• Title/Summary/Keyword: mesh structure

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A Study on the Network Text Analysis about Oral Health in Aging-Well

  • Seol-Hee Kim
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.302-311
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    • 2023
  • Background: Oral health is an important element of well aging. And oral health also affects overall health, mental health, and quality of life. In this study, we sought to identify oral health influencing factors and research trends for well-aging through text analysis of research on well-aging and oral health over the past 12 years. Methods: The research data was analyzed based on English literature published in PubMed from 2012 to 2023. Aging well and oral health were used as search terms, and 115 final papers were selected. Network text analysis included keyword frequency analysis, centrality analysis, and cohesion structure analysis using the Net-Miner 4.0 program. Results: Excluding general characteristics, the most frequent keywords in 115 articles, 520 keywords (Mesh terms) were psychology, dental prosthesis and Alzheimer's disease, Dental caries, cognition, cognitive dysfunction, and bacteria. Research keywords with high degree centrality were Dental caries (0.864), Quality of life (0.833), Tooth loss (0.818), Health status (0.727), and Life expectancy (0.712). As a result of community analysis, it consisted of 4 groups. Group 1 consisted of chewing and nutrition, Group 2 consisted oral diseases, systemic diseases and management, Group 3 consisted oral health and mental health, Group 4 consisted oral frailty symptoms and quality of life. Conclusion: In an aging society, oral dysfunction affects mental health and quality of life. Preventing oral diseases for well-aging can have a positive impact on mental health and quality of life. Therefore, efforts are needed to prevent oral frailty in a super-aging society by developing and educating systematic oral care programs for each life cycle.

Crack Analysis using Constrained Delaunay Triangulation Crack Mesh Generation Method (Constrained Delaunay Triangulation 균열 요소 생성 기법을 이용한 균열 해석)

  • Yeounhee Kim;Yeonhi Kim;Jungsun Park
    • Journal of Aerospace System Engineering
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.17-26
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    • 2024
  • Aircraft engines are exposed to high temperatures, high pressures, and stress caused by the rotation of the turbine shaft during flight. These loads can result in microcracks both on the inside and outside surfaces of the structure. Consequently, this can lead to structural defects and negatively impact the lifespan of the parts. To proactively prevent these defects, a finite element analysis is carried out to identify cracks. However, this process is time-consuming and requires significant effort due to the repetitive nature of crack modeling. This study aims to develop a crack modeling method based on the finite element model. To achieve this, the Constrained Delaunay Triangulation (CDT) technique is employed to triangulate the space while considering limitations on point connections. The effectiveness of this method is validated by comparing stress intensity factors for semi-elliptical cracks in plates and cylindrical vessels. This approach proves to be a valuable tool for crack analysis studies.

A Study on a Deep Learning-Based Real-Time Object Recognition Supported 360-Degree 3D Around-View System for Large Vehicles (딥러닝 기반 실시간 객체 인식을 지원하는 대형차량용 360도 3D 어라운드뷰 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Joongjin Kook;HeeChan Won;KeonHee Lee;HakSeung Lee;JeongWoo Han;JiHwan Yeom
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.161-166
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    • 2024
  • This study proposes the design and implementation of a deep learning-based real-time object recognition supported 360-degree 3D around-view system to address the blind spot issues in large vehicles. Unlike passenger cars, large vehicles have more extensive blind spots due to their size and structure, making it difficult for drivers to fully perceive the surrounding environment. The proposed system utilizes the YOLO algorithm for object detection and a multi-camera setup to generate an optimized 360-degree view of the surroundings. The system also incorporates automatic calibration technology, using 3D mesh correction data to stitch the camera inputs seamlessly. Experimental results show that the system achieves high frame rates and object recognition accuracy, effectively enhancing the driver's situational awareness and safety. The system has the potential for wider applications in various large transportation vehicles, such as trucks and buses, contributing to road safety and accident prevention.

