• 제목/요약/키워드: medical diagnostics

검색결과 380건 처리시간 0.025초

국내외 홍채학 연구동향 (A Review of Iridology)

  • 임영우;박성일;박영재;박영배
    • 대한한의진단학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2013
  • Objectives Iridology is a field of study that diagnoses various systemic diseases through analysis of colors, structural characteristics and changes in iris. The purpose of this study was to review previously published study results of the iridology. Methods The studies were searched with the keyword "iridology" through search engines such as SCOPUS, Pub med, RISS, and NDSL. Total of 36 iridology-related studies published from 1980 to 2012 were analyzed. Results Most diagnoses of systemic disease through iris markings were insignificant. The studies on relevance of gene polymorphism and iris constitution were highly significant. The studies on relevance of Sasang constitution and iris constitution varied in results depending on diagnosis methods. The studies on relevance of iris constitution and diseases had significant results. The structural characteristics of iris were related to certain personality. Conclusions The studies on utility of iris diagnosis and diagnostic markings were negative, but the relevance of constitution, heredity, and iris diagnosis was positive. A persistent in-depth study on relevance of iris and constitution is needed in the future.

국내외 설진기를 활용한 인간 대상 연구현황 (A review on Clinical Trials by Using a Computerized Tongue Diagnosis System)

  • 이현주;권나연;남동현
    • 대한한의진단학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2015
  • Objectives The purpose of this study was to survey the status of clinical use of a computerized tongue diagnosis system (CTDS) Methods We searched domestic/international articles using the CTDS from online medical databases including OASIS, NDSL and pubmed. We selected articles on clinical application or reliability of CTDS but excluded articles on mechanical design or software programming for developing a new CTDS. Finally we found 15 articles and classified the articles according to the study purpose. Results Out of the 15 articles, 8 were focused on the clinical application including halitosis, cold/heat syndrome, lung cancer, xerostomia etc. Other 5 articles were aimed at evaluating and improving reliability of CTDS. The other 2 articles were studied for development of differential diagnostic criteria on tongue coating thickness. Conclusion We found out that until now the researches on clinical application of CTDS mainly had been performed for producing a variety of CTDSs. Considering the importance of the tongue color in the traditional Korean medicine, we suggest that at first standard operating procedure for CTDS be developed and researches to develop differential diagnostic criteria on tongue body/coating color be performed and then explore its applications.

Slipchip Device Development in Molecular Diagnostics

  • Qingtian Yin;Huiwen Bai;Ruijie Li;Youngung Seok
    • 한국재료학회지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 2024
  • Slipchip offers advantages such as high-throughout, low cost, and simple operation, and therefore, it is one of the technologies with the greatest potential for high-throughput, single-cell, and single-molecule analyses. Slipchip devices have achieved remarkable advances over the past decades, with its simplified molecular diagnostics gaining particular attention, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic and in various infectious diseases scenarios. Medical testing based on nucleic acid amplification in the Slipchip has become a promising alternative simple and rapid diagnostic tool in field situations. Herein, we present a comprehensive review of Slipchip device advances in molecular diagnostics, highlighting its use in digital recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA), loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP), and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Slipchip technology allows users to conduct reliable droplet transfers with high-throughput potential for single-cell and molecule analyses. This review explores the device's versatility in miniaturized and rapid molecular diagnostics. A complete Slipchip device can be operated without special equipment or skilled handling, and provides high-throughput results in minimum settings. This review focuses on recent developments and Slipchip device challenges that need to be addressed for further advancements in microfluidics technology.

