• Title/Summary/Keyword: nuclear fuel rod

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Parametric Effects of Ambient Conditions on Thermal Safety of Wolsong (CANDU) Unit 1 Spent Fuel Dry Storage Canister (월성1호기 사용후 핵연료 건식저장 캐니스터의 열적 안전성에 미치는 대기 조건 인자의 영향)

  • Park, Jong-Woon;Chun, Moon-Hyun;Shon, Soon-Hwan;Song, Myung-Jae
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.166-177
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    • 1993
  • A simplified thermal analysis method to evaluate the maximum temperature of the CANDU 37-element fuel bundle within a fuel basket in a given spent fuel dry storage canister has been presented along with the results of sample analyses performed to examine the parametric effects of the ambient conditions on the maximum fuel temperature within a canister. To solve the multi-dimensional heat transfer problem of the complex geometry of rod bundles within a canister where three modes of heat transfer are superimposed, the CANDU spent fuel bundles stored in the dry storage canister are first replaced by equivalent concentric fuel cylinders. The simplified axi-symmetric two-dimensional multi-mode heat transfer problem of the equivalent fuel cylinders is then analyzed with an existing computer code, HEATING5, using additional input data and heat transfer correlations. A comparison between the predicted temperature profile and the mock-up test results shows that the agreement is quite satisfactory.

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Analysis of the thermal-mechanical behavior of SFR fuel pins during fast unprotected transient overpower accidents using the GERMINAL fuel performance code

  • Vincent Dupont;Victor Blanc;Thierry Beck;Marc Lainet;Pierre Sciora
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.973-979
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    • 2024
  • In the framework of the Generation IV research and development project, in which the French Commission of Alternative and Atomic Energies (CEA) is involved, a main objective for the design of Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) is to meet the safety goals for severe accidents. Among the severe ones, the Unprotected Transient OverPower (UTOP) accidents can lead very quickly to a global melting of the core. UTOP accidents can be considered either as slow during a Control Rod Withdrawal (CRW) or as fast. The paper focuses on fast UTOP accidents, which occur in a few milliseconds, and three different scenarios are considered: rupture of the core support plate, uncontrolled passage of a gas bubble inside the core and core mechanical distortion such as a core flowering/compaction during an earthquake. Several levels and rates of reactivity insertions are also considered and the thermal-mechanical behavior of an ASTRID fuel pin from the ASTRID CFV core is simulated with the GERMINAL code. Two types of fuel pins are simulated, inner and outer core pins, and three different burn-up are considered. Moreover, the feedback from the CABRI programs on these type of transients is used in order to evaluate the failure mechanism in terms of kinetics of energy injection and fuel melting. The CABRI experiments complete the analysis made with GERMINAL calculations and have shown that three dominant mechanisms can be considered as responsible for pin failure or onset of pin degradation during ULOF/UTOP accident: molten cavity pressure loading, fuel-cladding mechanical interaction (FCMI) and fuel break-up. The study is one of the first step in fast UTOP accidents modelling with GERMINAL and it has shown that the code can already succeed in modelling these type of scenarios up to the sodium boiling point. The modeling of the radial propagation of the melting front, validated by comparison with CABRI tests, is already very efficient.

Effect of Mixing Vane Shapes of Spacer Grids in Nuclear Fuel Assembly on Critical Heat Flux (핵연료집합체 지지격자의 혼합날개 형상이 임계열유속에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Chang-Hwan;Choo, Yeon-Jun;Moon, Sang-Ki;Chun, Se-Young;Chun, Tae-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2007.05b
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    • pp.2396-2401
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    • 2007
  • Freon CHF experiments are carried out to investigate the CHF enhancements by mixing vane shapes of spacer grids in nuclear fuel assembly. The experiments were performed for a wide range mass flux, 50$\sim}$3000 kg/$m^2s$. Three kinds of spacer grids in 5${\times}$5 rod bundles are tested: no mixing vane grids, hybrid mixing vane grids, and split mixing vane grids. The CHF performances are compared along with the data belong to the PWR operating conditions based on a water equivalence through a fluid-to-fluid modeling method. The average of the data in this range is 16.4% for 37 data of hybrid vane grid and 12.5% for 24 data of split vane. In the lower mass flux, however, the split vane grid shows slightly higher performance than the hybrid vane grid.

