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Studies on the Cryopreservation and Survival after Thawing of Hamster Embryos (Hamster 수정란(受精卵)의 동결보존(凍結保存) 및 생존성(生存性)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Oh, Won Jin;Lee, Kyu Seung;Kim, Young Mook
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.82-89
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    • 1986
  • This experiment was carried out to determine the optimum freezing and thawing rates of the hamster embryos. The female hamsters were induced to superovulate by intraperitoneal injections of 30 i.u. PMSG and mated with males of the same strain of 4 days the PMSG injection. They were killed and embryos were flushed from the oviduct and uterine horn on 3 days after mating. Embryos were flushed with a modified Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline and equilibrated with 1.5 M-dimethylsulphoxide by a 3-step procedure. The freezing rates of the samples were 1C/min from room temperature to 6C and the samples were seeded at 6C. After being held for 3 min at the seeding temperature, the rates were 0.3C/min from 6C to 35C. From 35C to 70C, the rates were divided into 0.1C/min, 1C/min and 10C/min, respectively. At 70C the samples were plunged directly into liquid nitrogen. The samples were thawed at 4C/min and 12C/min from 196C to 37C, and for 2 min in 37C water bath, respectively. The average numbers of ovulation points and embryos recovered were 35.1 and 27.0 appearing 77.0% recovery rates. Eight cell embryos in the embryos recovered were 24.8. The survival rates of embryos according to the freezing rates were 55.5~67.7% at 0.1C/min, 58.8~64.9% at 1C/min and 40.5~44.7% at 10C/min, respectively. The survival rates at 10C/min were significantly low. The survival rates of embryos according to the thawing rates were 53.5% at 4C/min, 53.7% at 12C/min and 59.1% in 37C water bath. The survival rates, in 37C water bath were slightly higher, but we did not find any differences among them. In conclusion, the best freezing rates of hamster embryos were 1C/min from the room temperature to 6C/min, 0.3C/min from 6C/min to 35C and 0.1C/min or 1C/min from 35C to 70C. The hamster embryos thawed for 2 min in 37C water bath showed the best survival rates.

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  • Cheung, Seung-Deuk;Lee, Jong-Bum;Kim, Jin-Sung;Seo, Wan-Seok;Bai, Dai-Seg;Chun, Eun-Jin;Suh, Hae-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.139-152
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    • 2002
  • Objectives:This study was conducted to compare the clinical and neuropsychological characteristics by DSM-IV subtypes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) patients who did not have comorbid psychiatric disorders. Methods:5-15 year old children with ADHD were recruited at psychiatric outpatient clinic of Yeungnam University hospital and the patients with comorbidity or neurological abnormalities were excluded. Finally, total 404 children with ADHD were selected for this study. There were 234 subjects of ADHD-C(57.9%), 156 subjects of ADHD-I(38.6%) and 14 subjects of ADHD-HI(3.5%), who fulfilled the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria. The mean age of the total subjects was 9.63±2.49 years old. The psychopathology, IQ, behavioral problems, neuropsychological executive function were evaluated before pharmacological treatment. The measures were Korean Personality Inventory of Child(K-PIC) for psychopathology, 4 behavioral check lists(ADDES-HV, ACTeRS, CAP, SNAP) for behavioral symptoms of ADHD, K-ABC and KEDI-WISC for IQ and Conner's CPT, WCST, SST for neuropsychological executive functions. Results:1) The prevalence of subtypes was ADHD-C, ADHD-I, ADHD-HI in decreasing order. There was no sex difference of prevalence among three subtypes. The mean age of ADHD-I was older than other subtypes. 2) There was significant differences of psychopathology among subtypes, the ADHD-C and ADHD-HI had higher than the ADHD-I in the scores of delinquent, hyperactivity and psychosis;the ADHD-C had higher than the ADHD-I in the scores of family relation and autism, the scores of ego resilience were lower than the ADHD-I. However, there was no difference in anxiety, depression and somatization scores among them. 3) The results of behavioral symptom check lists, the ADHD-C had higher the score of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity than the ADHD-I. Meanwhile the results of ACTeRs, which rated by the teachers, were different. 4) There were significant differences of sequential processing scale and arithmetics among subtypes in IQ using K-ABC, but there was no significant difference between the ADHD-C and the ADHD-I after excluding the ADHD-HI due to small numbers. 5) There was numerical difference among subtypes but did not reach statistical significance in three neuropsychological executive function tests. Conclusion:In conclusion, our results revealed that there was significant difference in clinical features among three subtypes but, no significant difference in executive functions.

