• Title/Summary/Keyword: nucleoid

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Regulation of gene expression by histone-like proteins in bacteria (박테리아의 히스톤 유사 단백질에 의한 유전자 발현 조절)

  • Park, Shinae;Lee, Jung-Shin
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2018
  • A prokaryotic cell has various histone-like proteins also known as nucleoid-associated proteins (NAPs). These proteins bind AT-rich sequence at DNA, which induce DNA wrapping, bending, and bridging, and subsequently regulate the gene expression in bacteria. Because NAPs function in transcriptional silencing of virulence genes, it is important to study their roles in gene silencing and specific mechanisms of these proteins. In this review, we discussed two well-known NAPs, H-NS, and HU, and summarized their roles for gene expression in Escherichia coli and Salmonella Typhimurium. Through the oligomerization and filamentation of H-NS, it represses the expression of virulence genes in human pathogenic bacteria, such as Salmonella Typhimurium, and it works with other NAPs positively or negatively. Recently, H-NS also regulates typhoid toxin expression, which causes typhoid fever and systemic disease in human. Additionally, HU regulates the expression of genes related to both virulence and physiology of Salmonella. Therefore, we suggest that NAPs like H-NS and HU are crucial factors to reveal the molecular mechanisms of virulence gene expression in bacteria.

H-NS binding on dicA promoter DNA inhibits dicA gene expression (dicA promoter DNA에 붙는 H-NS 단백질에 의한 dicA 유전자의 발현 조절)

  • Yun, Sang Hoon;Lee, Yonho;Lim, Heon M.
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.191-198
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    • 2019
  • H-NS binds to promoter DNA and works as a general transcription silencer. DicA protein, by binding to the promoter DNA of dicA, activates dicA expression and at the same time inhibits expression of dicF and dicB, thus, exerting cell division control in Escherichia coli. H-NS complexed with a nucleoid protein Cnu was known to be involved in dicA expression. However, the exact nature of H-NS binding to dicA promoter DNA and the consequences of H-NS binding in expression of dicA is not clear. In this study, we explored the DNA binding activity of H-NS on the promoter DNA of dicA and found that H-NS binding occurs exclusively to the dicA promoter DNA. We never observed, however, H-NS binding at the vicinity of the dicA promoter. Temperature dependent oligomerization of H-NS was observed during DNA binding and the Cnu protein enhances the oligomerization process of H-NS binding. In vivo measurement of dicA expression in an hns deleted strain showed that dicA expression increased. These results demonstrated that H-NS binds specifically to dicA promoter DNA and functions as a transcription silencer.