• Title/Summary/Keyword: maternal childhood experiences

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The Adult Attachment Interview and Childhood Experience of Low Income Married and Divorced Women (저소득층 이혼 여성의 성인애착과 아동기 경험비교 : 이혼 경험을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Kyung Sook;Jin, Mi Kyoung;Jung, Young Suk
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.137-153
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    • 2007
  • This research studied differences in the distribution of maternal attachment representation between divorced and non-divorced low income mothers, associations between their divorce and childhood experiences, and associations between maternal attachment representation and childhood experiences. Subjects were twenty each divorced and still-married women with low socioeconomic status. The Adult Attachment Interview was used to assess their attachment representation resulting in classification by four types; autonomous (F), dismissing (Ds), preoccupied (E), or unresolved/disorganized (Ud). The divorced women had more childhood experiences of being rejected and neglected by their mothers than the non-divorced women. This indicates that maternal childhood experiences were related to maternal attachment representation and divorce.

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The Influence of Maternal-Acceptance Experiences During Childhood, Social-Supportive Level and Emotion-Coaching Reaction on Child Emotion-Regulation Strategies: Mediated-Moderation Effects (어머니의 아동기 수용 경험, 사회적 지지와 감정코칭 반응이 아동의 정서조절 방식에 미치는 영향: 매개된 조절효과 검증)

  • Oh, Ji-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.101-115
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    • 2016
  • Objective: The study examined the mediated-moderation effect of social-support levels from maternal-acceptance experiences by the parents of origin to child emotion regulation strategies through an emotion-coaching reaction. Methods: The participants in this study were children (Grades 4-6) and their mothers. They completed questionnaires on Maternal Parenting Experiences Scale, Children's Emotion Regulation Scale, Emotion-Coaching Scale, and Social Supportive Level Scale. Data were analyzed via SEM. Results: The main findings were as follows. First, a mediating model showed that the relationship between maternal-acceptance experiences by the parents of origin and child emotion-regulation strategies was mediated by emotion-coaching reactions. Second, there was a moderation effect of social-supportive levels on the relationship between maternal-acceptance experiences from parents of origin and emotion-coaching reaction. Finally, social-supportive levels mediated the moderation effect of social-support level from maternal-acceptance experiences to child emotion-regulation strategies through emotion-coaching reaction. Conclusion: These results indicate that importance of maternal social-supportive level from owns spouse or friends. I discussed the implications of the intervention of parent counseling and parent education in this research.

The Influence of Maternal Childhood Experiences, Parental Reflection and Parental Role Satisfaction upon Mother's Reaction to Negative Emotions of Preschoolers: Mediated Moderation Effect Verification (어머니의 아동기 수용경험, 부모성찰, 부모역할만족도가 유아의 부정적 정서에 대한 어머니 반응에 미치는 영향: 매개된 조절효과 검증)

  • Oh, ji hyun;Choi, a young
    • Korean Journal of Play Therapy
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.427-448
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    • 2018
  • The study examined the mediated-moderation effect of parental reflection levels from maternal childhood experiences by the parents to mother's reaction to negative emotions of their preschoolers by examining it through the lens of parental role satisfaction. The participants in this study were 327 mothers who and their infants aged 3-6 years. They completed questionnaires on the maternal childhood experiences scale, parental reflection scale, parental role satisfaction scale and mother's reaction to negative emotions of their preschoolers scale. The results of the structural equation model analysis are as follows. First, a mediating model revealed that the relationship between maternal childhood experiences by parents and mother's reactions to negative emotions of their preschoolers was mediated by parental role satisfaction. Second, the results revealed the moderation effect of parents reflection levels on the relationship between maternal childhood experiences by parents and parental role satisfaction. Finally, parental reflection levels were also seen to have a mediated moderation effect of parental reflection level from maternal childhood experiences to mother's reaction to negative emotions of their preschoolers through parental role satisfaction. These results indicate the importance of parental reflection and parental role satisfaction.

