• Title/Summary/Keyword: microscopic image

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Stress analysis of the CR lens using the chrome conversion (Chrome 변환을 이용한 CR 렌즈의 미세응력 시각화)

  • Kim, Yong-Geun
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.9-15
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    • 2005
  • The polariscope to measure the microscopic stress in CR lens consists of light source polarizer, model, polarizer, CCD, computer, chrome conversion orderly and the principal-stressed difference, (${\sigma}_1-{\sigma}_2$) and the fringe order n were measured by analyzing two components of light wave $E_1$ and $E_2$ following each polarizer's steps. The two-dimensional model could be determined from the fact that the optical axes of sample concide with the principal-stress directions. The bi-refringence acted to a light wave and the phase retardation were in proportion to the principal-stressed difference(${\sigma}_1-{\sigma}_2$) and the intensity of final light wave was proportioned to $sin2({\Delta}/2)$ and when ${\Delta}/2=n{\pi}$ (n=0, 1, 2, ${\ldots}$) the extinction occurs. Photoelastic's image by microscopic stress could analyzed using chrome conversion, and the image showed clearly.

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Rietveld Analysis of Nano-crystalline MnFe2O4 with Electron Powder Diffraction

  • Kim, Jin-Gyu;Seo, Jung-Wook;Cheon, Jin-Woo;Kim, Youn-Joong
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.183-187
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    • 2009
  • The structure of nano-crystalline $MnFe_2O_4$ was determined and refined with electron powder diffraction data employing the Rietveld refinement technique. A nano-crystalline sample (with average crystal size of about 10.9 nm) was characterized by selected area electron diffraction in an energy-filtering transmission electron microscope operated at 120 kV. All reflection intensities were extracted from a digitized image plate using the program ELD and then used in the course of structure refinements employing the program FULLPROF for the Rietveld analysis. The final structure was refined in space group Fd-3m (# 227) with lattice parameters a=8.3413(7) $\AA$. The reliability factors of the refinement are $R_F$=7.98% and $R_B$=3.55%. Comparison of crystallographic data between electron powder diffraction data and reference data resulted in better agreement with ICSD-56121 rather than with ICSD-28517 which assumes an initial structure model.


  • Shin, Hyun-Kyung
    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.27 no.1_2
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2009
  • Microscopic imaging system often requires the algorithm to adjust location of camera lenses automatically in machine level. An effort to detect the best focal point is naturally interpreted as a mathematical inverse problem [1]. Following Wiener's point of view [2], we interpret the focus level of images as the quantified factor appeared in image degradation model: g = $f{\ast}H+{\eta}$, a standard mathematical model for understanding signal or image degradation process [3]. In this paper we propose a simple, very fast and robust method to compare the degradation parameters among the multiple images given by introducing outlier analysis of histogram.

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Emulation of Anti-alias Filtering in Vision Based Motion Mmeasurement (비전 센서의 앨리어싱 방지 필터링 모방 기법)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.18-26
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents a method, Exposure Controlled Temporal Filtering (ECF), applied to visual motion tracking, that can cancel the temporal aliasing of periodic vibrations of cameras and fluctuations in illumination through the control of exposure time. We first present a theoretical analysis of the exposure induced image time integration process and how it samples sensor impingent light that is periodically fluctuating. Based on this analysis we develop a simple method to cancel high frequency vibrations that are temporally aliased onto sampled image sequences and thus to subsequent motion tracking measurements. Simulations and experiments using the 'Center of Gravity' and Normalized Cross-Correlation motion tracking methods were performed on a microscopic motion tracking system to validate the analytical predictions.

A Study on the Analysis of Mucociliary Beat Frequency Using Image Processing (영상 처리 방법을 이용한 후각 상피 세포의 섬모 운동 특성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Yi, W.J.;Park, K.S.;Min, Y.G.;Sung, M.H.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1996 no.05
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    • pp.111-114
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    • 1996
  • Mucociliary transport is one of the essential defensive functions of the airway mucosa. In this paper, the objective and quantitative method of measuring CBF(Ciliary Beat Frequency) was developed based on the image processing method. Microscopic ciliary images are acquired through image processing board inside PC, and data necessary for the FFT(Fast Fourier Transform) analysis are extracted. By means of FFT analysis, maximum peak frequencies are found in each divided block of a whole acquired image. Finally using these frequencies, we compose a frequency map showing the spatial distribution of CBF's.

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A Glance of Electron Tomography through 4th International Congress on Electron Tomography (International Congress on Electron Tomography에 대한 간략한 이해와 현황)

  • Rhyu, Im-Joo;Park, Seung-Nam
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.275-278
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    • 2008
  • Electron tomography (ET) is an electron microscopic technique for obtaining a 3-D image from any electron microscopy specimen and its application in biomedical science has been increased thanks to development of electron microscopy and related technologies during the last decade. There are few researches on ET in Korea during this period. Although the importance of ET has been recognized recently by many researchers, initial approach to electron tomographic research is not easy for beginners. The 4th International Congress on Electron Tomography (4 ICET) was held on Nov $5{\sim}8$, 2006, at San Diego. The program dealt instrumentation, reconstruction algorithm, visualization/quantitative analysis and electron tomographic presentation of biological specimen and nano particles. 1 have summarized oral presentations and analyzed the posters presented on the meeting. Cryo-electron microscopic system was popular system for ET and followed conventional transmission electron microscopic system. Cultured cell line and tissue were most popular specimens analyzed and microorganisms including bacteria and virus also constituted important specimens. This analysis provides a current state of art in ET research and a guide line for practical application of ET and further research strategies.

Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of Human Skin Replica

  • Rhyu, Yeon-Seung;Chung, Ye-Ji;Uhm, Chang-Sub
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.267-270
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    • 2010
  • The skin is the largest organ of the integument system whose surface is closely related with many physiological and pathological conditions. Various methods are used to understand the structural and functional status of human skin. We would like to present usefulness of scanning electron microscopic (SEM) observation of skin replica and its significance of training module for a novice. The silicon replicas from several regions of the body (hand, finger, forearm, lip, and face) were casted by applying Exafine$^{(R)}$ mixture. The positive replicas were prepared by applying EPON 812 mixture on negative silicon replicas. Some of the negative silicon replicas were cut with a razor blade and surface profiles were observed. The negative and positive replicas were coated with platinum and were observed under the scanning electron microscope. We could investigate the detailed structures of the human skin surface without any physical damage to the subject. The positive replicas depicted real surface structure of the human skin vividly. The cross sectional view of the negative silicon replicas provided surface profile clearly. The scanning electron microscopic observation of the human skin replicas would be useful to study skin surface structures and to evaluate medical and esthetical applications.

Computer Vision System for Analysis of Geometrical Characteristics of Agricultural Products and Microscopic Particles(II) -Algorithms for Geometrical Feature Analysis- (농산물 및 미립자의 기하학적 특성 분석을 위한 컴퓨터 시각 시스템(II) -기하학적 특성 분석 알고리즘-)

  • Lee, J.W.;Noh, S.H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.143-155
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    • 1992
  • The aim of this study is to develop a general purpose algorithm for analyzing geometrical features of agricultural products and microscopic particles regardless of their numbers, shapes and positions with a computer vision system. Primarily, boundary informations of an image were obtained by Scan Line Coding and Scan & Chain Coding methods and then with these informations, geometrical features such as area, perimeter, lengths, widths, centroid, major and minor axes, equivalent circle diameter, number of individual objects, etc, were analyzed. The algorithms developed in this study was evaluated with test images consisting of a number of randomly generated ellipsoids or a few synthesized diagrams having different features. The result was successful in terms of accuracy.

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