• Title/Summary/Keyword: modes of traffic

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An analysis on the railway vehicle system for the introduction of new transit systems (신교통시스템 도입을 위한 차량시스템에 관한 고찰)

  • Chung, Su-Young;An, Sung-Jin;Kim, Pyo-Jong
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.284-290
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    • 2009
  • As the increased importance is placed on the new transit systems owing to the environmental pollution caused by the road traffic congestion, the policy for the introduction of the new transit systems as an alternative solution to ease the heavy burden of the construction expenses is being actively established. Since the explicit recognition of such transit systems and the review on the method of its adoption have been a pressing matter in the light of reducing the pending traffic congestion, the development of the rolling stock systems in modes of new transportation has been made in various ways taking into consideration the regional circumstances to alleviate traffic congestion, and offer a more efficient service with the application of their intrinsic characteristics. Such systems also have been developed as a mix of punctuality for railway systems operating on the runway and flexibility for buses. This paper, therefore, deals in more detail with 3 modes of systems such as low-floor articulated buses, GRT(Guided Rapid Transit) and tram cars, and studies the overseas cases of the operation of those systems involving both negative and positive aspects.

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An Extent Estimation Caused by Road Sign Using Graphic Theory (그래프이론을 이용한 도로표지의 혼란정도 평가)

  • Chong, Kyu-Soo
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2012
  • Road signs serve guide informations for efficient traffic control and are regulated by Road Sign Regulation. But few road managers break the regulation because of civil complaint and cause driver's confusion. Also, as promote the road name guide signs and the new road signs on expressway, the driver's confusion being increased. This study analysis factors of driver's confusion, calculates limited information on road signs and specifies modes of driver's confusion caused by road signs. The traffic accident data during 3 years is calculated in order to see how much intimate connection between the road sign confusion and the traffic.

On the Availability of Han river as Water Transport Route (수상운송로로서 한강의 이용가능성에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, K.I.;Roh, H.S.;Lee, C.Y.
    • Journal of Korean Port Research
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.37-60
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    • 1993
  • Because of the rapid growing traffic volumes of cargo, especially between Seoul and Inchon, and lack of investment into transport infrastructure in the past, in Kyong-in area have suffered from the serious traffic congestion in the public-road and the express-way network, But the further expansion of the traffic volume in near future is difficult due to burden of the higher expansion of the traffic volume in near future is difficult due to burden of the higher construction cost. Although the traffic congestion on the Kyung-in railway, is not very serious comparing with the road sector, the shortage of capacity on some main lines becomes emerged as a problem as railway traffic has increased. Unlike these two modes, the water transport, which has been paid relatively less attention for commodity transport in Kyong-in area, has not any constaint in this respect. Han river has been used as a water transport route in Chosun Dynasty which is called Cho-wun. This paper therefore aims to propose the availability of Han river as the alternative water transportation mode, in order to decrease the congestion between Seoul-Inchon by considering the construction of Kyong-in artificial water channel in near future. In this paper, we investigate the availability of Nanji-do as the physical distribution depot connecting with the circulation express way in the national capital distribution depot connecting with the circulation express way in the national capital. We also estimate the traffic volume by using the push-barge carrier (300DWT) in the same channel through the simulation under some assumptions such as ship's turnaround time, speed, etc.

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Traffic Accidents Scenarios Based on Autonomous Vehicle Functional Safety Systems (자율주행차량 기능안전 시스템 기반 사고 시나리오 도출)

  • Heesoo Kim;Yongsik You;Hyorim Han;Min-je Cho;Tai-jin Song
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.264-283
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    • 2023
  • Unlike conventional vehicle traffic accidents, autonomous vehicles traffic accidents can be caused by various factors, including technical problems, the environment, and driver interaction. With the future advances in autonomous driving technology, new issues are expected to emerge in addition to the existing accident causes, and various scenario-based approaches are needed to respond to them. This study developed autonomous vehicle traffic accident scenarios by collecting autonomous driving accident reports, CA DMV collision reports, autonomous driving mode disengagement reports, and autonomous driving actual accident videos. The scenarios were derived based on the functional safety system failure modes of ISO 26262 and attempted to reflect the various issues of autonomous driving functions. The autonomous vehicle scenarios derived through this study are expected to play an essential role in preventing and preparing for various autonomous vehicle traffic accidents in the future and improving the safety of autonomous driving technology.

Bandwidth Ratio Considerations for Traffic Parameter Mapping on the Frame Relay/ATM Interworking (FR/ATM 연동에서 트래픽 파라메타를 사상하기 위한 대역 비율)

  • Nam, Yun-Seok;Kim, Jeong-Sik
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 1999
  • There are issues regarding how some of traffic parameters should be set so that ATM and non-ATM service parameters can be compatible. For example, policing method used by frame relay based on CIR(committed information rate) will not exactly match the ATM UPC(Usage Parameter Control) method. ATM and the frame relay have different transfer modes and traffic parameters. The cells and frames are police by their own traffic control schemes. For the same information, the real traffic of the ATM side takes greater bandwidth than that of the frame relay side caused by ATM cell format and AAL5 format. IN both networks this bandwidth than that of the frame relay side caused by ATM cell format and AAL5 format. In both networks this bandwidth ratio should be considered on traffic parameter mapping to maintain their QoS and to perform efficient network resource management. In this paper we describe traffic parameter mapping schemes between frame relay and ATM in ATM network and how to expect the bandwidth ratio to maintain FR QoS in ATM network. We assumed frame length distribution to Erlang or Exponential probability density function.