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Estimation of Productivity for Quercus variabilis Stand by Forest Environmental Factors (삼림환경인자(森林環境因子)에 의한 굴참나무임분(林分)의 생산력추정(生産力推定))

  • Lee, Dong Sup;Chung, Young Gwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.75 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 1986
  • This study was initiated to estimate productivity of Quercus variabilis stand. However the practical objective of this study was to provide some information to establish the basis of selecting the suitable site for Quercus variabilis. The productivity measured in terms of DBH, height, basal area and stem volume was hypothesized, respectively, to be a function of a group of factors. This study considered 32 factors, 20 of which were related to the forest environmental factors such as tree age, latitude, percent slope, etc. and the rest of which were related to soil factors such as soil moisture, total nitrogen, available P2O5, etc. The data on 4 productivity measurements of Quercus variabilis growth and related factors cited were collected from 99 sample plots in Kyeongbook and chungbook provinces. Some factors considered were, in nature, discrete variables and the others continuous variables. Each kind of factor was classified into 3 or 4 categories and total numbers of such categories were eventually amounted to 110. Then each category was treated as an independent variable. This is amounted to saying that individual variable was treated a dummy variable and assigned a value 1 or 0. However the first category of each factor was deleted from the normal equation for statistical consideration. First of all, each of 4 productivity measurements of Quercus variabilis growth was regressed and, at the same time, those 110 categories. Secondly, the partial correlation coefficients were measured between each pair of 4 productivity measurements and 32 individual foctors. Finally, the relative scores were estimated in order to derive the category ranges. The result of these statistical analyses could be summarized as follows: 1) Growth measurement in terms of height seems to be a more significant criterion for estimation of productivity of Quercus variabilis. 2) Productivity of forest on stocked land may better be estimated in terms of forest environmental factors, on the other hand, that of unstocked land may be estimated in terms of physio-chemical factors of soil. 3) The factors that a strongly positive relation to all growth factors of tree are age group, effective soil, soil moisture, etc. This implies that these factors might effectively be used for criteria for selecting the suitable site for Quercus variabilis. 4) Parent rock, latitude, total nitrogen, age group, effective soil depth, soil moisture, organic matter, etc., had more significant category range for tree growth. Therefore, the suitable site for Quercus variabilis may be selected, based on this information. In conclusion, the above results obtained by the multivariable analysis can be not only the important criteria for estimating the growth of Quercus variabilis but also the useful guidance for selecting the suitable sites and performing the rational of Quercus variabilis forest.

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Research on the Actual Condition of Dental Outpatient Prescriptions (치과 외래처방의 실태 조사)

