• Title/Summary/Keyword: modify

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  • Nakatsuyama, Mikio;Kaminaga, Hiroaki;Song, Bei-Dong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1993.06a
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    • pp.1133-1136
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    • 1993
  • Fuzzy algorithm is essentially nondeterministic, but to guarantee the stable control the fuzzy control program should be deterministic in practice. Fuzzy controllers with matrix representation is very simple in construction and very fast in computation. The value of the matrix is not adequate at the first place, but can be modified by using the neural networks. We apply the simple heuristic techniques to modify the matrix successfully.

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Fast exponentiation with modifed montgonmery modular multiplication (Montgomery 모듈라 곱셈을 변형한 고속 멱승)

  • 하재철;문상재
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.1036-1044
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    • 1997
  • We modify the montgomery modeular multikplication to extract the common parts in common-multiplicand multi-plications. Since the modified method computes the common parts in two modular multiplications once rather than twice, it can speed up the exponentiations and reduce the amount of storage tables in m-ary or windowexponentiation. It can be also applied to an exponentiation mehod by folding the exponent in half. This method is well-suited to the memory limited environments such as IC card due to its speed and requirement of small memory.

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A New Session Key Agreement Scheme Using Smart Cards (스마트 카드를 이용한 새로운 세션 키 생성 방법)

  • Lee, Jongkook;Jongsoo Jang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.518-520
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes a new session key agreement scheme which is based on Station-to-station protocol, or STS shortly. We extend key agreement model of STS, to take into account smart cards. Besides, we modify STS to withstand message replaying attack. Security analysis shows our scheme is still secure.

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Cure Mechanism of DGEBA/MDA/SN System

  • Shim, Mi-Ja;Kim, Seong-Uk
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.272-275
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    • 1993
  • To modify the toughness of epoxy for matrix, succinonitrile(SN) was introduced to diglycidy1 ether of bisphenol-A (DGEBA)/methylene dianiline(MDA)system. Cure reaction mdchanism of the DGEBA/MDA/SN system was strdied through Fourier transform infrared(FT-IR) spectrometry. As a result, the reaction of nitrile group of SN with secondary amine and with hydroxy1 group prevented the reaction of hydroxy1 group with epoxide group from crossoinding. Nitrile groups produced amide group by reacting with hydroxy1 groups and made a lowered crosslind density in chain networks.

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  • Kim, Wan-Soon;Kim, Yang-Su;Rhee, Min-Surp
    • Theoretical Mathematics and Pedagogical Mathematics
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.163-174
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    • 2001
  • In this paper we modify two indicators related to the global avalanche criterion (GAC) and discuss their properties. Also, we apply the modified indicators to measure the GAC of S-boxes of DES.

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A Study of modify in Water' discharge Valve design of shaft part (방류형 밸브 축 부분의 개선 설계방안 연구)

  • 요꼬이요시유끼;송희덕;이명재
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.117-121
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    • 2001
  • 기계설계에서 설계의 객관적인 계산치의 도출을 통한 설계검증이 중요한 부분이다. 여기서 우리는 기계요소 및 시스템 설계용 CAE소프트웨어를 이용하여 설계 검증을 해봄으로서 보다 객관적이고 명확한 설계 개선 안을 쉽게 도출할 수 있다는 것을 제시하고자 한다. 구체적 사례로 발전소 등의 유량을 조정하는 Hollow let Valve 구동축 부분의 안전계수를 검토하여 설계적 개선안을 도출시키고 설계자가 설계하는 단계에서 미리 문제점을 쉽게 발견하고 개선하는 방법을 연구한 결과를 정리한 내용은 다음과 같다.

Collective Motion of Interacting Simple Robot System

  • Masaki, Sano;Jung, Si
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.24.4-24
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    • 2001
  • Many livings form groups which we consider as collective systems. The collective motion of the group shows various dynamics and patterns, and many model equations are proposed to explain such phenomenon. In our previous work, We proposed simple deterministic model which shows various types of group behaviors. In this paper, we modify it in order to apply to a real robotic system. Here we assume that the space resolution of each robot´s sensors is low and that the sensors detect the nearest robots. It was confirmed the robots with modified model also shows various types of motion.

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Chitosan and Its Derivatives for Gene Delivery

  • Lee, Knen-Yong
    • Macromolecular Research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.195-201
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    • 2007
  • Non-viral vectors, including lipid- or polymer-based systems, have attracted much attention to date as a gene delivery vehicle, due to safety issues with viral vectors. Chitosan, a naturally existing cationic polymer, has shown great potential as a gene delivery carrier, as it has low immunogenicity and toxicity, excellent transcellular transport ability, and is relatively easy to chemically modify. This review summarizes and discusses the general features of chitosan and its applications as a delivery carrier of DNA and RNA.

Selective Esterification of N-Benzyl-L-aspartic Acid. (I). Some Modified Methods for the Preparation of N-Benzylaspartic Anhydride Hydrobromide

  • Lee Chal-Ho;Chai, Kyu-Yun;Lee, Man-Koo;Chung, Bong-Young
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.457-459
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    • 1987
  • Racemic N-benzylaspartic acid (4) was prepared from maleic anhydride and used to modify and develop some efficient methods for the preparation of N-benzylaspartic anhydride hydrobromide (5). Thus, successive treatment of the compound 4 with 30% HBr in acetic acid and acetic anhydride afforded the title compound 5 in 75% yield. From this compound 5, ${\alpha}$-benzyl and ${\alpha}$-methyl N-benzylaspartates were also prepared.

Efficient and accurate domain-truncation techniques for seismic soil-structure interaction

  • Guddati, Murthy;Savadatti, Siddharth
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.3 no.3_4
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    • pp.563-580
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    • 2012
  • We modify the formulation of a recently developed absorbing boundary condition (ABC), the perfectly matched discrete layers (PMDL), to incorporate the excitation coming from the exterior such as earthquake waves. The modified formulation indicates that the effect of the exterior excitation can be incorporated into PMDL ABCs (traditionally designed to treat only interior excitation) simply by applying appropriate forces on the nodes connected to the first PMDL layer. Numerical results are presented to clearly illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.