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Nonlinear Response Structural Optimization of a Spacer Grid Spring for a Nuclear Fuel Rod Using the Equivalent Loads (등가하중을 이용한 원자로 핵연료봉 지지격자 스프링의 비선형 응답 구조 최적설계)

  • Kim, Do-Won;Lee, Hyun-Ah;Song, Ki-Nam;Kim, Yong-ll;Park, Gyung-Jin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.1165-1172
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    • 2007
  • The spacer grid set is a part of a nuclear fuel assembly. The set has a spring and the spring supports the fuel rods safely. Although material nonlinearity is involved in the deformation of the spring, nonlinearity has not been considered in design of the spring. Recently a nonlinear response structural optimization method has been developed using equivalent loads. It is called nonlinear response optimization equivalent loads (NROEL). In NROEL, the external loads are transformed to the equivalent loads (EL) for linear static analysis and linear response optimization is carried out based on the EL in a cyclic manner until the convergence criteria are satisfied. EL is the load set which generates the same response field of linear analysis as that of nonlinear analysis. Shape optimization of the spring is carried out based on EL. The objective function is defined by minimizing the maximum stress in the spring while mass is limited and the support force of the spring is larger than a certain value. The results are verified by nonlinear response analysis. ABAQUS is used for nonlinear response analysis and GENESIS is employed for linear response optimization.

Nonlinear Response Structural Optimization of a Nuclear Fuel Rod Spacer Grid Spring Using the Equivalent Load (등가하중을 이용한 원자로 핵연료봉 지지격자 스프링의 비선형 응답 구조 최적설계)

  • Kim, Do-Won;Lee, Hyun-Ah;Song, Ki-Nam;Kim, Yong-Il;Park, Gyung-Jin
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.694-699
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    • 2007
  • The spacer grid set is a part of a nuclear fuel assembly. The set has a spring and the spring supports the fuel rods safely. Although material nonlinearity is involved in the deformation of the spring,nonlinearity has not been considered in design of the spring. Recently a nonlinear response structural optimization method has been developed using equivalent loads. It is called nonlinear response optimization equivalent loads (NROEL). In NROEL, the external loads are teansformed to the equivalent loads (EL) for linear static analysis and linear response optimization is carried out based on the EL in a cyclic manner until the convergence criteria are satisfied. EL is the load set which generates the same response no EL. The objective function is defined by minimizing the maximum stress in the spring while is limited and the support force of the spring is larger than a certain value. The results are verified by nonlinear. ABAQUS is used for nonlinear response analysis and GENESIS is employed for linear response optimization.

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Pin Power Distribution Determined by Analyzing the Rotational Gamma Scanning Data of HANARO Fuel Bundle

  • Lee, Jae-Yun;Park, Hee-Dong
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.452-461
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    • 1998
  • The pin power distribution is determined by analyzing the rotational gamma scanning data for 36 element fuel bundle of HANARO. A fission monitor of Nb$^{95}$ is chosen by considering the criteria of the half-life, fission yield, emitting ${\gamma}$-ray energy and probability. The ${\gamma}$-ray spectra were measured in Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI) by using a HPGe detector and by rotating the fuel bundle at steps of 10$^{\circ}$. The counting rates of Nb$^{95}$ 766 keV ${\gamma}$-rays are determined by analyzing the full absorption peak in the spectra. A 36$\times$36 response matrix is obtained from calculating the contribution of each rod at every scanning angle by assuming 2-dimensional and parallel beam approximations for the measuring geometry. In terms of the measured counting rates and the calculated response matrix, an inverse problem is set up for the unknown distribution of activity concentrations of pins. To select a suitable solving method, the performances of three direct methods and the iterative least-square method are tested by solving simulation examples. The final solution is obtained by using the iterative least-square method that shows a good stability. The influences of detection error, step size of rotation and the collimator width are discussed on the accuracy of the numerical solution. Hence an improvement in the accuracy of the solution is proposed by reducing the collimator width of the scanning arrangement.

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KAFEPA: A Computer Code for CANDU PHWR-Fuel Performance Analysis under Reactor Normal Operating Condition (KAFEPA: 월성로형 핵연료봉의 정상상태 성능분석용 전산코드)

  • Suk, Ho-Chun;Woan Hwang;Sim, Ki-Seob
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.180-185
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    • 1987
  • A computer code, KAFEPA, for analysing in-reactor behavior of a PHWR-fuel rod under reactor normal operating condition was developed. This code, KAFEPA, corresponds to the ELESIM code that was developed for the same purpose by AECL. Even though the KAFEPA originated from the ELESIM, it contains more accurate and theoretical models in comparison with the ELESIM, such as fission gas release model, in-reactor densification model and a new database for neutron flux depression across the radial direction in a fuel pellet. The KAFEPA code was verified by comparing the predictions with 22 measurements of fission product gas release. The predictions of the KAFEPA was well agreed with the experimental data.

