• Title/Summary/Keyword: middle term

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Long-Term Follow-Up Results of Anterior Cervical Inter-Body Fusion with Stand-Alone Cages

  • Kim, Woong-Beom;Hyun, Seung-Jae;Choi, Hoyong;Kim, Ki-Jeong;Jahng, Tae-Ahn;Kim, Hyun-Jib
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.385-391
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    • 2016
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to evaluate long-term follow-up radiologic/clinical outcomes of patients who underwent anterior cervical discectomy and inter-body fusion (ACDF) with stand-alone cages (SAC) in a single academic institution. Methods : Total 99 patients who underwent ACDF with SAC between February 2004 and December 2012 were evaluated retrospectively. A total of 131 segments were enrolled in this study. Basic demographic information, radiographic [segmental subsidence rate, fusion rate, C2-7 global angle, and segmental angle changes)/clinical outcomes (by Odom's criteria and visual analog score (VAS)] and complications were evaluated to determine the long-term outcomes. Results : The majority were males (55 vs. 44) with average age of 53.2. Mean follow-up period was 62.9 months. The segmental subsidence rate was 53.4% and fusion rate was 73.3%. In the subsidence group, anterior intervertebral height (AIH) had more tendency of subsiding than middle or posterior intervertebral height (p=0.01). The segmental angle led kyphotic change related to the subsidence of the AIH. Adjacent segmental disease was occurred in 18 (18.2%) patients. Total 6 (6%) reoperations were performed at the index level. There was no statistical significance between clinical and radiological outcomes. But, overall long-term clinical outcome by Odom's criteria was unsatisfactory (64.64%). The neck and arm VAS score were increased by over time. Conclusion : Long-term outcomes of ACDF with SAC group were acceptable but not satisfactory. For optimal decision making, more additional comparative long-term outcome data is needed between ACDF with SAC and ACDF with plating.

Changes in National Health Insurance Medical Expenses and Long-Term Care Costs between the Long-Term Care Group and General Older Adults Group before and after Long-Term Care Use (노인장기요양급여 이용 전후 장기요양군과 일반노인군 간 국민건강보험 및 노인장기요양보험 비용 추이)

  • Seung-Jin Oh;Kang Ju Son
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.249-260
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    • 2024
  • Background: The Republic of Korea's aging population escalates medical and long-term care costs. While prior research has suggested that long-term care might reduce these costs, these studies had limitations in their subjects and duration, making it difficult to generalize the results. This study aims to evaluate cost changes between the long-term care group and the general older adults group after addressing these limitations. Methods: A cohort was derived from the 2015 national population using stratified sampling. Subsequently, 15,114 individuals (7,557 in each group) were identified through 1:1 propensity score matching. The study employed a difference-in-differences analysis to explore variances in medical costs and long-term care benefits post-utilization of long-term care services. Results: Compared to the general older adults group, the long-term care group experienced a reduction in monthly per capita total medical costs by 56,459 Korean won (KRW). Although costs at tertiary and general hospitals increased, those related to long-term care hospitals decreased by 90,687 KRW. Including long-term care benefits, overall expenditures increased by 948,038 KRW. Conclusion: The analysis reveals that the long-term care group faces higher medical costs in acute care than the general older adults group, emphasizing a greater need for medical services within this group. To meet the increasing medical demands of the long-term care group, a collaborative strategy linking community resources, healthcare, and long-term care facilities is imperative. Additionally, developing and implementing preventive health habit management strategies for middle-aged and older adults is essential to diminish the future requirement for long-term care.

Development and Effect of STEAM Program Using Analogy : Focused on the Instructional Unit of 'Solar System' in Middle School (비유를 활용한 STEAM 프로그램 개발 및 효과 : 중학교 '태양계' 단원을 중심으로)

