• Title/Summary/Keyword: multi-region model

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A Study on the Suggestion of Community Facilities Model in Multi-Family Housing Complexes (공동주택단지 커뮤니티 시설 모델제안 연구)

  • Park, Hoon
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.929-943
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    • 2018
  • Together with the increase of public housing complex, the issues of community following residential environment under contemporary society has become an important issue and the collapse of traditional community has long been emerged as an important social issue. In order to facilitate communities within the public housing complex, various discussions have been continued, and for addressing such an issue under this study, the public housing complexes n Seoul, the capital region and other major cities have been surveyed and analyzed to draw following conclusion as the design-type study to propose a model of community facilities. It displays that there is certain limitation with respect to the diversity of programs when comparing the community facility standard defined under the public housing related laws and regulations. This is attributable to the fact that it is a limitation to satisfy the level of satisfaction for residents that expect the improvement in quality of leisure life, and the facility standard that is standardized around the physical facility environment has certain limitations to enhance the level of satisfaction for residents when the demand has been on the rise with respect to quality. For this fact, the approach in consideration of diversity for the facility standard has to be made in advance. As the utility of external space for the public housing is increased, it is reasonable to consider the plan to secure environment through the architectural factors, and it has the strength in enhancing the utility of internal and external space of the community facilities.

Genotype $\times$ Environment Interaction of Rice Yield in Multi-location Trials (벼 재배 품종과 환경의 상호작용)

  • 양창인;양세준;정영평;최해춘;신영범
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.453-458
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    • 2001
  • The Rural Development Administration (RDA) of Korea now operates a system called Rice Variety Selection Tests (RVST), which are now being implemented in eight Agricultural Research and Extension Services located in eight province RVST's objective is to provide accurate yield estimates and to select well-adapted varieties to each province. Systematic evaluation of entries included in RVST is a highly important task to select the best-adapted varieties to specific location and to observe the performance of entries across a wide range of test sites within a region. The rice yield data in RVST for ordinary transplanting in Kangwon province during 1997-2000 were analyzed. The experiments were carried out in three replications of a random complete block design with eleven entries across five locations. Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction (AMMI) model was employed to examine the interaction between genotype and environment (G$\times$E) in the biplot form. It was found that genotype variability was as high as 66%, followed by G$\times$E interaction variability, 21%, and variability by environment, 13%. G$\times$E interaction was partitioned into two significant (P<0.05) principal components. Pattern analysis was used for interpretation on G$\times$E interaction and adaptibility. Major determinants among the meteorological factors on G$\times$E matrix were canopy minimum temperature, minimum relative humidity, sunshine hours, precipitation and mean cloud amount. Odaebyeo, Obongbyeo and Jinbubyeo were relatively stable varieties in all the regions. Furthermore, the most adapted varieties in each region, in terms of productivity, were evaluated.

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Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessments on Fish Compositions and the Ecological Health of Jeokbyeok River on the Road Construction of Muju-Geumsan Region (무주-금산간 도로건설에 따른 적벽강의 어류 종 조성 분석 및 생태건강도 사전환경성평가)

  • Lee, Sang-Jae;Park, Hee-Sung;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.27-43
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    • 2017
  • The objectives of the study were to evaluate fish compositions, endangered species, community structure, physical habitat, and general water quality for a preliminary environmental impact assessment of Jeokbyeok River on the road construction between two regions. Total number of species and total number of individuals, based on CPUE, were 23 and 1186, respectively. The endangered species (I, II) as the legal protection species were Pseudopungtungia nigra (79 samples) Gobiobotia brevibarba) (5) Gobiobotia macrocephala (2), indicating a requiring of endangered species conservation. In the meantime, exotic species and ecological disturbing species such as Micropterus salmoides and Lepomis macrochirus, were not present, indicating a well conserved area. According to fish community analysis, values of species diversity index were high (range: 0.788 - 1.030), and the dominance index were low (range: 0.097 - 0.183), indicating that the fish community in this area was maintained well without high dominacne by specific species. Also, fish analysis on tolerance guilds and trophic guilds showed that the proportions of sensitive species were largely exceeded the proportions of the tolerant species, while the proportions of insectivore species were largely exceeded the proportions of the omnivore species. This outcome suggests that the ecosystem was well maintained in terms of tolerance and trophic compositions (food chain). Ecological health, based on the multi-metric fish model of Fish Assessment Integrity (FAI), reflected those fish conditions. In other words, values of FAI model averaged 82.4, which means a "good condition" in the criteria of ecological health by the Minstry of Environment, Korea. In addition, general water quality and physical habitat analyses showed that the system was in good condition. Under these conditions, if the road constructions between the two regions happen in the future, inorganic suspended solids may increase in the waterbody, and this may result in indirect or direct influences on the physical habitats and food chain as well as fish compositions, so the ecological protections and prevention strategy from the soil erosion are required in the system.