Association between Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences and Risk of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in the Offspring

  • Na, Min Chull;Kim, Moon Doo;Park, Joon Hyuk;Jung, Young-Eun;Moon, Duk-Soo;Yang, Hyun-Ju;Kim, Bung-Nyun;Kang, Na Ri
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) of mothers may negatively affect the mental health of their offspring. Little is known about the intergenerational effect of maternal ACE on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the offspring. This study investigated the impact of maternal ACEs on PTSD in the offspring. Methods: A total of 156 mothers with children aged 13-18 years completed the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC) Predictive Scales to determine the presence of psychiatric disorders in their offspring. The subjects completed the ACE questionnaire and the Early Trauma Inventory Self-Report-Short Form. Multivariable logistic regression was used to analyze the relationship between maternal ACEs and PTSD in the offspring. Results: Of the mothers, 23.7% had at least one ACE, and PTSD was reported in 21.8% of the offspring. The offspring of the mothers in the ACE group had a significantly higher rates of traumatic experiences and PTSD than the offspring of the mothers in the no ACE group. Maternal household dysfunction independently predicted offspring PTSD [odds ratio (OR)=3.008, p=0.05), and three or more maternal ACEs were significantly related to PTSD in the offspring (OR=10.613, p=0.025). Conclusion: Maternal ACEs have a significant impact on the risk of traumatic experiences and PTSD in the offspring. These findings suggest the presence of intergenerational transmissions by which maternal ACEs affect the mental health of the offspring.

A Study on Infant Attachment Classification and Maternal Attachment Representation (영아의 애착 유형과 어머니의 애착 표상 유형에 대한 연구)

  • Jin, Mi Kyoung
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2006
  • This study investigated intergenerational transmission from mother's attachment representation to infant's attachment pattern and the associations between maternal attachment representation and their childhood experiences. Subjects were forty 12- to 15-month-old infants and their mothers. The Adult Attachment Interview (Main & Goldwyn, 1984) was used to assess mother's attachment representation. The Strange Situation (Ainsworth, 1978) was used to classify infant's attachment relationship. Mothers were classified as autonomous (F), dismissing (Ds), preoccupied (E), or unresolved/disorganized (Ud). Infants were classified as secure (B), insecure-avoidant (A), insecure-resistant (C), or insecure-disorganized (D). Exact A/B/C/D and Ds/F/E/Ud agreement was observed in 30 of 40 dyads(75%). Maternal childhood experiences were related to maternal attachment representation.

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The Effects of Childhood Maternal Attachment on the Parenting Behavior of Mothers with Preschoolers: The Mediating Effects of Adult Attachment and Marital Satisfaction (유아기 자녀를 둔 어머니의 아동기 모애착이 양육행동에 미치는 영향: 성인애착과 결혼만족도의 매개효과)

  • Hyeon Chung Hong;Nana Shin
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.62 no.2
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    • pp.337-349
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    • 2024
  • The aim of this study was to explore the mediating effects of adult attachment and marital satisfaction on the relationship between childhood maternal attachment and parenting behavior. A total of 372 mothers of preschoolers completed questionnaires on childhood maternal attachment, adult attachment, marital satisfaction, and parenting behavior. Adult attachment was analyzed by distinguishing between attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance. Parenting behavior was categorized into positive and negative behaviors. For the main analyses, Preacher and Hayes's PROCESS macro program was used to examine serial mediating effects. The results revealed that attachment anxiety mediated the effects of mothers' childhood attachment experiences on both positive and negative parenting behavior. However, attachment avoidance only mediated the effects on positive parenting behavior. Marital satisfaction mediated the effects of mothers' childhood attachment experiences on both positive and negative parenting behavior. Notably, the sequential mediating effects of attachment anxiety and marital satisfaction were not significant for either positive or negative parenting behavior. By contrast, the sequential mediating effects of attachment avoidance and marital satisfaction were significant for both positive and negative parenting behavior. These findings elucidate the predictive factors for parenting behavior within a process model framework, providing valuable insights for parental education and counseling aimed at enhancing mothers' parenting practices.

Association between Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the Offspring: The Mediating Role of Antepartum Health Risks

