• Title/Summary/Keyword: moment connections

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Load-Displacement Characteristics and Interactive Load Capacity Model for Metal Plate Connections in Wood(II) - Interactive Load Capacity Model and Experimental Verification - (목재(木材)-금속(金屬)플레이트 접합부(接合部)의 하중(荷重)-변위(變位) 특성(特性) 및 조합하중성능(組合荷重性能)에 대한 모형 분석 (II) - 조합하중모형(組合荷重模型)과 실험적(實驗的) 입증(立證) -)

  • Park, Moon-Jae;Jung, Hee-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.12-18
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    • 1995
  • 고도(高度)의 엔지니어링 구조물(構造物)로 경제성이 높은 경량(輕量) 목조(木造)트러스에 사용될 수 있는 소나무(Pinus densiflora) 재(材)에 적용한 20게이지 아연도금 강(鋼) 플레이트 접합부(接合部)의 조합하중(組合荷重) 및 모멘트 성능(性能)을 평가하기 위하여 정밀도를 개선(改善)한 편심가력(偏心加力) 장치(裝置)를 창안하여 실험하고 반강절(半剛節) 접합부의 개념(槪念)과 가상(假想)일 법(法)을 적용한 모형을 유도하여 비선형(非線形) 해석(解析)하였다. 반강절(半剛節) 접합부(接合部)의 개념을 도입하여 저자가 유도한 비선형(非線形) 모형으로 조합하중 하에서의 접합부 거동을 해석한 결과, 금속 플레이트 접합부의 모멘트는 Wolfe 모형에 비하여 정확도가 높은 값으로 계산되었는데, 이는 비선형모형에서 접합부의 반강성(半剛性)에 의한 2차적인 모멘트의 영향을 적절히 고려한 때문으로 판단되었다. 본 연구에서 사용한 실험장치는 조합하중에 대한 금속 플레이트 접합부의 성능을 평가하기 위한 표준시험법(標準試驗法)으로 적용될 수 있을 것이며, 비선형(非線形) 해석방법(解析方法)은 조합하중(組合荷重)및 모멘트 성능(性能)을 예측(豫測)하는데 활용될 수 있다.

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A Study on Connection Ductility of Steel Structures Subjected to Monotonic Loading (단조하중을 받는 철골구조물의 접합부 연성도에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Suk-Bong;Kim, Jin-Hyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.12 no.4 s.47
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    • pp.375-385
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    • 2000
  • The required connection ductility has been evaluated, considering geometric, material and connection nonlinearity, for 6-story unbraced and 20-story braced steel structures subjected to ultimate lateral load. For material nonlinearity, section moment-curvature relationship and member stiffness matrix have been derived utilizing fiber model and linear flexibility distribution model. In 6-story structure with semi-rigid connections for rigid connection, the required connection ductility is less than that for rigid connection. In 20-story structure, the required connection ductility for semi-rigid connection is almost the same as that for shear connection and the required ductility for rigid connection is larger than that for semi-rigid or shear connection.

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The Effect of the Variation of the Number of Bolts on the Rotational Stiffnesses of Double Angle Connections (볼트수의 변화가 더블앵글 접합부의 회전강성에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Jae-Geun;Kim, Ho-Keun;Kim, Ki-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.4 no.1 s.11
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2004
  • In the construction of row-rise steel buildings, double angle connection can be considered as one of most effective connection types. Its connection flexibility depends mainly on several parameters such as angle thickness, bolt gage distance, and number of bolts. To establish the effect of the variation of the number of bolts on the moment-rotation relationship, three experimental tests have been conducted in this research. Based on the results of each experimental test, the rotational stiffness of each angle specimen can be calculated by performing regression analysis. Considering the results of regression analysis, we concluded that the more the number of bolts used in double angle connection, the higher the rotational stiffness as one can expected.

