• Title/Summary/Keyword: multi-band

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Paschen ${\alpha}$ Galactic Plane Survey with MIRIS: the Preliminary Results for $l=280^{\circ}-100^{\circ}$

  • Kim, Il-Joong;Pyo, Jeonghyun;Jeong, Woong-Seob;Han, Wonyong;Park, Won-Kee;Lee, Dukhang;Moon, Bongkon;Park, Sung-Joon;Park, Youngsik;Lee, Dae-Hee;Ko, Kyeongyeon;Seon, Kwang-Il;Kim, Min Gyu;Lee, Hyung Mok;Matsumoto, Toshio
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.78.2-78.2
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    • 2014
  • MIRIS (Multi-purpose Infrared Imaging System) is the primary payload on the Korean science and technology satellite, STSAT-3, which was launched on 2013 November 21. It is designed to observe the near-infrared sky with a $3.67^{\circ}{\times}3.67^{\circ}$ field of view and a $51.6^{{\prime}{\prime}}{\times}51.6^{{\prime}{\prime}}$ pixel resolution. Using two narrow-band filters at $1.88{\mu}m$ (Pa ${\alpha}$ line) and $1.84+1.92{\mu}m$ (Pa ${\alpha}$ dual continuum), the Paschen ${\alpha}$ Galactic plane survey has been carrying out, and the area for the Galactic longitude from $+280^{\circ}$ to $+100^{\circ}$ (with the width of $-3^{\circ}$ < b < $+3^{\circ}$) has been covered by 2014 August 31. In this contribution, we present the preliminary results of the MIRIS Paschen ${\alpha}$ emission maps and compare them with other wavelength maps such as $H{\alpha}$ and dust maps. Many of the Paschen ${\alpha}$ features have been detected along the plane, and some of them are weak or invisible in the $H{\alpha}$ map and coincide well with dense cloud regions.

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Intra-night optical variability of AGN in COSMOS field

  • Kim, Joonho;Karouzos, Marios;Im, Myungshin;Kim, Dohyeong;Jun, Hyunsung;Lee, Joon Hyeop;Pallerola, Mar Mezcua
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.64.2-64.2
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    • 2016
  • Optical variability is one way to probe the nature of the central engine of AGN at smaller linear scales and previous studies have shown that optical variability is more prevalent at longer timescales and at shorter wavelengths. Especially, intra-night variability can be explained through the damped random walk model but small samples and inhomogeneous data have made constraining this model hard. To understand the properties and physical mechanism of optical variability, we are performing the KMTNet Active Nuclei Variability Survey (KANVaS). Test data of KMTNet in the COSMOS field was obtained over 2 separate nights during 2015, in B, V, R, and I bands. Each night was composed of 5 and 9 epochs with ~30 min cadence. To find AGN in the COSMOS field, we applied multi-wavelength selection methods. Different selection methods means we are looking different region in unification model of AGN, and 100~120, 400~500, 50~100 number of AGN are detected in X-ray, mid-infrared, and radio selection of AGN, respectively. We performed image convolution to reflect seeing fluctuation, then differential photometry between the selected AGN and nearby stars to achieve photometric uncertainty ~0.01mag. We employed one of the standard time-series analysis tools to identify variable AGN, chi-square test. Preliminarily results indicate that intra-night variability is found for X-ray selected, Type1 AGN are 23.6%, 26.4%, 21.3% and 20.7% in the B, V, R, and I band, respectively. The majority of the identified variable AGN are classified as Type 1 AGN, with only a handful of Type 2 AGN showing evidence for variability. The work done so far confirms that there are type and wavelength dependence of intra-night optical variability of AGN.

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Combined Hybrid Beamforming and Spatial Multiplexing for Millimeter-Wave Massive MIMO Systems (밀리미터파 Massive MIMO 시스템을 위한 공간 다중화 및 하이브리드 빔 형성)

  • Ju, Sang-Lim;Lee, Byung-Jin;Kim, Nam-Il;Kim, Kyung-Seok
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2018
  • Recently, as required wireless communication traffic increase, millimeter wave mobile technologies that can secure broadband spectrum are gaining attention. However, the path loss is high in the millimeter wave channel. Massive MIMO system is being researched in which can complement the path loss by beamforming by equiped large-scale antenna at the base station. While legacy beamforming techniques have analog and digital methods, practical difficulties exist for application to massive MIMO systems in terms of system complexity and cost. Therefore, this paper studies a hybrid beamforming scheme for massive MIMO system in the millimeter wave band. Also this paper considers spatial multiplexing scheme to serve multi-users with multiple received antennas. Gains of the beamforming and the spatial multiplexing schemes are evaluated by analyzing the spectral efficiency.

