• Title/Summary/Keyword: nuclear fuel rod

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Vibration Characteristic Analysis of an Annular Cylindrical PWR Fuel Rod according to the Cross-sectional Dimensions and the Span Length (가압경수로용 환형 실린더 연료봉의 단면치수와 스팬길이에 따른 진동특성해석)

  • Lee, Kang-Hee;Kim, Jae-Yong;Lee, Yung-Ho;Yoon, Kyung-Ho;Kim, Hyung-Kyu
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.197-201
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    • 2007
  • Vibration characteristics of an annular cylindrical fuel rod, which was proposed as a candidate design of fuel's cross section for the ultra-high burnup nuclear fuel, according to the cross-sectional dimensions and the number of supports or the span length were analytically studied. Finite element(FE) modeling for the annular cross sectional fuel was based on the methodology, that have been proven by the test verification, for the conventional PWR nuclear fuel rod. A commercial FEA code, ABAQUS, was used for the FE modeling and analysis. A planar beam element (B21) that uses a linear interpolation was used for the fuel rod and a linear spring element for the spring and dimple of the SG. Natural frequencies and mode shape were calculated according to the preliminary design candidates for the fuel's cross sectional dimension and the number of span. From the analysis results, the design scheme of the annular fuel compatible to the present PWR nuclear reactor core was discussed in terms of the number of supports and fuel's cross section.

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Systems Engineering Approach to the Heat Transfer Analysis of PLUS 7 Fuel Rod Using ANSYS FEM Code

  • Park, Sang-Jun;Mutembei, Mutegi Peter;Namgung, Ihn
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2017
  • This paper describes the system engineering approach for the heat transfer analysis of plus7 fuel rod for APR1400 using, a commercial software, ANSYS. The fuel rod is composed of fuel pellets, fill gas, end caps, plenum spring and cladding. The heat is transferred from the pellet outward by conduction through the pellet, fill gas and cladding and further by convection from the cladding surface to the coolant in the flow channel. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate the temperature and heat flux change from the fuel centerline to the cladding surface when having maximum fuel centerline temperature at 100% power. This phenomenon is modelled using the ANSYS FEM code and analyzed for steady state temperature distribution across the fuel pellet and clad and the results were compared to the standard values given in APR1400 SSAR. Specifically the applicability of commercial software in the evaluation of nuclear fuel temperature distribution has been accounted. It is note that special codes have been used for fuel rod mechanical analysis which calculates interrelated effects of temperature, pressure, cladding elastic and plastic behavior, fission gas release, and fuel densification and swelling under the time-varying irradiation conditions. To satisfactorily meet this objective we apply system engineering methodologies to formulate the process and allow for verification and validation of the results acquired. The close proximity of the results obtained validated the accuracy of the FEM analysis of the 2D axisymmetric model and 3D model. This result demonstrated the validity of commercial software instead of proprietary in-house code that is more costly to develop and maintain.

Development of Automation Process for fuel Reload Operation (핵 연료봉 교체 전산화 개발)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Sin, Won-Sik;Jung, Hee-Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korean Operations and Management Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.106-111
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    • 2005
  • In nuclear power plant, the source of the energy is generated from the nuclear fuel rod. Given a certain level of consumption, the burnt fuel rod should be removed and replaced by a new(fresh) one. The burnt fuel is approximately one third of the whole fuel rods. Currently, this operation is done manually using paper documents and verbal communication and consumes a lot of operation time. In this study, we develop an computerized operation process of nuclear fuel rod replacement procedure based on the ERP(Enterprise Resource planning) methodology.

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Fretting Wear Characteristics of Nuclear Fuel Rod Material (핵연료봉재의 프레팅 마멸 특성)

  • 김태형;조광희;김석삼
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 1996.04b
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    • pp.25-29
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    • 1996
  • The fretting wear characteristics for Zircaloy-4 tube used as fuel rod in the nuclear power plant have been investigated. The fretting wear tester was designed and manufactured for this experiment. This study was focused on main factors of fretting wear, cycle, slip amplitude and normal load. The worn surfaces were observed by SEM.

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High-fidelity numerical investigation on structural integrity of SFR fuel cladding during design basis events

  • Seo-Yoon Choi;Hyung-Kyu Kim;Min-Seop Song;Jae-Ho Jeong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.359-374
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    • 2024
  • A high-fidelity numerical analysis methodology was proposed for evaluating the fuel rod cladding integrity of a Prototype Gen IV Sodium Fast Reactor (PGSFR) during normal operation and Design basis events (DBEs). The MARS-LMR code, system transient safety analysis code, was applied to analyze the DBEs. The results of the MARS-LMR code were used as boundary condition for a 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis. The peak temperatures considering HCFs satisfied the cladding temperature limit. The temperature and pressure distributions were calculated by ANSYS CFX code, and applied to structural analysis. Structural analysis was performed using ANSYS Mechanical code. The seismic reactivity insertion SSE accident among DBEs had the highest peak cladding temperature and the maximum stress, as the value of 87 MPa. The fuel cladding had over 40 % safety margin, and the strain was below the strain limit. Deformation behavior was elucidated for providing relative coordinate data on each active fuel rod center. Bending deformation resulted in a flower shape, and bowing bundle did not interact with the duct of fuel assemblies. Fuel rod maximum expansion was generated with highest stress. Therefore, it was concluded that the fuel rod cladding of the PGSFR has sufficient structural safety margin during DBEs.