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Damage assessment and performance-based seismic design of timber-steel hybrid shear wall systems

  • Li, Zheng;He, Minjuan;Li, Minghao;Lam, Frank
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.101-117
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents a reliability-based analysis on seismic performance of timber-steel hybrid shear wall systems. Such system is composed of steel moment resisting frame and infill wood frame shear wall. The performance criteria of the hybrid system with respect to different seismic hazard levels were determined through a damage assessment process, and the effectiveness of the infill wood shear walls on improving the seismic performance of the hybrid systems was evaluated. Performance curves were obtained by considering different target non-exceedance probabilities, and design charts were further established as a function of seismic weight. Wall drift responses and shear forces in wood-steel bolted connections were used as performance criteria in establishing the performance curves to illustrate the proposed design procedure. It was found that the presence of the infill wood shear walls significantly reduced the non-performance probabilities of the hybrid wall systems. This study provides performance-based seismic evaluations on the timber-steel hybrid shear walls in support of future applications of such hybrid systems in multi-story buildings.

A methodology to estimate earthquake induced worst failure probability of inelastic systems

  • Akbas, Bulent;Nadar, Mustafa;Shen, Jay
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.187-201
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    • 2008
  • Earthquake induced hysteretic energy demand for a structure can be used as a limiting value of a certain performance level in seismic design of structures. In cases where it is larger than the hysteretic energy dissipation capacity of the structure, failure will occur. To be able to select the limiting value of hysteretic energy for a particular earthquake hazard level, it is required to define the variation of hysteretic energy in terms of probabilistic terms. This study focuses on the probabilistic evaluation of earthquake induced worst failure probability and approximate confidence intervals for inelastic single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems with a typical steel moment connection based on hysteretic energy. For this purpose, hysteretic energy demand is predicted for a set of SDOF systems subject to an ensemble of moderate and severe EQGMs, while the hysteretic energy dissipation capacity is evaluated through the previously published cyclic test data on full-scale steel beam-to-column connections. The failure probability corresponding to the worst possible case is determined based on the hysteretic energy demand and dissipation capacity. The results show that as the capacity to demand ratio increases, the failure probability decreases dramatically. If this ratio is too small, then the failure is inevitable.

Design guides to resist progressive collapse for steel structures

  • Mirtaheri, M.;Zoghi, M. Abbasi
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.357-378
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    • 2016
  • The progressive collapse phenomenon in structures has been interested by civil engineers and the building standards organizations. This is particularly true for the tall and special buildings ever since local collapse of the Ronan Point tower in UK in 1968. When initial or secondary defects of main load carrying elements, overloads or unpredicted loads occur in the structure, a local collapse may be arise that could be distributed through entire structure and cause global collapse. One is not able to prevent the reason of failure as well as the prevention of propagation of the collapse. Also, one is not able to predict the start point of collapse. Therefore we should generalize design guides to whole or the part of structure based on the risk analysis and use of load carrying elements removal scenario. There are some new guides and criteria for elements and connections to be designed to resist progressive collapse. In this paper, codes and recommendations by various researchers are presented, classified and compared for steel structures. Two current design methods are described in this paper and some retrofitting methods are summarized. Finally a steel building with special moment resistant frame is analyzed as a case study based on two standards guidelines. This includes consideration of codes recommendations. It is shown that progressive collapse potential of the building depends on the removal scenario selection and type of analysis. Different results are obtained based on two guidelines.

Hysteretic behavior of dissipative welded fuses for earthquake resistant composite steel and concrete frames

  • Calado, Luis;Proenca, Jorge M.;Espinha, Miguel;Castiglioni, Carlo A.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.547-569
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    • 2013
  • In recent years there has been increasing international interest about designing structures that cost less to repair after they have been subjected to strong earthquakes. Considering this interest, an innovative repairable fuse device has been developed for dissipative beam-to-column connections in moment-resisting composite steel and concrete frames. The seismic performance of the device was assessed through an extensive experimental program comprising ten cyclic and two monotonic tests. These tests were conducted on a single beam-to-column specimen with different fuse devices for each test. The devices varied in terms of the chosen geometric and mechanical parameters. The tests showed that the devices were able to concentrate plasticity and to dissipate large amounts of energy through non-linear behavior. Numerical models were developed with Abaqus and simplified design models are also proposed.

