the PCA(Principal Components Analysis) and K-NN(K-Nearest Neighbor) about the detected aroma. In order to evaluate the performance, we measured the aroma pattern, about 9 aroma oil, 50 times respectively. And we experimented the aroma detection and recognition using this. There was an error of 0.2s in the aroma detection and we get 84.3% recognition rate of the aroma recognition.

Olfactory receptor (OR7D4 and OR1I1) expression in stallion testes

  • Kim, Junyoung;Jung, Youngwook;Jung, Heejun;Shakee, Muhammad;Yoon, Minjung
    • 한국동물생명공학회지
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.292-298
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    • 2021
  • Olfactory receptors (OR) are primarily responsible for the detection of odorant molecules. We previously demonstrated that OR7D4, an OR for androstenone, is expressed in the vomeronasal organ and olfactory epithelium tissue of stallions. Recently, the expression of OR1I1 in the human testes was reported and the possible roles of OR1I1 in the testicular cells were suggested. The objectives of this study were 1) to explore the expression of OR7D4 and OR1I1 in stallion testes, and 2) to define the specific localization of OR7D4 and OR1I1 in the testicular tissues. Stallion testicular tissue samples were used for this study. Western blot was performed to confirm the cross-reactivity of OR7D4 and OR1I1 antibody with stallion testicular tissue samples. OR7D4 and OR1I1 gene expressions were investigated using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in stallion testes. Immunofluorescence was performed to investigate the expression of OR7D4 and OR1I1 in stallion testicular tissues. The protein bands for OR7D4 and OR1I1 from the testes were observed at approximately 38 kDa and 43 kDa, respectively. The mRNA of OR7D4 and OR1I1 were detected in stallion testes. Immunolabeling of OR7D4 and OR1I1 in the cytoplasm of both spermatogonia and Leydig cells was observed. In conclusion, androstenone and another odorant chemical, which is recognized by OR1I1, may play an important role in stallion testes.

Methyl formate의 랫드를 이용한 급성 및 아만성 흡입독성 평가 (Acute and Subchronic Inhalation Toxicity Evaluation of Methyl Formate in Rats)

  • 김현영;이성배;한정희;강민구;양정선
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2010
  • We performed the tests of acute and subchronic inhalation toxicity of methyl formate, which has limited toxicological data in spite of its widespread use and enhanced hazard consequent on its high volatility. The median lethal concentration ($LC_{50}$) was evaluated to be above 5,000ppm(12.27 mg/L). In the test with subchronic inhalation, there are no deaths, but with reduction of body weight, food intake, organ weight by exposure to 400 (0.98 mg/L) and 1,600 (3.92 mg/L) ppm, dose-dependently. There were statistical differences in some hematological and blood biochemical parameters as compared to control (e.g. neutrophile and lymphocyte in the 1,600 ppm group, calcium and A/G in 1,600 ppm group). Methyl formate under the exposure of 1,600 ppm showed the respiratory findings with nasal, it was confirmed that the chemical has respiratory hazard with 1,600 ppm inhalation exposure, induces nasal epithelial atrophy, olfactory cell degeneration/regeneration and the contraction of olfactory cells, etc. According to the notification with Ministry of Labor (No. 2009-68) for classification, labeling and MSDS of chemicals, it is suggested for methyl formate to be classified as category 4 in acute (10.0$4\leq20.0$ mg/L), category 2 (0.2$\leq$1.0 mg/L/6h, 90 days) in specific target organ-repeated exposure.

Histology and lectin histochemistry in the vomeronasal organ of Korean native cattle, Bos taurus coreanae

  • Jang, Sungwoong;Kim, Bohye;Kim, Joong-Sun;Moon, Changjong
    • 한국동물생명공학회지
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.270-284
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    • 2021
  • The vomeronasal organ (VNO) is critical for reproduction and social behavior in ruminants, including cattle. The present study examined the structure of the VNO and its epithelial cells in neonatal and adult Korean native cattle (Hanwoo), Bos taurus coreanae, using immunohistochemistry and lectin histochemistry. Histologically, the VNO comprised two types of epithelia: medial vomeronasal sensory (VSE) and lateral vomeronasal non-sensory epithelia (VNSE). Numerous blood vessels and nerve bundles were observed within the vomeronasal cartilage encased lamina propria. Immunohistochemistry revealed high expression level of protein gene product9.5 and moderate expression level of olfactory marker protein in the neuroreceptor cells of the VSE and occasionally in some ciliated cells of the VNSE in both neonates and adults. The properties of the glycoconjugates in the VNO were investigated using 21 lectins, most of which were expressed at varied intensities in the VSE and VNSE, as well as in the lamina propria. Several lectins exhibited variations in their intensities and localization between neonatal and adult VNOs. This study is the first descriptive lectin histochemical examination of the VNO of Korean native cattle with a focus on lectin histochemistry, confirming that the VNO of Korean native cattle is differentiated during postnatal development.

