• Title/Summary/Keyword: mantle xenolith

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Magma Pathway of Alkali Volcanic Rocks in Goseong, Gangwon-do, Korea (강원도 고성지역에 분포하는 알칼리 현무암질 마그마의 상승경로)

  • Kil, Young-Woo;Shin, Hong-Ja;Ko, Bo-Kyun
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.196-207
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    • 2007
  • Miocene basalt plugs in Goseong contain a large variety of crustal and mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts. One of basalt plugs, Unbongsan, are derived from 160 km depth. Whole-rock geochemistry and pressure and temperature conditions of mineral phases indicate that Unbongsan volcanic rocks are alkali basalts and the source magma of the alkali basalts was generated from about $0.2{\sim}2%$ partial melting of depleted garnet peridotite. Crystallization pressures and temperatures of mineral phases within ascending magma of Unbongsan alkali basalt indicate that olivines, clinopyroxenes, and plagioclases were crystallized at $75{\sim}110km,\;40{\sim}52km,\;37{\sim}54km$ depth, respectively. The ascending magma of Unbongsan alkali basalts enclosed mantle xenoliths at about $57{\sim}67km$ depth.

Petrochemical Characteristics of the Duibaejae Volcanic Rocks from Goseong, Gangwon-do, Korea (강원도 고성 뒤배재 화산암의 암석화학적 특성)

  • Kim, Hwa Sung;Kil, Youngwoo;Lee, Moon Won
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2013
  • Duibaejae basalts from Goseong, Gangwon-do, are divided into the lower basalt and the upper basalt depending on the properties, such as occurrence, mineral compositions, and major and trace compositions of the basalts. The lower basalts have characteristics of agglomerate rocks as well as contain, crustal and mantle xenoliths, and olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase xenocrysts. The upper basalts with columnar joints contain relatively more mantle xenolith and olivine xenocryst than the lower basalts. The major and trace element compositions suggest that the composition of the upper basalts is close to primary magma composition. Enrichment and depletion patterns of the trace and the rare-earth elements of the lower basalts are similar to those of the upper basalts, whereas the lower basalts are more LREE enriched than the upper basalts. The source magmas of the lower and upper basalts from Duibaejae volcanic edifice were generated from about 0.8-1.2% and 3.7-4.0% batch melting of garnet peridotite, respectively. The abundance of granite xenolith, and plagioclase and quartz xenocrysts with reaction rim indicates that the lower basalts, compared with upper basalts, might have been assimilated with the crustal materials during ascending to surface.

Origins of Clinopyroxenes in Alkaline Basalts from Jeju Island (제주도 알칼리 현무암에 산출되는 단사휘석의 기원)

  • Yang Kyounghee;Hwang Byoung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2005
  • Three types of clinopyroxenes in alkali basaltic rocks from Jeju Island can be identified on the basis of geochemical and textural data. Type Ⅰ is Cr-rich diopside in spinel peridotites from the upper mantle. Type Ⅱ is augite in fine-grained pyroxenites which are possibly either magmatic vein or metamorphic segregations owing to anatexis of the upper mantle. The augite of Type Ⅱ contains high Ca and Mg and relatively low Ti. Type Ⅲ is thought to be either cumulates or cognate phenocrysts and can be subdivided into Ⅲa, Ⅲb, and Ⅲc based on their occurrence mode. Clinopyroxenes of Type Ⅰ have the highest Mg# and Si and the lowest Ti, whereas those of Type Ⅲhave lower Mg#와 Si and higher Ti. These geochemical characteristics indicate that (Ti+Al/sup Ⅵ/)/Si and Al/sup Ⅵ//Al/sup Ⅵ/ increase from Type Ⅰ to Type Ⅲ. It is possibly interpreted that Type Ⅰ is of the highest pressure origin and Type Ⅲ of the lowest. Fractionation of high-pressure clinopyroxenes would result in evolved undersaturated alkali-enriched liquids, probably producing the alkali-enriched host basaltic rocks in Jeju Island.

