• Title/Summary/Keyword: major minerals

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Characteristics and Provenance of Heavy Minerals in the Yellow Sea and Northern East China Sea (황해 및 동중국해 북부의 중광물 특성과 기원)

  • Koo, Hyo Jin;Lee, Bu Yeong;Cho, Hyen Goo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.505-515
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    • 2020
  • The Yellow Sea and northern East China Sea contain a transgressive sand layer. Numerous sedimentary studies have been carried out in these sand deposits using seismic exploration and core sediment techniques, but few mineralogical studies have been reported. The major purposes of this study are to describe the distributions of heavy minerals throughout the Yellow sea and northern East China Sea and to identify the provenance of coarse sediments using the mineral chemistry. Eight heavy mineral species were identified in the study area (epidote, amphibole, garnet, zircon, sphene, rutile, apatite, and monazite). The study region was divided into six areas (areas A to F) based on heavy mineral distributions and sampling locations. In mineral chemistry, the amphiboles present are classified as edenite and hornblende in the calcic amphibole group, and the garnets are identified primarily as almandine in the pyralspite group. A combined data set of heavy mineral distributions and mineral chemistry showed clear differentiation of the characteristics of the six classified areas, enabling determination of provenance and sedimentary environment. Area A and B in the eastern Yellow Sea were originated from the Korean peninsula, and these regions showed different heavy mineral characteristics by tidal current and coastal current. In addition, monazite was only found in the area B and could be used as an indicator from the southwestern Korean peninsula. Area D and E in the western Yellow Sea showed the characteristics of sediments originating from the Huanghe, and sediment in the area E was derived from the Changjiang. Area C in the northern East China Sea appeared to have Changjiang-origin sediment, and abundant apatite indicated that area C was formed close to the Last Glacial Maximum.

Mineralogy and Chemical Properties according to Particle Size Separation of Hwangto (Reddish Residual Soil) used in Feeding of Cattle (한우 사육에 이웅한 황토(풍화토)의 입도분리에 따른 광물성분 및 화학적 특성)

  • 황진연;박현진;양경희;이효민
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2002
  • Mineral composition and chemical properties of Hwangto (reddish residual soil) that used in feeding of cattles at Iksan, Jeollabuk-do, Korea were examined according to particle size separation such as gravel, sand, silt, coarse clay and fine clay. Mineral composition analyses reveal that gravel and sand are mainly composed of quartz and feldspars and that kaolin mineral and illite are dominant in clay and silt. Iron oxides are mainly included in fine clay. According to chemical analyses of major elements, Al, Fe and H2O contents are increased with decreasing of particle size. This trend well agrees with increase of clay minerals in smaller particles, Chemical analyses of trace elements indicate that contents of Zn, Rb, Sr, Ba, Pb significantly differ with particle sizes. Ba and Sr are included in feldspars since these elements are abundant in sand containing abundant feldspars. Pb and Sm are abundant in sample before particle size separation, but the contents are significantly decreased after separation. Therefore, most of these elements appear to be existed as removable phase. Nb, La, Th, Ce are more abundant in silt. The contents of all the other trace elements tend to be increased in smaller particles containing more clay minerals. The contents of changeable cations and teachable elements in acid and alkali solutions are high in clay samples. All the above results indicate that using the portion of smaller particle of Hwangto for livestock feed rather than bulk Hwangto can improve cation exchangeable capacity, ion leaching capacity and sorption properties.

Studies on the Nutritional Components and Physicochemical Characteristics of Various Flax(Linum usitatissimum) Seeds and Oils (아마인과 아마인유의 영양성분과 물리화학적 특성)

  • Nam, Jin-Sik
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.516-525
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    • 2010
  • Flaxseed has recently gained attention as a functional food. In this paper, physicochemical analyses of flaxseed and its oil were performed. Crude fat content ranged from 37~43%, moisture 0.2~6.8%, carbohydrate 30~35%, crude protein 18~23%, and crude ash 3~4%. Flaxseed is also an important source of dietary fiber. The TDF(total dietary fiber) contents of the flaxseed samples were 28~31%, and the SDF(souble dietary fiber) content of roasted flaxseeds was higher than that of raw flaxseeds. The major minerals found in flaxseed were calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phosphate. The flaxseeds were rich in γ-tocopherol with 234.3 mg/kg in raw brown flaxseed and 134.1 mg/kg in raw gold flaxseed, respectively. Roasted flaxseeds showed slightly lower vitamin and amino acid contents than those of the raw samples. The iodine, saponification, and acid values of brown flaxseed oil were 204.1 g/100 g, 193.6 mg/g, and 1.59 mg/g, and for gold flaxseed oil were 203.0 g/100 g, 189.9 mg/g, and 2.35 mg/g, respectively. α-Linolenic acid(ALA, C18:3n-3) was highly concentrated in the flaxseed oil, which constituted about 55.5~56.1% of total fatty acids. Thus, flaxseed oil is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and beneficial for the heart. Flaxseed contains high levels of dietary fiber including lignans, as well as minerals and vitamins, which may have antioxidant actions and help protect against certain cancers.