A Fatal Case of Naegleria fowleri Meningoencephalitis in Taiwan

  • Su, Mei-Yu;Lee, Ming-Shih;Shyu, Ling-Yuh;Lin, Wei-Chen;Hsiao, Pei-Ching;Wang, Chi-Ping;Ji, Dar-Der;Chen, Ke-Min;Lai, Shih-Chan
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • 제51권2호
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    • pp.203-206
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    • 2013
  • After bathing at a hot spring resort, a 75-year-old man presented to the emergency department because of seizure-like attack with loss of conscious. This is the first case of primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) caused by Naegleria fowleri in Taiwan. PAM was diagnosed based on detection of actively motile trophozoites in cerebrospinal fluid using a wet-mount smear and the Liu's stain. The amoebae were further confirmed by PCR and gene sequencing. In spite of administering amphotericin B treatment, the patient died 25 days later.

사암침 소장정격을 이용한 Meniere's disease의 발작성 현훈 치험 1례 (A Clinical Report on Episodic Vertigo with Meniere's Disease Treated by Saam Acupuncture Sojangjungkyuk)

  • 오기철
    • 대한한의진단학회지
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2012
  • Objectives The purpose of this study is to report the effect of oriental demonstration treatment for episodic vertigo of Meniere's disease. Meniere's Disease characterized by recurrent prostrating episodic vertigo, nausea, vomiting, sensory hearing loss, tinnitus, and a feeling of fullness in the ear associated with generalized dilation of the membranous labyrinth (endolymphatic hydrops). The cause of Meniere's disease is unknown, and the pathophysiology is poorly understood. Methods We experienced one case of Meniere's disease treated with Asian medical treatment, acupuncture and herbal medication. 64-year-old female patient was diagnosed with Meniere's disease by western medical doctor. Methods: Saam acupuncture Sojangjungkyuk applied to the patient. Results After treatment her episodic vertigo, nausea, vomiting and endolymphatic hydrops were decreased but the level of tinnitus it was not improved as much as other symptoms. Conclusions Saam Acupuncture of Asian medical treatment could be safe and effective.

백작약 추출물이 항산화활성, LDL 산화 억제 및 혈전용해에 미치는 영향 (Preventive Effects of Peony Root Extracts on Oxidative Stress, Thrombosis and Atherosclerosis)

  • 박순기;이민자;정현정;이혜숙;김혁;나선택;박선동;박원환
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.88-103
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: There is currently increased interest in the identification of natural antioxidant compounds derived from various plants. Peony Root (PR) is used worldwide for the treatment of many types of cardiovascular disease including atherosclerosis and hypertension. It has been used in Korean traditional medicine for the treatment of glycosuria, hypertension and cancer. However, to date, no studies concerning the antioxidant properties of PR have been conducted. Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the in vitro scavenging activity, inhibitory effect of LDL oxidation of pro-oxidant reactive species and anti-thrombosis effect in response to treatment with PR using various screening methods including biological and non-biological oxidants. Methods: In this study, the antioxidant activity of extract from PR was studied with in vitro methods by measuring the antioxidant activity by TEAC, measuring the scavenging effects on reactive oxygen species (ROS) [superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical] and on reactive nitrogen species (RNS) [nitric oxide and peroxynitrite] as well as measuring the inhibitory effect on $Cu^{2+}$-induced human LDL oxidation and the inhibitory effect on collagen-induced platelet aggregation. Results: The PR extracts were found to have a potent scavenging activity of oxidative stress [DPPH, superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical, nitric oxide and peroxynitrite, etc.] as well as an inhibitory effect on LDL oxidation and on platelet aggregation. Conclusions: The PR extracts have anti-oxidative and anti-atherosclerotic effects in vitro system, which can be used for developing pharmaceutical drugs against oxidative stress and atherosclerosis.

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Characterization of CEBPA Mutations and Polymorphisms and their Prognostic Relevance in De Novo Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients