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A Study on the Damages of Head Works by the Storm Flood in the Area of Cheong Ju and Boeun -Emphasis onFactors Influenced on the Disasters and their Countermeasures- (淸州 및 報恩地方의 頭首工洪水災害에 關한 調査硏究(II) -災害原因 및 對策方案을 中心으로-)

  • Nam, Seong-Woo;Kim, Choul-Kee
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 1982
  • The purpose of this study is to classify the factors influenced on the damages of head works suffered from the storm flood occurred on July 22 1980 in both Musim and Bochong rivers and to find out an integral counter measures against the causes influenced on the disaster of head works in the engineering aspect of planning, design, construction and maintenance. In this survey, number of samples was taken 25 head Works, and the counter measures against the causes of their disasters summarized was as follows, 1. In the aspect of planning a. As the flood water level after the establishment of head works is more increased than the level before setting of head works owing to having more gentle slope of river bed between the head works than nature slope of river bed. Number of head works should be reduced for the appropriate annexation of them b. In the place where head works is established on the curved point of levee, the destruction of levee becomes severe by the strong deflective current. Therefore the setting of head works on the curved point should be kept off as long as possible and in case of unavoidable circumstances the construction method such as reinforced concrete wall or stone wall filed with concrete and anchored bank revetments should be considered. 2. In the aspect of design a. As scoring phenomena at up stream is serious around the weir Where the concentration of strong current is present in such a place, up stream apron having impermeability should be designed to resist and prevent scoring. b. As the length of apron and protected bed is too short to prevent scoring as down stream bed, the design length should be taken somewhat more than the calculated value, but in the case the calculated length becomes too long to be profitable, a device of water cushion should be considered. c. The structure of protected river bed should be improved to make stone mesh bags fixed to apron and to have vinyl mattress laid on river bed together with the improvement for increasing the stability of stone mesh bags and preventing the sucked sand from the river bed. d. As the shortage of cut-off length, especialy in case of the cutoffs conneting both shore sides of river makes the cause of destruction of embankment and weir body, the culculation of cut-off length should be taken enough length based on seepage length. 3. In the aspect of design and constructions a. The overturing destruction of weir by piping action was based on the jet water through cracks at the construction and expansion joints. therefore the expansion joint should be designed and constructed with the insertion of water proof plate and asphalt filling, and the construction joint, with concaved shape structure and steel reinforcement. b. As the wrong design and construction of the weep holes on apron will cause water piping and weir destruction, the design and construction of filter based on the rule of filter should be kept for weep holes. c. The wrong design and construction of bank revetment caused the severe destruction of levee and weir body resulting from scoring and impulse by strong current and formation of water route behind the revetment. Therefore bank revetment should be designod and constructed with stone wall filled with concrete and anchored, or reinforced concrete wall to prevent the formation of water flow route behind the wall and to resist against the scoring and impulse of strong stream. 4. In the aspect of maintenance When the damaged parts occurred at head works the authorities and farmers concerned should find and mend them as soon as possible with mutual cooperation, and on the other hand public citizen should be guided for good use of public property.

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Design and Evaluation of a Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithmfor Hypercube Multicomputers (하이퍼큐브 멀티컴퓨터를 위한 분산 상호배제 알고리즘의 설계 및 평가)

  • Ha, Sook-Jeong;Bae, Ihn-Han
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.4 no.9
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    • pp.2221-2234
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    • 1997
  • Distributed mutual exclusion algorithms have employed two approaches to achieve mutual exclusion and can be divided into two broad classes:token-based and permission-based. Token-based algorithms share a unique token among the nodes and a node is allowed to access its common resources if it possesses the token. Permission-based algorithms require one or more successive rounds of message exchanges among the nodes to obtain the permission to access the common resources. A hypercube architecture has earned wide acceptance in multiprocessor systems in the past few years because of its simple, yet rich topology. Accordingly, we study distributed permission-based mutual exclusion algorithms for hypercubes, and design a distributed permission-based mutual exclusion algorithm based on a new information structure adapted to the hypercubes. The new information structure is a request set of T-pattern from a logical mesh that is embedded into a hypercube. If a node wants to access the common resources, it sends request message to all nodes in the request set by Lan's multicast algorithm. Once the node receives a grant message from all nodes in the request set, it accesses the common resource. We evaluate our algorithm with respect to minimum round-trip delay, blocking delay, and the number of messages per access to the common resource.