Fluid Inclusions Trapped in Xenoliths from the Lower Crust/upper Mantle Beneath Jeju Island (I): A Preliminary Study (제주도의 하부지각/상부맨틀 기원의 포획암에 포획된 유체포유물: 예비연구)

  • Yang, Kyounghee
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 2004
  • This paper describes the textural relations of mantle xenoliths and fluid inclusions in mantle-derived rocks found in alkaline basalts from Jeju Island which contain abundant ultramafic, felsic, and cumulate xenoliths. Most of the ultramafic xenoliths are spinel-lherzolites, composed of olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and spinel. The felsic xenoliths considered as partially molten buchites consist of quartz and plagioclase with black veinlets, which are the product of ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism of lower crustal materials. The cumulate xenoliths, clinopyroxene-rich or clinopyroxene megacrysts, are also present. Textural examination of these xenoliths reveals that the xenoliths are typically coarse grained with metamorphic characteristics, testifying to a complex history of evolution of the lower crust/upper mantle source region. The ultramafic xenoliths contain protogranular, porphyroclastic and equigranular textures with annealing features, indicating the presence of shear regime in upper mantle of the Island. The preferential associations of spinel and olivine with large orthopyroxenes suggest a previous high temperature equilibrium in the high-Al field and the original rock-type was a Al-rich orthopyroxene-bearing peridotite without garnet. Three types of fluid inclusions trapped in mantle-derived xenoliths include CO$_2$-rich fluid (Type I), multiphase silicate melt (glass ${\pm}$ devitrified crystals ${\pm}$ one or more daughter crystals + one or more vapor bubbles) (Type II), and sulfide (melt) inclusions (Type III). C$_2$-rich inclusions are the most abundant volatile species in mantle xenoliths, supporting the presence of a separate CO$_2$-rich phase. These CO$_2$-rich inclusions are spatially associated with silicate and sulfide melts, suggesting immiscibility between them. Most multiphase silicate melt inclusions contain considerable amount of silicic glass. reflecting the formation of silicic melts in the lower crust/upper mantle. Combining fluid and melt inclusion data with conventional petrological and geochemical information will help to constrain the fluid regime, fluid-melt-mineral interaction processes in the mantle of the Korean Peninsula and pressure-temperature history of the host xenoliths in future studies.

Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Korean Peninsula: Implications from Peridotite Xenoliths in Alkali Basalts (우리나라 상부암석권 맨틀: 페리도타이트 포획암으로부터의 고찰)

  • Choi, Sung-Hi
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.235-247
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    • 2012
  • Peridotite xenoliths hosted by alkali basalts from South Korea occur in Baengnyeong Island, Jeju Island, Boeun, Asan, Pyeongtaek and Ganseong areas. K-Ar whole-rock ages of the basaltic rocks range from 0.1 to 18.9 Ma. The peridotites are dominantly lherzolites and magnesian harzburgites, and the constituent minerals are Fo-rich olivine ($Fo_{88.4-92.0}$), En-rich orthopyroxene, Di-rich clinopyroxene, and Cr-rich spinel (Cr# = 7.8-53.6). Hydrous minerals, such as pargasite and phlogopite, or garnet have not been reported yet. The Korean peridotites are residues after variable degree of partial melting (up to 26%) and melt extraction from fertile MORB mantle. However, some samples (usually refractory harzburgites) exhibit metasomatic enrichment of the highly incompatible elements, such as LREE. Equilibration temperatures estimated using two-pyroxene geothermometry range from ca. 850 to $1050^{\circ}C$. Sr and Nd isotopic compositions in clinopyroxene separates from the Korean peridotites show trends between depleted MORB-like mantle (DMM) and bulk silicate earth (BSE), which can be explained by secondary metasomatic overprinting of a precursor time-integrated depleted mantle. The Korean peridotite clinopyroxenes define mixing trends between DMM and EM2 end members on Sr-Pb and Nd-Pb isotopic correlation diagrams, without any corresponding changes in the basement. This is contrary to what we observe in late Cenozoic intraplate volcanism in East Asia which shows two distinct mantle sources such as a DMM-EM1 array for NE China including Baengnyeong Island and a DMM-EM2 array for Southeast Asia including Jeju Island. This observation suggests the existence of large-scale two distinct mantle domains in the shallow asthenosphere beneath East Asia. The Re-Os model ages on Korean peridotites indicate that they have been isolated from convecting mantle between ca. 1.8 and 1.9 Ga.

