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Effects of Soy Protein and Meat Protein Diets on Protein, Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium Metabolism in Young Korean Adults : Mid-Tern Feeding Study (콩단백질과 고기단백질 식이가 인체내 단백질과 칼슘.인.마그네슘 대사에 미치는 영향 : 중기간 급식 효과)

  • 주은정
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.516-530
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    • 1989
  • A 44-day metabolic study was conducted to compare the effects of soy protein and meat protein on N, Ca, P, and Mg metabolism in young Korean males. Meat protein diet(MPD) and soy protin diet(SPD) were provided for 3 weeks each. For MPD, meat protein Supplied 50.3% of total protein and mean daily suplies of Ca, P, and Mg were 33.28mg, 1013.01mg, 226.81mg respectively. For SPD, soy protein supplied 51.8% of total protein and mean contents of Ca, P and Mg were 737.86mg, 1261.76mg, and 451.3mg. Mean daily fecal and urinary excretions of Ca were 350.6mg and 113.3mg for MPD and 515.0mg and 118.3mg for SPD. Apparent absorption rates in MPD and SPD were 4.2mg in MPD and 700.4mg and 475.1mg SPD. Apparent absorption rates were 65.6% in MPD and 44.5% in SPD(p<0.01). For Mg, fecal and urinary excretions were 144.8mg and 81.2mg in MPD and 292.4mg and 65.5mg in SPD. Apparent absorption rates were 37.5% in MPD and 35.2% in SPD. The correlations between urinary Ca, P, and their balance were significant (p<0.001) in MPD, but not in SPD. Urinary Ca was significantly correlated with urinary N, P, Mg(p<0.001) in MPD, but not in SPD. From these results, meat protein seems to increase the excretions of major minerals compared to soy protein.

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Metals in Coastal Sediments Adjacent to the Youngkwang Nuclear Power Plant, West Coast of Korea

  • Cho, Yeong-Gil;Yang, Sung-Ryull;Park, kyung-Yang
    • Journal of the korean society of oceanography
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.112-119
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    • 1997
  • Coastal sediments collected near the Youngkwang Nuclear Power Plant were analysed for major(Al2O^_3, Fe^_2O^_3, MgO, CaO, Na^_2O, K^_2O, TiO^_2, MnO), trace (Ba, Sr, V, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Zn, Pb) metal, and P^_2O^_5 contents. The composition of bulk metals from most stations fits within the range as those in the average crustal and sedimentary rocks, suggesting that the anthropogenic perturbation of these components is insignificant. The abundance and distribution of total contents for the majority of metals in the surface sediment could be explained by the grain size and were associated with mud (<63 μm) contents. However, distributions of Ca, K, Sr and Ba did not have any significant association with the sediment grain size. This may be due to the geochemical coherence among these metals in certain minerals abundant in coarse grained fractions. The distribution of Pb appears to be partly affected by the contribution from aerosol fallout. Using the R'-mode factor analysis, we show that the variance of the metal contents could be explained by four factors which account for 93.7% of the total variance. It appears that texturally controlled and/or sorting factors influenced by fine fraction are the most dominant factors which determine the relative abundance and distribution of metals in the study area.

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Halloysite Formation by the Alteration of Trachytic Glass in Ulleung Island (울릉도 조면암질 유리의 변절에 의한 할로이사이트의 생성)

  • Jeong, Gi-Young
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.111-118
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    • 2011
  • Hydrated halloysite was formed by the low temperature alteration of trachytic tuff in onion-like spherical or curly platy forms. The Si content was higher than that of ideal kaolin minerals, indicating the possible presence of amorphous materials. The high Fe content is responsible for the platy morphology of halloysite. The leached ions precipitated as halloysite filling the interparticle pores, while trachytic glass was replaced by Si-rich amorphous materials in an hemispherical form, which was further evolved into spherical halloysite. Halloysite is one of the major alteration products of the volcanic ash in Ulleung Island underwent intense trachytic volcanism.