Heat shock transcription factors and sensory placode development

  • Nakai, Akira
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제42권10호
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    • pp.631-635
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    • 2009
  • The heat shock transcription factor (HSF) family consists of at least three members in mammals and regulates expression of heat shock proteins in response to heat shock and proteotoxic stresses. Especially, HSF1 is indispensable for this response. Members of this family are also involved in development of some tissues such as the brain and reproductive organs. However, we did not know the molecular mechanisms that regulate developmental processes. Involvement of HSFs in the sensory development was implicated by the finding that human hereditary cataract is associated with mutations of the HSF4 gene. Analysis of gene-disrupted mice showed that HSF4 and HSF1 are required for the lens and the olfactory epithelium, respectively. Furthermore, a common molecular mechanism that regulates developmental processes was revealed by analyzing roles of HSFs in the two developmentally-related organs.

백서 후각기의 초기발생 (Early Development of Olfactory Organs in White rat)

  • 백경기;홍세표
    • 한국동물학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 1967
  • 본 연구는 백서후각기의 발생과정을 세포조직학적으로 규명보고하는 바이며 사용된 stage는 stage 20부터 32까지는 Christe(1964)의것을 인용하였으며 그 외에 명시된 stage 33,34, 35 는 저자가 편의상 구분하였다. 재료는 백서 5 필을 온실서 충분한 영양으로 사육후 임신시켜 요구되는 배를 stage 별로 얻어 Bouin's solution 에 고정시켜 paraffin법을 따랐으며 5-7$\mu$의 두께로 절편을 만들어 Delafield's hematoxylin, eosin, thionin 에 염색하였다. Stage 별 후각기의 발생은 state 20 에 후순, state 22에 후와 및 조비기(Jacobson's organ), stage23A에 구비강막(oro-nasal membrane), state 23 B 에 수신경섬유 와 원시내비공, stage 24 에 조비기신경섬유, stage 27에는 골갑개상피에 후세포와 호흡상피상에 섬유 또한 악골갑개상피에서 seromucinous 선들이 최초로 나타났다. 본 실험결과 백서후각기의 형성과정은 인체와 생쥐( mouse) 에서와 유사하나 조비기의 성장, 비갑개의수, 및 후역의 범위에 있어서는 극히 차가 심한 것같다.

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감각수용기 종류에 따른 전시매체 분석과 유형에 관한 연구 - 동경 국립과학박물관 지구관을 중심으로 - (A Study on Information Transmission Processing Types of Exhibition Medium per Sensory receptor - Focus on National Museum of Nature and Science's Global Gallery, Tokyo -)

  • 정혜인;임채진
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2013
  • A science museum responds independently based on the exhibits and exhibition environments as the visitors are different in purposes, interests and demands. Therefore a science museum should be designed keeping it in mind that there are various ways for visitors to perceive and use the exhibition spaces and exhibits. The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the characteristics of sensory receptors for the exhibits in National Museum of Nature and Science's Global Gallery, Tokyo, in terms of information transmission and to identify the nature of exhibit medium that can affect the perception and recognition of the exhibits by visitors. Through these 9 sensory receptors, human recognizes first with visual, auditory and olfactory senses and reacts using vestibular organ, proprioceptor (stretch), tangoreceptor, themoreceptor, taste and olfactory senses. Human uses these information processing to recolonize the external environment. This process is similar to the visitor's information transmission process for the exhibition medium. By dividing the analysis results per exhibition theme and developing the information transmission processing types per sensory receptor, we could understand that the distribution conditions are closely connected with the composition of the exhibition scenario in the exhibtion area. Especially, the understanding of how the information transmission is made through sensory receptors could can be the criteria that determines on the factors that can identify the exhibition purposes of a science museum which are eduction and understanding.

