• 제목/요약/키워드: meteorological index

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지수형 날씨보험 가입의향에 대한 분석 (Analyzing the Customers' Intentions of Purchasing Weather Index Insurance)

  • 박기준;황진태;조재린;김백조;김인겸
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제23권2호
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2014
  • This study provides the empirical results of the customers' necessity and intentions of purchasing weather index insurance using survey of asking the customers' recognition about weather insurance. In this article, we discovered that not only the customers' past experience of loss but also the extent of damage and the effects that change in weather would have on their firm are positively related to an intention to purchase weather index insurance. In addition, the level of premiums was significantly higher for the highly-intended group of willing to purchase weather index insurance than the comparison group.

용담댐시험유역 기상자료와 식생지수의 상관성 분석 (Relationship between Vegetation Index and Meteorological Element in Yongdam Catchment)

  • 이형근;황지형;이길하
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제27권11호
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    • pp.983-989
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    • 2018
  • The real-time monitoring of surface vegetation is essential for the management of droughts, vegetation growth, and water resources. The availability of land cover maps based on remotely collected data makes the monitoring of surface vegetation easier. The vegetation index in an area is likely to be proportional to meteorological elements there such as air temperature and precipitation. This study investigated relationship between vegetation index based on Moderate Resolution Image Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and ground-measured meteorological elements at the Yongdam catchment station. To do this, 16-day averaged data were used. It was found that the vegetation index is well correlated to air temperature but poorly correlated to precipitation. The study provides some intuition and guidelines for the study of the droughts and ecologies in the future.

기상학적 및 수문학적 가뭄지수를 이용한 청미천 유역의 첨두가뭄지수 분석 (Peak drought index analysis of cheongmicheon watershed using meteorological and hydrological drought index)

  • 김수현;정은성
    • 한국수자원학회논문집
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    • 제50권1호
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 청미천 유역을 대상으로 1985년부터 2015년까지의 가뭄지수를 이용하여 첨두 가뭄심도와 가뭄기간을 분석하였다. 이을 위해 기상학적 가뭄지수로는 강수량만을 변수로 하는 SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index)와 강수량과 증발산량을 함께 고려하는 SPEI (Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index)를 적용하였으며, 수문학적 가뭄지수는 유역의 유출량을 변수로 하는 SDI (Streamflow drought index)를 적용하였다. SDI의 경우 청미천 유역을 구축한 SWAT 모형을 이용하여 도출한 유출량을 사용하였다. 그 결과 첨두 가뭄심도의 발생시기는 SPI, SPEI의 발생 후에 SDI가 발생하는 양상을 보였으며 평균적으로 SDI와 SPI는 0.59개월, SPEI는 0.72개월의 차이를 보인다. 최대 발생지체 시간은 SPI, SPEI 모두 2개월을 보인다. 또한 기상학적 가뭄이 해결될 수 있는 강우량임에도 수문학적 가뭄을 해결하지 못하는 경우가 발생함을 확인하였다.

기상청 기후예측시스템(GloSea5)의 여름철 동아시아 몬순 지수 예측 성능 평가 (Prediction Skill for East Asian Summer Monsoon Indices in a KMA Global Seasonal Forecasting System (GloSea5))

  • 이소정;현유경;이상민;황승언;이조한;부경온
    • 대기
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.293-309
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    • 2020
  • There are lots of indices that define the intensity of East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) in climate systems. This paper assesses the prediction skill for EASM indices in a Global Seasonal Forecasting System (GloSea5) that is currently operating at KMA. Total 5 different types of EASM indices (WNPMI, EAMI, WYI, GUOI, and SAHI) are selected to investigate how well GloSea5 reproduces them using hindcasts with 12 ensemble members with 1~3 lead months. Each index from GloSea5 is compared to that from ERA-Interim. Hindcast results for the period 1991~2010 show the highest prediction skill for WNPMI which is defined as the difference between the zonal winds at 850 hPa over East China Sea and South China Sea. WYI, defined as the difference between the zonal winds of upper and lower level over the Indian Ocean far from East Asia, is comparatively well captured by GloSea5. Though the prediction skill for EAMI which is defined by using meridional winds over areas of East Asia and Korea directly affected by EASM is comparatively low, it seems that EAMI is useful for predicting the variability of precipitation by EASM over East Asia. The regressed atmospheric fields with EASM index and the correlation with precipitation also show that GloSea5 best predicts the synoptic environment of East Asia for WNPMI among 5 EASM indices. Note that the result in this study is limited to interpret only for GloSea5 since the prediction skill for EASM index depends greatly on climate forecast model systems.

불쾌지수를 이용한 우리나라의 기후학적 환경특성에 관한 연구 (On the Property of Climatological Environment with Discomfort Index in Korea)

  • 김해동;김수봉
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.129-133
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the property of climatological environment using the daily mean meteorological data measured at the serveral meteorological observatory for 30years(1961~1990). It was found that the distribution of discomfort index tended to mainly depend on the geographical situation in the same season. Major portions of Korea were subjected to continental except for some seaside districts. The discomfort index have a large(small) value in summer(winter) season. And there is a short interval(1 or 2 months) between summer and winter season in Korea.

