• Title/Summary/Keyword: marketing point

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Marketing Strategy to Improve on Branding Problems of Agricultural and Livestock Products (농축산물 브랜드화의 문제점 개선을 위한 마케팅전략)

  • 백기언
    • Proceedings of the Korean DIstribution Association Conference
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    • 2001.11b
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    • pp.211-233
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    • 2001
  • The aim of the present paper is to improve on branding problems of agricultural and livestock products in Korea by analyzing the statistical data which is present status of agricultural and livestock products published by ministry of agricultural and forest. To achieve the objective, raised 5 points at issue. Thus, the improvement schemes suggested from marketing point of view. And above issues are also discussed in the context of marketing mix. Then, the marketing strategy was developed which will apply branding management. The findings in this study is building a brand marketing system urgently fitted Korean style. For this project success, establishing event marketing and customer service department is necessary centering local National Agricultural Cooperative Federation(Nonghyup). Also needed education about brand knowledge to the people working for agricultural allied industries.

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Green Marketing Strategies and Willingness to Pay for Environment-Friendly Agrieultural Products in the Metropolitan Area (친환경농산물의 지불의사금액 분석과 그린 마케팅 전략 - 수도권 소비자를 중심으로 -)

  • Heo, Seung-Wook;Kim, Ho
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.317-331
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    • 2004
  • Foci of this thesis arc an estimation of willingness to pay and an establishment of green marketing strategics for environment-friendly agricultural products(EFAR). Estimations of willingness to pay for grain, vegetables, fruit and processed food-stuffs arc respectively 20.6%, 20.2%, 19.3% and 17.2% higher than agricultural products produced by conventional farming method. And a green mark6ting mix for EFAP is as follows; Erst, a product strategy focuses on producing safe and high-quality foods by environment-friendly agriculture(EFA) to point to consumer’s health and desire for environmental preservation. Second, in a price strategy, the balance of three factors should be kept, namely the environmental value the true quality as food materials and the price of EFAP. Third, a place strategy is to reduce waste matters, resource and energy uses in marketing chain, and to simplify marketing channels. Also, it is necessary to choose the marketing channel for price discrimination. Fourth, a promotion strategy make use of programs that emphasize the multi-function of EFA.

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A Study on the Influence of the Perception Employees of Contract Foodservice Management Companies have of Internal Marketing on Service Quality (단체급식업체 내부마케팅에 대한 종사원의 지각과 서비스 제공수준의 영향관계 연구)

  • Lee, Yeon-Jung;Lee, Chun-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.58-68
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    • 2009
  • This study examines the impact of the perception that employees of contract foodservice management companies have of internal marketing on service quality. Questionnaires were delivered to 291 employees employed in foodservice management companies. High perception item of internal marketing was 'value of formula education program' (3.36 points), whereas 'adequate allowance disbursement' (2.62 points) and 'various vacation benefits' (2.66 points) scored low. High service quality items for customers were 'kindness to customers' (3.89 points) and 'willingness to help customers' (3.89 points), whereas 'comprehension of customers' special requests' (3.63 point) and ['meeting customer expectations'] (3.64 points) scored low. The internal marketing conceived by employees of contract foodservice management companies has a positive influence on service quality. The most influential internal marketing variable to affect service quality was 'communication' followed by 'education/environment' and 'fringe benefits/[decisive] delegation'.

Efficient Touch Points Study for IMC : (효율적인 IMC를 이루기 위한 접점 분석연구 : MP3 플레이어 사례 연구)

  • Moon, Seung-Jun;Yang, Jung-Gu
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.5 s.67
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    • pp.303-312
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest theoretical basis of touch point analysis model in terms of an integrated marketing communications using one specific case study. Results of previous studies have shown several weaknesses. However, this study was carried out to overcome such a weakness. In order to perform this case study, one specific MP3 player was chosen with a market situation analysis. Compared to previous practical situation, the results of this study should be improved in that this model suggested a theoretical basis dealing with synergy effects as well as a correct understanding in consumer's purchase process. Based on the outcome of this study, we hope to see other similar studies which can be of help to the practical efficiency in integrated marketing communication.

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Design and Applications of the POS System for Wallpaper Companies (벽지업체를 위한 POS 시스템 설계 및 활용 방안)

  • 박병권;김태현
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we introduced a POS(Point of Sale) system for a wallpaper company. We designed the database schema for the POS system, and proposed various application areas of the POS system. Especially, we discussed such application areas as inventory control, marketing, product development, and distribution channel. The quality of product management is enhanced by precise ABC inventory control and safety stock control. Marketing strategies can be more precisely established, and their effects can be measured. The development time can be shortened and new products can be developed based on the real market demands. Distributors can improve their management quality using precise sales data.

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A Study on marketing strategy for the Brand-name of Korea's Meat in the globalization Era (세계화에 따른 한우브랜드의 마케팅전략에 관한 연구)

  • Yim, Ki-Heung
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.391-406
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    • 2008
  • Recently, U.S. beef completely is opened and a point of present time, beef import market is increased, the high branding and high quality of Korea's beef cattle is urgent for a brand-name of Korea's Meat got competitive superiority in world market. Also, for that situation, Producers and Distributors request successful marketing strategy establishment and in the concrete, I present a counterplan strategy based on 4P(price, product differentiation, sales promotion, distribution) strategy.