  • Moon, Duk-Soo;Bong, Su-Jeong;Kim, Bung-Nyun;Kang, Na Ri
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: This study aimed to examine the effect of maternal adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on the attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in the offspring and to examine the mediating role of antepartum health risk on the intergenerational transmission of maternal ACEs. Methods: The participants consisted of 461 mother-child dyads. Mothers completed the ACEs questionnaire and Diagnostic Predictive Scales. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the risk of ADHD symptoms in the offspring of mothers with ACEs and the mediating effect of antepartum health risks by path analysis. Results: In all, 35.4% (n=163) had at least one maternal ACE, and 11.1% (n=51) had three or more. Compared to the non-ADHD symptom group, the group of offspring with ADHD symptoms showed a significant association with maternal ACE score (p<0.001) and antepartum health risks (p<0.001). Multivariate analysis further showed a significant association between the sum of maternal ACEs [odds ratio (OR)=1.264, 95% confidence interval (CI)= 1.060-1.516, p=0.009], antepartum health risks (OR=1.236, 95% CI=1.036-1.475, p=0.019), and ADHD symptoms in the offspring. In the mediation model in which the mother's ACE score affected the offspring's ADHD symptoms, partial mediation through antepartum health risks was found to be significant (B=0.041, 95% CI=0.011-0.124). Conclusion: Maternal ACEs are significantly related to the incidence of ADHD symptoms in the offspring and antepartum health risks exert an indirect effect. These findings suggest that maternal ACEs have a negative impact on the offspring's brain development through intergenerational transmission, resulting in neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD.

The Effects of Maternal Adverse Childhood Experience Risk Factors on Children's Emotional and Physical Abuse and Neglect and Parenting Stress (어머니의 아동기 부정적 경험 위험군이 자녀의 정서적·신체적 학대 및 방임과 양육스트레스에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Eunjeong;Park, Inhee
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2023
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of maternal risk factors for adverse childhood experiences on children's emotional and physical abuse and neglect as well as parenting stress. Methods : This is a secondary data analysis study utilizing raw data from the 2017 National Survey of Child and Family Life Experiences. A total of 1,937 mothers with at least one adverse childhood experience were categorized into low-risk (1-3), moderate-risk (4-6), and high-risk (7 or more) groups to examine the differences in children's emotional and physical abuse and neglect and parenting stress and identify the influencing factors through regression analysis. Results : Maternal adverse childhood experiences were 50.4% in the low-risk group, 39.8% in the medium-risk group, and 9.7% in the high-risk group. Child emotional abuse was 45.0%, child physical abuse was 13.2%, child neglect was 3.5%, and parenting stress was 2.13 (±0.61) on average. Adverse childhood experiences were significantly more likely to be associated with emotional and physical abuse, neglect, and parenting stress in the medium- and high-risk groups than in the low-risk group. The regression analysis showed that the model explained 35% of child emotional abuse, 25% of child physical abuse, 19% of child neglect, and 16% of parenting stress. Conclusion : The higher the risk of adverse childhood experiences of parents, the more their children experience emotional abuse, physical abuse, child neglect, and parenting stress.

The influence of maternal family-of-origin experiences : focused on the mediated effect of value of children (어머니의 원가족 경험이 양육태도에 미치는 영향 : 자녀가치의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Gun Ho;Shim, Hye Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.227-237
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    • 2018
  • This study focuses on the mediated effect of value of children with a purpose of examining the influence of maternal family-of-origin. A group of 247 mothers having young children in the age of 3 to 5 years participated in a survey which is consisted of the scale of family-of-origin experiences, parenting attitude and value of children. The study results show four aspects: First, family-of-origin experiences have positive effect on value of children. Second, maternal value of children also appears to be positive on parenting attitude. Third, family-of-origin experiences have positive effect on parenting attitude. Lastly, value of children shows mediated effect between family-of-origin experience and parenting attitude. In other words, having high level of positive awareness in family-of-origin experiences brings positive value of children, and the value of children brings positive effect on parenting attitude. Therefore, multilateral measures and methodical supports are needed to develop positive value of children, and consideration on father is required as a joint partner of rearing children.

North Korean Refugee Children's Separation Experiences and Level of Attachment (북한이탈가정 아동의 분리경험과 애착양상)

  • Kim, Heuijeong;Yi, Soonhyung
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.17-36
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    • 2016
  • Objective: Taking note of the fact that North Korean refugee children experience frequent separation from their mothers and long-term maternal deprivation during their childhood, this study examined the relationship between children's separation experiences and attachment. Methods: A total of 37 children aged from 5 to 9 were assessed on their attachment using the Separation Anxiety Test, and their mothers reported on their child's separation experiences. Results and Conclusion: The major findings of this study were as follows: first, the result of evaluating their attachment pattern showed North Korean refugee children had a high level of insecure attachment with a high tendency for avoidant attachment. This avoidant attachment tendency is probably due to growing up in a repressed emotional environment by frequently experiencing maternal separation in North Korea, China, and even after settling down in South Korea. Second, children's secure attachment level was higher if they did not experience separation from their mother, if their mother had a high level of education in South Korea, or if they lived with a big family.