• Title/Summary/Keyword: networking

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A Study on the Measures to Activate Education Field of Maker Movement in Korea (국내 메이커 운동의 교육 분야 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Oh, Soo-Jin;Baek, Yun-Cheol;Kwon, Ji-Eun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.483-492
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    • 2019
  • The culture and education are very active with the active policy and support to form the government's Maker Movement. The purpose of this study is to grasp the current status of the education sector of the domestic maker movement, which is increasing recently, and to propose a plan for activating maker education for the development of a positive direction. To this end, first, the current status and problems of domestic maker training are derived through in-depth interviews with existing maker training operators and participants. Second, based on the contents of the interview script, keyword analysis and its characteristics through the qualitative survey analysis program (NVIVO) are identified. Third, based on the analysis results, we propose a plan and development direction for domestic maker education. Based on the educators who performed maker training and the students involved, professional maker teachers were required for the professionalism of education, and the expansion of maker channels and professional networking of participating students was required. In addition, there was a need for specialized programs and appropriate policy support that reflected the characteristics of maker training. This study aims at contributing to the activation of maker education, which is a major field of maker movement, by helping to improve concrete support methods, training related educators, and educational environment for maker education.

A Study of the Overseas Entry Strategies of Freight Forwarders (국제물류주선업의 해외진출 전략에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ho-Hwoan;Shin, Yong-John
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.69-83
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    • 2015
  • This study proposes effective overseas market entry strategies that could allow Korean logistics companies to develop international capabilities and become global firms by adapting to environmental changes in global logistics. First, it reviews the overseas networks of Korean international freight forwarders and the recent trends in the global logistics market. Then, it surveys the conditions of two groups of freight forwarders, namely partnerships and subsidiaries, which are categorized according to type of entry into foreign markets. These companies' networks are concentrated in East and Southeast Asia regardless of network type. As a result, the ability for partnerships to network is higher than that of subsidiaries. However, subsidiaries are small in number and located in various regions because of their initial stage, which is why their businesses depend on the price competitiveness of the parent company. The satisfaction and performance of subsidiaries are both generally low according to the presented findings. In addition, the successful strategies of international freight forwarders include following operations, specializing their logistics services, building collaborations among small and medium-sized companies, recruiting and training professional human resources in international logistics, and entering markets together with their customers. Overall, this study highlights the importance of measuring and evaluating objectively the level and performance of overseas networking through a survey about the internationalization of Korean freight forwarder companies. To conclude, this study is considered to contribute to raising their global competitiveness by suggesting strategies derived from the survey findings and SWOT analysis.

A study on the reorganization of training programs for professionals in family-friendly workplaces (가족친화 전문인력 교육과정 개편을 위한 기초연구: 가족친화 전문인력을 대상으로)

  • Son, Seohee;Park, Su Sun;Kang, Ki-jung
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.63-75
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this research was to examine the experiences of three types of family-friendly workplace professionals (professionals here after) including consultants, certification auditors, and professional instructors, and to provide suggestions for the improvement of training programs aimed at such professionals. Ten professionals participated in focus group interviews. Two themes were identified: the competencies of the professionals and ways to improve the training system and the curriculums of training programs. Competencies are dependent on job type. Therefore, different training programs should be provided to the three types of professionals. To make training programs more comprehensive, most participants agreed that training program curriculums for the three types of professionals should link together. Participants also suggested increasing training time and differentiating training programs between new and experienced specialists. In terms of improving the training system, professional networking and the creation of a database for family-friendly programs were discussed. The findings suggest that training programs need to be restructured in line with the competencies required by the professionals and professionals' needs.

Syntheses of 70% Solids Acrylic Resin and Comparative Study in Physical Properties as Acrylic Urethane Resin Coatings (고형분 70% 아크릴수지 합성과 아크릴-우레탄 도료의 도막물성 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Kil;Park, Hyong-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.476-487
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    • 2021
  • To prepare acrylic resin coatings containing 70% of solids, we used n-butyl methacrylate(BMA), methyl methacrylate(MMA), 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate(2-HEMA), and acetoacetoxyethyl acrylate(AAEA), caprolactone acrylate(CLA) as raw materials, the glass transition temperature(Tg) of acrylic copolymer was adjusted around 50 ℃. The viscosity and molecular weight of the acrylic resins was increased with increasing OH values. Di-tert-amyl peroxide was found to be the suitable initiator to get high-solids acrylic resins. The optimum reaction conditions found in the study are 5 wt% of initiator, 4 wt% of chain transfer agent, 4 hrs of dropping time, and 140 ℃ of reaction temperature. The structure of the synthesized resins were characterized by FT-IR and 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Number average molecular weight of 1900~2600 and molecular wight distribution of 1.4~2.1 were obtained. Crosslinked acrylic urethane clear coatings were obtained by curing reaction between the synthesized acrylic resins and hexamethylene diisocyanate trimer(Desmodur N-3300), the equivalent ratio of NCO/OH was 1.2/1.0. The physical properties from the following studies were carried out: viscosity(Zahn cup #2), adhesion, drying time, pot-life, pensil hardness, and 60° specular gloss. Various properties of the acrylic urethane clear coatings were also evaluated on the coating specimens. Adhesion property to a substrate, drying time, pot-life, pencil hardness, and 60° specular gloss of prepared paint showed quite good properties. Futhermore, prepared paint containing 10% of CLA showed quite good properties for adhesion, low viscosity and high hardness.