  • Choi, Su-Mi
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 2005
  • This study investigated the medicines prescribed in dental services in order to provide information and materials on dental clinics and hospitals, for the intention of leading the dental circle to make efforts for voluntary improvement, do adequate prescription, and attempt for bench marking through this unfolding of their tendency in continuous prescription behaviors, and leading the people to have a right recognition on adequate medicine use through this information on their medicine-taking behaviors including antibiotics and injections. From the records of outpatient prescriptions of medicines under health insurance over the period of June 1st to September 31th in 2003 in the 34,226 recuperation institutions, antibiotics and injections were analyzed into administration days, prescription frequency, medicine cost per administration day, the number of medicines per prescription, and the number weight of high priced medicines. The findings were as below: 1. Adminstration days of antibiotics was 90.11% in the dental clinics, which was a decrease than the same quarter and the previous quarter of the previous year. While the prescription frequency of antibiotics was 15.5%, higher than the same quarter and the previous quarter of the previous year. In dental hospitals, administration days and prescription frequency of antibiotics were 71.57% and 21.05%, respectively, a little higher than the previous quarter. Compared to other kind of recuperation institutions, dental clinics and hospitals had higher administration days and lower prescription frequency. 2. For injections, adminstration days and prescription frequency in dental clinics were 0.13% and 0.05%, respectively, which were decreases than the same quarter of the previous year. In dental hospitals, adminstration days and prescription frequency were 1.03% and 0.88%, respectively, a little lower than those of the previous quarter. Compared to other kind of recuperation institutions, dental clinics and hospitals were very lower in injection administration days and injection prescription frequency. 3. The number of prescribed medicines was 2.79 in the dental clinics, which was lower than the same quarter of the previous year but higher than the previous quarter. Dental hospitals put 2.67 numbers of medicines per prescription, an increase than the same quarter of the previous year and the previous quarter. Compared to other kind of recuperation institutions, dental clinics and hospitals put smaller number of medicines per prescription. 4. Medicine cost per administration day was 863 won in the dental clinics, which was an increase than the same quarter of the previous year and in the previous quarter. Compared to other kind of recuperation institutions, dental clinics and hospitals had lower medicine cost per administration day. 5. The number weight of high priced medicines was 46.43% in dental clinics, which was an increase than the previous quarter. In dental hospitals, it was 54.05%, so remarkable an increase than the previous quarter. Compared to other kind of hospitals and clinics, dental clinics and hospitals prescribed larger number of high priced medicines. 6. By districts, the frequency of antibiotics prescriptions was the highest in Kwanju and the lowest in Daejeon. The frequency of injection prescriptions was high in all Youngnam districts as was in the second quarter, while low in all the Metropolitan districts. There was a large variation in the prescription frequency to the districts, as the district of the highest prescription frequency had more than 2 times larger frequency than the district of the lowest frequency. Medicine cost per administration day was the highest in Ulsan but the lowest in the north part of Cholla province. The number of medicines per prescription was the largest in Kyonggi province while the smallest in Cheju-do.

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Effects of Fertilization Time and Culture Medium of Pig Oocytes Matured In Vitro by liquid Boar Sperm Stored at 4C (체외성숙된 돼지난포란을 4C 보존 액상정액으로 체외수정시 수정시간과 배양배지의 영향)

  • Park, C. S.;Y. J. Yi;Kim, M. Y.;Y. J. Chang;Lee, S. H.;D. I. Jin
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.215-223
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    • 2003
  • This study was to investigate the effects of fertilization time and culture medium of pig oocytes matured in-vitro by liquid boar sperm. The sperm rich fraction (30∼60 ml) was slowly cooled to room temperature (20∼23C) by 2 h after collection. Semen was transferred into 15 ml tubes, centrifuged at room temperature for 10 min 800 × g, and the supernatant solution was poured off. The concentrated sperm was resuspended with 5 ml of the LEN diluent to provide 1.0×109 sperm/ml at room temperature. The resuspended semen was cooled in a refrigerator to 4C. The medium used for oocyte maturation was TCM-199 supplemented with 26.19 mM sodium bicarbonate, 0.9 mM sodium pyruvate, 10 μg/ml insulin, 2 μg/ml vitamin B12 , 25 mM HEPES, 10 μg/ml bovine apotransferrin, 150 μM cysteamine, 10 IU/ml PMSG, 10 IU/ml hCG, 10 ng/ml EGF, 0.4% BSA, 75 μg/ml sodium penicillin G, 50 μg/ml streptomycin sulfate and 10% pFF. After about 22 h of culture, oocytes were cultured without cysteamine and hormones for 22 h at 38.5C, 5% CO2 in air. Oocytes were inseminated with liquid boar sperm stored at 4C for 2 days after collection. Oocytes were coincubated for 1, 3, 6 and 9 h in 500 muell mTBM fertilization media with 1.0×106 sperm/ml concentration, respectively. Thereafter, oocytes were transferred into 500 muell NCSU-23, HEPES buffered NCSU-23, PZM-3 and PZM-4 culture media, respectively, for further culture of 6, 48 and 144 h. The rates of sperm penetration and male pronuclear formation were higher in the fertilization times for 6 and 9 h than in those for 1 and 3 h. The rates of cleaved oocytes were higher in the fertilization times for 6 and 9 h (85.0 and 84.6%) than in those for 1 and 3 h (61.1 and 76.8%). The percentage of blastocyst formation from the cleaved oocytes was highest in the fertilization time for 6 h (33.6%) than in that for 1, 3 and 9 h (11.4, 23.0 and 29.6%). Mean cell numbers per blastocyst were 32.9, 27.6, 26.3 and 24.4 in the fertilization times for 6, 9, 3 and 1 h, respectively. The rate of blastocyst from the cleaved oocytes and the number of cells per blastocyst were higher in HEPES buffered NCSU-23 culture medium than in NCSU-23, PZM-3 and PZM-4 culture media. In conclusion, we found out that liquid boar sperm stored at 4C could be used for in-vitro fertilization of pig oocytes matured in-vitro. Also, we recommend the coincubation time of 6 h in 500 muell TBM fertilization medium with 1×106 sperm/ml concentration and the HEPES buffered NCSU-23 culture medium for in-vitro fertilization of pig oocytes matured in-vitro.