Geological Environments, and Deterioration States and Causes on the Carved Buddhist Triad on Rock-cliff in Sinamri, Yeongju (영주 신암리 마애삼존석불에 대한 지질환경과 훼손상태 및 원인)

  • Hwang, Sang-Koo;Lee, Sang-Jin;Kim, Jae-Ho
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.95-107
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    • 2008
  • The Carved Buddhist Triad on Rock-cliff in Sinarnri (Treasure No. 680) consists of biotite granodiorite, which were positively carved on fore and west planes of four subvertical cliffs by two joint sets of NE-SW and NNW-SSE directions. The cliffs are N50E85SE in fore plane, N25W90 in west plane, N4050E8285NW, back plane, N20W75SW in east plane, which are parallel to two joint sets of NE-SW and NNW-SSE directions in geology around it. The chemical index of alteration ranges 60.3 to 62.0 from the major elements in the rock that was weathered into producing kaolin minerals from alteration of feldspars and biotite. The Buddhist image has been deteriorated into joints, brown rusts, discolorations and granular disintegrations by such deterioration causes as deformation, moisture, temperature variation and microorganic living. The moisture, which leaks from groundwater in the rock, dissolve to decompose minerals.

Geochemical Study on the Genesis of Chuncheon Nephrite Deposit (춘천 연옥의 기원에 관한 지구화학적 연구)

  • 박계현;노진환
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.53-69
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    • 2000
  • To reveal the origin of the Chuncheon nephrite deposit, radiogenic isotopes of Sr and Pb, stable isotopes of 0 and H, and rare earth elements concentrations were analyzed. Such geochemical data were integrated to track the stepwise changes during the various ore formation stages. All the samples from the nephrite deposit have significantly low 0 isotopic ratios compared with the marble from which they had been formed, which reflects the very important role of the crustal circulating water with low 6180 and 6D in every stage of ore formation. There were progressive decrease of 6180 and 6D during the genesis of Chuncheon nephrite deposit. Newly formed minerals during the ore formation reveal disequilibrium with existing minerals in the respect of 0 isotope, which suggests that the ore-forming fluid of circulating water origin was involved with significant water-rock ratios in every step of ore formation process. The ore samples have Sr and Pb isotopic ratios similar to the values of Kyeonggi gneiss complex within which the deposit is located, which also suggests the important role of crustal circulating water in the genesis of the deposit. In conclusion, all the geochemical data support that major portion of the ore-forming fluid of Chuncheon nephrite deposit was derived ultimately from the surface water of meteoric origin. The meteoric water supplied Sr and Pb through leaching the rocks surrounding the ore deposits.

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Effects of Deer Antler Extract on Serum IGF-I, Bone Growth and Splenocyte Proliferation in Growing Rats (녹용추출물이 성장기 흰쥐의 혈중 IGF-I 농도, 골격성장 및 비장세포 증식능에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang Soo-Jung;Chun Ho-Nam;Yun Sung-Seob;Lee Im-Sik;Lee Yeon-Sook
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.225-235
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    • 2006
  • Although it has traditionally known that deer antler and medicinal herbs extract contain some functional components for health promotion, the nutritional significance remains to be elucidated. This study examined the efficacy of deer antler extract (DA) , medicinal herbs extract (MH) and their mixture (DAMH) on serum IGF-I, bone growth with growing rats in vivo and splenocyte proliferation with spleen cells in vitro. Three week-old young female rats (Sprague-Dawley) were divided into 4 groups and then fed basal diet (AIN-93G) or experimental diets containing DA, MH, DAMH, respectively, for 7 weeks. We collected blood, liver, kidney, spleen, femur and tibia from rats. There was no significant difference in weight gain, but food intake increased in DA- and MH-fed groups. There were no signs of liver and kidney damage in the DA, MH and DAMH-fed groups compared to basal diet group. In femur and tibia, wet weights: breaking forces and bone minerals (Ca, Mg and Zn) were significantly higher in the DA-fed group than in the other groups. Serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) , bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP) activities were significantly lower in the DA, MH, DAMH-fed groups than in basal diet group. Also, serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) concentrations were significantly increased in DA-fed group compared to the other groups. Therefore DA was shown to have an activity of bone growth promotion by increasing the IGF-I, a major bone growth factor. The deer antler extract showed an enhanced immune action on the primary cultured-cells from spleen of rats, representing that splenocytes were proliferated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), but not by concanavalin A (Con A). These results indicate that deer antler extract has beneficial effects on bone growth via IGF-I and on splenocyte activation.

