• Title/Summary/Keyword: melting time

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Detection of PIK3CA Gene Mutations with HRM Analysis and Association with IGFBP-5 Expression Levels in Breast Cancer

  • Dirican, Ebubekir;Kaya, Zehra;Gullu, Gokce;Peker, Irem;Ozmen, Tolga;Gulluoglu, Bahadir M.;Kaya, Handan;Ozer, Ayse;Akkiprik, Mustafa
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.21
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    • pp.9327-9333
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    • 2014
  • Breast cancer is the second most common cancer and second leading cause of cancer deaths in women. Phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/AKT pathway mutations are associated with cancer and phosphatidylinositol-4, 5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha (PIK3CA) gene mutations have been observed in 25-45% of breast cancer samples. Insulin growth factor binding protein-5 (IGFBP-5) can show different effects on apoptosis, cell motility and survival in breast cancer. We here aimed to determine the association between PIK3CA gene mutations and IGFBP-5 expressions for the first time in breast cancer patients. Frozen tumor samples from 101 Turkish breast cancer patients were analyzed with high resolution melting (HRM) for PIK3CA mutations (exon 9 and exon 20) and 37 HRM positive tumor samples were analyzed by DNA sequencing, mutations being found in 31. PIK3CA exon 9 mutations (Q546R, E542Q, E545K, E542K and E545D) were found in 10 tumor samples, exon 20 mutations (H1047L, H1047R, T1025T and G1049R) in 21, where only 1 tumor sample had two exon 20 mutations (T1025T and H1047R). Moreover, we detected one sample with both exon 9 (E542Q) and exon 20 (H1047R) mutations. 35% of the tumor samples with high IGFBP-5 mRNA expression and 29.4% of the tumor samples with low IGFBP-5 mRNA expression had PIK3CA mutations (p=0.9924). This is the first study of PIK3CA mutation screening results in Turkish breast cancer population using HRM analysis. This approach appears to be a very effective and reliable screening method for the PIK3CA exon 9 and 20 mutation detection. Further analysis with a greater number of samples is needed to clarify association between PIK3CA gene mutations and IGFBP-5 mRNA expression, and also clinical outcome in breast cancer patients.

Flexural Tensile Strength of CJP Groove Welded Joints Connecting Thick HSA800 Plates (HSA800 후판재의 완전용입 맞댐용접부 휨-인장강도 실험)

  • Lee, Cheol Ho;Kim, Dae Kyung;Han, Kyu Hong;Park, Chang Hee;Kim, Jin Ho;Lee, Seung Eun;Kim, Do Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.407-418
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    • 2014
  • As a continuing work of previously conducted standard tension tests, full-scale flexural tests were conducted in this study to assess the structural performance the CJP groove welded joints connecting thick HSA800 plates. Two welding electrodes were available at the time of this experimental research; one was GMAW-based electrode A and the other FCAW-based electrode B. Three full-scale box-type beam specimens with single bevel- and V-groove CJP welded joints were fabricated from 60mm and 25mm thick HSA800 plates according to the AWS-prequalified groove welded joint details. In designing the specimens, all possible limit states like local and lateral torsional buckling were carefully controlled in order to induce flexural plastic yielding or eventual joint fracture. All the CJP joints made by both welding electrodes showed satisfactory performance and were able to transfer the tensile flange forces higher than that corresponding to the measured tensile strength of HSA800 flange plates. However, it should be noted that, during fabrication, serious concerns about the welding efficiency and workability of the GMAW-based electrode were raised by a certified welder. The fracture occurred at the unbeveled (or vertical) interface between the weldment and the base metal when the GMAW-based electrode was used in the single-bevel joint, implying the possibility of insufficient melting. Thus, the FCAW-based electrode B is again recommended as the choice of welding electrode for HSA800 plates. The limited test data of this study implies that the V-groove CJP joint should be used in favor of the single bevel CJP joint, if possible.