JSI TRIGA fuel rod reactivity worth experiments for validation of Serpent-2 and RAPID fuel burnup calculations

  • Anze Pungercic;Alireza Haghighat;Luka Snoj
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.8
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    • pp.3405-3424
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    • 2024
  • Reactivity worth of fuel rods at the JSI TRIGA research reactor was measured. Differently burned fuel rods were chosen to validate fuel burnup calculations. Two methods of measuring reactivity worth of fuel rods are used, traditional method is compared to newly introduced method using fuel rods swapping. Connection between both methods is described theoretically and the theory is validated experimentally. Fuel rod worth calculated using the newly introduced fuel rod swap method was within 1σ of worth measured using the traditional method. In addition to the recently performed experiments, weekly measurements of reactor core reactivity throughout the operational history are used for validation. The measured data were used to validate the fuel burnup and core criticality calculations. Fuel burnup calculations are performed using three different computer codes: the deterministic TRIGLAV, the Monte Carlo Serpent-2, and the hybrid RAPID. Great agreement was observed for Serpent-2 and RAPID by simulating fuel rod worth and its burnup, indicating that the fuel burnup and criticality calculations are accurate and that reactivity changes due to small burnup differences on the order of 10 pcm can be accurately simulated. In addition it was shown using ex-core detectors and large fission chamber that detector response changes due to fuel swapping are evident for fuel rod burnup differences of 20 MWd/kg. Fuel burnup calculations were further validated on excess reactivity measurements for three mixed TRIGA cores. The calculated burnup reactivity coefficient ΔρBU using Serpent-2 and RAPID was within 1σ of the measurements, showing both codes are capable of calculating burnup for different TRIGA fuel types.


  • Park, Nam-Gyu;Suh, Jung-Min;Jeon, Kyeong-Lak
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.447-458
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    • 2011
  • This paper proposes an approximated contact force model to identify the nonlinear behavior of a fuel rod with gap supports; also, the numerical prediction of interfacial forces in the mechanical contact of fuel rods with gap supports is studied. The Newmark integration method requires the current status of the contact force, but the contact force is not given a priori. Taylor's expansion can be used to predict the unknown contact force; therefore, it should be guaranteed that the first derivative of the contact force is continuous. This work proposes a continuous and differentiable contact force model with the ability to estimate the current state of the contact force. An approximated convex and differentiable potential function for the contact force is described, and a variational formulation is also provided. A numerical example that considers the particularly stiff supports has been studied, and a fuel rod with hardening supports was also examined for a realistic simulation. An approximated proper solution can be obtained using the results, and abrupt changes from the contacting state to non-contacting state, or vice versa, can be relieved. It can also be seen that not only the external force but also the developed contact force affects the response.

Development of Transportation Capsule for Spent Nuclear Fuel Rod Cuts (사용후핵연료봉 이송 Capsule의 개발)

  • Hong D.H.;Jin J.H.;Jung J.H.;Kim K.H.;Yoon J.S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.1055-1058
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    • 2005
  • In the ACPF(Advanced spent nuclear fuel Conditioning Process Facility), the spent fuel pellets which are highly radioactive materials are separated with its clad and are fed into the next conditioning process. For this, at the other facility called PIEF(Post Irradiation Examination Facility) a spent fuel rod, 3.5 m long, is cut by 25 cm long which is suitable length fur the decladding process. These rod-cuts are packed into the capsule and are moved to the ACPF. Once the capsule is unloaded in the ACPF, the rod-cut is taken out one-by-one from the capsule and installed on the decladding device. In these processes, the crushed spent fuel pellet can be scattered inside the facilities and thus it contaminate the hot cell. In this paper, we developed the specially designed capsule which prevents the pellets scattering and remarkably reduces the leading and unloading time of the rod-cuts.

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The SPIZWURZ project - Experimental investigations and modeling of the behavior of hydrogen in zirconium alloys under long-term dry storage conditions

  • Mirco Grosse;Felix Boldt;Michel Herm;Conrado Roessger;Juri Stuckert;Sarah Weick;Daniel Nahm
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.824-831
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    • 2024
  • In order to investigate the occurring processes during long-term dry storage of spent fuel assemblies, a joined project called SPIZWURZ, between the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Gesellschaft für Anlagen-und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS), was started. Aim of the SPIZWURZ project is the determination and quantification of the influence of texture and elastic strain on diffusion and solubility of hydrogen in three different zirconium alloys used in western Europe during a long-term cooling transient (1 K/d) starting at 400 ℃. The strain in the cladding of an irradiated spent fuel rod shall be measured. Models predicting the formation of radial oriented hydrides will be validated, improved, and implemented in the GRS fuel rod performance code TESPA-ROD. This paper describes the SPIZWURZ project and already obtained first results.