• Title/Summary/Keyword: networking services

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An Efficient Resource Discovery Mechanism based on Distributed Location Information in Pure P2P Environments (순수 P2P 환경에서 분산된 위치 정보를 이용한 자원 검색 기법)

  • Kim In-suk;Kang Yong-hyeog;Eom Young Ik
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.573-581
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    • 2004
  • Recently, the rapid growth of Internet technology and the deployment of high speed networks make many kinds of multimedia services possible. Preexisting multimedia services are designed based on the client/server model which has the problems such as the network failure and the low speed communication due to the high load on the central server. In order to solve these problems, peer-to-peer networks are introduced and expanded through Internet environments. In this paper, we propose a pure peer-to-peer network based resource discovery mechanism for multimedia services. In the proposed scheme, each host maintains the location information of resources which are recently requested by other hosts as well as that oi the replicas of local resources. The proposed scheme has the faster response time and incurs the smaller traffic than the preexisting discovery schemes in pure peer-to-peer network environments. Also, by decentralizing the location information and differentiating the reply path, our proposed scheme can solve the search result loss problem that occurs when the network is unsettled.

A Study of Programs Operation within all the Related Agency Provides Services for Married-Immigrant Families in Korea (결혼 이민자 가족 관련기관의 프로그램 운영 현황에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yang-Hee;Park, Jeong-Yoon;Kim, Hyo-Min;Paik, Sun-Ah
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.121-140
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to guide in providing quality services to meet the needs of married immigrants and their families. The researched agencies in this study were 14 public agencies and local government agencies, 21 married-immigrant family support centers, and 11 community social welfare centers located in the Seoul and Kyung-Gi areas. The program was categorized by the participating researchers, SPSS WIN 12.0 was used to calculate frequency, percentage and average then cross-tabulation was initiated. The results of the study are as follows: 1) The married-immigrant family support centers provide dominant services compared to public agencies and local government agencies, and community social welfare centers are located in the region of Seoul and Kyoung-Gi in the service areas of education, counseling, culture, child care and protect, support group and network. 2) All agencies provide service targeted to married immigrant women and their children 3) Three different types of agencies are mainly focused on providing Korean education programs. Married-immigrant family support centers and community social welfare centers are focused on providing computer skills programs. Public agencies and local government agencies are focused on providing vocation-oriented education. 4) Married-immigrant family support centers were investigated to service to the needs of married-immigrant families through networking with their neighboring communities.

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A Development of the Strategies for the Agricultural Extension Service through the Farmers' Educational Needs Assessment (농업인의 교육요구를 고려한 농촌지도사업의 발전 방향)

  • Shinn, Yun-Ho;Kim, Dae-Hee
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2012
  • The Extension Program accountability will continue to be an influential force to develop agriculture and rural area. As we incorporate new approaches into our service program and respond to new domains of knowledge, we must also consider how our assessment strategies may need to change in order to meet local and other external standards. The main purpose of the study was to be what the best way of Extension Service is set farmers' educational needs met and to be what kind of methodologies and role of Extension system should provide for their faced problem solving effectively. The major results of the study on Farmers' needs toward Korean Extension Services are summarized as follows. First, it is observed that, when the farmers' perceptions were analyzed, the most ranked by the farmers' needs was "having nice extension workers to get advice and solve their problems on the farm in all at once." Farmers had especially more positive attitudes in the categories of interest and careers in ag-technology. To do services level up, the headquarter of Rural Development of Administration must be work with local branches to effectively deliver their missions and educational objectives to target crops and farmers group. And farmers were strongly needed "a specialized service team will be organized" to work closely with operating services for ag-products processing, packing and marketing. The recommendations were made by: farmers' needs should be identified and announced by computer networking development to solve their problems faster. Also, provincial and county level service members should have a chance to working at research institute or related work places with their incentives, which system will be easer to meet farmers' needs and deal with their problems so that the systematic approaches should be managed and recorded their educational attendings, education contents and even their farming corporations. Finally, Agricultural Extension Service should be met to general ag-technology literacy and be balanced with knowledge of other industries and be competitive service with better values in non-agricultural sectors.