Studies on the Skarn-type Ore Deposits and Skarn Minerals in Gyeongnam Province (경남지구(慶南地區)의 스카른형(型) 광상(鑛床)의 성인(成因)과 스카른광물(鑛物)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Woo, Young Kyun;Lee, Min Sung;Park, Hee-In
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1982
  • Many skarn type iron ore deposits are distributed in Kimhae-Mulgeum area of Gyeongnam Province. Integrated field, mineralogic, geochemical and fluid inclusion studies were undertaken to illustrate the character and origin of the ores in this area. The iron ore deposits in this area are NS or NNE trending fracture filling magnetite veins which are developed in andesitic rocks near the contact with late Cretaceous micrographic granite bodies. Symmetrically zoned skarns are commonly developed in the magnetite veins of this area. Zoning of skarn from center to margin of the vein are as follows; garnet quartz skarn-epidote skarn-epidote orthoclase skarn-altered andesitic rocks. Major ore mineral is magnetite and small amount of hematite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite are associated. Vein paragenesis reveals four depositional stages; 1) skarn stage, 2) iron sulfide and oxide stage, 3) skarn stage, 4) sulfide stage Minute halite-bearing polyphase inclusions and liquid inclusions are contained in quartz. Filling temperatures range from 257 to 370C.

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The Nutritional Composition of Bamboo Shoots and the Effects of its Fiber on Intestinal Microorganisms (죽순의 영양성분 및 죽순의 식이섬유가 장내미생물에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Eun-Jin;Jhon, Deok-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.502-511
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    • 2013
  • This study evaluated the composition two popular species of edible bamboo shoots in Korea (Phyllostachyspubescens and Sinoarundinarianigra) and the effect of their abundant dietary fiber on intestinal microorganisms in healthy young women. The ranges of total moisture, crude protein, crude lipid, crude ash, and dietary fiber content were 87.190.8, 2.943.5, 0.150.39, 0.411.05, and 4.206.15% (wet weight basis), respectively. Moisture and crude ash content increased after heat treatment; however, crude protein, crude lipid, and dietary fiber content were reduced after heating. The major minerals found in bamboo shoots were potassium, phosphorous, sulfur, magnesium, and calcium. In addition, glucose and fructose were abundant free sugars, while asparagine and tyrosine were the most abundant free amino acids. Approximately 70% of the total free fatty acids found in bamboo shoots were linoleic acid and linolenic acid. The ascorbic acid content was 6.60~17.56 mg/100 g (wet weight basis), and one phenolic compound, p-hydroxy benzoic acid, was 0.10.2% (wet weight basis) and detected by HPLC analysis. The intake of bamboo shoots for seven days significantly increased viable cell counts of Lactobacillus spp. and reduced viable cell counts of Bacteriodes spp. in feces (p<0.05). In our data, bamboo shoots may be useful in the food industry as high dietary fiber ingredients.

Exploration and Development of the Muguk Au Mine (무극광산(無極鑛山)의 탐사(探査)와 개발현황(開發現況))

  • Shin, Yang-Woo;Suh, Kyu-Sik
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.261-271
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    • 1987
  • Muguk gold deposits are composed of quartz veins emplaced along faults in Mesozoic granodiorite. General strikes and dips of the veins are N1520W and 7080NE. Associated ore minerals are pyrite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, native silver, argentite, tetrahedrite and electrum. Vein mineral paragenesis is complicated by repeated fracturing, but five distinct depositional stages can be recognized. Electrum grains are associated mainly with sulfide bands formed along both margins of pale pink quartz of stage 3, and with patches of pyrite aggregate of stage 4. Before the close down in 1972, Muguk gold mine yielded more than 8 tons of gold of which major portion was produced from the No.2 vein. No.2 vein, extending about 1,500m laterally, was exploited to a depth of about 750m. In 1984, Young-poong mining company acquired the mining property and began geologic mapping, geochemical and geophysical exploration, diamond drilling and exploration tunnelling around the mine area to seek for other rich gold-bearing quartz veins. As the Samhyungje vein was disclosed to be the most rich vein, exploration works were focussed on the Samhyungje vein. As of August 1987, 22,338m of diamond drilling and 9,652m of exploration tunnelling have been undertaken. Owing to the successful result of exploration, the Muguk mine commenced normal operation on January 1987, treating 5,500 tons of ore per month.

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Removal of Herbicide Glyphosate in a Drinking Water Treatment System

  • Navee, Angsuputiphant;Kim, Jang-Eok
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.186-193
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    • 2009
  • The removal efficiency of herbicide glyphosate in a drinking water treatment system was investigated. Four major processes of a drinking water treatment system were selected and experiments were performed separately including; treatments by sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), a sedimentation process by PAC (polyaluminum chloride), ozonation and a GAC (granular activated carbon) treatment. In the sodium hypochlorite experiment, about 50% of the glyphosate was removed by 2 mg/L of hypochlorite and more than 90% was eliminated when 5 mg/L of NaOCl was applied. Also, AMPA, the main metabolite of glyphosate, was treated with hypochlorite. More than 30% of the AMPA was removed by 2 mg/L of hypochlorite and 50% by 5 mg/L. In the PAC experiment, it was determined that more than 60% could be removed. Further experiments were performed and the results indicated that the removed amount was dependent upon the amount of soil and upon the properties of the soil especially that of clay minerals. Ozonation could oxidize glyphosate to its byproducts at about a level of 50%. In contrast, when 1 mg/L of glyphosate was treated with GAC, the amount removed was negligible. The results of this experiment were conclusive. We confirmed that drinking water, which has been contaminated with water polluted with glyphosate can be effectively purified by the application of the drinking water treatment processes currently used.