Relation between Hair Tissue Mineral Elements and Heart Rate Variabilities of the Metabolic Syndrome (대사증후군에 대한 모발미네랄함량과 심박변이도의 연관성 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jin;Ie, Jae-Eun;Heo, Su-Jeong;Cho, Hyun-Ju;Myoung, Sung-Min
    • Journal of Korean Medicine for Obesity Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 2009
  • Objectives This study was performed to evaluate the relation between hair tissue mineral elements(HTME) and Heart rate variability(HRV) of the metabolic syndrome(MS). Methods 89 persons(41-69 ages) who visited Oriental hospital for medical examination were divided MS group(n=22) and control group(n=67). HTME and HRV were compared, and were analyzed correlation with five contents of the MS. Results (1) In total subjects, waist circumference had a positive correlation with Pb. Blood pressure had a negative correlation with Mg. High density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-chol) had a negative correlation with Pb, Sb and K, while positive correlation with Ca/K. Triglyceride(TG) had a negative correlation with Mg and Na/K, while positive correlation with K and Ca/Mg. (2) In total subjects, TG and fasting blood sugar(FBS) had negative correlation with high frequency(HF), while positive correlation with low frequency/high frequency ratio(LF/HF). (3) In MS group, most of the level of toxic minerals were higher, and the level of major nutritional minerals were lower, but there were no statistical signficance. In two groups, there is no contrast between the correlations of the MS contents and HTME. (4) In MS group, HF was significantly lower and LF/HF was higher than normal group. LF/HF had a negative correlation with waist circumference in MS group, while positive correlation in normal group. (5) In total subjects, TP had a positive correlation with Mg. In two groups, there is no contrast between the correlations of the MS contents and HRV. However LF/HF had a positive correlation with Na in MS group, TP and LF had negative correlation with Ca, while RMSSD and HF had negative correlation with Cu in normal group. Conclusion These results may suggest that HTME and HRV are useful in diagnosing and preventing the metabolic syndrome.

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Geological structures in the Bonghwajae area Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea (충청북도 제천시 봉화재 일대의 지질구조)

  • Jung, Jin-Woo;Kang, Ji-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.105-117
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    • 2014
  • The Ogcheon and Joseon Supergroups are distributed in the Bonghwajae area, Jecheon-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea which is located in the northeastern fore-end of the Ogcheon Metamorphic Zone. This paper researched the geological structures based on the geometric and kinematic characteristics and the forming sequence of the major multi-deformed rock and microstructures. Most of regional foliations are not the S0 bedding but the S0-1 composite foliations defined by the preferred orientation of stretching minerals, some are recognized as the S0-1-2 composite foliations by the preferred orientation of insoluble opaque minerals and cleavage lamella. The geological structures were formed at least by three phases of deformations i.e. NNE-SSW trending D1, E-W trending D2, N-S trending D3 compressions. The S0-1 composite foliation, which shows a similar zone-distribution trend of the constitution strata of the Ogcheon and Joseon Supergroups, trended WNW before D2 deformation, but it was reoriented into N-S which was parallel to the trend of S2 foliation by D2 deformation, and it was rearranged into NW, NE, N-S trends as it is now by D3 deformation. The structural characteristics of each deformation phase and the deformation history are very similar to those in the eastern domain of Busan area into which the Ogcheon and Joseon Supergroups in this area are extended as NNW trend. It is expected to be very valuable data in interpreting the tectonic evolution of the northeastern fore-end of the Ogcheon Metamorphic Zone.