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Development of Structure Analysis Program for Jointed Concrete Pavement Applying Load Discretization Algorithm (하중변환 알고리듬을 적용한 줄눈 콘크리트 포장해석 프로그램 개발)

  • Yun, Tae-Young;Kim, Ji-Won;Cho, Yoon-Ho
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.5 no.4 s.18
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2003
  • Recently, the new pavement design method considering Korean environment and the specification for improving performance of pavement are being developed in Korea. The Jointed Concrete Pavement Program Applying Load Discretization Algorithm (called HEART-JCP) is one of the results of Korea Pavement Research Project in Korea. HEART-JCP program is developed to analyze various loading condition using the load discretization algorithm without mesh refinement. In addition, it can be modified easily into multi-purpose concrete pavement nidyses program because of the modularized structure characteristic of HEART-JCP. The program consists of basic program part and load discretization part. In basic program part, the displacement and stress are computed in the concrete slab, sub-layer, and dowel bar, which are modeled with plate/shell element, spring element and beam element. In load discretization program part, load discretization algorithm that was used for the continuum solid element is modified to analyze the model with plate and shell element. The program can analyze the distributed load, concentrated load, thermal load and body load using load discretization algorithm. From the result of verification and sensitivity study, it was known that the loading position, the magnitude of load, and the thickness of slab were the major factors of concrete pavement behavior as expected. Since the result of the model developed is similar to the results of Westergaard solution and ILLISLAB, the program can be used to estimate the behavior of jointed concrete pavement reasonably.

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Restoration planning of the Seoul Metropolitan area, Korea toward eco-city

  • Lee, Chang Seok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Environmental Biology Conference
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    • 2003.06a
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2003
  • In order to prepare a basis for ecological restoration of the Seoul Metropolitan area, ecological diagnoses on soil physico-chemical properties and vegetation structure were carried out. Land use patterns, actual vegetation, and biotope patterns were also investigated based on aerial photograph interpretation and field checks. I formulated landscape elements overlaying those data and evaluated the ecological value of each element. Soil pollution was evaluated by analyzing soil samples collected in each grid on the mesh map, divided by 2km $\times$ 2km intervals. Soil samples were collected in forests or grasslands escaped from direct human interference. Soil pollution evaluated from pH, and SO$_4$, Ca, Mg, and Al contents of soil was more severe in the urban outskirts than in the urban center. Those soil environmental factors showed significant correlation with each other. Vegetation in the urban area was different in species composition from that in suburban areas and showed lower diversity compared with that in the suburban areas. Successional process investigated by population structure of major species also showed a difference. That is, successional trend was normal in suburban areas, but that in urban areas showed a retrogressive pattern. The landscape ecological map of Seoul indicates that the urban center lacks vegetation and greenery space is restricted in urban outskirts. Such an uneven distribution of vegetation has caused a specific urban climate and thereby contributed to aggravation of air and soil pollution, furthermore causing vegetation decline. From this result, it was estimated that such uneven distribution of vegetation functioned as a trigger factor to deteriorate the urban environment. I suggested, therefore, a restoration plan based on landscape ecological principles, which emphasizes connectivity and even distribution of green areas throughout the whole area of the Seoul to solve this complex environmental problem. In this restoration plan, first of all, I decided the priority order for connection of the fragmented greenery spaces based on the distances from the core reserves comprised of green belt and rivers, which play roles as habitats of wildlife as well as for improvement of urban environment. Next, I prepared methods to restore each landscape element included in the paths of green network to be constructed in the future on the bases of such preferential order. Rivers and roads, which hold good connectivity, were chosen as elements to play important roles in constructing green network by linking the fragmented greenery spaces.

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Centralized Controller High-altitude Work Car Elevations Lift Structure Safety Assessment (중앙집중식 컨트롤러 고소작업차의 고소리프트의 구조안정성 평가)

  • Kim, Jun-tae;Lee, Gi-yeong;Lee, Sang-sik;Park, Won-yeop
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.350-357
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted as a post - study on the development of a centralized controller and a hydraulic lift system including structural analysis and remote control for the development of a vertically elevated car. The safety review was carried out through the structural modification of the elevator lift which was developed during the previous research. 3D modeling was performed with Solidworks, and a model of finite element was created through Hypermesh S / W. In addition, the loading environment of the work vehicle for the evaluation is a condition in which the loading amount is 250 kg per position (total, upper, upper, lower, and lower) on the work table, ), The structural analysis was carried out under the condition that the load was 600 kg, and safety was examined in various aspects. As a result, when the allowable load of 250 kg and the excess load of 600 kg are excluded (except Case-11), the stress level is below the yield strength. In the case of Case-11, there is a region exceeding the yield strength at the center support portion of the safety bar at the upper end even after excluding the component which generates the maximum stress, but it does not affect the safety aspect of the whole structure Respectively. Looking at the deflection results, it can be seen that in all cases the maximum deflection occurs in the same table, and the tendency of sagging in both 250 kg and 600 kg is the same.

