• Title/Summary/Keyword: most probable state

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The current state and prospects of travel business development under the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Tkachenko, Tetiana;Pryhara, Olha;Zatsepina, Nataly;Bryk, Stepan;Holubets, Iryna;Havryliuk, Alla
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.12spc
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    • pp.664-674
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    • 2021
  • The relevance of this scientific research is determined by the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the current trends and dynamics of world tourism development. This article aims to identify patterns of development of the modern tourist market, analysis of problems and prospects of development in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Materials and methods. General scientific methods and methods of research are used in the work: analysis, synthesis, comparison, analysis of statistical data. The analysis of the viewpoints of foreign and domestic authors on the research of the international tourist market allowed us to substantiate the actual directions of tourism development due to the influence of negative factors connected with the spread of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19. Economic-statistical, abstract-logical, and economic-mathematical methods of research were used during the process of study and data processing. Results. The analysis of the current state of the tourist market by world regions was carried out. It was found that tourism is one of the most affected sectors from COVID-19, as, by the end of 2020, the total number of tourist arrivals in the world decreased by 74% compared to the same period in 2019. The consequence of this decline was a loss of total global tourism revenues by the end of 2020, which equaled $1.3 trillion. 27% of all destinations are completely closed to international tourism. At the end of 2020, the economy of international tourism has shrunk by about 80%. In 2020 the world traveled 98 million fewer people (-83%) relative to the same period last year. Tourism was hit hardest by the pandemic in the Asia-Pacific region, where travel restrictions are as strict as possible. International arrivals in this region fell by 84% (300 million). The Middle East and Africa recorded declines of 75 and 70 percent. Despite a small and short-lived recovery in the summer of 2020, Europe lost 71% of the tourist flow, with the European continent recording the largest drop in absolute terms compared with 2019, 500 million. In North and South America, foreign arrivals declined. It is revealed that a significant decrease in tourist flows leads to a massive loss of jobs, a sharp decline in foreign exchange earnings and taxes, which limits the ability of states to support the tourism industry. Three possible scenarios of exit of the tourist industry from the crisis, reflecting the most probable changes of monthly tourist flows, are considered. The characteristics of respondents from Ukraine, Germany, and the USA and their attitude to travel depending on gender, age, education level, professional status, and monthly income are presented. About 57% of respondents from Ukraine, Poland, and the United States were planning a tourist trip in 2021. Note that people with higher or secondary education were more willing to plan such a trip. The results of the empirical study confirm that interest in domestic tourism has increased significantly in 2021. The regression model of dependence of the number of domestic tourist trips on the example of Ukraine with time tendency (t) and seasonal variations (Turˆt = 7288,498 - 20,58t - 410,88∑5) it forecast for 2020, which allows stabilizing the process of tourist trips after the pandemic to use this model to forecast for any country. Discussion. We should emphasize the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that many experts and scientists believe in the long-term recovery of the tourism industry. In our opinion, the governments of the countries need to refocus on domestic tourism and deal with infrastructure development, search for new niches, formats, formation of new package deals in new - domestic - segment (new products' development (tourist routes, exhibitions, sightseeing programs, special rehabilitation programs after COVID) -19 in sanatoriums, etc.); creation of individual offers for different target audiences). Conclusions. Thus, the identified trends are associated with a decrease in the number of tourist flows, the negative impact of the pandemic on employment and income from tourism activities. International tourism needs two to four years before it returns to the level of 2019.

Water Quality and Chlorophyll-a at the Birth Stage of a Large Reclaimed Estuarine Lake in Korea (Lake Hwaong) (간척하구호 (화옹호) 태동기의 수질과 엽록소-a 변화)

  • Kim, Ho-Sub;Chung, Mi-Hee;Choi, Chung-Il;Hwang, Soon-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.36 no.4 s.105
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    • pp.455-462
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    • 2003
  • This study evaluated the change of water quality and chlorophyll - a at the birth stage of a large reclaimed estuarine lake (Lake Hwaong) of which the dike was finally constructed in March, 2002. Physico -chemical parameters and chlorophyll - a were investigated along a longitudinal transect, including 3 in-lake sites and 1 out-lake site from June to November, 2002. Salinity at all in-lake sites was over 21 psu during the study period, indicating that lake is still in the seawater phase. Salinity was periodically diluted at times when precipitation was high, especially in August. Chemocline was established in July near the dam site, and correspondingly vertical profile of dissolved oxygen was very clear during that Period. Total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations at all lake sites were in the eutrophic range, and they were especially high at the stream inlet site. Nutrients concentration was not much varied vertically but significantly varied temporally, and correlated significantly with precipitation and chlorophyll-a concentration, indicating that inflowing water from the watershed seemed not to improve lake water by dilution but cause eutrophication of the lake, and thereby stimulate phytoplankton development. Based on the analyses of nutrient ratio (N/P) and trophic state deviation, both phosphorus and nitrogen appeared to limit phytoplankton growth in the lake. Phosphorus limitation appeared to be probable at all in-lake sites with being most severe at the stream inlet site. Nitrogen limitation seemed to occur at both in-lake and out-lake sites. These results indicate that in Lake Hwaong experiencing the very early stage of a reclaiming lake, water quality and phytoplankton development appear to be affect-ed largely by salinity and hydrology and nutrients from the inflowing water. Lake biogeochemistry is still very unstable, and thus further long-term study is necessary to understand the effects of seawater to freshwater conversion on lake biology and water chemistry.

Histopathologic Diagnosis and Outcome of Renal Biopsied Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome (신생검을 받은 소아 신증후군에서 조직병리 소견과 치료 성과)

  • Chung Hye-Jeon;Youn Suk;Kim Sung-Do;Cho Byoung-Soo
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.149-158
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : To determine the histological findings and treatment outcome in cases of child hood nephrotic syndrome which required renal biopsy. Methods : We retrospectively reviewed the clinical, laboratory, pathologic findings and therapeutic outcomes of 159 nephrotic children who received a renal biopsy at the Department of Pediatrics, Kyunghee Medical University Hospital, Seoul from 1984 to 2004 over a period of 21 years. The renal biopsy was performed in nephrotic children who showed atypical features at presentation, or needed cytotoxic therapy because of frequent-relapsing, steroid-dependent, or steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome(SRNS). Results : Minimal change disease(MCD) was found in 52.1$\%$ of the patients, followed by diffuse mesangial proliferation(33.1$\%$), focal segmental gomerulosclerosis(5.3$\%$), membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis(2.4$\%$), membranous nephropathy(2.4$\%$), and IgA nephropathy(1.8$\%$). In MCD children, 14.8$\%$ had hematuria, 22.7$\%$ had hypertension, 5.7$\%$ showed decreased renal function, and no patient was found to have an abnormal complement level. Among patients diagnosed with diseases other than MCD, 43.2$\%$ had hematuria, 21.0$\%$ was found to be hypertensive, 7.4$\%$ of children showed decreased renal function and only 3(3.7$\%$) had decreased complement level; the rates of hematuria and SRNS were found to be significantly higher than MCD patients. Among 37 SRNS patients, 30(81.0$\%$) showed a final remission state with long-term steroid therapy, including methylprednisolone pulse therapy, over 4 months, with or without cytotoxic therapy. Conclusion : Almost half of the cases of childhood nephrotic syndrome requiring renal biopsy were not diagnosed with MCD. Among atypical features, hematuria and steroid-resistance would be the most probable indicators for a diagnosis other than MCD. Even in patients with SRNS, long-term methylprednisolone pulse therapy may result in a good remission rate. (J Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2005;9:149-158)

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