Studies on the Quality of Korean Rice (한국쌀의 품질에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Z.U.;Lee, K.H.;Kim, D.Y.
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 1972
  • The rice qualities including cooking and eating qualities were studied using recommended Korean rice varieties (20 of japonica and 3 of indies type; IR 667) which were grown at Suwon, Korea in 1971. As the result, followings were obtained. 1. Amylose contents of white rice were varied with the varieties 21.1 to 25.5% and the average was 23.0%. Three indica type varieties (IR 667) showed higher amylose contents than the other japonica type varieties except Mankyung. Among japonica type varieties, Palkum, Mankyung composed the group of the highest amyloes content and Kimmaje was the lowest. 2. Blue values were distributed in the range of 0.38 to 0.48 and the average was 0.42 IR 667 varieties showed the highest blue value among them. Among japonica type varieties, Jaegun showd the highest blue value and Sooseung, Shirogane showed successively lower values, Shin #2, Nongbaik, Palkweng, Suwon #82, Mankyung, Nonglim #25 and Nongkwang relatively lower blue values. 3. Alkali numbers were in the range of 6.0 to 7.4 and the average was 6.8. Much difference was not shown in alkali number between IR 667 group and the japonica varieties group. 4. Gelatinization temperature were ranged from 59.5 to 64.0 IR 667 varieties showed relatively higher gelatinization temperature than japonica type varieties. 5. Water uptake ratios were measured in the range of 2.67 to 2.92 and the average was 2.79. IR 667 varieties were belonged to the group of highest water uptake ratio. Among japonica type varieties Kimmaje, Suwon #82, Nonglim #29, Deungpan #5, Jaegun, Jinhung, were belonged to the group of relatively high water uptake ratio and Palkweng, Palkeum and Paldal to the relatively low water uptake ratio. 6. Expaned volums were ranged from 29.8 to 33.7 and the average was 31.8. IR 667 varieties showed higher expanded volumes than japonica type varieties. 7. Intensities of starch-iodine blue value of residual liquid indicated 0.35 to 0.58. Among them IR 667 varieties showed relatively high intensities. 8. The range of total solids in residual liquids was 0.605 to 0.810 and the average was 0.700 Much difference was not shown in total solids in residual liquid between IR 667 varieties and japonica varieties. 9. pH values of residual liquids were in the range of 6.3 to 7.3 and the average was 6.95. IR 667 varieties showed lower pH than japonira type varieties.

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Studies on Soil Conservation Effects of the Straw-mat Mulchings (I) - Vegetation Establishment and Erosion Control Effects - (볏짚거적덮기공의 사방효과(砂防効果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)(I) - 사면지피조성(斜面地被造成) 및 침식방지(浸蝕防止) 효과(効果) -)