A Design of Analysis System on TV Advertising Effect of Social Networking Using Hadoop (하둡을 이용한 소셜네트워킹의 TV광고효과 분석 시스템 설계)

  • Hur, Seoyeon;Kim, Yoonhee
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2013
  • As 'Big data' has been one of challenging issues, development of new services using Social Network Service (SNS) which is its typical example became active. SNS has developed as a media where everyone communicates at real time and the number of SNS opinion analyzing services is increasing. Meanwhile, new approach to acquire and analyze twitter data becomes necessary in TV advertisement system. This paper proposes LiveAD system, which store and analyze big data such as twitter data as well as analyze TV advertising effect based on twitter data. As a proof of concept, the proposed system has been implemented collecting and analyzing twitter data using Hadoop. The result of collected information over the system increases the chance of analyzing TV advertising effect on twitter in real-time.

Analysis of Information Security Technology Development for ICT Convergence Services (ICT 융합서비스 제공을 위한 정보보호 기술개발 현황분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Chul
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, the development level of information security technology for internet of things(Iot), big data and clo ud services is analyzed, and the detail policy is proposed to be leader in area of patents and ICT standard. The conc ept of ICT convergence is defined frist, market and current state of technology for three convergence services is the n analyzed, and finally main function and security target for each technology are presented. The evaluation criteria a nd IPR are analyzed to diagnose the level of patent and standard for the technology. From the results, even though the domestic competence is inferior compared to other advanced country, the efficient policy should be presented by using our capability for the big data and cloud. Furthermore, the technology development for the IoT and cloud is ne eded in advance considering the market-technology influence effects. In addition to, M2M security framework in IoT, data security in big data and reliable networking in cloud should be developed in advance.

Design and Implementation of User Agent for Internet Telephony Services based on SW (SIP 기반 인터넷 전화 서비스를 위한 사용자 에이전트의 설계 및 구현)

  • Huh Mi Young;Han Jaechon;Hyun Wook;Park Sun Ok;Kang Shin Gak;Kim Dae Young
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.350-358
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    • 2005
  • Recently, VoIP technology is being accepted as are the most promising Internet telephony service, due to the substitution effect of traditional telephony service. Two standards, i.e, . H.323 and SIP. have emerged for signaling and control for Intemet telephony, of which SIP provides far lower complexity and rich extensibility. It is important to secure components of SIP in order to develop various services. Generally, open source codes provide basic functions of SIP as well as complicated structure, but are difficult to extend. In this thesis, we focused on offering interface mechanism between application and SIP User Agent to easily extend for various VoIP services. This thesis describes what function is needed for SIP User Agent, how to define the internal data structure, and how to define the internal processing procedure. The check iist derived through participating the interoperability event for stabilized SIP User Agent is also suggested.

Hospital Management Strategy in Digital Era (터지털 시대의 병원경영전략 수립에 관한 연구 - 병원경영자의 경영개선활동에 관한 인식을 중심으로 -)

  • Seo, Young-Joon
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.173-201
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    • 2001
  • This study purports to examine the current management and information technology related strategy of Korean hospitals and suggest the effective management strategy in the 21st century when is digital era. Specifically the study tries to analyze the changing trends of strategic orientation and investigate the general management and information technology strategy of Korean hospitals. Self-administered Questionnaires were distributed to 721 hospitals nationwide and finally 98 Questionnaires were analyzed for the study. The results of the study are as follows : 1) Half of the respondent hospitals reported that they have an analyzer orientation in 2000, whereas 19.4% were prospectors, reactors 16.4%, and defenders 14.3%. However, the respondent hospitals intended to have a prospector orientation in the future (2002), while 29.6% planned on being analyzers, 17.3% reactors, and 3.1% defenders. 2) Hospital services for improving patient satisfaction were the most common. strategy for the respondent hospitals, followed by cost containment, organizational restructuring, employee education, purchasing system change, specialization of clinical services, quality improvement of medical care, strengthening the networking with the stakeholders, public relations and marketing strategy, diversification, and installing the information system. However, the strategies of annual salary system, retrenchment of unprofitable services, merit payment based on performance were still not popular for the respondent hospitals. 3) As for the strategies related with information technology, most hospitals have not implemented actively, except for the establishment of home-pages, order communication systems, and insurance claims through electronic data interchange system. 4) There were significant differences in the level of strategy implementation in terms of the ownership, bed size, financial performance, and the top managers I knowledge of information technology. The larger bed size, the higher financial performance, the better knowledge of information technology the top managers have, the more strategies the respondent hospitals implemented. The managerial and political implications for Korean hospitals in digital era were also discussed.