Output Voltage Harmonics Analysis of NPC Type Three-level Inverter (NPC형 3레벨 인버터의 출력전압 고조파 분석)

  • Kwon, Kyoung-Min;Choi, Jae-Ho;Chung, Gyo-Bum
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.472-480
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    • 2009
  • This paper describes the overmodulative SVPWM technique and harmonics analyses of three phase NPC type three-level inverter to the modulation index. Three phase NPC type three-level inverter adopted SVPWM to extend the linear region to 0.907, moreover, the following voltage compensation using Fourier series was adopted in the region of overmodulation to make it work to six-step level. PD type of multi carrier method is used with the double Fourier series for the analysis of output power harmonics characteristic. Simulation was performed by PSIM, and the harmonics characteristics of 3-level inverter in each region are analyzed. The side band harmonics of carrier frequency are dominant in the linear region, but these harmonic components are decreased as the inveter goes to overmodulation region, and the harmonics due to the fundamental frequency is increased gradually at the same time. The harmonic analyses are verified through the simulation and experimental results under the same condition.

Power Efficient Multi-level Digital Transmission Technique in Non-Linear Mobile Satellite Channel (비선형 이동위성 통신채널에서 전력 효율적 고차 디지털 전송 방식)

  • 이상진;강우석;서종수
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.24 no.8A
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    • pp.1133-1140
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    • 1999
  • In order to provide high-speed wide-band multimedia services via Low earth(LEO) mobile satellire, power and bandwidth efficient digital transmission technique should to employed. This paper analyzes the performance of Trellis-soded 16QAM and 8PSK-2AM which can transmit twice as much inforemation as QPSK in nonlinearly amplified LEO mobile satellite channel. In the analysis the nonlinear mobile satellite channel is modelled by Rician fading channel amplified by Fujitsu's GaAs FET HPA. Our simulation result shows that 8PSK-2AM is less sensitive to the satellite channel nonlinear distortion and its BER performance is better than that of 16QAM. The BER performance of 8PSK-2AM is further improved by optimizing its signal constellation. Accocordingly it is found that Trellis-coded 8PSK-2AM could provide multimedia services such as Satellite Internet, DBS, DAB and ISDB more efficiently in the power and bandwidth limited mobile satellite channel.

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Non-coherent TOA Estimation Method based on IR-UWB in Multiple SOP Environments (다중 SOP 환경하에서 IR-UWB 기반의 Non-coherent TOA 추정 기법)

  • Park, Woon-Yong;Park, Cheol-Ung;Choi, Sung-Soo;Lee, Won-Cheol
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.11A
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    • pp.1086-1095
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    • 2007
  • This paper proposes a novel non-coherent TOA estimation scheme using multiple correlation process on the existence of multiple simultaneously operating piconets (SOPs). Impulse radio-ultra wideband (IR-UWB) based on direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) using Gold sequence is employed in order to discriminate each piconet. In order to enhance the characteristic of correlation, this paper presents the method of multiple mask operation (MMO). The time of arrival (TOA) of direct line of sight (DLOS) path is estimated via two step coarse/fine timing detection. To verify the performance of proposed scheme, two distinct channel models approved by IEEE 802.15.4a Task Group (TG) are considered. According to the simulation results, it could conclude that the proposed scheme have performed better performance than the conventional method well even in densed indoor multi-path environment as well as in the existence of multiple SOPs.

