• Title/Summary/Keyword: monthly clothing expense

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A Study on the Preference of Fashion by Major of Male University Students - Focused on the Seoul Area - (남자 대학생의 전공별 패션 선호도에 관한 연구 - 서울지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Jin-Ah
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.195-207
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to observe the rapidly changing men's fashion style in the contemporary society and to analyze the features related to the major-subject groups, male university students. This information could be used for clothing companies to plan commodities, divide markets, and develop designs. The results are as follows. First, several opinions were varied among students' majors. For the opinion about the male students focusing on their external appearance, the students from all majors said that it depends on individual preference. For 4 reasons of external appearances, students from all majors frequently said that they should adjust their external appearance for employment. For the opinion about what is considered the most in the purchase of clothing, most of the students considered about the design of the cloth. For the opinion about influences on the purchase of clothing, major of the students were influenced by their friend or colleague. on the other hand, the students from artistic talent and physical education mentioned other opinion that it depends that it depends on situation and own intention is most important. Second, for the question about clothing behavior, with regard to monthly average shopping control expense, the students from all majors mentioned the amount less than KRW 50,000. For the opinion about the number of shopping, most student mentioned once a season. For the opinion about the store to purchase dress, most students mentioned the use of large shopping mall but the students from business administration and economy mentioned the use of discount store. Third, for the question about preferred style and preferred brand, with regard to the opinion about usual style, the students from all majors have worn casual style. For the opinion about the preferred style, most students mentioned casual style. For the opinion about man's accessory wearing, the students from all majors mentioned that it is good and for the opinion about coordination item, most students mentioned bag.

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Differences in Appearance Management Behavior according to Occupational Characteristics and Demographic Characteristics of Workers (직장인의 직업특성 및 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 외모관리행동의 차이)

  • Yoo, Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.67 no.2
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    • pp.17-35
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to present empirically the factors in appearance management behavior, the differences in appearance management behavior according to various occupational characteristics and demographic characteristics, and the degree of efforts to manage appearance for workers. The questionnaire was administered to 1,056 male and female workers in 10 occupational categories in Korea. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, factor analysis, analyses of variance (ANOVA) and chi-square tests. The results of the study are as follows. First, the factors of workers' appearance management behavior consist of 'appearance management for decoration' and 'appearance management for a good feeling'. Workers perform appearance management behavior for a good feeling more than appearance management behavior for decoration. Second, there were statistically significant differences in the appearance management behaviors of the workers according to occupational categories, the size of the organization, the presence of the dress code in the workplace. Third, there were statistically significant differences in the management behaviors of workers by gender of demographic characteristics. Fourth, the largest number of monthly average expense for appearance management was 100,000~300,000 won (44.1%), and the largest number of daily average time for appearance management was 30 minutes~1 hour (45.5%). This study presents the tendency of appearance management behaviors according to the occupational characteristics and demographic characteristics of workers and helps the marketer in the appearance industry understand the target customer clearly.

A Study on the Effect of Skin Management which is based on the Lifestyle of Middleaged and Old Age Women (중.노년층 여성의 라이프스타일에 따른 외모 관리 효과에 관한 연구 - 피부 관리 효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Hee-Kyung;Choi, In-Ryu
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.670-686
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    • 2010
  • This study aims at clarifying the action types of skin management which is base on age, marriage or not, family composition, school career, and income which are demographic variables centering around the lifestyle of middleaged and old age women. As for study method, this researcher executed literature study and questionnaire on adult women over 45 years old who dwell in Seoul and Kyounggi area. Survey period was Mar. 1, 2009 to Jun. 30. And, after distributing 1,000 copies of questionnaire, this researcher used effective 869 copies of questionnaire for analysis out of collected questionnaire, 895 copies. As for analysis method, this researcher executed DUNCAN test with factor analysis, reliability analysis, manin component analysis, K-average, multitude analysis, dispersion analysis and post verification by using SPSS 12.0 program. As for demographic feature for middle aged and old age women, 50~59 years old women were most by age as 302 persons(33.7%). It is emerging that spouse existence is very high as 674 persons(75.3%) in the answer for marriage or not, couple family to live with unmarried children is very high as 483 persons(54.0%) in the answer for family composition, leaving high school in mid-course or gradation of high school are very high as 356 persons(39.8%) in the answer for school career, income from 3 million Won under 4 million won is very high as 260 persons(29.1%) in the answer for monthly income of family members, and women to use under 50 thousand won is very high as 510 persons(57.0%) in the monthly average expense to be used for skin management. In this study, this researcher extracted total 5 factors (economic saving, displaying consumption, confidence inclination, centering around family, and leisure application) by executing factor analysis with 12 question items of lifestyle so as to grasp factor structure of lifestyle of middleaged and old age people, and whole explanatory variable quantity was 70.9%. This researcher named as economic saving type, diplaying consumption style, and type centering around leisure and family, after making multitude analysis about 5 factors analyzed by measuring lifestyle feature. As the result of structure analysis of question items of skin management(pursuit of skin management, life of skin management, and inclination of skin management), this researcher extracted total 3 factors, and whole explanatory variable quantity was 71.30%. Thus, it emerged that there is significant difference among groups.