  • Woo, Bo Myong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 1971
  • The measures of contour-terracing with sod has been executed as a major measures for hillside erosion control works for a long time in Korea. It is, however, recognized that pair terracings make a new slope-face having the more steeper degree of slope between the upper and the lower terraces on hillsides and it also does not contribute for establishing the natural vegetation-cover by penetration of pioneer seeds on the slope faces or cut-faces of hillsides. The study was therefore conducted in connection with the above problems on the cut-face having slope of 40 and 1.6 meter in slope length with clay soils. Plot allocation for the experiment consists of 3 kinds of 3 replica plots having each 1.6m2 of slope area, i. e., the control plot with direct seeding on slopes only (T1), the covering plot with the straw-mats after seeding on slopes (T2) and the seeding plot after covering with the straw-mats. (T3). The main results obtained may be summarized as follows : 1. Effects of the straw-mat mulchings on surface soil loss control:-The total amount of soil losses from each treatments are measured as 4,651 gr from T1, 163 gr. from T2 and 2,891 gr. from T3 treatment respectively. (Refer to table No. 2, 3 and 4). In short, it is recognized that effect of T2 treatment is compared as 28.5 times than that of T1 treatment and 17.7 times than that of T3 treatment respectively. Effect of T3 treatment compared with T1 treatment is also such recognizable as 1.6 times in control of surface soil losses on a slope face. 2. Effect of the straw-mat mulchings on soil moisture content on slopes; -Average per cent of surface soil moisture content by treatments show as 21.60 at the T1, 23.04 at the T2 and 22.21 at the T3 treatment respectively and that of subsurface soil moisture content by treatment show as 23.81 at the T1, 26.16 at the T2 and 24.81 at the T3 treatment respectively. The variance of soil moisture content by treatments was highly significant (Refer table No. 7, 8 and 9). 3. Effect of the straw-mat mulchings on vegetation establishment;-Average numbers of germination by treatments are counted as 237 Nos. at the T1, 246 Nos. at the T2 and 262 Nos. at the T3 treatment plots and the vegetation coverage on ground was almost same as about 90% of covers in all treatments. This effect is more or less lower than that of surface soil erosion control. 4. Regarding the effect on surface soil erosion control, the straw-mat mulchings would be effective as a new measures for control of soil erosion on erosion susceptible lands such slope-faced bare-lands as cut-fill faces, mass-movement faces and bare hillsides.

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On the present bamboo groves of Cholla-nam-do and their proper treatment -No. 1. On the growing stock of reprsentative phyllostachys reticulata grove by county (전라남도(全羅南道)의 죽림현황(竹林現況)과 그 개선대책(改善對策) -제일(第一), 각군별대표고죽림(各郡別代表苦竹林)의 몇가지 죽간형질(竹桿形質)과 축적(蓄積)에 대하여)

  • Chung, Dong Oh
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 1962
  • Total area of bamboo groves in Korea which is limited to 37 north latitude, i.e., to southern part of Chungchung-nam-do Province and Kangwon-do Province, is 3,235ha., but this country must import about 3,000 metric ton's bamboo culms from Japan every year. It may be true that the country is not so fit for economical cultivation of bamboo groves from the view point of climatic condition, but the author believes that self-sufficiency in bamboo is not impossible if some scientific method for improving bamboo groves is introduced to our primitive groves. Keeping this point in his mind the auther tried to study on the bamboo groves in the country, and as the first step set about to investigate the actual state of twenty good bamboo groves located in Cholla-nam-do Province from March, 1961 to January, 1962. This is a report on some characters of bamboo culms and growing stock with samples collected in the present investigation. 1) Numbers of bamboo culm per 0.1ha. are 1,183 in average, 1,840 in maximum and 87.5 in minimum before harvesting. 2) According to owners' saying, 1960 was such an off-year that they could hardly see any yearling bamboos in groves, but in 1961 very many new bamboos are produced as follows: the proportion of the number of yearling bamboos produced this year to that of mature bamboos (over 2 years old) is 58.7% in average; the highest 110.5% and the lowest 16.8%. 3) the average diameter of culms at eye height is 6.5cm, but the biggest diameter comes to 11.2 cm, and the average diameters of yearling and mature bamboos are 6.5cm and 6.6cm respectively. 4) Internode length records 29.4 cm in average, the shortest 21.3 cm and the longest 38.4 cm. Average internode lengths of new culms and mature culms are 27.6 cm and 29.4 cm respectively. This shows that the internode length of new culms is in the decrease to that of maturer's. 5) Through this investigation, it was found that internode length is in the influence of the exposure and density of bamboo groves, i. e., the more the dencity of bamboo groves is and the more the exposure nears the north-east, the longer the internode length becomes (see Table 7 and 8). 6) In the growing stock of bamboo groves, bundles per 0.1ha. amount to 271 sok (unit of bundle) in total average, 445 sok in maximum and 126 sok in minimum. 7) Among twenty typical bamboo groves, chosen in each County in Cholla-nam-do Province, only one passes perfectly by Veda's standard rule* prescribing the good bamboo grove, but the eight groves shown in Table 9 could be recommended as good ones in Cholla-nam-do Province, because the auther believes that those groves may be improved better, if we pay more attention to the management of them. 8) Considering that they have managed their groves carelessly and primitively, and that unfortunately their groves must have faced almost on clear felling over the entire area at the time of the Korean War, we can surely expect much more increments in bamboo groves, if we introduce some scientific methods in managing their groves.