Site Characteristics and Carbon Dynamics of the Gwangneung Deciduous Natural Forest in Korea

  • Lim, Jong-Hwan;Shin, Joon-Hwan;Kim, Choonsig;Oh, Jeong-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.163-163
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    • 2003
  • The study area, Kwangneung Experiment Forest (KEF) is located on the west-central portion of Korean peninsula and belongs to a cool-temperate broadleaved forest zone. At the old-growth deciduous forest near Soribong-peak (533.1m) in KEF, we have established a permanent plot and a flux tower, and the site was registered as a KLTER site and also a KoFlux site. In this study, we aimed to present basic ecological characteristics and synthetic data of carbon budgets and flows, and some monitoring data which are essential for providing important parameters and validation data for the forest dynamics models or biogeochemical dynamics models to predict or interpolate spatially the changes in forest ecosystem structure and function. We made a stemmap of trees in 1 ha plot and analyzed forest stand structure and physical and chemical soil characteristics, and estimated carbon budgets by forest components (tree biomass, soils, litter and so on). Dominant tree species were Quercus serrata and Carpinus laxiflora, and accompanied by Q. aliena, Carpinus cordata, and so on. As a result of a field survey of the plot, density of the trees larger than 2cm in DBH was 1,473 trees per ha, total biomass 261.2 tons/ha, and basal area 28.0 m2/ha. Parent rock type is granite gneiss. Soil type is brown forest soil (alfisols in USDA system), and the depth is from 38 to 66cm. Soil texture is loam or sandy loam, and its pH was from 4.2 to 5.0 in the surface layer, and from 4.8 to 5.2 in the subsurface layer. Seasonal changes in LAI were measured by hemispherical photography at the l.2m height, and the maximum was 3.65. And the spatial distributions of volumetric soil moisture contents and LAIs of the plot were measured. Litterfall was collected in circular littertraps (collecting area: 0.25m2) and mass loss rates and nutrient release patterns in decomposing litter were estimated using the litterbag technique employing 30cm30cm nylon bags with l.5mm mesh size. Total annual litterfall was 5,627 kg/ha/year and leaf litter accounted for 61% of the litterfall. The leaf litter quantity was highest in Quercus serrata, followed by Carpinus laxiflora and C. cordata, etc. Mass loss from decomposing leaf litter was more rapid in C. laxiflora and C. cordata than in Q. serrata litter. About 77% of C. laxiflora and 84% of C. cordata litter disappeared, while about 48% in Q. serrata litter lost over two years. The carbon pool in living tree biomass including below ground biomass was 136 tons C/ha, and 5.6 tons C/ha is stored in the litter layer, and about 92.0 tons C/ha in the soil to the 30cm in depth. Totally more than about 233.6 tons C/ha was stored in DK site. And then we have drawn a schematic diagram of carbon budgets and flows in each compartment of the KEF site.

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Auto-Segmentation Algorithm For Liver-Vessel From Abdominal MDCT Image (복부 MDCT 영상으로부터 간혈관 자동 추출 알고리즘)

  • Park, Seong-Me;Lee, You-Jin;Park, Jong-Won
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.430-437
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    • 2010
  • It is essential for living donor liver transplantation that surgeon must understand the hepatic vessel structure to improve the success rate of operation. In this paper, we extract the liver boundary without other surrounding structures such as heart, stomach, and spleen using the contrast enhanced MDCT liver image sequence. After that, we extract the major hepatic veins (left, middle, right hepatic vein) with morphological filter after review the basic structure of hepatic vessel which reside in segmented liver image region. The purpose of this study is provide the overall status of transplantation operation with size estimation of resection part which is dissected along with the middle hepatic vein. The method of liver extraction is as follows: firstly, we get rid of background and muscle layer with gray level distribution ratio from sampling process. secondly, the coincident images match with unit mesh image are unified with resulted image using the corse coordinate of liver and body. thirdly, we extract the final liver image after expanding and region filling. Using the segmented liver images, we extract the hepatic vessels with morphological filter and reversed the major hepatic vessels only with a results of ascending order of vessel size. The 3D reconstructed views of hepatic vessel are generated after applying the interpolation to provide the smooth view. These 3D view are used to estimate the dissection line after identify the middle hepatic vein. Finally, the volume of resection region is calculated and we can identify the possibility of successful transplantation operation.