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Structural and Compositional Characteristics of Skarn Zinc-Lead Deposits in the Yeonhwa-Ulchin Mining District, Southeastern Taebaegsan Region, Korea Part I: The Yeonhwa I Mine

  • Yun, Suckew
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.51-73
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    • 1979
  • The zinc-lead deposits at the Yeonhwa I mine were investigated in terms of ore-forming geologic setting, structural style of ore control, geometry of individual orebodies, zoning, paragenesis and chemical composition of skarn minerals, as well as metal grades and ratios of selected orebodies. The Yeonhwa I mine is characterized by a large swarm of chimney type massive orebodies with thin skarn envelopes, boldly developed through a thick sequence of Pungchon Limestone, the overlying Hwajeol Formation, and the underlying Myobong Slate of Cambrian age. Nearly 20 orebodies of similar shape, but of varying size are arranged in a V-shaped pattern with northwest and northeast trends, clearly indicating an outstanding ore control by a conjugate system of fractures with these trends. Important orebodies are the Wolam 1, 2, 3, and 5 orebodies in the west, and the Namsan 1, 2, 3. and 5 orebodies in the east, among others. The Wolam 1 orebody, which was observed from the -360 level through the -240, -120, and 0 levels to the surface outcrops (totaling a vertical height of about 500m), shows a vertical variation in skarn mineralogy, ranging from pyroxene-garnet zone on the lower levels. through pyroxene (without garnet) zone on the intermediate levels, and finally to rhodochrosite vein on the upper levels and surface. Microprobe analyses of pyroxene and garnet on a total of 14 mineral grains revealed that pyroxenes are manganoan salitic in most samples, with downward increase of Fe and Mn, whereas garnets are highly andraditic, containing fractions of subordinate grossular with downward decrease of Fe. This indicates a reverse relationship of Fe-contents between pyroxene and garnet with depth. Ore minerals are major sphalerite, subordinate galena, and minor chalcopyrite. Sulfide gangue minerals include major pyrrhotite, and minor pyrite and marcasite of later age. Two types of variational trends in metal grades and ratios with depth are present on the plots of assay data from the Wolam orebodies: one is a steady upward increase in Pb, Zn, and Pb:Zn ratios, with a terminal decline at the top of orebody: the other is an irregular or sinusoidal change. The former is characteristic of chimney-type orebodies, whereas the latter is of vein· shaped orebodies. The Pb grades show large variations among orebodies and from level to level, whereas the Zn grades are relatively constand or less variable.

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Petrology of the Syenites in Sancheong, Korea (경남 산청 지역의 섬장암에 관한 암석학적 연구)

  • Ok, Eun-Young;Kim, Jong-Sun;Lee, Sang-Won;Kang, Hee-Cheol
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.25-54
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    • 2015
  • Syenite is not a common rock, unlike granitic rocks formed the major component of the continental crust. The aim of this study is to decipher the occurrences and detailed descriptive characteristics of the syenite distributed in Sancheong area, and to investigate the petrogenesis of the syenitic magma based on geochemical study. The dominant minerals in syenite are alkali feldspar (usually orthoclase and rarely microcline), plagioclase, amphibole, biotite, and quartz. Syenites are found in a wide variety of colors. The anhedral hornblende and biotite filling the boundary of feldspar and quartz indicate that the hydrous minerals were crystallized lately, and that water was insufficient at the beginning of crystallization in magma. According to the analysis of mineral composition, amphibole in syenite is mostly ferro-edenite, and the pressure is calculated as 3.3~4.9 kb with 11.9~17.3 km of emplacement depth. Biotite and pyroxene are plotted in the region of annite and hedenbergite, respectively. Based on petrochemical studies of major elements, syenite belongs to alkaline series, metaluminous, and I-type. On the other hand, the variation patterns of trace and rare earth elements of syenite differ from the patterns of diorite and granite. In the geochemical characteristics, syenite is different from gabbro-diorite spatially adjacent to syenite, as well as granite. These results suggest that each rock has been generated from the different sources of magma. Additionally, based on the experimental data, the syenitic magma can be formed (1) by the partial melting at a high pressure and dry system, (2) when the initial crystallization minerals to be residue with migration of the residual melts separated from the ascending cotectic magma (3) when fluorine compositions to be plentiful in the protolith and/or at depth of the magma. Based on the petrographic characteristics of the syenite, Sancheong syenitic magma may have been formed by partial melting in a dry system.

The Chemical Composition of Barley and Wheat Varieties (용도가 다른 보리와 밀 3품종의 영양성분)

  • Choe, Jeong-Sook;Youn, Jee-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2005
  • The chemical components of barley (Jinmichapssal, Seodunchal, and Dusan No.8) and wheat (Alchanmil, Tapdongmil, and Olgeurumil) varieties were determined in terms of proximate compositions, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and vitamin. There are significant differences in protein and lipid (p<0.00l, respectively), fiber (p<0.05) of barleys. There are significant differences in lipid contents (p<0.00l) of wheats. The major minerals of barley were Ca 24∼31 mg%, P 117∼129 mg%, Fe 1.7∼2.9 mg%, Na 13∼18 mg%, K 227∼73 mg%, Zn 1.1∼1.2 mg%, and Mg 38∼45 mg%. The content of Ca in Jinmichapssal was significantly higher than those in the other varieties (p<0.00l). The mineral contents of wheat were Ca 39∼67 mg%, P 172∼270 mg%, Fe 3.7∼5.6 mg%, Na 15∼17 mg%, K 537∼558 mg%, Zn 2.1∼2.3 mg% and Mg 106∼127 mg%. There are significant differences in Ca, P, Fe and Mg of 3 kinds of wheat. The barleys contain vitamin B$_1$ 0.27∼0.36 mg%, vitamin B$_2$ 0.07∼0.11 mg% and niacin 1.21∼1.44 mg%. The content of vitamin B$_1$ in Jinmichapssal and Seodunchal was significantly higher than that in Dusan No.8 (p<0.0l). The content of vitamin B$_2$ in Seodunchal (0.11 mg%) was significantly higher than those in the other varieties (p<0.0l). The content of niacin in barleys was no significant differences. The wheats contain vitamin B$_1$ 0.41∼0.52 mg%, vitamin B$_2$ 0.29∼0.39 mg% and niacin 1.86∼2.81 mg%. The contents of vitamin B$_2$ in Olgeurumil (0.39 mg%) and niacin in Tapdongmil (2.81 mg%) were considerably higher than those in the other varieties. The contents of vitamin B$_1$, B$_2$, niacin in wheats were higher than those of barleys. Major fatty acids in barley and wheat varieties were linoleic acid, palmitic acid and oleic acid, which comprised of about 90%∼92% of total fatty acid. The contents of lysine, valine, and tryptophan in Dusan No.8 were significantly higher than those in the other varieties. The contents of lysine, isoleucine in Tapdongmil were significantly lower than those in the other varieties. The content of amino acid in wheat was higher than those of barleys.

Bioactive Materials and Biological Activity in the Extracts of Leaf, Stem Mixture and Root from Angelica gigas Nakai (참당귀 잎, 줄기혼합물과 뿌리 추출물의 생리활성물질 및 그 활성작용)

  • Heo, Jin-Sun;Cha, Jae-Young;Kim, