• Title/Summary/Keyword: multi-layer glazing

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The Sensitivity Analysis of Thermal Expansion Breakage of Multi-layer Glazing in Building Envelope (건물 외피에 적용된 복층창의 열팽창 파손에 대한 민감도 분석 연구)

  • Yoon, Jong-Ho;Kim, Seung-Chul;Im, Kyung-Up;Oh, Myeong-Hwan
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.93-97
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    • 2014
  • Curtain wall system of office buildings has recently become very common in Korea. As the multi-layer curtain glazing is exposed to outdoor environment, it is very subjected to direct environmental impact. Consequently, breakage and cracks of glazing due to heat expansion is frequently observed. This study explores various causes and aspects for destruction of multi-layer glazing. A sensitivity analysis was performed on the basis that thermal changes causes damage to the multi-layer glazing. Air temperature in air cavity within the multi-layer glazing was examined to find its effect on multi-layer glazing breakage. Analysis showed high deflection to depth ratio of 1:1.8 and that higher the aspect ratio, smaller is the deflection. Allowable pressure showed that the weakest value is for aspect ratio of 1:2.9. Sensitivity analysis by the area of the glazing showed that as area of glazing becomes higher, allowable pressure and deflection-depth ratio becomes smaller. For allowable pressure and allowable deflection-depth within air cavity, the glazing breakage occurred at least $107^{\circ}C$. The results from glazing breakage by thermal factor shows that it is hard to break the glazing with only an increase in air cavity temperature in multi-layer glazing applied in buildings.

The Condensation Risk Assessment of Vacuum Multi-Layer Glass and Triple Glass using the Temperature Difference Ratio (진공복층 유리와 3중 유리의 결로 위험성 평가)

  • Won, Jong-Seo;Nam, Jung-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.25 no.11
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    • pp.573-577
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    • 2013
  • An external window directly affects the energy performance of its building. In modern well-insulated buildings, U-values for walls of 0.36 $W/m^2K$ or even lower can be realized. In such buildings, glazing with typical U-value of 2.1 $W/m^2K$ or higher creates thermal weak spots on the facade. The performance of the existing triple glass window has been limited to energy savings and condensation prevention. In this study, the performance of condensation prevention of a vacuum multi-layer glass was analyzed. The final conclusion through mock-up experiments is as follows. The surface temperature of the vacuum multi-layer glass was $2^{\circ}C$ higher, and the temperature difference ratio (TDR) was 0.07 lower, than the corresponding values of the triple glass.