Physiocochemical Properties of Hovenia dulcis Thunb. Leaf Tea (헛개나무잎차의 이화학적 특성)

  • 정창호;배영일;심기환
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2000
  • In order to promote the utilization of Hovenia dulcis leaf as food, leaf tea was nanufactured and its physicochemical properties were examined. Aong proximate composiotns of Hovenia dulcis leaf tea were found in both fermented tea and roasted tea the higher contents of total sugar and crude protein. In minerals component of fermented tea and roasted tea, potassium (K) was the most high amounts of 11,560.6 ppm and 11,084.6 ppm, respectively. The highest contents of free sugar in both teas were mainly consisted of sucrose, the amounts of sucrose showed 1.47% and 1.94% . In case of organic acids, oxalic acid and citric acid were revealed 631.26mg% and 660.05mg%, respectively. The highest contents of total amino acid in fermented tea and roasted tea were 812.01mg% and 709.72mg% of glutamic acid. the fatty acids of fermented tea and roasted tea were mainly composed of 40.18% of linolenic acid and 26.92% of palmitic acid, respectively. The major volatile compounds of fermented tea and roasted tea were composed of 3, 7, 11, 15-tertramethyl-2-hexadecen-1-ol and methyl palmitate and the amounts of those showed 290.1ppm and 472.97 ppm, respectively. The tannins of fermented tea and roasted tea were 1.02% and 1.26% , as the extraction steps increased the tannin contents decreased. In Hunter's color values of tea extract L and b values decreased , while a value of those increased as the extraction steps were repeated.

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A Study on the Present Condition and Characteristic of Appeared Contaminants on the Surface of Stone Cultural Properties-Focus on the Contaminants of Ten storied pagoda of Gyeongcheonsa (석조문화재 표면에 발생된 오염물 현황 및 특성에 관한 연구-경천사십층석탑에 발생된 오염물을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyung;Lee, Ju-Wan;Han, Kyoung-Soon;Do, Jin-Young
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.24
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    • pp.29-60
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    • 2003
  • The conservation problem of stone cultural properties is widely influenced by environmental pollution nowadays as well as agingsymptoms itself. Most stone cultural properties are directly affected by air pollution such as smoke, acid-rain, etc., resulting surface separation and pulverization. In the case of Ten storied pagoda of Gyeongcheonsa, once located in the center of the Seoul, the surface shows excessive contaminant by air pollution. It is very difficult to identify chemical structure and formation system of these contaminant. Also the discoloration and stains on the surface are not pleasant to see. Through the examination of the contaminant by SEM-EDS, it is observed that the major mineral is Gypsum and many other minerals were also revealed. The contaminant layer seems to be thin and wide at the south face of pagoda and thick and narrow at the north face. This distribution pattern could provide information on the surface characteristics of pagoda. Further, the information could help to identify the relationship between geological and environmental factors and the surface patterns.

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Chemical Composition of Salicornia Herbacea L.

  • Min, Jin-Gi;Lee, Doo-Seog;Kim, Tae-Jin;Park, Jeong-Heum;Cho, Tae-Yong;Park, Dong-In
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.105-107
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    • 2002
  • To get basic data for the utilization of S. herbacea L. as a raw material in food and Chinese herbs, chemical compositions of its leaves, stem and root were investigated. Leaves had the highest level of moisture and the lowest bevel of total sugar. The crude protein and crude lipid contents of the stem were similar to those of the root. Crude ash and salt contents (dry basis) in leaves were considerably higher than those of the stem and root. Total amino acid contents of leaves, stem and root were 1,270 mg/100 g, 1,525 mg/100 g, and 1,569 mg/100 g, respectively. Although the amino acid compositions of loaves, stein, and root were different, their major amino acids were glutamic acid, leuicine, isoleucine and aspartic acid. The rich minerals in leaves, stem and root were Na, K and Ca.