• Title/Summary/Keyword: natural lakes

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Studies on the Phisical Environmental Factor Analysis for Water Quality Management in Man-made Lake of Korea (국내 인공댐호의 물리적 환경인자에 의한 호수특성 고찰에 관한 연구)

  • 김좌관;홍욱희
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 1992
  • First, We classified man-made lakes in Korea as 4-type lakes, that is, there were River-run lakes, Dendritic lakes, Reservoir-lakes, River-mouth lakes, We studied on the environmental factors of 3-type lakes except River-mouth lakes, compared these lakes with natural lakes in foreign country. Environmental factors were watershed area, lake storage, mean depth, hydraulic retention time. As a results, 3-type lakes in Korea had remarkable differences one another according to above-mentioned environmental factors. First, We recognized that River-run lakes had higher nutrient loading according to having wider watershed area than natural lakes, and had lower algal growth rate according to shorter hydraulic retention time than natural lakes. Dendritic lake had higher nutrient loading than natural lakes, longer retention time than River-run lake. Reservoir-lakes had environmental factors between Dentritic lakes and River-run lakes. Therefore, If this studies had no quantitative results about various factors, We recognized that man-made lakes in korea had different environmental factors as compared with natural lakes, and had clear classification among 3-type lakes.

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The Status and Prospect of Lake Eutrophication Control Technologies in Korea (호소 부영양화 방지기술의 현황과 전망)

  • 류재근
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 1992
  • This paper included the preventive measures and the prospect of lake eutrophication in korea. All pollution control techniques must be applied after the characteristics of the lakes are surveyed sufficlenty, Most of Korean lakes are the large man-made ones and their characteristics are different from those of natural ones in foreign nation. Some of many techniques for natural lakes can be applied in our lakes also, others must be revised. Lake water quality can be ameliorated only by systematic researches and technologies because lake ecosystem is very complicated. It is impossible to improve water quality with fragmentary and shortterm projects.

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Suggestion for Trophic State Classification of Korean Lakes (우리나라 호소의 영양상태 분류에 관한 제언)

  • Kong, Dongsoo;Kim, Bomchul
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.248-256
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    • 2019
  • Most of the lakes in Korea are artificial, and their limnological characteristics are significantly different from those of natural lakes in other countries. In this study, the relationship between trophic state parameters was investigated, based on summer average data of the upper layer, in 81 lakes in Korea, 2013-2017. Compared with trends of foreign natural lakes, chlorophyll a (Chl.a) concentration was slightly lower at the same total phosphorus (TP) concentration, and transparency (Secchi depth, SD) was noticeably lower at the same Chl.a concentration. This is because of excessive allochthonous loading of non-algal material during the monsoon period, and the reduction in phosphorus availability to algal growth, by light limitation and short hydraulic residence time. Considering these characteristics, we suggested site-specific thresholds of trophic state classification for Chl.a, TP and SD, based on annual average data at the upper layer of lakes ($3-10{\mu}g\;L^{-1}$ of Chl.a measured by UNESCO method; $13-33{\mu}g\;L^{-1}$ of TP; 1.6-3.2 m of SD for mesotrophic state class, respectively). The threshold value of TP for each trophic state class, corresponded to the upper value of previously reported range, and that of SD was out of the range. We suggested applying only TP and Chl.a in assessment of trophic state of lakes in Korea, excluding SD.

Elemental Stoichiometry of Natural Phytoplankton Communities in Reservoirs of the Han River Systems (한강수계 주요 댐호의 식물플랑크톤 군집 세포내 화학양론)

  • Park, Hae-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.665-672
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    • 2014
  • Elemental cellular stoichiometry of natural phytoplankton communities was examined in six large dam reservoirs in the Han River system. Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) contents of the phytoplankton-dominated seston from Lake Soyang was higher than that from other lakes. Phosphorus (P) content showed slight variations among six lakes in the range of $0.04{\sim}0.18{\mu}mol$ P mg $DW^{-1}$. The phosphorus concentrations of lake water showed obvious positive relationship with P and C contents of the phytoplankton-dominated seston. In all six lakes, N:P ratios and C:P ratios in the phytoplankton-dominated seston were more than 23 and 133 respectively, indicating the phytoplankton communities in six lakes have been exposed in phosphorus limited condition. The relative abundance of diatoms showed significant negative correlation with C, N, P contents of the phytoplankton-dominated seston and that of cyanobacteria showed significant positive correlation. Elemental stoichiometry of diatoms-dominated seston showed distinctive less content than that of cyanobacteria-dominated seston. The cellular N:P ratios of diatoms- and cyanobacteria-dominated seston indicate that both main classes of phytoplankton in six lakes are in phosphorus deficiency. Elemental stoichiometry of the phytoplankton-dominated seston in this study could be used for the further ecological stoichiometric studies in six lakes.

