• Title/Summary/Keyword: multimedia streaming

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A Design and Implementation of a P2P Streaming System with Considering Network Efficiency (망 효율성을 고려한 P2P 스트리밍 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Hong, Seung-Gil;Park, Seung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.567-574
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    • 2013
  • Recently, many researches on P2P overlay network-based multimedia streaming services have been actively performed because of their high scalability and cost-efficiency advantages. However, P2P overlay networks also have the shortcoming of generating higher traffic owing to their unicast-based one-to-many multimedia deliveries. In order to reduce the traffic generated by the P2P streaming overlay network, we propose an ISP and locality-based parent node discovery method and check its feasibility through an implementation of a prototype streaming system. The measurement of RTTs and hop counts for random nodes having different ISPs and localities shows the proposed method to be able to shorten about 32% RTTs and about 17% Hop counts.

Performance analysis of private multimedia caching network based on wireless local area network (WLAN 기반 개인형 멀티미디어 캐싱 네트워크 성능 분석)

  • Ban, Tae-Won;Kim, Seong Hwan;Ryu, Jongyeol;Lee, Woongsup
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.1486-1491
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose a private multimedia caching scheme based on wireless local area network (WLAN) to improve the quality of service for high capacity and high quality multimedia streaming services which are recently increasing and to reduce the traffic load of core networks. The proposed caching scheme stores multimedia in the storage device mounted on WLAN APs and provides streaming services on its own without Internet connection in accordance with the request from clients. We have implemented a test network based on real commercial networks and measured the performance of the proposed caching scheme in terms of frames per second (FPS) and buffering time. According to the performance measurement results, the proposed caching scheme can reduce the average buffering time by 73.3% compared to the conventional streaming scheme. In addition, the proposed caching scheme can also improve the average FPS by 71.3% compared to the conventional streaming scheme.

A Design of Multimedia Streaming Transmission Model for Continuity Guarantee based on IP (IP 기반 연속성 보장을 위한 멀티미디어 스트리밍 전송 모델 설계)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Jin;Ryu, In-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.2305-2310
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    • 2011
  • Recently, communication industry based on data and voice and broadcasting industry centering around images have been rapidly blended. Thereupon, this article aims to suggest a multi-approach method which minimizes the use of network bandwidth allowing multimedia streaming transmission to secure IP-based continuity and let users get multimedia services of one channel or several simultaneously. Also, this study intends to design a buffering strategy that can absorb network delay and an object model to assign and maintain stable channel bandwidth.

Delay-based Rate Control for Multimedia Streaming in the Internet (인터넷에서 멀티미디어 스트리밍을 위한 지연 시간 기반 전송률 제어)

  • Song Yong-Hon;Kim Nam-Yun;Lee Bong-Gyou
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.9B
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    • pp.829-837
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    • 2006
  • Due to the internet network congestion, packets may be dropped or delayed at routers. This phenomenon degrades the quality of streaming applications that require high QoS requirements. The proposed algorithm in this paper, called DBRC(Delay-Based Rate Control), tries to cause router queue occupancy to reach a steady state or equilibrium by throttling the transmission rate of the multimedia traffics when network delays tend to increase and also probing for more bandwidth when network delays tend to decrease. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm provides smooth transmission rate, nearly constant delay and low packet loss rates, compared with TFRC(TCP Friendly Rate Control) that is one of dominant multimedia congestion control algorithms.

Implementation of A Multimedia Streaming System using MPEG-4 (MPEG-4 표준을 이용한 멀티미디어 스트리밍 시스템 구현)

  • 임동근;이정우;김선태;마평수;호요성
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 2001
  • In recent days, research activities on multimedia services mainly focus on the multiplexing system with timing synchromization for media components, such as video, audio and text. The MPEG-4 standard emphasizes object-based coding which includes analysis and understanding of the Image content. Since in MPEG-4 we can define objects and encode them independently, we can manipulate and display each object for different applications. This feature of MPEG-4 is also vero useful for multimedia services, such as video streaming cia different network channels, digital versatile disc, internet TV, video E-mail, and so on. In this Paper, we implement a multimedia streaming system which is compliant with the MPEG-4 system and the MP4 file format.

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MPEG-2 TS Streaming System based on nCUBE RTSP Protocol (nCUBE RTST 기반 MPEG-2 TS 스트리밍 시스템 개발)

  • 조창식;배수영;마평수;강지훈
    • Proceedings of the Korea Multimedia Society Conference
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    • 2003.11b
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    • pp.503-507
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    • 2003
  • 사용자의 고화질 요구와 사업자의 차별화된 서비스 제공 노력의 결과로 기존의 MPEG-4 기반이 아닌 고화질 전용의 MPEG-2 화질을 사용하는 VOD 서비스가 새로운 대안으로 제시되고 있다. MPEG-2 비디오는 높은 네트워크 대역폭을 요구하는 단점이 있는 반면, 사용자에게 양질의 화질을 제공할 수 있으며 표준의 사용으로 컨텐츠 유지. 보수에 유리하다. 본 논문에서는 상용 스트리밍 서버인 nCUBE 서버와 연동하여 MPEG-2 TS 데이터를 스트리밍 하는 VOD 시스템에 대하여 설명한다. VOD 제어 프로토콜로 RTSP(Real Time Streaming Protocol)를 사용하였으며, 스트림 전송 프로토콜로 UDP/IP 방식을 사용하였다. 지원하는 VCR 기능으로는 FF, RW, STOP. Pause가 있다.