Study Of Millimeter-Wave Passive Imaging Sensor Using the Horn Array Antenna (혼 배열 안테나를 이용한 밀리미터파 수동 이미징 센서 연구)

  • Lim, Hyun-Jun;Chae, Yeon-Sik;Kim, Mi-Ra;Rhee, Jin-Koo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.74-79
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    • 2010
  • We have designed a millimeter-wave passive imaging sensor with multi-horn antenna array. Six horn array antenna is suggested that it is integrated into one housing, and this antenna is effectively configurated m space to assemble with LNA of WR-10 structure. Antenna is designed to have the peak gain of 17.5dBi at the center frequency of 94GHz, and the return loss of less than -25dB in W-band, and the small aperture size of $6mm{\times}9mm$ for antenna configuration with high resolution. LNA is designed to have total gain of more than 55dB and noise figure of less than 5dB for good sensitivity. We made a detector for DC output translation of millimeter-wave signal with zero bias Schottky diode. It is shown that good sensitivity of more than 500mV/mW.

Reduction of Electromagnetic Interference between the LCD Driving Module and WWAN Antennas (LCD 구동 모듈과 WWAN 안테나 간의 전자기 간섭 감소에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, In-Bok;Park, Jin-Hyun;Kang, Il-Heung;Kim, Hong-Joon;Woo, Dong-Sik;Kim, Kang-Wook
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.716-722
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we analyzed the RF interactions between WWAN antennas and an LCD driving module inside the cover of a notebook computer, and discussed reduction method of RF coupling. In order to simulate the RF noise source from the LCD driving module, a multi-band antenna was designed and used with a simplified notebook model to test the RF coupling phenomena. We verified that the RF noise coupling is enhanced at certain frequencies due to cavity structure formed inside the notebook computer. Also, we showed that conductive barrier walls, which are inserted inside the notebook, could be effective in reducing RF coupling.

Omnidirectional Collinear Antenna Using for Multi-Layer PCB Structure (다층 PCB 구조를 이용한 전방향성 코리니어 안테나)

  • Jung, Huyk;Suh, Kyoung-Whoan
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.1133-1136
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we proposed a collinear antenna with a stripline structure for IEEE 802.11b/g applications in ISM (Industrial, Scientific, Medical) band of 2.4~2.5 GHz, which supplements disadvantages of COCO(Coaxial Collinear) antenna and OMA(Omnidirectional planar Microstrip Antenna). By using the proposed 4-layer substrate, we obtained improved performances and advantages in production compared with the existing antenna. In order to get antenna arrays, the same phase structure is designed by alternatively connecting outer conductor to inner conductor with ${\lambda}$/2 antenna element, and the substrate of FR4 epoxy (${\epsilon}_r$=4.4, tan${\delta}$=0.02) was used for the actual implementation. The maximum gain of about 4.93 dBi was measured, which leaded to a little improved gain of 0.33 dBi in comparison to the existing OMA structure.

The polarimetric study of (331471) 1984QY1: an asteroid in comet-like orbit

  • Kim, Jooyeon;Ishiguro, Masateru;Bach, Yoonsoo P.;Kuroda, Daisuke;Naito, Hiroyuki;Kim, Yoonyoung;Kwon, Yuna G.;Imai, Masataka;Kuramoto, Kiyoshi;Watanabe, Makoto
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.50.2-50.2
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    • 2017
  • Spatial distribution of atmosphereless bodies in the solar system provides an important clue as to their origins, namely asteroids from Mainbelt or comets from outer solar system. It is, however, difficult to distinguish asteroids and dormant comets due to their similar appearances. In this study, we conducted a unique observation to differentiate asteroids and dormant comets in terms of 'polarimetry'. We observed (331471) 1984 QY1 (hereafter QY1) at large phase angles using the Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI) on the 1.6-m Pirka Telescope from UT 2016 May 25 to June 24. QY1 is a dormant comet candidate in terms of the dynamical properties (i.e. the Tisserand parameter with respect to Jupiter, TJ = 2.68). We analyzed the polarization degree of QY1 as a function of phase angle and found its maximum polarization degree, $Pmax=8.68{\pm}0.28%$ and $8.72{\pm}0.38%$, in RC-and V-band, respectively, around the phase angle of ${\alpha}=100^{\circ}$. In addition, we obtained the geometric albedo, $pV=0.16{\pm}0.02$ by means of an empirical slope-albedo law. The polarimetric properties and the albedo value we acquired are similar to those of S-type asteroids rather than cometary nuclei. In this presentation, we introduce our observation and findings. In addition, we further discuss a dynamical transportation process from Mainbelt to the current orbit.

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