• Title/Summary/Keyword: map representation

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LOD(Level of Detail) Model for Utilization of Indoor Spatial Data (실내 공간정보 활용을 위한 세밀도 모델)

  • Kang, Hye Young;Nam, Sang Kwan;Hwang, Jung Rae;Lee, Ji Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.545-554
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    • 2018
  • As the map paradigm shifts from analog to digital, the LOD (Level Of Detail) of spatial information needs to be redefined. In this study, we propose 4- dimensional indoor LOD model which can be used in digital map environment. For this purpose, the limitation of the previous research is derived through study of related works, and based on this, four different LODs are defined such PLOD (Position accuracy LOD) based on position accuracy, GLOD (Geometric LOD) based on shape representation, CLOD (Complete LOD) based on generalization, and SLOD (Semantic LOD) based on theme accuracy. In addition, we describe the relationships among the four different LODs, and explain how to express the indoor LOD using the four different LODs and show examples. In the future, the case studies of indoor LOD adoption for various indoor services and the study of method for applying CLOD and SLOD to each feature should be performed to verify the feasibility and validity of proposed indoor LOD.

The Representation Techniques based on 3D Map to Obtain User-interested Information from Spatio-Temporal Table (시-공간 정보도표상의 사용자 관심정보 획득을 위한 3차원 지도 기반 가시화기법)

  • Lee Seok Jun;Jung Gi Sook;Jeong Seung Dae;Jung Soon Ki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.751-753
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    • 2005
  • 다양한 과학 분야와 공학 분야에서는 그들이 다루고 있는 특정한 주제의 정보를 좀 더 신속하고, 명확하게 사용자에게 전달하기 위해서 여러 가지 정보가시화(information visualization) 기법을 사용한다. 정보를 가시화 할 때는 기본적으로 세 가지 과정을 거치는데, 원천 데이터(raw data)로부터 데이터 모델(data model)로 변환하고, 변환된 데이터 모델을 가시화 구조상(visual structure)에 매핑(mapping)시킨 후 정보화 모델(information model)로 변환하게 된다. 본 논문에서는 특정 행사가 진행되고 있는 건물내부에서 발생하는 시간, 공간적인 정보를 정리한 도표 메타포(metaphor)를 토대로, 해당 데이터 모델로부터 추출한 다양한 정보를 3차원 지도로 구성된 정보화 모델 상에 반영하기 위한 방법을 제안하였다. 또한, 정보를 단순히 공간상에 반영하기 보다는 사용자의 관심영역(interest area)에 따른 정보의 공간적 의미에 중점을 두어 3차원 공간상에 표현하였다.

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Simplified Depth Modeling in HEVC-based 3D Video Coding (HEVC-기반 3차원 비디오 부호화에서 깊이 모델링 간소화 방법)

  • Song, Yunseok;Ho, Yo-Sung
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.28-32
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    • 2013
  • In this paper, we present a method to reduce complexity of depth modeling modes (DMM) that are used in the current 3D-HEVC standardization. DMM adds four modes to the existing HEVC intra prediction modes for accurate object edge representation in the depth map. Especially, Mode 3 requires distortion calculation of numerous pre-defined wedgelets, inducing high complexity. The proposed method employs absolute differences of neighboring pixels in the sides of the reference block to find high intensity changing positions. Based on such positions, the number of wedgelet candidates is reduced to six and distortion calculation is skipped for irrelevant wedgelets. Experimental results show complexity reduction by 3.1% on average, while maintaining similar coding performance.

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Fast Extraction of Objects of Interest from Images with Low Depth of Field

  • Kim, Chang-Ick;Park, Jung-Woo;Lee, Jae-Ho;Hwang, Jenq-Neng
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.353-362
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised video object extraction algorithm for individual images or image sequences with low depth of field (DOF). Low DOF is a popular photographic technique which enables the representation of the photographer's intention by giving a clear focus only on an object of interest (OOI). We first describe a fast and efficient scheme for extracting OOIs from individual low-DOF images and then extend it to deal with image sequences with low DOF in the next part. The basic algorithm unfolds into three modules. In the first module, a higher-order statistics map, which represents the spatial distribution of the high-frequency components, is obtained from an input low-DOF image. The second module locates the block-based OOI for further processing. Using the block-based OOI, the final OOI is obtained with pixel-level accuracy. We also present an algorithm to extend the extraction scheme to image sequences with low DOF. The proposed system does not require any user assistance to determine the initial OOI. This is possible due to the use of low-DOF images. The experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm can serve as an effective tool for applications, such as 2D to 3D and photo-realistic video scene generation.

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3D Navigation Real Time RSSI-based Indoor Tracking Application

  • Lee, Boon-Giin;Lee, Young-Sook;Chung, Wan-Young
    • Journal of Ubiquitous Convergence Technology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2008
  • Representation of various types of information in an interactive virtual reality environment on mobile devices had been an attractive and valuable research in this new era. Our main focus is presenting spatial indoor location sensing information in 3D perception in mind to replace the traditional 2D floor map using handheld PDA. Designation of 3D virtual reality by Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) demonstrates its powerful ability in providing lots of useful positioning information for PDA user in real-time situation. Furthermore, by interpolating portal culling algorithm would reduce the 3D graphics rendering time on low power processing PDA significantly. By fully utilizing the CC2420 chipbased sensor nodes, wireless sensor network was established to locate user position based on Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) signals. Implementation of RSSI-based indoor tracking method is low-cost solution. However, due to signal diffraction, shadowing and multipath fading, high accuracy of sensing information is unable to obtain even though with sophisticated indoor estimation methods. Therefore, low complexity and flexible accuracy refinement algorithm was proposed to obtain high precision indoor sensing information. User indoor position is updated synchronously in virtual reality to real physical world. Moreover, assignment of magnetic compass could provide dynamic orientation information of user current viewpoint in real-time.

