• Title/Summary/Keyword: moment problems

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  • Li, Chunji;Ryoo, Cheon-Seoung;Li, Ning;Cao, Lili
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.1237-1248
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    • 2009
  • The domain of attraction of a nonlinear differential equations is the region of initial points of solution tending to the equilibrium points of the systems as the time going. Determining the domain of attraction is one of the most important problems to investigate nonlinear dynamical systems. In this article, we first present two algorithms to determine the domain of attraction by using the moment matrices. In addition, as an application we consider a class of SIRS infection model and discuss asymptotical stability by Lyapunov method, and also estimate the domain of attraction by using the algorithms.

Stress Analysis of Hollow Cylinder with Inner Cracks Subjected to Torsion Moment (내부크랙을 가지며 비틀림모멘트를 받는 중공축의 응력해석)

  • 이종선
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.03a
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 1998
  • In fracture problems, stress intensity factors obtained theoretically and experimentally have been effectively utilized in the analytical evaluation of the cracks effect. The effect of surface crack of a cylindrical and a hollow cylindrical bar is investigated, as well as the effect of the thickness of a hollow cylindrical bar and inclined crack of a hollow cylinder subjected to torsion moment. In this study, stress intensity factor Km of mode III which expresses the stress state in the neighborhood of a crack tip is used. Stress analysis was conducted of the inside of a hollow cylinder in the axial direction of three dimensional crack tip subjected to torsion moment by combining the caustics method and the stress freezing method.

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A performance based strategy for design of steel moment frames under blast loading

  • Ashkezari, Ghasem Dehghani
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2018
  • Design of structures subjected to blast loads are usually carried out through nonlinear inelastic dynamic analysis followed by imposing acceptance criteria specified in design codes. In addition to comprehensive aspects of inelastic dynamic analyses, particularly in analysis and design of structures subjected to transient loads, they inherently suffer from convergence and computational cost problems. In this research, a strategy is proposed for design of steel moment resisting frames under far range blast loads. This strategy is inspired from performance based seismic design concepts, which is here developed to blast design. For this purpose, an algorithm is presented to calculate the capacity modification factors of frame members in order to simplify design of these structures subjected to blast loading. The present method provides a simplified design procedure in which the linear dynamic analysis is preformed, instead of the time-consuming nonlinear dynamic analysis. Nonlinear and linear analyses are accomplished in order to establish this design procedure, and consequently the final design procedure is proposed as a strategy requiring only linear structural analysis, while acceptance criteria of nonlinear analysis is implicitly satisfied.

Efficient Vibration Simulation Using Model Order Reduction (모델차수축소법을 이용한 효율적인 진동해석)

  • Han Jeong-Sam
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.30 no.3 s.246
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    • pp.310-317
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    • 2006
  • Currently most practical vibration and structural problems in automotive suspensions require the use of the finite element method to obtain their structural responses. When the finite element model has a very large number of degrees of freedom the harmonic and dynamic analyses are computationally too expensive to repeat within a feasible design process time. To alleviate the computational difficulty, this paper presents a moment-matching based model order reduction (MOR) which reduces the number of degrees of freedom of the original finite element model and speeds up the necessary simulations with the reduced-size models. The moment-matching model reduction via the Arnoldi process is performed directly to ANSYS finite element models by software mor4ansys. Among automotive suspension components, a knuckle is taken as an example to demonstrate the advantages of this approach for vibration simulation. The frequency and transient dynamic responses by the MOR are compared with those by the mode superposition method.

Stress Analysis of Hollow Cylinder with Inner Cracks Subjected to Torsion Moment (내부크랙을 가지며 비틀림모멘트를 받는 중공축의 응력해석)

  • Lee, Jong-Sun;Ha, Young-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.46-52
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    • 1998
  • In fracture problems, stress intensity factors obtained theoretically and experimentally have been effectively utilized in the analytical evolution of the cracks effect. The effect of surface crack of a cylindrical and a hollow cylindrical bar is investigated, as well as the effect of the thickness of a hollow cylindrical bar and inclined crack of a hollow cylinder subjected to torsion moment. In this study, stress intensity factor Km of mode III which expresses the stress state in the neighborhood of a crack tip is used. stress analysis was conducted on the inside of hollow cylinder inthe axial direction of three dimensional crack tip subjected to torsion moment by combining the caustics method and the stress freezing method.

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Moment inequalities of $NBU_{mgf}$ with testing hypotheses application

  • Mahmoud, M.A.W.;Gadallah, A.M.
    • International Journal of Reliability and Applications
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2012
  • Our goal in this paper is to establish inequalities for the moments of new better than used in the moment generating function class ($NBU_{mgf}$). Using these inequalities we propose a new test for exponentiality versus $NBU_{mgf}$ class. Pitman's asymptotic relative efficiency, power and critical values of this test are calculated to assess the performance of the test. We proposed also a new test for exponentiality versus $NBU_{mgf}$ in the right censored data. Sets of real data are used as an example to elucidate the use of the proposed test for practical problems.