참복과(복어목) 어류 속의 외부형태적 특징 (Generic Characters of the Fishes of the Family Tetraodontidae (Teleostei: Tetraodontiformes))

  • 한경호;김용억
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제31권3호
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    • pp.309-316
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    • 1998
  • 참복과 (Tetraodontidae) 어류의 외부형태 형질 가운데 후각기관, 옆줄, 피부극. 체형 및 체색의 특징을 조사하기 위하여. 1989년 9월부터 1994년 7월까지 우리나라 20개 지점에서 10속 27종의 표본을 채집하여 관찰한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 참복과 어류 가운데 참복속(Takifugu), 밀복속(Lagocephalus), 은띠복속(Plurancanthus). 불룩복속(Spheoides) 및 대치복속 (Feroxodon) 어류의 콧구멍은 2개이며. 수지복속 (Ephippion)과 청복속 (Canthigaster) 어류는 1개이고, 반면에 별복속 (Boesemanichthys), 꺼끌복속(Arothron) 및 첼로복속 (Chelonodon) 어류는 없다. 2. 밀복속, 불룩복속, 별복속, 꺼끌복속 및 대치복속어류의 옆줄은 몸의 옆쪽에 단지 1열로 잘 발달되어 있으며, 참복속과 은띠복속 어류는 2열이고, 첼로복속과 수지복속 어류는 꼬리자루 부분에서 2열로 융합되어 있다. 3. 청복속 어류는 옆줄 및 후각기관의 형태가 참복과의 다른 속 어류와 많은 차이를 보여 구별되었다 4. 수지복(Ephippion guttifer)의 피부극은 비늘이 완전하게 변형되어 등쪽과 옆쪽의 것은 딱딱한 나무껍질 모양을 하며, 꼬리쪽의 것은 긴 막대기 모양으로 특이하였다. 5. 피부극을 가지고 있는 종은 22종으로 밀복속 어류와 참복속의 까칠복 (Takifugu stictonotus) 및 꺼끌복속(Arothron)의 꺼끌복 (A. Stellatus)의 피부극은 등쪽의 것보다 배쪽의 것이 크고, 첼로복 (Chelonodon patoca)과 청복 (Canthigaster tivulata)은 등쪽의 피부극의 뿌리가 3개이었다. 6. 밀복속 어류의 대부분은 피부극을 등쪽과 배쪽에 가지고 있으나, 민밀복 (L. inermis)은 몸 전체에 피부극이 없는 점에서 밀복 (L. lunaris), 은밀복 (L. wheeleri), 흑밀복 (L.gloveri) 및 은민밀복 (L. laevigatus)과 구별된다.

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메뚜기를 이용한 초등학교 학생들의 관찰 능력 조사 (The Investigation on the Observation Ability of Elementary School Student about the Grasshopper(Oxya chinesis))

  • 한광래
    • 한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2003
  • The enhancement of inquiry skills has been emphasized as a important objective of science education for a long time. Of these, the observation is not only a simple and basic skill, but also a very important skill, in aspect of gathering informations about the nature of all things around us, through interaction between the sense organs of body and objectives. The purpose of this study is to investigate the results of observations about the grasshopper(Oxya chinesis), made by the elementary student from the 3rd to the 6th grade, and to make use of them as the basic materials for the observative teaming and the evaluation of the observation ability. Through this study, the collected items of observation are as follows For grasshopper, a total of observation items is 95, 70 using the sight sense, 13 using the tactile sense,7 using the olfactory sense. 3 using the palate sense and 2 using the auditory sense. In this study, the findings of elementary student's observation are as follows. 1. On the whole, most of students have observed mainly by the sight and the tactile sense, when observing the grasshopper. 2. It is showed a tendency that the observation ability of student is increased with the higher grade in elementary school. 3. As the grade ascends. the observations with operating are increased, also the quantitative expression and interpretation about them are increased. 4. In the case of same grade, there is no significant difference between students' gender, though girls' ability of the observation showed somewhat higher than boys' 5. Occasionally, the interpretations on the observative facts made by student, are inaccurate. Basis on the above results, we suggested some directions for the improvement of the observative learning program in science classroom of elementary school. First, the teacher have to serve as a guide and encouragement in the observative learning class, to be accomplished the various observation, which all the sensory organ can be used by student than the sight sense. Second, to get elevated the ability of observation, it is necessary that some experimental tools(magnifying lens, stereoscope, auxiliary implements etc.) are utilized. Third, the teacher have to make often endeavors showing an example of operation, to be activated the atmosphere of operative observation.

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