Physicochemical Properties of Hydroxypropylated Waxy Rice Starches and its Application to Yukwa (하이드록시프로필화 찹쌀 전분의 이화학적 성질 및 유과제조 특성)

  • Yu, Chul;Choi, Hyun-Wook;Kim, Chong-Tae;Kim, Dong-Seob;Choi, Sung-Won;Park, Young-Joon;Baik, Moo-Yeol
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.385-391
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    • 2006
  • Physicochemical properties of hydroxypropylated waxy rice starches were investigated to reduce steeping-time of yukwa (Korean oil-puffed rice snack) processing. Swelling power of hydroxypropylated waxy rice starch increased at relatively higher temperature (60C) than native waxy rice starch (70C). Solubility of hydroxypropylated waxy rice starches increased with increasing propylene oxide content. Pasting temperature (66.366.9C) and peak viscosity (216-232 RVU) of hydroxypropylated waxy rice starch were higher than those of native starch (179 RVU) and increased with increasing propylene oxide content. DSC thermal transitions of hydroxypropylated waxy rice starches shifted toward higher temperature. Amylopectin melting enthalpy of hydroxypropylated waxy rice starch (8.4-9.2 J/g) was similar to native starch (9.0 J/g). X-ray diffraction patterns of native and hydroxypropylated waxy rice starches showed typical A-type pattern with no significant differences between them, suggesting hydroxypropylation only affected amorphous region. Results suggest hydroxypropylated waxy rice starch is not applicable for yukwa due to low puffing efficiency and dark color.

Genesis of the acidic metavolcanic rocks distributed around the Chungju iron deposit in the Gyemyeongsan Formation (계명산층 내의 충주 철광상 주변에 분포하는 산성 변성화산암의 성인)

  • Park Maeng-Eon;Kim Gun-Soo;Park Kye-Hun
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.3 s.41
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 2005
  • Acidic metavolcanic rocks distributed around the Chungju iron deposit show significantly high abundances of rare earth elements and high field strength elements. Relatively high ϵNd(0) values and lack of negative Nb anomaly suggest that assimilation of crustal material is not involved in their generation. They are plotted within the within-plate environment according the tectonic discrimination diagrams. Such geochemical characteristics are very similar to the acidic metavolcanic rocks of Munjuri Formation. They also show geochemical characteristics of Al-type magma of Eby (1992). All such diagnostic characters indicate differentiation of mantle-derived magma produced from the rift environment, related to the breakup of continent. In contrast to the alkali granites and the rare metal deposit both having age of c. 330 Ma, Sm-Nd isotopic data of the acidic metavolcanic rocks do not form well defined isochron. However, the alkali granites reveal low ϵNd(0) values, while the acidic metavolcanic rocks and the rare metal deposit both have significantly higher ϵNd(0) values. Considering such differences, we propose following generation hypothesis: The acidic metavolcanic rocks around Chungju iron deposit was erupted at 750 Ma as rest of the acidic metavolcanic rocks of Gyemyeongsan and Munjuri Formations. About 330 Ma ago, partial melting of existing Al-type igneous materials and some old crustal materials produced alkali granite. The rare metal deposit was also produced by redistribution of related materials within the acidic volcanics due to hydrothermal activities occurred at the same time. Sm-Nd isotopic systematics of the acidic metavolcanic rocks were disturbed during the regional metamorphic event at ca. 280 Ma.