The Study of Current Status of Conservation and Management Policy on Wetlands in Korea (우리나라 습지 보전 현황과 향후 관리방향에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Don
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2003
  • Conservation of wetlands are important because wetlands are hatcheries for fishes and habitat for migratory birds and mammals. Wetlands also function as a filter for polluted water and material and transition zone for harboring numerous species of plants and animals. This paper reviewed the importance of wetland conservation and policy on management of wetlands in Korea. Wetland Conservation Act(1999) and Maritime Management Act(1999) are two legislation for conservation of wetlands. Wetland Conservation Act is issued by both Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The definition of wetlands are so diverse, but this paper categorized wetlands as both natural and man-made lakes, mud flat areas and inland wetlands. Management application was considered for each wetland categories.

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Dinophyceae Fluctuations in Two Alpine Lakes of Contrasting Size During a 10-Year Fortnightly Survey

  • Trevisan, R.;Pertile, R.;Bronamonte, V.;Dazzo, F.B.;Squartini, A.
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.754-762
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    • 2012
  • Colbricon Superiore and Inferiore are two small adjacent high-mountain lakes located in the Paneveggio Natural Park (Italy) that offer the rare opportunity to study two iso-ecologic water environments differing only by area and volume in a ratio of 2:1 and 3:1, respectively. We took advantage of this setting to investigate phytoplankton dynamics, compare variability and productivity differences between the two basins, and assess size-dependent issues. The phytoplankton group of the Dinophyceae was chosen as the indicator organisms of ecological perturbation owing to their high sensitivity to environmental variations, as well as their acknowledged nature of versatile proxy to report global climatic changes. The study was conducted for over 10 years with fortnightly samplings. Results indicated that (a) the Dinophyceae communities in the smaller lake were significantly more resistant to changes exerted by the fluctuation of lakewater transparency and pH; and (b) the smaller lake sustained a consistently higher production with an average Dinophyceae density 1.73 fold higher than that of the larger lake. The coefficients of variation show that the chemical parameters in the smaller lake display higher time-related fluctuation while being spatially homogeneous and that such conditions correlate with a higher stability of the Dinophyceae assemblage. The use of this setting is also proposed as a model to test relationships between ecosystem production and physical stability.

The Distribution and Geomorphic Changes of Natural Lakes in East Coast Korea (한반도 동해안의 자연호 분포와 지형 환경 변화)

  • Lee, Min-Boo;Kim, Nam-Shin;Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.449-460
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to analyze distribution of natural lakes including lagoonal lake(lagoon) and tributary dammed lake(tributary lake) and calculate the size, morphology in order to interpret time-serial change of lakes using methodology of remote sensing images(1990s), GIS and topographic maps(1920s) in east coast of Korean Peninsular. Analysis results show that in 1990s, there are 57 natural lakes, with the total size of $75.62km^2$ over size $0.01km^2$. marine-origin lagoons are 48 with total size of $64.85km^2$, composing 85% of total natural lake, and the largest lagoon is Beonpo in Raseon City. Tributary lakes have been formed by damming of tributary channels by fluvial sand bars from main stream, located nearby at coastal zone, similar to lagoon sites. Large tributary lake, Jangyeonho, is developed in lava plateau dissection valley of Eorang Gun, Hamnam Province. There are more distributed at Duman River mouth$\sim$Cheongjin City, Heungnam City$\sim$Hodo Peninsular and Anbyeon Gun$\sim$Gangreung City. Geomorphometrically, correlation of size to circumference is very high, but correlation of size to shape irregularity is very low. The direction of lagoonal coast, NW-SE and NE-SW are predominated due to direction of tectonic structure and longshore currents. The length of the river into lake are generally short, maximum under 15km, and lake size is smaller, degree of size decreasing is higher. Geomorphic patterns of the lake location are classified as coast-hill range, coastal plain, coastal plain-channel valley, coastal plain-hill range and channel valley-hill range. During from 1920s to 1990s, change with lake size decreasing is highest at coastal plain-channel valley, next is coastal plain. Causes of the size decreasing are fluvial deposition from upper rivers and human impacts such as reclamation.