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농업가뭄인자 미계측 지역의 농업가뭄 추정을 위한 기상학적 가뭄지수의 활용성 평가 (Availability Assessment of Meteorological Drought Index for Agricultural Drought Estimation in Ungauged Area of Agricultural Drought Parameter)

  • 박민우;김선주;권형중;김필식;강승묵;이재혁
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제59권5호
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2017
  • The object of this study was to assess availability of meteorological drought index for agricultural dorught estimation in ungauged area of agricultural drought parameters which are reservoir water level and soil moisture. The IADI (Integrated Agricultural Drought Index) and the SPI (Standard Precipitation Index), which are the criteria for determining agricultural drought and meteorological drought, were calculated and compared. For this purpose, the droughts that occurred in the Baeksan reservoir in Gimje and the Edong reservoir in Suwon were evaluated by using the IADI and SPI drought indecies. In addition, we compared and analyzed the depth of drought based on the two drought indices. Evaluations derived form the IADI and SPI showed that the standard precipitation index tended to indicate the occurrence of drought earlier than the integrated agricultural drought index. However, the integrated agricultural drought index was better than the standard precipitation index at evaluating the severity of drought during the period of irrigation. The relationship between these two drought indices seems to be useful for decision making in the case of drought, and it is considered that more studies are needed to examine the applicability of these drought indexes.

한반도의 여름철 불쾌지수 특성 분석 (The Change of The Average Discomfort Index from June to September during The Past 10 Years)

  • 장유정;허혜숙;김백조;김성균;홍기만;이우균
    • 한국기후변화학회지
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2012
  • 본 연구에서는 한반도의 2001~2010년간 여름철 불쾌지수의 시공간적 변동을 분석하여 기후학적 특성을 지역별로 살펴보고, 그 결과를 토대로 불쾌지수를 다양한 사회현상의 기초 자료로 활용할 수 있는 가능성에 관하여 고찰하였다. 기상청의 60개 관측 지점에서 측정된 시간별 기온과 습도를 이용하여 그날의 불쾌지수를 일별로 추정하였다. 추정된 불쾌지수의 특성을 분석한 결과, 여름철에는 불쾌지수가 불쾌감을 주는 수준으로 지속되며, 기온과 더불어 꾸준히 상승하는 경향을 보였다. 또한, 하루 중에는 오후 3시, 일년 중에는 8월의 불쾌지수가 높게 나타났으며, 지역별로는 강원도 지역이 불쾌지수가 가장 낮은 분포를 보였다. 기후변화에 따른 불쾌지수의 변동성 분석은 산업 및 보건 등 다양한 분야에서 정책결정의 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

도시 내부 하천 복원에 의한 열 환경의 시공간적 변화 (Spatiotemporal Changes of the Thermal Environment by the Restoration of an Inner-city Stream)

  • 권태헌;김규랑;변재영;최영진
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제18권6호
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    • pp.321-330
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    • 2009
  • Spatiotemporal changes in the thermal environment in a large city, Seoul, Korea were analyzed using a thermal index, perceived temperature (PT), to standardize the weather conditions. PT is a standard index for the thermal balance of human beings in thermophysiological environment. For the analysis of PT, the data from long-term monitoring and intensive observations in and around the inner-city stream called 'Cheonggye' in Seoul, were compared with a reference data from the Seoul weather station. Long-term data were monitored by installing two automatic weather stations at 66m (S1) and 173m (S2) away from the center of the stream. Through the analysis of the data during the summer of 2006 and intensive observation periods, it was revealed that the stream's effects on the PT extended up to the distance of the S1 site. In winter, the increase of the PT between pre- and post-restoration was stronger at S1, which was nearer than S2 from the stream. These results suggest that PT can be used as an effective model in analyzing the changes of the thermal environment in relation with the changes of water surface areas.

WRF 모델에서 모의된 2005년 장마 기간 강수의 동조성 연구 (A Study on the Coherence of the Precipitation Simulated by the WRF Model during a Changma Period in 2005)

  • 변재영;원혜영;조천호;최영진
    • 대기
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2007
  • The present study uses the GOES IR brightness temperature to examine the temporal and spatial variability of cloud activity over the region $25^{\circ}N-45^{\circ}N$, $105^{\circ}E-135^{\circ}E$ and analyzes the coherence of eastern Asian summer season rainfall in Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model. Time-longitude diagram of the time period from June to July 2005 shows a signal of eastward propagation in the WRF model and convective index derived from GOES IR data. The rain streaks in time-latitude diagram reveal coherence during the experiment period. Diurnal and synoptic scales are evident in the power spectrum of the time series of convective index and WRF rainfall. The diurnal cycle of early morning rainfall in the WRF model agrees with GOES IR data in the Korean Peninsula, but the afternoon convection observed by satellite observation in China is not consistent with the WRF rainfall which is represented at the dawn. Although there are errors in strength and timing of convection, the model predicts a coherent tendency of rainfall occurrence during summer season.

기상청에서 운용 중인 지역별 지표 홍반자외선(EUV-B) 복사의 특성 (Characteristics of Erythemal Ultraviolet Irradiance operating at Korea Meteorological Administration)

  • 홍기만;최병철
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.223-233
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    • 2006
  • We analyzed the monthly and seasonal mean of the daily Erythemal Ultraviolet-B (EUV-B, $280{\sim}320nm$) irradiance operating in Pohang, Anmyeon, Gosan, Mokpo and Kangnung with UV-Biometer (Solar Light Co., Model No. 501) at clear-sky noon during the period from 1999 to 2004. Also, we investigated the seasonal and regional characteristics for the UV index over the Korean Peninsula. The daily maximum occurred near solar southing time and the highest monthly accumulated EUV-B irradiance appeared in July and August at each regional observatory. The monthly mean value of the clear-sky EUV-B irradiance in Pohang, Anmyeon, Gosan, Mokpo and Kangnung showed 196.6, 161.8, 221.9, $171.5mWm^{-2}\;and\;179.7mWm^{-2}$ near noon in July respectively. The annual mean value of the daily accumulated EUV-B irradiance in Pohang, Anmyeon, Gosan, Mokpo and Kangnung were 1.8, 2.1, 2.2, $1.8kJm^{-2}\;and\;1.5kJm^{-2}$ respectively. The UV Index (UVI) showed above UVI 7(High) more than 90 days during one year over the Korean Peninsula.