Petrology on the Late Miocene Basalts in Goseong-gun, Gangwon Province (강원도 고성군 일대의 후기 마이오세 현무암의 암석학적 연구)

  • Koh Jeong Seon;Yun Sung-Hyo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.78-92
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    • 2005
  • Petrographical and petrochemical analyses for late Miocene basalts in Goseong-gun area. Gangwon province, were carried out to interpret the characteristics and the origin of magma. The basaltic rocks occurred as plug-dome in the summit of several small mountain and developed columnar jointing with pyroxene-megacryst bearing porphyritic texture. And the basalt contains xenoliths of biotite granite (basement rocks), gabbro (lower crustal origin) and Iherzolite(upper mantle origin). The basalts belong to the alkaline basalt field in TAS diagram and partly belong to picrobasalt and trachybasalt field. On the tectonomagmatic discrimination diagram f3r basalt in the Goseong-gun area. they fall into the fields for the within plate and oceanic island basalt. The characteristics of trace elements and REEs shows that primary magma for the basalt magma would have been derived from partial melting of garnet-peridotite mantle. This late Miocene basalt volcanism is related to the hot spot within the palte.

Numerical Ages and Petrological Characteristics of the Basalts designated as Natural Monument, Korea (국내 천연기념물 현무암체들의 형성시기와 암석학적 특징)

  • Yong-Un Chae;Cheong-Bin Kim;Sujin Ha;Jong-Deock Lim;Hyoun Soo Lim
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.449-471
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    • 2024
  • We investigated the radiometric ages and petrological characteristics of basaltic rocks with columnar joints, basalt gorge, pillow lava, and mantle xenolith, from the geoheritages designated as Natural Monuments of Korea in recognition of their historical, academic, and scenic excellence. A total of 7 Natural Monuments were selected. They are 'Basalt gorge along Daegyocheon Stream of Hantangang River', 'Basalt gorge and Bidulginangpokpo Falls of Hantangang River, Pocheon', 'Pillow lava in Auraji, Pocheon' distributed along the Chugaryeong Fault System, 'Peridotite xenolith-bearing basalt in Jinchon-ri Baengnyeongdo Island, Ongjin', 'Columnar joint in Daljeon-ri, Pohang', 'Columnar joint in Yangnam, Gyeongju', and 'Columnar joint along Jungmun and Daepo Coasts, Jeju'. They ranged in age from the Cenozoic Neogene Miocene to the Quarternary Pleistocene. Based on the composition of major elements, Hantangang Basalt corresponded to trachybasalt, Daljeon Basalt to phonotephrite, Eoil Basalt to sub-alkaline basalt, and Daepodong Basalt to alkaline basalt. And in the composition of trace and rare earth elements, only Eoil Basalt showed the characteristics of arc basalt, while the others showed the characteristics of oceanic island basalt.

Textural and Geochemical Characteristics and their Relation of Spinel Peridotite Xenoliths from Jeju Island (제주도 첨정석 페리도타이트 포획암의 조직 및 지화학적 특성과 그 관련성)

  • Yu, Jae-Eun;Yang, Kyoung-Hee;Kim, Jin-Seop
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.227-244
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    • 2010
  • Abundant spinel lherzolite xenoliths showing distinctively different textural types such as protogranular, porphyroclastic, and mylonitic texture are trapped in the basaltic rocks from southeastern part of Jeju Island. These xenoliths show the textural spectrum from coarse-grained protogranular through porphyroclastic with bimodal grain size to fine-grained and foliated mylonitic texture. They tend to decrease in grain sizes and show more linear grain boundaries and more frequent triple junctions from protogranular through porphyroclastic to mylonitic. Spinel has different occurrence mode according the textural type. Spinel is always associated with orthopyroxene in protogranular texture, whereas it is scattered and independent of orthopyroxene in mylonitic texture. Additionally, porphyroblast from porphyroclastic and mylonitic textures has internal deformation features such as kink band, undulatory extinction and curved lamella, whereas neoblast is strain-free. These textural features indicate increasing degree of static/dynamic recrystallization from protogranular through porphyroclastic to mylonitic texture. The mg#[$=100{\times}Mg/(Mg+Fe_t)$] of olivine, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene is relatively constant (ol: 88-91; opx: 89-92; cpx: 89-92) regardless of textural differences. The mg# of constituent minerals, NiO content (0.3~0.4 wt%) and MnO content (0.1~0.2 wt%) of olivine are similar to those of mantle xenoliths worldwide, also indicating that studied spinel lherzolite xenoliths were mantle residues having experienced 20~25% partial melting. The geochemical and textural characteristics have close relations showing that LREE and incompatible trace elements content of orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene increases from protogranular through porphyroclastic to mylonitic. These observations suggest that the studied mantle xenoliths experienced metasomatism by LREE enriched melt or fluid after partial melting, indicating a close relation between deformation and metasomatism. The metasomatism was possibly confined to narrow shear zones from where porphyroclastic and mylonitic textured xenoliths originated. These shear zones might favorably drive the percolation of LREE-enriched melts/fluids responsible for the metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle below the Jeju Island.