Electrochemical Characteristics of Nanotubular Ti-25Nb-xZr Ternary Alloys for Dental Implant Materials

  • Byeon, In-Seop;Park, Seon-Young;Choe, Han-Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Dental Science
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the electrochemical characteristics of nanotubular Ti-25Nb-xZr ternary alloys for dental implant materials. Materials and Methods: Ti-25Nb-xZr alloys with different Zr contents (0, 3, 7, and 15 wt.%) were manufactured using commercially pure titanium (CP-Ti), niobium (Nb), and zirconium (Zr) (99.95 wt.% purity). The alloys were prepared by arc melting in argon (Ar) atmosphere. The Ti-25Nb-xZr alloys were homogenized in Ar atmosphere at 1,000C for 12 hours followed by quenching into ice water. The microstructure of the Ti-25Nb-xZr alloys was examined by a field emission scanning electron microscope. The phases in the alloys were identified by an X-ray diffractometer. The chemical composition of the nanotube-formed surfaces was determined by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Self-organized TiO2 was prepared by electrochemical oxidation of the samples in a 1.0MH3PO4+0.8wt. NaF electrolyte. The anodization potential was 30 V and time was 1 hour by DC supplier. Surface wettability was evaluated for both the metallographically polished and nanotube-formed surfaces using a contact-angle goniometer. The corrosion properties of the specimens were investigated using a 0.9 wt.% aqueous solution of NaCl at 36C±5C using a potentiodynamic polarization test. Result: Needle-like structure of Ti-25Nb-xZr alloys was transform to equiaxed structure as Zr content increased. Nanotube formed on Ti-25Nb-xZr alloys show two sizes of nanotube structure. The diameters of the large tubes decreased and small tubes increased as Zr content increased. The lower contact angles for nanotube formed Ti-25NbxZr alloys surfaces showed compare to non-nanotube formed surface. The corrosion resistance of alloy increased as Zr content increased, and nanotube formed surface showed longer the passive regions compared to non-treatment surface. Conclusion: It is confirmed that corrosion resistance of alloy increased as Zr content increased, and nanotube formed surface has longer passive region compared to without treatment surface.

Production Technology for Multi-face Convergence Performance (Multi-face Convergence 공연을 위한 제작 기술)

  • You, Mi;Son, Tae-Woong;Kim, Sang-Il
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.475-486
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    • 2020
  • This paper is a thesis on media art technology for high-tech performances and exhibitions. After creating an interactive stroke in VR, it is projected in real time through a media facade technique. Among our traditional dramas emphasizing linear movements, movements were extracted from the Bongsan mask dance, and the movements of the lines were used in a media art performance called 'Multi-face Convergence'. When motion data enters the virtual space, geometry consisting of faces is created in the VR space. The created strokes can be set with various brush types, and when performing, a stroke with a red fire effect that matches a dynamic movement was used. It was made to be able to harmonize with the dancers performing the Bongsan mask dance. The medium called VR has characteristics that are not suitable for melting into a performance, but in this performance, it has overcome its limitations by using a technique called media façade. We propose the world's first performance technique that combines interactive strokes with traditional dance performances.

Study on the Thermal Buffer Mass and Phase Change Material for Thermal Control of the Periodically Working Satellite Component (주기적으로 작동하는 위성부품 열제어용 열적완충질량과 이를 대체할 상변화물질을 이용한 열제어부품의 비교연구)

  • Kim, Taig Young;Seo, Jung Gi;Hyun, Bum-Seok;Cheon, Hyeong Yul;Lee, Jang-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.42 no.12
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    • pp.1013-1019
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    • 2014
  • Solid-liquid Phase Change Material(PCM) as a thermal control hardware for the electro-optical payload of low earth orbit satellite is numerically studied which can be substituted with Thermal Buffer Mass(TBM). The electro-optical module in LEO satellite is periodically work and high heat is dissipated during the imaging period, however, the design temperature range is very tight and sensitive. In order to handle this problem TBM is added and as a result the time constant of the module temperature increases. TBM is made of Al6010 and its mass directly affects the system design. To save the mass PCM is suggested in this study. The latent heat of melting or solidification is very high and small amount of PCM can play a role instead of TBM. The result shows that only 12% of TBM mass is enough to control the module temperature using PCM.