  • Han, Shin;Kim, Hyoungbum;Kim, Yong-Ki;Song, Ha-Myung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2020
  • This study aimed to develop an HTE (It is an abbreviation for Here, There, and Everywhere) STEAM program combining with the use of an analogy in a middle school subject unit 'the solar system' and realize creative education for intelligent information society through a process of verifying the effectiveness of the program. For reference, the program was applied to 354 students in the first grade of two middle schools in South Korea - one was A middle school in Sejong City, the other B middle school in Pyeongtaek City. The STEAM program was revised and made up for the weak points for three times by a group of experts, and then it got verified for validity. The final version of the program was applied to middle school education sites in Korea for six periods in total. In other to confirm the effectiveness, two types of tests - logical thinking ability test and STEAM attitude test - were conducted before and after the program treatment. On top of that, the STEAM satisfaction test was also implemented in order to explore the students' recognition of the program after the program treatment. The results of this study were as follows. First, it turned out the STEAM program using the analogy was effective in improving the students' logical thinking ability. Second, the STEAM program blended with the analogy was also effective in improving the students' STEAM attitude. Third, the students' recognition of the STEAM program using the analogy was quite positive, and the program was efficacious in intriguing the students' interests in science. Judging from the results of the program, the students' satisfaction with the classes they take will be expected to be higher if the STEAM program is implemented in the next-term classes with more sufficient time.

Influences of Self-Esteem and Loneliness on Subjective Well-being of Middle-aged Women

  • Cha, Eun-Jeong;Lee, Soon-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.163-170
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we purpose to describe the relationship and influencing factors among self-esteem, loneliness on subjective well-being of middle-aged women. The subjects were 157 middle-aged women through convenience sampling residing in S city, C and three G provinces. The data were collected from June 15th to July 31st, 2019. The data were analyzed through t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression with SPSS/WIN 22.0. The result showed self-esteem, loneliness on subjective well-being averaged 31.39(out of 40), 35.37(out of 80), 5.03(out of 7). In term of correlations, subjective well-being of middle-aged women was significantly positively correlated with self-esteem (r=.581, p<.001), and significantly negatively related with loneliness (r =-.621, p<.001)). Variables affecting subjective well-being were self-esteem (β=.324 p<.001), loneliness(β=-.424, p<.001). These variables represented 44.5% of the subject's subjective well-being. These results suggest that development of a intervention program is needed to lowers loneliness and increases self-esteem in order to increase the subjective well-being of middle-aged women.

Factors Affecting Retirement Satisfaction of the Elderly: Comparing young-old and middle-old elders (노인의 은퇴만족에 영향을 미치는 요인: 전기·중기노인 비교)

  • Lim, Jeungsuk
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.861-881
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    • 2019
  • The purposes of this study are to examine the factors affecting retirement satisfaction, focusing on health, social activity and social security anticipation, and to compare the results between young-old and middle-old. A total of 860 retired people who live alone or live with their spouses were selected from 6th Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging, and binomial logistic regression analysis was used to analyze 416 young-old(aged from 65 to 74) and 444 middle-old(aged from 75 to 83). The results are as follows. First, there was no significant difference in retirement satisfaction between young-old and middle-old. Second, when factors affecting retirement satisfaction was examined, young-olds showed hgher retirement satisfaction with higher perception of health condition and mental health condition, and showed lower retirement satisfaction with higher expectation of long-term care insurance. Middle-old was likely to show higher retirement satisfaction when they had better perspective on physical and mental health condition. The results of the study show that health condition of elderly is an important contributing factor in determining retirement satisfaction of the elderly. Based on the results of the study, political and practical suggestions were proposed to improve retirement satisfaction.

A Study on the Proof Education in the Middle School Geometry - Focused on the Theory of van Hiele and Freudenthal - (중학교 기하의 증명 지도에 관한 소고 - van Hiele와 Freudenthal의 이론을 중심으로 -)

  • 나귀수
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 1998
  • This study deals with the problem of proof education in the middle school geometry bby examining van Hiele#s geometric thought level theory and Freudenthal#s mathematization teaching theory. The implications that have been revealed by examining the theory of van Hie이 and Freudenthal are as follows. First of all, the proof education at present that follows the order of #definition-theorem-proof#should be reconsidered. This order of proof-teaching may have the danger that fix the proof education poorly and formally by imposing the ready-made mathematics as the mere record of proof on students rather than suggesting the proof as the real thought activity. Hence we should encourage students in reinventing #proving#as the means of organization and mathematization. Second, proof-learning can not start by introducing the term of proof only. We should recognize proof-learning as a gradual process which forms with understanding the meaning of proof on the basic of the various activities, such as observation of geometric figures, analysis of the properties of geometric figures and construction of the relationship among those properties. Moreover students should be given this natural ground of proof.

