• 제목/요약/키워드: multiple spurious operation

검색결과 5건 처리시간 0.017초

국내 원자력발전소의 화재사건 확률론적안전성평가에서 다중오동작 분석 연구 (A Study on the Multiple Spurious Operation Analysis in Fire Events Probabilistic Safety Assessment of Domestic Nuclear Power Plant)

  • 강대일;정용훈;최선영;황미정
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제33권6호
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    • pp.136-143
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we conducted a pilot study on the multiple spurious operations (MSO) analysis in the fire probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) of domestic nuclear power plant (NPP) to identify the degree of influence of the operator actions used in the MSO mitigation strategies. The MSO scenario of the domestic reference NPP selected for this study is refueling water tank (RWT) drain down event. It could be caused by spurious operations of the containment spray system (CSS) of the reference NPP. The RWT drain down event can be stopped by the main control room (MCR) operator actions for stopping the operation of CSS pump or closing the CSS motor operated valve if the containment spray actuation signal (CSAS) is spuriously actuated. Outside the MCR, it can be stopped by operator actions for closing the CSS manual valves or motor operated valve or stopping the operation of CSS pump. The quantification result of a fire PSA model that takes into account all recovery actions for the RWT drain down event lead to risk reduction by about 95%, compared with quantification result of fire PSA model without considering them. Among the various operator actions, the recovery action for the spurious CSAS operations and the operator action for the manual valve are identified as the most important operator actions. This study quantitatively showed the extent to which the operator actions used as MSO countermeasures have affected the fire PSA quantification results. In addition, we can see the rank of importance among the operator recovery actions in quantitative terms.

Analysis of multiple spurious operation scenarios of Korean PHWRs using guidelines of nuclear power plants in U.S.

  • Kim, Jaehwan;Jin, Sukyeong;Kim, Seongchan;Bae, Yeonkyoung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제51권7호
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    • pp.1765-1775
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    • 2019
  • Multiple spurious operations (MSOs) mean multiple fire induced circuit faults causing an undesired operation of one or more systems or components. The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) of the United States published NEI 00-01 as guidelines for solving MSOs. And this guideline includes MSO scenarios of pressurized water reactor (PWR) and boiling water reactor (BWR). Nuclear power plant operators in U.S. analyzed MSOs under MSO scenarios included in NEI 00-01 and operators of PWRs in Korea also analyzed MSOs under the scenarios of NEI 00-01. As there are no pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs) in the United States, MSO scenarios of PHWRs are not included in the NEI 00-01 and any feasible scenarios have not been developed. This paper developed MSO scenarios which can be applied to PHWRs by reviewing the 63 MSO scenarios included in NEI 00-01. This study found that seven scenarios out of the 63 MSO scenarios can be applied and three more scenarios need to be developed.

결정론적 화재방호요건을 기반으로 한 원자력발전소 화재모델링 현장실사 수행절차 개발 (Development of Walk-down Performance Procedures for Fire Modeling of Nuclear Power Plants based on Deterministic Fire Protection Requirements)

  • 문종설;이재호
    • 한국화재소방학회논문지
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    • 제33권6호
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    • pp.43-52
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    • 2019
  • 본 연구에서는 결정론적 화재방호 요건을 기반으로 하는 원자력발전소 화재모델링 현장실사(Walk-down) 수행절차를 개발하였다. 원전 화재모델링 현장실사 수행절차는 도면에 정확히 표시되지 않은 안전정지 기기 및 케이블에 대한 위치를 파악하고, 가연물 및 점화원의 존재여부와 위치를 파악하는 과정을 포함한다. 본 연구에서 개발한 현장 실사 절차의 성능을 검증하기 위해서 가상의 다중오동작 시나리오에 대해 샘플 안전정지 중요기기 및 케이블을 선정하였다. 또한 선정된 안전정지 기기 및 케이블을 대상으로 가상의 화재모델링 시나리오를 도출하여 이에 대한 실제 현장실사를 수행하였다. 현장실사를 통해서 수집한 발전소 정보는 화재모델링을 위한 입력 값을 도출하는데 사용될 수 있도록 도면에서 얻은 정보와 비교·검토 되었다.

교육용 가상원전을 이용한 화재안전정지분석에 관한 연구 (Study on Post-Fire Safe Shutdown Analysis using an Imaginary Plant for Training)

  • 이재호;김진홍
    • 한국화재소방학회논문지
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구에서는 다중오동작을 포함하고 있는 화재안전정지분석 교육자료를 개발하기 위하여 가상원전에서의 화재안전정지분석을 결정론적 화재분석코드를 사용하여 수행하였다. 교육용 가상원전은 원자로건물과 보조건물로 이루어졌고, 총 22개의 방화지역으로 구성되었다. 교육용 가상원전의 각 방화지역에는 밸브, 펌프, 비상디젤발전기, 스위치기어, 모터제어반, 로직컨트롤러 등의 기기가 배치되었다. 교육용 가상원전 기기들은 두 개의 케이블로 연결되었으며, 각 케이블은 케이블 트레이를 따라서 방화지역을 지나간다고 가정했다. 방화지역분석을 위해 교육용 가상원전에 대한 기기 및 케이블 정보를 데이터베이스화하였고, 다중오동작 시나리오, 기기로직 및 케이블로직을 가정하여 방화지역분석을 수행하였다. 방화지역 분석결과 문제가 되는 케이블과 케이블 트레이에 대해서 3시간 내화성능으로 케이블을 래핑하는 완화조치를 적용하였다.

원전 화재위험도분석에서 전기회로분석 검증방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Verification Scheme for Electrical Circuit Analysis of Fire Hazard Analysis in Nuclear Power Plant)

  • 임현태;오승준;김위경
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.114-122
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    • 2015
  • In a fire hazard analysis (FHA) for nuclear power plant, various electrical circuit analyses are performed in the parts of fire loading analysis, fire modeling analysis, separation criteria analysis, associated circuit analysis, and multiple spurious operation analysis. Thus, electrical circuit analyses are very important areas so that reliability of the analysis results should be assured. This study is to establish essential electrical elements for each analysis for verification of the reliability of the electrical circuit analyses in the fire hazard analysis for nuclear power plants. Applying the results derived by the study to domestic nuclear power plants, it is expected to determine the adequacy of the fire hazard analysis report and contribute to the reliability of the fire hazard analysis of those plants.