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A Comparative Study of Subset Construction Methods in OSEM Algorithms using Simulated Projection Data of Compton Camera (모사된 컴프턴 카메라 투사데이터의 재구성을 위한 OSEM 알고리즘의 부분집합 구성법 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-Mee;Lee, Jae-Sung;Lee, Mi-No;Lee, Ju-Hahn;Kim, Joong-Hyun;Kim, Chan-Hyeong;Lee, Chun-Sik;Lee, Dong-Soo;Lee, Soo-Jin
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.234-240
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: In this study we propose a block-iterative method for reconstructing Compton scattered data. This study shows that the well-known expectation maximization (EM) approach along with its accelerated version based on the ordered subsets principle can be applied to the problem of image reconstruction for Compton camera. This study also compares several methods of constructing subsets for optimal performance of our algorithms. Materials and Methods: Three reconstruction algorithms were implemented; simple backprojection (SBP), EM, and ordered subset EM (OSEM). For OSEM, the projection data were grouped into subsets in a predefined order. Three different schemes for choosing nonoverlapping subsets were considered; scatter angle-based subsets, detector position-based subsets, and both scatter angle- and detector position-based subsets. EM and OSEM with 16 subsets were performed with 64 and 4 iterations, respectively. The performance of each algorithm was evaluated in terms of computation time and normalized mean-squared error. Results: Both EM and OSEM clearly outperformed SBP in all aspects of accuracy. The OSEM with 16 subsets and 4 iterations, which is equivalent to the standard EM with 64 iterations, was approximately 14 times faster in computation time than the standard EM. In OSEM, all of the three schemes for choosing subsets yielded similar results in computation time as well as normalized mean-squared error. Conclusion: Our results show that the OSEM algorithm, which have proven useful in emission tomography, can also be applied to the problem of image reconstruction for Compton camera. With properly chosen subset construction methods and moderate numbers of subsets, our OSEM algorithm significantly improves the computational efficiency while keeping the original quality of the standard EM reconstruction. The OSEM algorithm with scatter angle- and detector position-based subsets is most available.

Effect of OPU (Ovum Pick-Up) Duration on the Rate of Collected Ova and In Vitro Produced Blastocyst Formation (OPU(Ovum Pick-Up) 채란기간이 난자 및 수정란 생산에 미치는 영향)

  • Jin, Jong-In;Kwon, Tae-Hyeon;Choi, Byeong-Hyun;Kim, Sung-Soo;Jo, Hyun-Tae;Kong, Il-Keun
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2010
  • This study was performed to identify the optimal timing for oocyte donor replacement during OPU procedure. OPU was carried out to collect oocytes from every donor at an interval of 34 days (2 times a week). The collected oocytes were matured in vitro in TCM-199 supplemented with 10% FBS, 10 mg/ml of FSH and 1 mg/ml of estradiol for 24 h. After 24 h of exposure to sperm, the presumptive zygotes were cultured in CR1aa medium supplemented with 4 mg/ml of BSA for 3 days before being changed to CR1aa medium with 10% of FBS for another 34 days. The mean numbers of retrieved oocytes were remained constantly up to 3 months (6.0±0.5, 6.2±0.7, 5.2±0.6), but significantly decreased at over 4 to 6 months (3.7±0.5, 2.8±0.4, 1.2±0.2) (p<0.05). The blastocyst development potential was also very similar rate from 1 to 3 months (37.2%, 40.4% and 44.6%), but significantly decreased from 4 to 6 months (24.8%, 29.3% and 28.6%, respectively) (p<0.05). The production of OPU derived embryos in periods of 1 to 3 months (2.2±0.3, 2.5±0.3 and 2.3±0.4) were significantly higher than those in 4 to 6 months (0.9±0.2, 0.8±0.2 and 0.3±0.2, respectively) (p<0.05). In conclusion, the efficient periods for the production of OPU derived embryos was until 4 months, twice per week to produce over 64 transferable embryos and then replace new donor after 3 months use. The best replacement time is 3 months and could be maximized production of OPU derived embryos.