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The Effect of Segment Size on Quality Selection in DQN-based Video Streaming Services (DQN 기반 비디오 스트리밍 서비스에서 세그먼트 크기가 품질 선택에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, ISeul;Lim, Kyungshik
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.1182-1194
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    • 2018
  • The Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP(DASH) is envisioned to evolve to meet an increasing demand on providing seamless video streaming services in the near future. The DASH performance heavily depends on the client's adaptive quality selection algorithm that is not included in the standard. The existing conventional algorithms are basically based on a procedural algorithm that is not easy to capture and reflect all variations of dynamic network and traffic conditions in a variety of network environments. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a novel quality selection mechanism based on the Deep Q-Network(DQN) model, the DQN-based DASH Adaptive Bitrate(ABR) mechanism. The proposed mechanism adopts a new reward calculation method based on five major performance metrics to reflect the current conditions of networks and devices in real time. In addition, the size of the consecutive video segment to be downloaded is also considered as a major learning metric to reflect a variety of video encodings. Experimental results show that the proposed mechanism quickly selects a suitable video quality even in high error rate environments, significantly reducing frequency of quality changes compared to the existing algorithm and simultaneously improving average video quality during video playback.

Enhanced TFRC for High Quality Video Streaming over High Bandwidth Delay Product Networks

  • Lee, Sunghee;Roh, Hyunsuk;Lee, Hyunwoo;Chung, Kwangsue
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.344-354
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    • 2014
  • Transmission control protocol friendly rate control (TFRC) is designed to mainly provide optimal service for unicast applications, such as multimedia streaming in the best-effort Internet environment. However, high bandwidth networks with large delays present an environment where TFRC may have a problem in utilizing the full bandwidth. TFRC inherits the slow-start mechanism of TCP Reno, but this is a time-consuming process that may require many round-trip-times (RTTs), until an appropriate sending rate is reached. Another disadvantage inherited from TCP Reno is the RTT-unfairness problem, which severely affects the performance of long-RTT flows. In this paper, we suggest enhanced TFRC for high quality video streaming over high bandwidth delay product networks. First, we propose a fast startup scheme that increases the data rate more aggressively than the slow-start, while mitigating the overshooting problem. Second, we propose a bandwidth estimation method to achieve more equitable bandwidth allocations among streaming flows that compete for the same narrow link with different RTTs. Finally, we improve the responsiveness of TFRC in the presence of severe congestion. Simulation results have shown that our proposal can achieve a fast startup and provide fairness with competing flows compared to the original TFRC.

Cross-layer Video Streaming Mechanism over Cognitive Radio Ad hoc Information Centric Networks

  • Han, Longzhe;Nguyen, Dinh Han;Kang, Seung-Seok;In, Hoh Peter
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.3775-3788
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    • 2014
  • With the increasing number of the wireless and mobile networks, the way that people use the Internet has changed substantively. Wireless multimedia services, such as wireless video streaming, mobile video game, and mobile voice over IP, will become the main applications of the future wireless Internet. To accommodate the growing volume of wireless data traffic and multimedia services, cognitive radio (CR) and Information-Centric Network (ICN) have been proposed to maximize the utilization of wireless spectrum and improve the network performance. Although CR and ICN have high potential significance for the future wireless Internet, few studies have been conducted on collaborative operations of CR and ICN. Due to the lack of infrastructure support in multi-hop ad hoc CR networks, the problem is more challenging for video streaming services. In this paper, we propose a Cross-layer Video Streaming Mechanism (CLISM) for Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Information Centric Networks (CRAH-ICNs). The CLISM included two distributed schemes which are designed for the forwarding nodes and receiving nodes in CRAH-ICNs. With the cross-layer approach, the CLISM is able to self-adapt the variation of the link conditions without the central network controller. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed CLISM efficiently adjust video transmission policy under various network conditions.

Adaptation for Object-based MPEG-4 Content with Multiple Streams (다중 스트림을 이용한 객체기반 MPEG-4 컨텐트의 적응 기법)

  • Cha Kyung-Ae
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, an adaptive algorithm is proposed in streaming MPEG-4 contents with fluctuating resource amount such as throughput of network conditions. In the area of adaptive streaming issue, a lot of researches have been made on how to represent encoded media(such as video) bitstream in scalable way. By contrast, MPEG-4 supports object-based multimedia content which is composed of various types of media streams such as audio, video, image and other graphical elements. Thus, it can be more effective to provide individual media streams in scalable way for streaming object-based content to heterogeneous environment. The proposed method provides the multiple media streams corresponding to an object with different qualities and bit rate in order to support object based scalability to the MPEG-4 content. In addition, an optimal selection of the multiple streams for each object to meet a given constraint is proposed. The selection process is adopted a multiple choice knapsack problem with multi-step selection for the MPEG-4 objects with different scalability levels. The proposed algorithm enforces the optimal selection process to maintain the perceptual qualities of more important objects at the best effort. The experimental results show that the set of selected media stream for presenting objects meets a current transmission condition with more high perceptual quality.

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