A Study on Network Construction Strategies for Long-Haul Low-Cost Carrier Operations

  • Choi, Doo-Won;Han, Neung-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 2021
  • Purpose - This study aims to analyze the characteristics of network construction by Norwegian Air and AirAsia X, which are recognized as leading airlines in the long-haul LCC market. Based on this analysis, this study intends to provide implications for networking strategies for Korean LCCs that seek to enter the long-haul market when the aviation market stabilizes again upon the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Design/methodology - To conduct the network analysis on long-haul low-cost airlines, the Official Airline Guide (OAG) Schedule Analyzer was used to extract long-haul data of Norwegian Air and AirAsia X. To analyze the trend of the long-haul route network, we obtained the data from 3 separate years between 2011 and 2019. The network was analyzed using UCINET 6.0 in order to examine the network structure of long-haul low-cost airlines and the growth trend of each stage. Findings - Analyzing the network of long-haul routes by visualizing the network structure of low-cost carriers showed the following results. In its early years, Norwegian Air's long-haul route network, centering on regional airports in Spain and Sweden, connected European regions, the Middle East, and Africa. As time passed, however, the network expanded and became steadily strong as the airline connected airports in other European countries to North America and Asia. In addition, in 2011, AirAsia X showed links to parts of Europe, such as London and Paris, the Middle East and India, and Australia and Northeast Asia, centering on the Kuala Lumpur Airport. Although the routes in Europe were suspended, the network continued to expand while concentrating on routes of less than approximately 7,000 km. It was found that instead of giving up on ultra-long-haul routes such as Europe, the network was further expanded in Northeast Asia, such as the routes in Korea and Japan centering on China. Originality/value - Until the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, Norwegian Air actively expanded long-haul routes, resulting in the number of long-haul routes quintupling since 2011. The unfortunate circumstance, wherein the world aviation market was rendered stagnant due to the outbreak of COVID-19, hit Norwegian Air harder than any other low-cost carriers. However, in the case of AirAsia X, it was found that it did not suffer as much damage as Norwegian Air because it initially withdrew from unprofitable routes over 7,000 km and grew by gradually increasing profitable destinations over shorter distances. When the COVID-19 pandemic ends and the aviation market stabilizes, low-cost carriers around the world, including Korea, that enter the long-haul route market will need to employ strategies to analyze the marketability of potential routes and to launch the routes that yield the highest profits without being bound by distance. For stable growth, it is necessary to take a conservative stance; first, by reviewing the business feasibility of the operating a small number of highly profitable routes, and second, by gradually expanding these routes.

Topic Based Hierarchical Network Analysis for Entrepreneur Using Text Mining (텍스트 마이닝을 이용한 주제기반의 기업인 네트워크 계층 분석)

  • Lee, Donghun;Kim, Yonghwa;Kim, Kwanho
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.33-49
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    • 2018
  • The importance of convergence activities among business is increasing due to the necessity of designing and developing new products to satisfy various customers' needs. In particular, decision makers such as CEOs are required to participate in networks between entrepreneurs for being connected with valuable convergence partners. Moreover, it is important for entrepreneurs not only to make a large number of network connections, but also to understand the networking relationship with entrepreneurs with similar topic information. However, there is a difficult limit in collecting the topic information that can show the lack of current status of business and the technology and characteristics of entrepreneur in industry sector. In this paper, we solve these problems through the topic extraction method and analyze the business network in three aspects. Specifically, there are C, S, T-Layer models, and each model analyzes amount of entrepreneurs relationship, network centrality, and topic similarity. As a result of experiments using real data, entrepreneur need to activate network by connecting high centrality entrepreneur when the corporate relationship is low. In addition, we confirmed through experiments that there is a need to activate the topic-based network when topic similarity is low between entrepreneurs.