The Formation of the Cenozoic Volcanic Edifice in the Goseong-Ganseong Area, Gangwondo, Korea (강원도 고성-간성일대의 신생대 화산체의 형성과정)

  • Kim, Hwa Sung;Kil, Youngwoo;Lee, Moon Won
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.627-636
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    • 2012
  • In the Obongri-Goseong area of Gangwondo, South Korea, there are six densely distributed volcanic edifices i.e., Duibaejae, Oeumsan, Galmibong, 249 m height, 166 m height, and 102 m height, and two other volcanic edifices including Goseongsan and Unbongsan volcanic edifice that are separately located from a distance. A previously undiscovered 249m volcanic edifice in Obongri was found in this investigation, and the six volcanic edifices distributed in Obongri will be referred to as the Obongri volcanic edifice group. Volcanic edifices in this area were interpreted by other researchers as being volcanic plug, plug dome, and cylindrical volcanic pipe type edifices. The aim of this study is to investigate the aspect of volcanic activity in the Obongri-Goseong area and the formation of volcanic edifices by examining of the shape of volcanic edifices, stratigraphy, and characterization of volcanic products. All the volcanic edifices in the area are composed of basaltic rocks on the Mesozoic granite basement, and the prevalence of the dome shape increased towards the upper part of the mountain. Three volcanic edifices (Duibaejae, 166 m height, 102 m height) include intercalated pyroclastic deposits between the basaltic rocks and the basement. The pyroclastic deposit in the Duibaejae volcanic edifice is composed of quartz, feldspar, granite fragments originated from the basement, and scoria fragments originated from the volcanic eruption. In addition to angular olivine, plagioclase, and pyroxene xenocrysts, all the basaltic rocks contained mantle xenolith, gabbroic xenolith originated from the lower crust, and granitic xenolith originated from the basement. This fact indicates that magma rapidly rose to the surface and that the volcanic activity was explosive. It is also interpreted that, as the basaltic magma became highly viscous due to the large amount of xenocrysts, the erupted magma formed a dome structure on the surface. The original dome structure was then severely eroded out leaving a plug dome formation on the basement.

Textural Implications of Fine-Grained Peridotite Xenoliths in Basaltic Rocks from Jeju Island (제주도 현무암에 포획된 세립질 맨틀 페리도타이트 포획암의 조직적 특성)

  • Yang, Kyoung-Hee;Nam, Bok-Hyun;Kim, Jin-Seop;Szabo, Csaba
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2009
  • Fine-grained peridotite xenoliths are rarely trapped in the basaltic rocks from the southeastern part of Jeju Island. Based on textural characteristics of the constituent phases showing uniform-sized, fine-grained tabular to mosaic grains with rare porphyroclastic relics, the studied samples can be defined as fine-grained, foliated porphyroclastic peridotites (FPP). Almost no significant difference among the FPPs in textures and major element compositions implies that the FPPs were derived from a structural domain, experiencing similar deformation events and deformation patterns. Moreover, the bimodal distribution with kink-banded porphyroclasts ($2{\sim}3mm$) and stain-free neoblasts ($200{\sim}300{\mu}m$), straight to gently curved grain boundaries with triple junctions, interstitial melt pockets, and microstructures for migrating grain boundary suggest that the studied samples went through dynamic recrystallization (${\pm}$ static recrystallization) in the presence of melt/fluid movement along foliation planes. No notable difference between the FPP and common protogranular xenoliths in major element compositions and geochemical evolution also implies that the FPP and protogranular xenoliths were from a similar horizon. Thus, the textural and geochemical characteristics of the FPPs reflects deformation events occurred at a localized and narrow zone within the lithospheric mantle beneath the Jeju Island. Although further detailed studies are necessary to define deformation events, the most possible process which could trigger deformation in the FPP in the rigid upper mantle was the ascending basaltic magma forming high-stress deformation zones. The suggested high-stress deformation zones in the lithosphere beneath the Jeju Island may be produced by paleo-faulting events related to the ascent of basalt magma before Jeju Island was formed.