Quantitative Assessment Technology of Small Animal Myocardial Infarction PET Image Using Gaussian Mixture Model (다중가우시안혼합모델을 이용한 소동물 심근경색 PET 영상의 정량적 평가 기술)

  • Woo, Sang-Keun;Lee, Yong-Jin;Lee, Won-Ho;Kim, Min-Hwan;Park, Ji-Ae;Kim, Jin-Su;Kim, Jong-Guk;Kang, Joo-Hyun;Ji, Young-Hoon;Choi, Chang-Woon;Lim, Sang-Moo;Kim, Kyeong-Min
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 2011
  • Nuclear medicine images (SPECT, PET) were widely used tool for assessment of myocardial viability and perfusion. However it had difficult to define accurate myocardial infarct region. The purpose of this study was to investigate methodological approach for automatic measurement of rat myocardial infarct size using polar map with adaptive threshold. Rat myocardial infarction model was induced by ligation of the left circumflex artery. PET images were obtained after intravenous injection of 37 MBq $^{18}F$-FDG. After 60 min uptake, each animal was scanned for 20 min with ECG gating. PET data were reconstructed using ordered subset expectation maximization (OSEM) 2D. To automatically make the myocardial contour and generate polar map, we used QGS software (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center). The reference infarct size was defined by infarction area percentage of the total left myocardium using TTC staining. We used three threshold methods (predefined threshold, Otsu and Multi Gaussian mixture model; MGMM). Predefined threshold method was commonly used in other studies. We applied threshold value form 10% to 90% in step of 10%. Otsu algorithm calculated threshold with the maximum between class variance. MGMM method estimated the distribution of image intensity using multiple Gaussian mixture models (MGMM2, ${\cdots}$ MGMM5) and calculated adaptive threshold. The infarct size in polar map was calculated as the percentage of lower threshold area in polar map from the total polar map area. The measured infarct size using different threshold methods was evaluated by comparison with reference infarct size. The mean difference between with polar map defect size by predefined thresholds (20%, 30%, and 40%) and reference infarct size were $7.04{\pm}3.44%$, $3.87{\pm}2.09%$ and $2.15{\pm}2.07%$, respectively. Otsu verse reference infarct size was $3.56{\pm}4.16%$. MGMM methods verse reference infarct size was $2.29{\pm}1.94%$. The predefined threshold (30%) showed the smallest mean difference with reference infarct size. However, MGMM was more accurate than predefined threshold in under 10% reference infarct size case (MGMM: 0.006%, predefined threshold: 0.59%). In this study, we was to evaluate myocardial infarct size in polar map using multiple Gaussian mixture model. MGMM method was provide adaptive threshold in each subject and will be a useful for automatic measurement of infarct size.

A Study on Operation Strategy by Multi-variate Regression of Deagu Arboretum Visitor's Satisfaction (대구수목원 이용객 만족모델을 통한 운영 방안 연구)