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A Study on Indicator Bacteria for Water Quality Management of Urban Artificial Lakes (도심지역 인공호의 수질관리를 위한 지표세균에 관한 연구)

  • Chu, Duk-Sung;Kwon, Hyuk-Ku;Lee, Sang-Eun;Lee, Jang-Hoon
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.299-305
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    • 2007
  • Distribution of fecal pollution indicator bacteria and environmental parameter were investigated of urban artificial lakes. An average concentration of temperature, pH, SS, DO, $COD_{Mn}$, T-P, T-N, Turbidity, Chl-a were $21.5^{\circ}C$, 8.07, 116.70 mg/l, 8.66 mg/l, 2.24 mg/1, 0.52 mg/l, 1.71mg/l, 80.54 NTU, and 52.12 mg/l respectively. From the results of bivariate correlation analysis, fecal contamination indicator bacteria were found to be mutually correlated. And turbidity and suspended solid were correlated. From the results of principal component analysis, four factors were extracted. And four factors of variance explained up to 81.5 percentage. Factor 1 was pollution pattern by fecal contamination, factor 2 was physical pollution pattern by pollution source, factor 3 was natural pollution by precipitation, and factor 4 was artificial pollution pattern by organism.

Evaluation of Affecting Factors for Refractory Organics Accumulated in the Lakes (호소의 난분해 물질 축적 영향요인의 평가)

  • Kim, Sungwon;Kim, Geonha;Choi, Euiso
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.720-726
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    • 2006
  • Long-term monitoring results of water qualities at major lakes in Korea showed COD (chemical oxygen demand) concentrations have been increasing while BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) concentrations have been decreasing during last decades. This was mainly due to refractory organic matters have been accumulated in the water body. In this study, the possible causes of COD concentration increase were evaluated. From the statistics, it can be understood that potent pollutant sources including fertilizer consumption, population, livestock, and carbon uptake have increased. Leaching tests were carried out with soils and biomasses sampled at agricultural-forestry area. From the leaching experiments, leachate qualities as a ratio of $COD_{Cr}/BOD$ were in the range of 2.5-5.0, implying that NOM (natural organic matters) discharged from the forestry area was mainly responsible for the COD accumulation. It can be understood from this research that diffuse pollutants from forestry areas should be controlled properly to reduce COD accumulation in the lakes.

The Distribution of POC and DOC in Four Reservoirs on the North Han River and the Relationship with Algal Density (북한강수계 호수의 POC와 DOC 분포와 조류밀도의 관계)

  • Kim, Kiyong;Kim, Bomchul;Eom, Jaesung;Choi, Youngsoon;Jang, Changwon;Park, Hae-kyung
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.840-848
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    • 2009
  • Spatial and temporal distributions of POC and DOC were surveyed in the North Han River system, Korea The proportion of algal cells was calculated in four reservoirs (Lakes Soyang, Paro, Chunchon, and Uiam). Monthly average DOC concentrations ranged from 1.5 to 2.3 mg C/L, and POC showed larger variation than DOC (range 0.3 to 1.9 mg C/L). The average proportion of POC in TOC was higher than those of typical natural lakes. Due to the influence of the Asian summer monsoon, the seasonal variation in POC concentration depended on heavy rain events occurring during the summer. POC concentrations increased during the summer monsoon season due to turbid storm runoff laden with debris, while DOC concentrations did not increase. The highest POC concentrations were observed in Lake Soyang in 2006 when a severe rain event occurred. In two deep stratified reservoirs (Lake Soyang and Paro) storm runoffs formed an intermediate turbidity layer with high POC and chlorophyll concentrations which is thought to originate from terrestrial debris and periphyton transported by inflowing streams. The proportion of algal cells in total POC was much lower than for most natural lakes, and it varied with season; low in the monsoon season and high in dry seasons with algal blooms. An analysis of POC concentration and chlorophyll a concentration showed that the ratio of POC/Chl.a varied from 24 to 80.