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Ontology-Based Knowledge Framework for Product Life cycle Management (PLM 지원을 위한 온톨로지 기반 지식 프레임워크)

  • Lee Jae-Hyun;Suh Hyo-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.23 no.3 s.180
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2006
  • This paper introduces an approach to an ontology-based knowledge framework for product life cycle management (PLM). Participants in a product life cycle want to share comprehensive product knowledge without any ambiguity and heterogeneity. However, previous knowledge management approaches are limited in providing those aspects. Therefore, we suggest an ontology-based knowledge framework including knowledge maps, axioms and specific knowledge far domain. The bottom level, the axiom, specifies the semantics of concepts and relations of knowledge so that ambiguity of the semantics can be alleviated. The middle level is a product development knowledge map; it defines the concepts and the relations of the product domain common knowledge and guides engineers to process their engineering decisions. The middle level is then classified further into more detailed levels, such as generic product level, specific product level, product version level, and product item level for PLM. The top level is specialized knowledge fer a specific domain that gives the solution of a specific task or problem. It is classified into three knowledge types: expert knowledge, engineering function knowledge, and data-analysis-based knowledge. This proposed framework is based on ontology to accommodate a comprehensive range of unambiguous knowledge for PLM and is represented with first-order logic to maintain a uniform representation.

K-Box: Ontology Management System based on Topic Maps (K-Box: 토픽맵 기반의 온톨로지 관리 시스템)

  • 김정민;박철만;정준원;이한준;민경섭;김형주
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2004
  • The Semantic Web introduces the next generation of the Web by establishing a semantic layer of machine-understandable data to enable machines (i.e intelligent agents) retrieve more relevant information and execute automated web services using semantic information. Ontology-related technologies are very important to evolve the World Wide Web of today into the Semantic Web in representation and share of semantic data. In this paper, we proposed and implemented the efficient ontology management system, K-Box, which constructs and manages ontologies using topic maps. We can use K-Box system to construct, store and retrieve ontologies. K-Box system has several components: Topicmap Factory, Topicmap Provider, Topicmap Query Processor, Topicmap Object Wrapper, Topicmap Cache Manager, Topicmap Storage Wrapper.

A Technic to Improve and Implement Virtual Environment Grid Information in War-game Model (워게임모델의 가상환경격자정보 개선과 구축 기법)

  • Choi, Beyoung-Moo;Yang, Hae-Sool
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.785-794
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    • 2009
  • We studied on a technic to improve and implement the virtual environment grid information in the war-game model. The virtual environment data are categorized into ground, sea, and air, and separatedly managed and operated. The data are implemented and managed in the geographical information and topography type information. The geographical information, including grid location coordinate and sea level, are managed in computer files as a grid type. We improved the representation of the sea level by mapping the sea level value of the grid information file into GCV and suggested the dynamic virtual environment implementation technic for the region with the large range of tide. In the experiments, we could know that it is possible to adopt the dynamic virtual environment to the war-game model.

Fast Scene Understanding in Urban Environments for an Autonomous Vehicle equipped with 2D Laser Scanners (무인 자동차의 2차원 레이저 거리 센서를 이용한 도시 환경에서의 빠른 주변 환경 인식 방법)

  • Ahn, Seung-Uk;Choe, Yun-Geun;Chung, Myung-Jin
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.92-100
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    • 2012
  • A map of complex environment can be generated using a robot carrying sensors. However, representation of environments directly using the integration of sensor data tells only spatial existence. In order to execute high-level applications, robots need semantic knowledge of the environments. This research investigates the design of a system for recognizing objects in 3D point clouds of urban environments. The proposed system is decomposed into five steps: sequential LIDAR scan, point classification, ground detection and elimination, segmentation, and object classification. This method could classify the various objects in urban environment, such as cars, trees, buildings, posts, etc. The simple methods minimizing time-consuming process are developed to guarantee real-time performance and to perform data classification on-the-fly as data is being acquired. To evaluate performance of the proposed methods, computation time and recognition rate are analyzed. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has efficiency in fast understanding the semantic knowledge of a dynamic urban environment.

A Research for New Taxonomy of Information Visualization (정보시각화의 새로운 분류법에 관한 연구)

  • Bae, Jun-Woo;Lee, Suk-Won;Kim, In-Soo;Myung, Ro-Hae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2009
  • Since too much information has been generated, it became very difficult to find out valuable and necessary information. In order to deal with the problem of information overload, the taxonomy for information visualization techniques has been based upon visualized shapes such as tree map, fisheye view and parallel coordinates, so that it was difficult to choose the right representation technique by data characteristics. Therefore, this study was designed to introduce a new taxonomy for the information visualization by data characteristics which defined by space (3D vs. multi-dimensions), time (continuous vs. discrete), and relations of data (qualitative vs. quantitative). To verify the new taxonomy, forensic data which were generated to investigate the culprit of network security was used. The result showed that the new taxonomy was found to be very efficient and effective to choose the right visualized shape for forensic data for network security. In conclusion, the new taxonomy was proven to be very helpful to choose the right information visualization technique by data characteristics.