  • Kang, Kee-Rae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.101 no.1
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    • pp.36-45
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    • 2012
  • Education on the environment and plants offered by arboretum for today's people not only contribute to foster a better natural environment in urban region but also provide visitors with decent refreshment environment and beyond. In the study, the author undertook the observation on usage behavior and satisfaction model of arboretum visitors expect and investigated the facilities and programs to be offered by arboretum in order to propose the opinion regarding the service. For observation size of variables in a multiple regression analysis of variables is influencing satisfaction rankings walks the line of flow, the educational effect on the environment, cleanliness of the facility, visits pay, natural beauty, diversity of trees, accessibility and friendliness of staff, expansion of facilities in the arboretum and appeared as a complement. In case of visitor attribute, the residents living near the facility showed the highest visit frequency of more than 5 times, especially as part of taking a walk. This proves that the visit to arboretum is considered as part of everyday life, and thus a new program and walk path as well as movement route are needed to be developed for the visitors. In the question relating to the facilities and operation programs in Daegu Arboretum, particularly the requests by visitors, they responded that the establishment of cultural event, beautiful natural scenery, refreshment and convenience facilities is the most critical issue. In addition, the management on withered trees and bare lands is an urgent issue as well. In this sense, the Operation and Management Strategies based upon the visitor behaviors and model of satisfaction are needed to deal with the adoption of diverse events and festivals joined by local residents, ombudsman program, environmental program development for students and teachers within the region, negligent bare lands and withered tree replacement, and cafeteria facility improvement and supplement as well as the bench marking of other facilities than arboretums located in other regions. These items are thought to be sufficiently dealt with by Daegu Arboretum having no more external resources. It is recognized that the visitor satisfaction begins from a minor thing, and a small difference determines a great satisfaction, and thus the software approach rather than hardware one is in need.

Evaluations of Ecological Habitat, Chemical Water Quality, and Fish Multi-Metric Model in Hyeongsan River Watershed (형산강 수계의 생태 서식지, 화학적 수질 및 어류의 다변수모델 평가)

  • Kim, Yu-Pyo;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.279-287
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    • 2010
  • This study was to evaluate ecological conditions of Hyeongsan River watershed from April to September 2009. The ecological health assessments was based on Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI), water chemistry during 2000~2009, and the fish multi-metric model, Index of Biological Integrity (IBI). For the study, the models of IBI and QHEI were modified as 8 and 11 metric attributes, respectively. Values of IBI averaged 25.4 (n=6), which is judged as a "fair" condition (C) after the criteria of Barbour et al. (1999). The distinct spatial variation was found in the IBI. Physical habitat health, based on the values of QHEI, varied from 76 in the downriver (H6) to 150.5 in the headwater (H1) and was evidently more disturbed in the downriver reach. Values of BOD and COD averaged 2.4 $mgL^{-1}$ (range: 0.3~13.8 $mgL^{-1}$) and 4.3 $mgL^{-1}$ (scope: 0.6~12.8 $mgL^{-1}$), respectively during the study period. Total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) averaged 3.0 $mgL^{-1}$ and 103.5 ${\mu}gL^{-1}$, respectively, indicating a severe eutrophication, and the nutrients increased more in the downriver than the headwater. Overall, physical, chemical and IBI parameters showed a typical downriver degradation along main axis of the river from the headwater-to-the downriver. This was mainly attributed to livestock waste and residential influences along with industrial discharge from the urban region.

Inverse characterization method for color gamut extension in multi-color printer (색역 확장을 위한 멀티 칼라 프린터의 역 특성화 방법)

  • Jang, In-Su;Son, Chang-Hwan;Park, Tae-Yong;Ha, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.44 no.2 s.314
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    • pp.46-54
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    • 2007
  • In current printer industry, four or more colorants are added for color gamut extension because the gamut of printer is smaller than other devices. However, these additional colorants make a redundancy problem that several combinations of colorants reproduced same color stimulus in colorimetric inverse characterization process. Thus, we propose a method of colorimetric inverse characterization using color correlation between colorant's amount. First, for analyzing the combination of colorants which represent the same color stimulus, we estimate the color stimulus for all combination of colorants by Cellular Yule-Nielsen Spectral Neugebauer printer model. The combination of colorants which has higher color correlation factor comparing combinations of colorant around itself in color space is selected. It can reduced the color difference from the tetrahedral interpolation process which is estimation of the output value(colorants combination) for arbitrary input(color stimulus). The selected combinations of colorants and their color stimulus are stored to the lookup table. In experiment, the CMYKGO printer was used. As a result, the dark region of color gamut was extended and the color tone was more naturally represented.