  • Sarojam, Santhi;Raveendran, Sureshkumar;Vijay, Sangeetha;Sreedharan, Jayadevan;Narayanan, Geetha;Sreedharan, Hariharan
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제16권9호
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    • pp.3785-3792
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    • 2015
  • The CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-alpha (CEBPA) is a transcriptional factor that plays a crucial role in the control of proliferation and differentiation of myeloid precursors. This gene was recognized as the target of genetic alterations and were associated with clinical complexity among AML. We here analyze the frequency and types of CEBPA mutations and polymorphisms in a de novo AML patients from South India and tried to find out associations of these variations with different clinical parameters and the prognostic significance in AML. Study was carried out in 248 de novo AML patients, cytogenetic analysis was performed from the bone marrow samples and was karyotyped. PCR-SSCP analysis and sequencing was performed for the detection of CEBPA gene variations. All the statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 17 (statistical package for social sciences) software. Pearson Chi-square test, Mann-Whitney U test, Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and log rank tests were performed. CEBPA mutations were detected in 18% and CEBPA polymorphisms were detected in 18.9% of AML cases studied. Most of the mutations occured at the C terminal region. Polymorphisms were detected in both N and C terminal region. with most common being, c.584_589dup ACCCGC and c.690G>T. A significant association was not observed for the mutation and polymorphism with respect to clinical and laboratory parameters. Survival advantage was observed for the mutated cases compared to non mutated cases, especially for the normal karyotype groups. Polymorphisms has no effect on the survival pattern of AML patients. CEBPA mutation and polymorphisms were observed with similar frequency and was identified in all the FAB subtypes as well as in cytogenetic risk groups in our study population, but CEBPA mutations alone confer a prognostic value for NK AML patients.

이마의 온도 분포 진단법, 소위 액맥진단(額脈診斷)에 관한 고찰 (A Study on the Forehead Temperature Distribution Palpation, so called 'Emaizhenduan')

  • 정승한;김기왕
    • 대한한의진단학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2015
  • Objectives As a method of body temperature distribution diagnosis, palpation of infants' forehead had been widely introduced in ancient East Asian medical classics. However, few attention have been paid to this diagnostic method - so called 'emaizhenduan (額脈診斷)'. So we studied the history of emaizhenduan and it's implication in modern clinical field. Materials and methods: To search the medical classic that contains any contents of emaizhenduan, we mainly used the electronic texts of Zhonghuayidian (中華醫典). To search modern study article on emaizhenduan, we used China National Knowledge Infrastructure (www.cnki.net), National Digital Science Library (ndsl.kr) etc. Results 20 kinds of East Asian medical classics were found to contain contents on emaizhenduan. The oldest one was Huoyoukouyi (活幼口議) which was written in Yuan dynasty of China. Only one modern TCM book was found to have comments on emaizhenduan, while some textbooks of pediatrics in Korean Medicine was found to have relatively sound introduction on emaizhenduan. Conclusion It is shown in ancient East Asian medical classics that infants' forehead temperature palpation was introduced as early as late 13th century in China, and have continuously been referred in many East Asian medical classics before modern era.

『동의보감(東醫寶鑑)』의 망진도상(望診圖像)에 관한 연구 (A Study on Tests of Inspection Drawings in )

  • 한봉재;차웅석;김남일
    • 한국의사학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2009
  • Drawings are images or shapes of objects expressed on a flat surface using lines and colors. They not only make literal interpretations whole, supplement their meaning, but also expand them as well. Within the texts of , a total of 19 drawings can be found. Considering the position of in the history of oriental medicine, research on these drawings hold much importance. There are 19 diverse drawings in . As a result of thorough examination on these drawings, several characteristics could be found. First, out of the 19 drawings in , six are about diagnostics, which are 明堂部位 觀形察色圖 三關 圖 五輪之圖 八廓之圖 六部脉圖. Next, 身形臟腑圖 and 五臟圖 have to do with the viscera and bowel theory. 五行盛衰圖 十干 起運圖 十二支司天訣 are about the five circuits and six qi, while 催生符 and 安産方位圖 are drawings related to obstetrics and gynecology. Lastly, 九宮圖 and 九宮尻神圖 can be found in the acupuncture and moxibustion chapter. As a result, we can roughly categorize the drawings of into diagnostics, viscera and bowel, five circuits and six qi, obstetrics and gynecology and acupuncture and moxibustion. This research is on two drawings of 明堂部位와 觀形察色圖.

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