A Study on the Strength of H Beam-to-Rectangular Tube Column Connections with Exterior Diaphragms by Simplified Tension Test (단순 인장 실험에 의한 외부 스티프너를 갖는 각형 강관기둥과 H형강보 접합부의 최대내력에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Jong Won;Kang, Hae Kwan;Lee, Sang Hoon;Kim, Young Chan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.10 no.1 s.34
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 1998
  • A moment connection of H beam-to-rectangular tube column with external stiffeners was proposed. A formula to predict the ultimate strength of the connection was derived based on the yield line mechanism. Experimental investigation was performed to determine the applicability of the connection type and the strength formula. The ultimate strengths computed by the formula agreed well with the experimental values.

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Cyclic Seismic Performance of Reduced Beam Section Steel Moment Connections: Effects of Panel Zone Strength and Beam Web Connection (패널존 강도 및 보 웨브 접합방식이 RBS 철골 모멘트접합부의 내진거동에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Cheol-Ho;Jeong, Sang-Woo;Kim, Jin-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2003.03a
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    • pp.337-348
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 8개의 RBS (reduced beam section) 내진 철골모멘트접합부의 실물대 실험결과를 요약한 것이다. 본 실험의 주요변수는 보 웨브 접합법 및 패널존 강도를 택하였다. 균형 패널존 시험체는 접합부의 내진성능을 감소시키지 않으면서, 보와 패널존이 함께 균형적으로 지진에너지를 소산시키도록 설계하여 값비싼 패널존보강판(doubler plates)의 수요를 줄이고자 시도한 것이다. 보 웨브를 용접한 시험체는 모두 특별 연성모멘트골조에서 요구되는 접합부 회전능력을 충분히 발휘하였다. 반면 보 웨브를 볼트접합한 시험체는 조기에 스캘럽을 가로지르는 취성파단이 발생하는 열등한 성능을 보였다. 보 그루브 용접부 자체의 취성파괴가 본 연구에서와 같이 양질의 용접에 의해 방지되면, 스켈럽 부근의 취성파단이 다음에 해결해야 할 문제로 대두되는 경향을 보인다. 보 웨브를 볼팅한 경우에 접합부 취성파단의 빈도가 월등히 높은 이유를 실험 및 해석결과를 토대로 제시하였다 측정된 변형도 데이터에 의할 때, 접합부의 전단력 전달메카니즘은 흔히 가정하는 고전 휨이론에 의한 예측과 전혀 다르다. 이는 전통적 보 웨브 설계법을 재검토할 필요가 있음을 시사하는 것이다. 아울러, 본 연구의 제한된 실험자료 및 접합부에서 요구되는 바람직한 거동기준을 근거로 균형 패널존의 강도범위에 대한 예비적 추정치를 제시하였다.

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Extraction of the mode shapes of a segmented ship model with a hydroelastic response

  • Kim, Yooil;Ahn, In-Gyu;Park, Sung-Gun
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.979-994
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    • 2015
  • The mode shapes of a segmented hull model towed in a model basin were predicted using both the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and cross random decrement technique. The proper orthogonal decomposition, which is also known as Karhunen-Loeve decomposition, is an emerging technology as a useful signal processing technique in structural dynamics. The technique is based on the fact that the eigenvectors of a spatial coherence matrix become the mode shapes of the system under free and randomly excited forced vibration conditions. Taking advantage of the simplicity of POD, efforts have been made to reveal the mode shapes of vibrating flexible hull under random wave excitation. First, the segmented hull model of a 400 K ore carrier with 3 flexible connections was towed in a model basin under different sea states and the time histories of the vertical bending moment at three different locations were measured. The measured response time histories were processed using the proper orthogonal decomposition, eventually to obtain both the first and second vertical vibration modes of the flexible hull. A comparison of the obtained mode shapes with those obtained using the cross random decrement technique showed excellent correspondence between the two results.