Quantitative X-ray Diffraction Analysis of the Yellow Sea Surface Sediments; 2nd Yellow Sea Cruise Samples in 2001 (황해 표층 퇴적물의 X선 광물정량분석; 2001년 황해 2차 탐사 시료)

  • Moon, Dong-Hyuk;Kim, Soon-Oh;Yi, Hi-Il;Shin, Dong-Hyeok;Shin, Kyung-Hoon;Cho, Hyen-Goo
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.203-212
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    • 2007
  • Mineral compositions of 89 Yellow Sea surface sediments collected at the second cruise in 2001, were determined using the high resolution X-ray diffractometer and Siroquant v.3.0 program. Yellow Sea surface sediments are composed of major minerals (quartz 57.8%, plagioclase 16.0% and alkali feldspar 10.0%), clay minerals, and calcite. Illite (8.7%) is the most abundant clay mineral, chlorite (2.6%) is the second, and kaolinite (0.6%) is few. however smectite is not detected. Quartz content is very high around the margin of the Yellow Sea, however is very low along the northwest to southeast direction extending from southeast of Sandong Peninsula to southwest of Jeju Island. It has similar distribution pattern with that of coarse sediment (sand). The coarse sediment, is mainly consisted of quartz, may be much supplied from the eastern part and southwestern part of the Yellow Sea. Illite distribution pattern is opposite to that of quartz. It is similar to those of clay and mud particles, therefore it can be suggested that fine sediment may be largely supplied from the northwestern part of the Yellow Sea. It is necessary to continue this kind of investigation, because it is difficult to interpret the sediment provenance of the Yellow Sea only from the result of this study.

Fluid Inclusion Studies of the Fluorite Deposits in Korea (우리나라 형석광상(螢石鑛床)의 유체포유물(流體包有物) 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Hee In
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.27-43
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    • 1976
  • The flourite in Hwacheon, Hwanggangri and Keumsan district are major fluorite producing areas in Korea. The fluorite deposits of Hwacheon district are wholly fissure filling hydrothermal veins embedded in Precambrian gneiss and schists and Jurassic granites. Also some fluorite deposits are emplaced in felsite whose age is unknown. Emplacement of most fluorite veins of the district are controlled by EW fracture system. Fluorites are generally accompanied to chalcedonic quartz and also kaolinite, montmorillonite, dickite and calcite in parts. Vertical and lateral mineral zonings are not distinct. The fluorite deposits in the Hwanggangri district are wholly embedded in limestone and other calcareous sediments of Paleozoic Yeongweol Group. Most of the fluorite deposits belong to one of two categories which are steeply. dipping veins and gently dipping replacement deposits adjacent to Late Cretaceous(83-90mys) granite bodies. The strikes of fluorite veins of Hwanggangri district mostly occupy the fractures of N3040E and N3040W system. Fluorites are accompanied to calcite, milky quartz, chalcedonic quartz, and also montmorillonite, kaolinite in parts. But in some deposits, scheelite, various sulfide minerals and barite are accompanied. Emplacement of fluorite deposits are largely controlled by lithology and structures of this district. In some deposits fluorite veins gradate to scheelite veins and also telescoping of the mineral zones are found in this district. In the Keumsan district, fissure-filled fluorite veins and replacement deposits are mostly emplaced in limestone of Paleozoic Yeongweol Group, late Cretaceous quartz-porphyry, granite and sandstone. Some deposits are emplaced in Precambrian metasediments. Mineralogy and other characteristics of the deposits in this district is similar to those of Hwanggangri district. Fluid inclusion studies reveal the difference of salinities, CO2 contents of ore fluid and temperatures during fluorite mineral deposition in the these districts. In Hwacheon district, ore-fluids were comparatively dilute brine and low CO2 content. Filling temperatures ranges 104C to 170C. In the Chuncheonshinpo mine, most deeply exploited one in this district, salinitles range 0.5-2. 2wt. % NaCl and filling temperatures range from 116C to 143C. In the Hwanggangri district, ore fluids were complex and filling temperature ranges very widly. In the contact metasomatic fluorite deposits, ore fluid were NaCl rich brines with moderate CO2 content and filling temperatures range from 285C to above 360C. Fluids inclusions in tungsten and sulfide minerals bearing fluorite veins show high CO2 content up to 31wt. %. Filling temperature ranges from 101C to 310C. Fluids inclusions In mainly fluorite bearing veins were more dilute brine and low CO2 contents. Filling temperatures range from 95C to 312C. Filling temperature of fluid inclusions of Keumsan district are between 95C and 237C. Data gathered from geologic, mineralogic and fluid inclusion studies reveal that fluorite mineralization in H wacheon district proceeded at low temperature with dilute brine and low CO2 content. In Hwangganri district, fluorite mineralization proceeded by several pulse of chemically distinct ore fluids and formed the mineralogically different type of deposits around cooling granite pluton which emplaced comparatively shallow depth.

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