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Challenges of Transport Sector in India: A Dyadic Perspective

  • Potluri, Rajasekhara Mouly;Tejaswi, Satagopam Padma
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2018
  • The objective of this research is to explore the diverse challenges faced by the customer as well transport providers through the selected modes of transportation of the second most populous country in the world - India. Two separate well-structured questionnaires administered to garner the opinions on different challenges. A random sample of 100 equally selected from the customers of 3 modes of transportation along with 30 transport providers. The collected data was analyzed in Microsoft Excel and R Studio platforms using Percentile Rank Tool and R Programming Language for Chi-square test respectively. Traffic congestion coupled with parking is the major problem in case of roadways while Safety and cleanliness in railways are the first amongst the problems to reckon with. High fares and lack of trained employees are the biggest challenges faced by aviation industry. The research is concentrated only in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in India with most widely used three modes of transportation viz., Road, Rail and Airways. This research paper is first of its kind which has collected the opinions of both customers as well transport providers on the problems faced. This research proffers information about the challenges faced by the customers which there will be an enormous possibility to review their strategies and plans.

Operational modal analysis of structures by stochastic subspace identification with a delay index

  • Li, Dan;Ren, Wei-Xin;Hu, Yi-Ding;Yang, Dong
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.187-207
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    • 2016
  • Practical ambient excitations of engineering structures usually do not comply with the stationary-white-noise assumption in traditional operational modal analysis methods due to heavy traffic, wind guests, and other disturbances. In order to eliminate spurious modes induced by non-white noise inputs, the improved stochastic subspace identification based on a delay index is proposed in this paper for a representative kind of stationary non-white noise ambient excitations, which have nonzero autocorrelation values near the vertical axis. It relaxes the stationary-white-noise assumption of inputs by avoiding corresponding unqualified elements in the Hankel matrix. Details of the improved stochastic subspace identification algorithms and determination of the delay index are discussed. Numerical simulations on a four-story frame and laboratory vibration experiments on a simply supported beam have demonstrated the accuracy and reliability of the proposed method in eliminating spurious modes under non-white noise ambient excitations.

Modes and Causes of Collapse of Subway Tunnels (도심지 지하철 터널의 붕괴유형과 원인)

  • 박광준;이인근
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 1993.03a
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 1993
  • The 2nd phase of Seoul Subway, Lines 5,6,7 and 8, is in progress. To reduce the surface traffic congestion during construction the greater part of the system has been engineered by bored tunnelling. The current tunnelling methodology is based on the New Austrian Tunnelling Method. Serveral collapses have been reported to date. Most of the collapses took place in the area forwed with soft ground. The modes and causes of the collapses were progressive failures in the unsupported surface and sliding failures due to the unfavourable joint direction. The major causes turned out to be the weakness of ground and the sudden influx of ground water from the surface. Some measures to prevent the failures are also presented. To ensure the safe tunnelling ghrough the soft ground the unsupported excavation area has to be minimized and closed as early as possible. Additional support measures such as supporting core, sealing shotcrete, forepoling, spread footing, face rock bolting and grouting should be employed as well depend on ground conditions.

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Polynomial Time Algorithm for Satellite Communications Scheduling Problem with Capacity Constrainted Transponder

  • Lee, Sang-Un
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2016
  • This paper deals with the capacity constrained time slot assignment problem(CTSAP) that a satellite switches to traffic between $m{\times}n$ ground stations using on-board $k{\leq}_{min}\{m,n\}$ k-transponders switching modes in SS/TDMA time-division technology. There was no polynomial time algorithm to solve the optimal solution thus this problem classified by NP-hard. This paper suggests a heuristic algorithm with O(mn) time complexity to solve the optimal solution for this problem. Firstly, the proposed algorithm selects maximum packet lengths of $\({mn \atop c}\)$ combination and transmits the cut of minimum packet length in each switching mode(MSMC). In the case of last switching mode with inefficient transmission, we applies a compensation strategy to obtain the minimum number of switching modes and the minimum makespan. The proposed algorithm finds optimal solution in polynomial time for all of the experimental data.

Characteristics of Real-Driving CO2 and NOx Emissions Compared to Test Modes on Euro-6 LDVs Equipped with SCR and LNT (SCR 및 LNT가 적용된 Euro-6 소형 경유차의 실제도로 주행과 인증모드에서의 CO2 및 NOx 배출특성의 비교)

  • Lee, Jongtae;Kim, Jeongsoo;Chon, Mun Soo;Cha, Junepyo
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.200-206
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the certification procedure for exhaust emission regulation of LDV has tested with the NEDC mode in the laboratory. But the on-road exhaust emissions exceed the standard emission limits. Therefore, it is important to analyze the real-driving emissions (RDE) with a portable emissions measurement system (PEMS). In present study, the on-road emissions were measured with a PEMS and evaluated by moving averaging window (MAW) method. Also, it was compared with the $CO_2$ and $NO_x$ emissions for real-driving and test modes from euro-6 light-duty vehicles equipped with SCR and LNT systems. In results, on-road $NO_x$ emission has been 2.3-10.0 times higher than the standard $NO_x$ emission limit on NEDC mode. The reason was that the test modes did not reflect traffic and various real-driving patterns sufficiently.