Analysis of Friction Stir Welding Process of Mg alloy by Computational Fluid Dynamics (유동 해석을 통한 마그네슘 합금의 마찰교반용접 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Moosun;Sun, Seung-Ju;Kim, Jung-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.679-684
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    • 2017
  • Friction Stir Welding is a metal welding technique, in which friction heat between a welding tool and a welding material is used to weld parts at temperatures below the melting point of a material. In this study, the temperature and velocity changes in a magnesium alloy (AZ31) during the welding process were analyzed by computational flow dynamics technique while welding the material using a friction stir welding technique. For the analysis, the modeling and analysis were carried out using Fluent as a fluid analysis tool. First, the welding material was assumed to be a temperature-dependent Newtonian fluid with high viscosity, and the rotation region and the stationary region were simulated separately to consider the rotational flow generated by the rotation of the welding tool having a helical groove. The interface between the welding tool and welding material was given the friction and slip boundary conditions and the heat transfer effect to the welding tool was considered. Overall, the velocity and temperature characteristics of the welded material according to time can be understood from the results of transient analysis through the above flow analysis modeling.

Experimental Study on the Flash Over Delay Effects according to the Prevention of Flame Spread between Composite Material Panels (복합자재의 패널 간 화염확산방지에 따른 플래시오버 지연 효과에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Do-hyun;Cho, Nam-Wook
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2017
  • A sandwich panel is a composite material composed of a double-sided noncombustible material and insulation core which is used in the inner, outer walls, and roof structure of a building. Despite its excellent insulation performance, light weight and excellent constructability, a flame is brought into the inside of the panel through the joint between the panels, melting the core easily and causing casualties and property damage due to the rapid spread of flame. The current Building Law provides that the combustion performance of finishing materials for buildings should be determined using a fire test on a small amount of specimen and only a product that passes the stipulated performance standard should be used. This law also provides that in the case of finishing materials used for the outer walls of buildings, only materials that secured noncombustible or quasi-noncombustible performance should be used or flame spread prevention (FSP) should be installed. The purpose of this study was to confirm the difference between the dangers of horizontal and vertical fire spread by applying FSP, which is applied to finishing materials used for the outer walls of buildings limitedly to a sandwich panel building. Therefore, the combustion behavior and effects on the sandwich panel according to the application of FSP were measured through the construction to block the spread of flame between the panels using a full scale fire according to the test method specified in ISO 13784-1 and a metallic structure. The construction of FSP on the joint between the panels delayed the spread of flame inside the panels and the flash over time was also delayed, indicating that it could become an important factor for securing the fire safety of a building constructed using complex materials.

CO2 sensing characteristics of solid electrolyte gas sensor with the sensing membrane prepared by the mixture of alkali metal carbonate and binder (알카리 금속 탄산염과 결착제의 혼합물을 감지물질로 하는 고체전해질 가스센서의 CO2 감응 특성)

  • Chai, Yu-Sug;Song, Kap-Duk;Kang, Bong-Hwi;Seo, Moo-Gyo;Lee, Duk-Dong
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.111-116
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    • 1998
  • The simple solid electrolyte carbon dioxide sensor with heaters were fabricated by using Li ionic conductor. Two Au electrodes were used for the reference and sensing electrode respectively. Two types of gas sensors, type ( I ) and type (II), were fabricated. Type ( I ) sensor was fabricated by the method of melting and crystallizing alkali metal carbonate at the temperature of 420500C. The sensing membrane of type (II) sensor was formed by the printing method on sensing electrode after metal carbonate was mixed with binder. The response characteristics of sensors fabricated for the carbon dioxide were investigated for a range of CO2 concentration from 950 ppm to 9,950 ppm at operating temperature 420C. Type ( I ) sensor and type (II) sensor showed the sensitivity of 62 mV/decade and 65 mV/decade respectively. The emf/decade of type (II) sensor tested at 420C almost followed the theoretical value of Nernst's equation and showed stable response characteristics with the fast response time of 1520 sec. Also type (II) sensor showed excellent stability and reproduction properties for 60 days.

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