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A neural network model to assess the hysteretic energy demand in steel moment resisting frames

  • Akbas, Bulent
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.177-193
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    • 2006
  • Determining the hysteretic energy demand and dissipation capacity and level of damage of the structure to a predefined earthquake ground motion is a highly non-linear problem and is one of the questions involved in predicting the structure's response for low-performance levels (life safe, near collapse, collapse) in performance-based earthquake resistant design. Neural Network (NN) analysis offers an alternative approach for investigation of non-linear relationships in engineering problems. The results of NN yield a more realistic and accurate prediction. A NN model can help the engineer to predict the seismic performance of the structure and to design the structural elements, even when there is not adequate information at the early stages of the design process. The principal aim of this study is to develop and test multi-layered feedforward NNs trained with the back-propagation algorithm to model the non-linear relationship between the structural and ground motion parameters and the hysteretic energy demand in steel moment resisting frames. The approach adapted in this study was shown to be capable of providing accurate estimates of hysteretic energy demand by using the six design parameters.

Seismic Performance Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Buildings Strengthened by Embedded Steel Frame (내부 매입형 철골조로 보강된 철근콘크리트 건물의 내진 성능평가)

  • Kim, Seonwoong;Lee, Kyungkoo
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2020
  • This study is to investigate the effect of a retrofitted reinforced concrete frame with non-seismic details strengthened by embedded steel moment frames with an indirect joint, which mitigates the problems of the direct joint method. First, full-scale experiments were conducted to confirm the structural behavior of a 2-story reinforced concrete frame with non-seismic details and strengthened by a steel moment frame with an indirect joint. The reinforced concrete frame with non-seismic details showed a maximum strength of 185 kN at an overall drift ratio of 1.75%. The flexural-shear failure of columns was governed, and shear cracks were concentrated at the beam-column joints. The reinforced concrete frame strengthened by the embedded steel moment frames achieved a maximum strength of 701 kN at an overall drift ratio of 1.5% so that the maximum strength was about 3.8 times that of the specimen with non-seismic details. The failure pattern of the retrofitted specimen was the loss of bond strength between the concrete and the rebars of the columns caused by a prying action of the bottom indirect joint because of lateral force. Furthermore, methods are proposed for calculation of the specified strength of the reinforced concrete frame with non-seismic details and strengthened by the steel moment frame with the indirect joint.

Capacity and the moment-curvature relationship of high-strength concrete filled steel tube columns under eccentric loads

  • Lee, Seung-Jo
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.135-160
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    • 2007
  • Recently, CFT column has been well-studied and reported on, because a CFT column has certain superior structural properties as well as good productivity, execution efficiency, and improved rigidity over existing columns. However, CFT column still has problems clearing the capacity evaluation between its steel tube member and high-strength concrete materials. Also, research on concrete has examined numerical values for high-strength concrete filled steel square tube columns (HCFT) to explain transformation performance (M-${\phi}$) when a short-column receives equal flexure-moment from axial stress. Moment-curvature formulas are proposed for HCFT columns based on analytic assumption described in this paper. This study investigated structural properties (capacity, curvature), through a series of experiments for HCFT with key parameters, such as strength of concrete mixed design (58.8 MPa), width-thickness ratio (D/t), buckling length to sectional width ratio (Lk/D) and concrete types (Zeolite, Fly-ash, Silica-fume) under eccentric loads. A comparative analysis executed for the AISC-LRFD, AIJ and Takanori Sato, etc. Design formulas to estimate the axial load (N)-moment (M)-curvature (${\phi}$) are proposed for HCFT columns based on tests results described in this paper.

A new model for T-shaped combined footings part II: Mathematical model for design

  • Luevanos-Rojas, Arnulfo;Lopez-Chavarria, Sandra;Medina-Elizondo, Manuel
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2018
  • The first part shows the optimal contact surface for T-shaped combined footings to obtain the most economical dimensioning on the soil (optimal area). This paper presents the second part of a new model for T-shaped combined footings, this part shows a the mathematical model for design of such foundations subject to axial load and moments in two directions to each column considering the soil real pressure acting on the contact surface of the footing with one or two property lines restricted, the pressure is presented in terms of an axial load, moment around the axis "X" and moment around the axis "Y" to each column, and the methodology is developed using the principle that the derived of the moment is the shear force. The classic model considers an axial load and a moment around the axis "X" (transverse axis) applied to each column, i.e., the resultant force from the applied loads is located on the axis "Y" (longitudinal axis), and its position must match with the geometric center of the footing, and when the axial load and moments in two directions are presented, the maximum pressure and uniform applied throughout the contact surface of the footing is considered the same. To illustrate the validity of the new model, a numerical example is presented to obtain the design for T-shaped combined footings subjected to an axial load and moments in two directions applied to each column. The mathematical approach suggested in this paper produces results that have a tangible accuracy for all problems.