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Construction of an Agent-based Fault-Tolerant Object Group Model (에이전트 기반의 고장허용 객체그룹 모델 구축)

  • Kang, Myung-Seok;Kim, Hag-Bae
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.1B
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    • pp.74-85
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    • 2009
  • We propose an Agent-based Fault Tolerant Object Group model based on the agent technology and FTOG model with replication mechanism for effective object management and fault recovery. We define the five kind of agents - internal processing agent, registration agent, state handling agent, user interface agent, and service agent - that extend the functions of the FTOG model. The roles of the agents in the proposed model are to reduce the remote interactions between distributed objects and provide more effective service execution. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed model, we implemented the Intelligent Home Network Simulator (IHNS) which virtually provides general home networking services. Through the simulations, it is validated that the proposed model decreases the interactions of the object components and supports the effective fault recovery, while providing more stable and reliable services.

Dynamic Source Multi-path Routing Protocol for Wireless Ad-hoc Network Environments (무선 에드-혹 네트워크 환경을 위한 동적다중경로라우팅 프로토콜)

  • Kim, Moon-Jeong;Eom, Young-Ik
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.336-346
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    • 2001
  • A wireless ad-hoc network is a temporal network formed by a collection of wireless mobile nodes without the aid of any existing network infrastnlcture or centralized administration. Currently, numerous routing protocols have been developed for changing messages between nodes in a wireless ad-hoc network. Applications of wireless ad-hoc network technology are various and proper routing protocol must be used according to application domain or network size. In a wireless ad-hoc network. some hosts want services from fixed networks. For supporting such services, it is necessary to interconnect wireless ad-hoc networks and fixed networks. The DSMIHDynamic Source Multipath Routing) protocol, proposed in this paper, focuses on supporting seamless communication services between the nodes within a wireless ad-hoc network and providing fixed networks to the mobile hosts in wireless an-hoc networks. In DSMR protocol, each node need not broadcast routing messages periodically. and mobile hosts that to send data packets initiate route request and route establishment procedure. By maintaining multiple paths in each node. faster route re-establishment is also possible in our scheme.

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New Mathematical Model for Travel Route Recommendation Service (여행경로 추천 서비스를 위한 최적화 수리모형)

  • Hwang, Intae;Kim, Heungseob
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2017
  • With the increased interest in the quality of life of modern people, the implementation of the five-day working week, the increase in traffic convenience, and the economic and social development, domestic and international travel is becoming commonplace. Furthermore, in the past, there were many cases of purchasing packaged goods of specialized travel agencies. However, as the development of the Internet improved the accessibility of information about the travel area, the tourist is changing the trend to plan the trip such as the choice of the destination. Web services have been introduced to recommend travel destinations and travel routes according to these needs of the customers. Therefore, after reviewing some of the most popular web services today, such as Stubby planner (http://www.stubbyplanner.com) and Earthtory (http://www.earthtory.com), they were supposed to be based on traditional Traveling Salesman Problems (TSPs), and the travel routes recommended by them included some practical limitations. That is, they were not considered important issues in the actual journey, such as the use of various transportation, travel expenses, the number of days, and lodging. Moreover, although to recommend travel destinations, there have been various studies such as using IoT (Internet of Things) technology and the analysis of cyberspatial Big Data on the web and SNS (Social Networking Service), there is little research to support travel routes considering the practical constraints. Therefore, this study proposes a new mathematical model for applying to travel route recommendation service, and it is verified by numerical experiments on travel to Jeju Island and trip to Europe including Germany, France and Czech Republic. It also expects to be able to provide more useful information to tourists in their travel plans through linkage with the services for recommending tourist attractions built in the Internet environment.