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Analysis of Characteristics of Spent Fuels on Long-Term Dry Storage Condition

  • Yoon, Suji;Park, Kwangheon;Yun, Hyungju
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.205-214
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    • 2021
  • Currently, the interim storage pools of spent fuels in South Korea are expected to become saturated from 2024. It is required to prepare an operation plan of a domestic dry storage facility during a long-term period, with the researches on safety evaluation methods. This study modified the FRAPCON code to predict the spent fuel integrity evaluation such as the axial cladding temperature, the hoop stress and hydrogen distribution in dry storage. The cladding temperature in dry storage was calculated using the COBRA-SFS code with the burnup information which was calculated using the FRAPCON code. The hoop stress was calculated using the ideal gas equation with spent fuel information such as rod internal pressure. Numerical analysis method was used to calculate the degree of hydrogen diffusion according to the hydrogen concentration and temperature distribution during a dry storage period. Before 50 years of dry storage, the cladding temperature and hoop stress decreased rapidly. However, after 50 years, they decreased gradually and the cladding temperature was below 400 K. The initial temperature distribution and hydrogen concentration showed a parabolic line, but hydrogen was transferred by the hydrogen concentration and temperature gradient over time.

Simulation of reactivity-initiated accident transients on UO2-M5® fuel rods with ALCYONE V1.4 fuel performance code

  • Guenot-Delahaie, Isabelle;Sercombe, Jerome;Helfer, Thomas;Goldbronn, Patrick;Federici, Eric;Jolu, Thomas Le;Parrot, Aurore;Delafoy, Christine;Bernaudat, Christian
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.268-279
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    • 2018
  • The ALCYONE multidimensional fuel performance code codeveloped by the CEA, EDF, and AREVA NP within the PLEIADES software environment models the behavior of fuel rods during irradiation in commercial pressurized water reactors (PWRs), power ramps in experimental reactors, or accidental conditions such as loss of coolant accidents or reactivity-initiated accidents (RIAs). As regards the latter case of transient in particular, ALCYONE is intended to predictively simulate the response of a fuel rod by taking account of mechanisms in a way that models the physics as closely as possible, encompassing all possible stages of the transient as well as various fuel/cladding material types and irradiation conditions of interest. On the way to complying with these objectives, ALCYONE development and validation shall include tests on $PWR-UO_2$ fuel rods with advanced claddings such as M5(R) under "low pressure-low temperature" or "high pressure-high temperature" water coolant conditions. This article first presents ALCYONE V1.4 RIA-related features and modeling. It especially focuses on recent developments dedicated on the one hand to nonsteady water heat and mass transport and on the other hand to the modeling of grain boundary cracking-induced fission gas release and swelling. This article then compares some simulations of RIA transients performed on $UO_2$-M5(R) fuel rods in flowing sodium or stagnant water coolant conditions to the relevant experimental results gained from tests performed in either the French CABRI or the Japanese NSRR nuclear transient reactor facilities. It shows in particular to what extent ALCYONE-starting from base irradiation conditions it itself computes-is currently able to handle both the first stage of the transient, namely the pellet-cladding mechanical interaction phase, and the second stage of the transient, should a boiling crisis occur. Areas of improvement are finally discussed with a view to simulating and analyzing further tests to be performed under prototypical PWR conditions within the CABRI International Program. M5(R) is a trademark or a registered trademark of AREVA NP in the USA or other countries.

Thermal-Hydraulic Research Review and Cooperation Outcome for Light Water Reactor Fuel (경수로핵연료 열수력 연구개발 분석 및 연산학 협력 성과)

  • In, Wang Kee;Shin, Chang Hwan;Lee, Chi Young;Lee, Chan;Chun, Tae Hyun;Oh, Dong Seok
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.40 no.12
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    • pp.815-824
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    • 2016
  • The fuel assembly for pressurized water reactor (PWR) consists of fuel rod bundle, spacer grid and bottom/top end fittings. The cooling water in high pressure and temperature is introduced in lower plenum of reactor core and directed to upper plenum through the subchannel which is formed between the fuel rods. The main thermal-hydraulic performance parameters for the PWR fuel are pressure drop and critical heat flux in normal operating condition, and quenching time in accident condition. The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has been developing an advanced PWR fuel, dual-cooled annular fuel and accident tolerant fuel for the enhancement of fuel performance and the localization. For the key thermal-hydraulic technology development of PWR fuel, the KAERI LWR fuel team has conducted the experiments for pressure drop, turbulent flow mixing and heat transfer, critical heat flux(CHF) and quenching. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis was also performed to predict flow and heat transfer in fuel assembly including the spent fuel assembly in dry cask for interim repository. In addition, the research cooperation with university and nuclear fuel company was also carried out to develop a basic thermal-hydraulic technology and the commercialization.