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Study on Cognitive Characteristics of 5th Graders who use Expectation and Confirmation Strategies (예상과 확인 전략을 사용하는 초등학교 5학년 학생들의 인지적 특성 연구)

  • Choi, IlSeok;Kang, JeongGi;Roh, EunHwan
    • East Asian mathematical journal
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.393-420
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    • 2015
  • The expectation and confirmation emerging as one of problem-solving strategies in the elementary school is a strategy that does not limited in the elementary school but used in the middle and high school. This strategy inevitably requires a process of adjustment that affected by the earlier expectation. Such an adjustment raised expectation and confirmation to one of effective problem-solving strategies. The adjustment is especially important to carry out the strategy effectively. The aim of this study was to conduct basic research on cognitive characteristics appearing to students when they carried out the expectation and confirmation strategy. We investigated and analyzed this in term of adjustment of expectation. To do this, we examined 50 5th graders' response in three kinds of word problems and interviewed with 4 participants who is using the expectation and confirmation strategy. The interview was conducted by using the items or solutions used in the test. From this, we tried to check students' cognitive characteristics and recognition on it's value. Furthermore we proposed the pedagogical implications associated with these results.

A Review on the Failure Mechanism for Crystalline Silicon PV Module (결정계 PV 모듈에 대한 고장 메커니즘 검토)

  • Kim, Jeong-Yeon;Kim, Ju-Hee;Chan, Sung-Il;Lim, Dong-Gun;Kim, Yang-Seob
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.343-349
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    • 2014
  • It is summarized that potential causes of performance degradations and failure mechanisms of crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) modules installed in Middle East area. In addition, we also reviewed current PV module qualification test (IEC 61215) and the methods for detection of wear-out fault. The failure of PV modules in the extreme environmental conditions such as deserts is mainly due to high temperature, humidity, and dust storms. In particular, cementation phenomenon caused by combination of sand and moisture leads to rapid degradation in the performance of PV modules. In order to evaluate and guarantee the long term reliability of PV modules, specific qualification tests such as sand dust test, salt mist test and potential induce degradation test considering operating environment of PV module should be carried out.

Ecological Study of the Marine Algal Community at the Coast of Taean Thermal Power Plant, Korea (태안화력발전소 주변 해조군집의 생태 연구)

  • Yu, Jong-Su;Kim, Yeong-Hwan
    • ALGAE
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.311-320
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    • 2003
  • The community structure of benthic marine algae was investigated at Taean Thermal Power Plant and other places around Taean Peninsula, the west coast of Korea. Total of 100 species including 3 Cyanophyta, 14 Chlorophyta, 18 Phaeophyta, and 65 Rhodophyta were identified. The number of species was highest with 78 species at the Power Plant intake, followed by 61 at the discharge, 56 at Bunjeondo, and 50 at Maoe. It was noteworthy that a subtropical species Caulerpa okamurae was collected at the intake in autumn and it was the first observation in the west coast of Korea. The pattern of vertical algal distribution showed Gloiopeltis furcata occurred in the upper intertidal zone, Sargassum thunbergii and Corallina spp. in the middle and lower zone and Enteromorpha spp. in the lower middle zone. These were all dominant species except for Enteromopha spp., which was subdominant species. Other subdominant species were Chondrus ocellatus and Neorhodomela aculeata. The average diversity indices were between 0.70 and 1.20 at each area based on their dry weight. The similarity index was 0.79 between the algal flora of this study and that of 1987, indicating that the condition of the benthic environment remained unchanged since then. This area maintained its environmental quality, so the algal community remained same with similar structure. This study area seemed a suitable place for long term monitoring of the benthic environment where industrial facilities such as a power plant might affect the benthic algal community.

An Automatic Classification System of Official Documents in Middle Schools Using Term Weighting of Titles (제목의 단어 가중치를 이용한 중등학교 공문서 자동분류시스템)

  • Kang, Hyun-Hee;Jin, Min
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 2003
  • It takes a lot of time to classify official documents in schools and educational institutions. In order to reduce the overhead, we propose an automatic document classification method using word information of the titles of documents in this paper. At first, meaningful words are extracted from titles of existing documents and Inverse Document Frequency(IDF) weights of words are calculated against each category. Then we build a word weight dictionary. Documents are automatically classified into the appropriate category of which the sum of weights of words of the title is the highest by using the word weight dictionary. We also evaluate the performance of the proposed method using a real dataset of a middle school.

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