A GIS-based Analysis of Spatial Patterns of Individual Accessibility: A Critical Examination of Spatial Accessibility Measures (GIS를 이용한 접근성의 공간적 패턴 분석: 공간적 접근성 측정방법에 대한 비판적 검토)

  • Kim Hyun-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.5 s.110
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    • pp.514-532
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to critically examine conventional spatial measures of individual accessibility, which are based on the notion of spatial proximity, the single reference location, and the unlinked travel model. Using space-time accessibility measures with the travel-activity diary data set of Portland Metro, US, three expectations from spatial measures on spatial patterns of individual accessibility were empirically examined: (1) does individual accessibility decrease with an increase of distance from the CBD?; (2) does the spatial pattern of accessibility resemble that of urban opportunity density pattern?; and (3) are spatial patterns of individual accessibility of different socio- demographic population groups basically similar as people in the same area share the same geographic characteristics regardless of gender, race, age, and so on? First of all, the results showed that spatial variations in individual accessibility were not directly determined by spatial proximity and opportunity density as suggested by previous accessibility measures. The spatial pattern of individual accessibility was dramatically different from that of urban opportunity density High peaks of accessibility level were found far away from the CBD and regional centers. This finding might be associated with the importance of multi-reference locations and linked travels in shaping accessibility in reality. Furthermore, this study found that spatial patterns of accessibility clearly differ between men and women. These findings suggest that access requires more than proximity, and that the interaction between person-specific space-time constraints and the consequential availability of urban opportunities in space-time renders different accessibility experiences to people even in the same region, which would be one of the key ingredients missing from conventional spatial measures of accessibility.

High Resolution InSAR Phase Simulation using DSM in Urban Areas (도심지역 DSM을 이용한 고해상도 InSAR 위상 시뮬레이션)

  • Yoon, Geun-Won;Kim, Sang-Wan;Lee, Yong-Woong;Lee, Dong-Cheon;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2011
  • Since the radar satellite missions such as TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed were launched in 2007, the spatial resolution of spaceborne SAR(Synthetic Aperture Radar) images reaches about 1 meter at spotlight mode. In 2011, the first Korean SAR satellite, KOMPSAT-5, will be launched, operating at X-band with the highest spatial resolution of 1 m as well. The improved spatial resolution of state-of-the-art SAR sensor suggests expanding InSAR(Interferometric SAR) analysis in urban monitoring. By the way, the shadow and layover phenomena are more prominent in urban areas due to building structure because of inherent side-looking geometry of SAR system. Up to date the most conventional algorithms do not consider the return signals at the frontage of building during InSAR phase and SAR intensity simulation. In this study the new algorithm introducing multi-scattering in layover region is proposed for phase and intensity simulation, which is utilized a precise LIDAR DSM(Digital Surface Model) in urban areas. The InSAR phases simulated by the proposed method are compared with TerraSAR-X spotlight data. As a result, both InSAR phases are well matched, even in layover areas. This study will be applied to urban monitoring using high resolution SAR data, in terms of change detection and displacement monitoring at the scale of building unit.

Investigation of Hydraulic Flow Properties around the Mouths of Deep Intake and Discharge Structures at Nuclear Power Plant by Numerical Model (수치모의를 통한 원자력 발전소 심층 취·배수 구조물 유·출입구 주변에서의 수리학적 흐름특성 고찰)

  • Lee, Sang Hwa;Yi, Sung Myeon;Park, Byong Jun;Lee, Han Seung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.2A
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2012
  • A cooling system is indispensable for the fossil and nuclear power plants which produce electricity by rotating the turbines with hot steam. A cycle of the typical cooling system includes pumping of seawater at the intake pump house, exchange of heat at the condenser, and discharge of hot water to the sea. The cooling type of the nuclear power plants in Korea recently evolves from the conventional surface intake/discharge systems to the submerged intake/discharge systems that minimize effectively an intake temperature rise of the existing plants and that are beneficial to the marine environment by reducing the high temperature region with an intensive dilution due to a high velocity jet and density differential at the mixing zone. It is highly anticipated that the future nuclear power plants in Korea will accommodate the submerged cooling system in credit of supplying the lower temperature water in the summer season. This study investigates the approach flow patterns at the velocity caps and discharge flow patterns from diffusers using the 3-D computational fluid dynamics code of $FLOW-3D^{(R)}$. The approach flow test has been conducted at the velocity caps with and without a cap. The discharge flow from the diffuser was simulated for the single-port diffuser and multi-ports diffuser. The flow characteristics to the velocity cap with a cap demonstrate that fish entrainment can significantly be minimized on account of the low vertical flow component around the cap. The flow pattern around the diffuser is well agreed with the schematic diagram by Jirka and Harleman.