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A Study regarding the Customer Loyalty of Korean-Style Food Restaurant (외식업체 한식 레스토랑의 고객 충성도에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Young-Joo;Choi, Duck-Joo
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.46-63
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    • 2004
  • The service quality factors which causes an effect in restaurant selections appeared with gain and loss factors of essence and the customers. The restaurant recommendation factor was appeared with shedding of blood characteristics. The research which sees Korean-style food party's decision making is difficult with the plan of the security and loyalty of customers presented. The marketing strategy for the customer loyalty of Korean-style food party will be able to be overcome. The critical point of the research which sees for the security of the loyalty customer selects a target market, and the strategy which invades intensively is necessary. The Korean-style food party decision may cause the customer fractionation anger which follows in market fractionation anger. It does not become accomplished from the research which sees but with the critical point of research to appear, the research of creation of the loyalty customer who applies a market fractionation anger necessity will be becomes feed with hereafter research subject.

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A Study of Information Systems Development for Marketing Strategy (효율적(效率的)인 마아케팅 정보(情報) 시스템 구축(構築) 방안(方案)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Won, Doo-Hi
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.4
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    • pp.355-383
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    • 1991
  • 1. The Purpose of This study research: The focus of marketing until recently has simply been on sales which means the transfer of goods from the producer to the consumer and on profits therefrom. However, the excess supply of goods due to the expansion of the economy and the resulting fierce competition between companies have changed the nature of marketing. Maximizing consumers' satisfaction and establishing marketing mix strategies for market subdivision and penetration into the target market are now significant roles of the marketing manager. In addition, with regard to company management, information within the company which had been collected, managed and processed sporadically indegrated manner. The purpose of this research on marketing information systems in connection with the above will be to seek ways enabling us to create an efficient and integrated information system for an entire company. 2. The Method and Scop of This Stdudy: Marketing information systems, as a part of management information systems, shall be examined based on relevant theoretical literature. The research process shall be generally developed as follows: 1) The basic structure of the marketing information systems, including its fundamental purpose and necessity, shall be examined. 2) The method for a specific plan shall be presented through fundamental marketing strategy concepts and marketing decision-making. 3) A general model shall be presented based on examinations of various mod els used for marketing information systems and on research of the models' relationship with management information systems. 4) The direction of development shall be presented as the basis for gradual development following examination of the scope, pertinent issues, and means of improvement of the marketing information systems. 3. Summary and Conclusion: As the competition among the enterprises has become keen and thus the management of the contemporary enterprises shows the tendencies of uncertainty as well as complexity, all the managers must make the correct and prompt decision of their mind. Otherwise, the danger which will lead to and failure in the failure in the business may befall to the enterprise. Though computer system and information related techniques have the endless potentiality for the improvement of the enterprise, those are granted only to the enterprise which will be able to manage the computer system and information related techniques. In the contemporary industrial society, the need to a managerial information system has been increasing because all the complicated information can be stored, disposed and managed by the efficient method. And the marketing information system is also the integrated system which has been formed and developed through the efficient mixture of all the constituent elements including the definition of marketing research as the definition of the information system has been enlarged due to the reason shown above. The common point of the two systems is the man machine system functioning to help the efficient decision of the mind by introducing the computer system on the basis of user manager centered thought in order to provide informations to be useful in operation and management of the organization and the function of the mind decision. The purpose for the marketing information system lies in making the utmost use of marketing information available in the course of the mind decision. The reason why the contemporary enterprises necessitate the marketing information system are as follows: 1) The stages of the business operation are expanded wide to the world. 2) As the living standards of the consumers have been on the rise, the enter prise has to satisfy the consumer's "wants" than simple "needs".

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The Relationships among Service Quality and e-Marketing with Trust and Loyalty to Brands of Mobile Telephone Operators in Kosovo

  • UKAJ, Fatos;MULLATAHIRI, Vjosa
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.27-39
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - This study explores the relationships between e-Marketing and perceived service quality with brand trust and loyalty towards the brand of mobile telephone operators in Kosovo. Research design, data, and methodology - The conceptual model of four constructs was developed, while each construct consisted of the set of variables measured by using five-point Likert scale. The primary data was collected via an online survey through SurveyMonkey, distributed via Facebook and email. The collected data were cleaned, validated and tested for its consistency through Cronbach's Alpha; ensured that five assumptions of multiple linear regression are met. To assess the relationships between outcome variable and dependent variables of the model, performed the bivariate correlation, simple, multiple linear and hierarchical regression. Results - Perceived service quality has a positive significant effect on brand trust and loyalty. e-Marketing presents moderating direct effect on brand loyalty, and slightly higher effect through brand trust of the mobile telephone operators in Kosovo. Conclusions - The perceived service quality and brand trust are key determinants in achieving brand loyalty in telecommunication industry, followed by e-Marketing as means to creating expectations, delivering on promise to meet customers' perceptions for service quality with a purpose of building trust, that leads to loyalty towards the brands of mobile operators in Kosovo.

A Study on the Designing Public Space as a City Marketing Strategy (도시 마케팅 전략으로서 공공공간 디자인에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Sun-Mi;Kim, Joo-Yun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.16 no.2 s.61
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    • pp.331-338
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    • 2007
  • In the aspects of the globalization and localization, it is crucial to determine 'Urban selling point', which explains how to make an image: in order to acquire city identity based on the cultural and historical understanding for the Positive city image. The Purpose of this study is to investigate the possible role of the public space as a tool of the city marketing strategy, as well as to realize the cultural city identity through the design of the public space by studying cases which promote the value of life for both of the city and the citizens. Two methodologies are utilized for this study; First, he value in realizing cultural identity is examined through the city identity related to the city marketing and theoretical review of city amenity; second, the several domestic and international cases of cultural planning in culture-accumulated public space are selected and analyzed to map out new strategies from the perspective of place strategy, cultural strategy, and marketing strategy. The results from this study are as follows; first, the culture-accumulated public space through the formation of culture has its own characterized meaning, which has the significant value for the city representative image; second, when planning the culture-accumulated public space, it is important to select not only the appropriate image strategy but the adequate type of the public space for the city planning.