A proposal on a proactive crawling approach with analysis of state-of-the-art web crawling algorithms (최신 웹 크롤링 알고리즘 분석 및 선제적인 크롤링 기법 제안)

  • Na, Chul-Won;On, Byung-Won
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.43-59
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    • 2019
  • Today, with the spread of smartphones and the development of social networking services, structured and unstructured big data have stored exponentially. If we analyze them well, we will get useful information to be able to predict data for the future. Large amounts of data need to be collected first in order to analyze big data. The web is repository where these data are most stored. However, because the data size is large, there are also many data that have information that is not needed as much as there are data that have useful information. This has made it important to collect data efficiently, where data with unnecessary information is filtered and only collected data with useful information. Web crawlers cannot download all pages due to some constraints such as network bandwidth, operational time, and data storage. This is why we should avoid visiting many pages that are not relevant to what we want and download only important pages as soon as possible. This paper seeks to help resolve the above issues. First, We introduce basic web-crawling algorithms. For each algorithm, the time-complexity and pros and cons are described, and compared and analyzed. Next, we introduce the state-of-the-art web crawling algorithms that have improved the shortcomings of the basic web crawling algorithms. In addition, recent research trends show that the web crawling algorithms with special purposes such as collecting sentiment words are actively studied. We will one of the introduce Sentiment-aware web crawling techniques that is a proactive web crawling technique as a study of web crawling algorithms with special purpose. The result showed that the larger the data are, the higher the performance is and the more space is saved.

Empirical Leisure Environment Satisfaction Evaluation of Public Institution Employees in Innocity (혁신도시 이전 공공기관 종사자의 여가활동 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석 -광주·전남 공동혁신도시를 중심으로-)

  • Baek, Min;An, Hyung-Soon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.368-378
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    • 2019
  • With respect to the growth and development of innocity from improvements in leisure environments, this research examines the factors that affect the level of satisfaction of innocity leisure environments to propose political implications. In order to do so, 43 leisure activities were chosen, and the level of importance of those activities to the residents prior to moving to the innocity was compared to the level of satisfaction the residents felt regarding the activities after moving. As a result, 13 activities, including literature attendance, had greater levels of satisfaction after moving than the levels of importance prior to moving. The rest (30) activities showed the opposite results. We deduced the factors that affect the level of satisfaction by performing logistic regression analysis on 3 dependent variables. As a result, the static and passive leisure activities had higher satisfactory levels, whereas the dynamic and active had lower satisfactory levels. Thus, innocity must develop culture facilities quickly, expand exercise facilities to support sports activties, and promote tourism by improving and networking with tourist attractions in order to improve future satisfactory levels of leisure activities.

The 4th Industrial Revolution and Job Transition of the People with Disabilities (제4차 산업혁명과 장애인 일자리 추이)

  • Na, Woon-Hwan
    • 재활복지
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.23-39
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    • 2018
  • The fourth industrial revolution and technological innovation will make the job factor of people with disabilities complicated and difficult. Thus, this study analyzed the technical factors influencing the job structure and tried to find a way to develop the job of the people with disabilities in response to the 4th Industrial Revolution by changing the labor market and changing the trend of the employment by industry. The methods for this study are literature research and FGI. First, technological factors affecting the job structure of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are artificial intelligence, Internet and networking of things, 3D printing, big data, Second, technological innovation due to the industrial revolution was a major factor in the job structure. As the industrial revolution and technological innovation progressed, the job structure shifted rapidly from the manufacturing industry to the service industry, Third, as the measures of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the change of the job structure, it is necessary to make preemptive investment for the development of competency to cope with technological innovation, Finally, in order to respond to the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the rapidly changing technological innovation, the basic data of people with disabilities should be able to be big data.

Study on the Type of Selecting Channels through the On-Line about Restaurant Information by Baby Boomer Consumers (베이비부머 소비자의 온라인을 통한 외식정보채널유형 선택에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Soo Ji
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.711-726
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze to 1) the differences according to demographic characteristics 2) select the type-specific communities online channels of the baby boomer customers group, who ever search for restaurant information through on-line for the previous three months. The study was based on a total of 280 samples obtained from on-line networking service users in a metropolitan area from April 15 to 30, 2016. The major findings are as follows. The data were analysed using frequency, factor analysis, cluster analysis and ${\chi}^2test$. According to the results of factor analysis, on-line utilizing attributes were separated into three factors: commitment of useful information, activity of leading on-line, and habit. The based on a factor analysis, cluster analysis was adopted to segment baby boomer customers. The identified four clusters showed in using on-line: type of active utilization, habit, seeking information and passive utilization. The clusters had significant differences in gender and monthly income by demographics. All of four clusters selected blog, face book, twitter in turn through the personal on-line channels. Cluster type of active utilization and habit selected restaurant home pages, restaurant blog, restaurant face book, restaurant twitter in turn through the public on-line channels. Cluster type of seeking information and passively utilization selected restaurant home pages, restaurant blog, restaurant twitter, restaurant face book in turn through the public on-line channels. Implications and future research were also discussed.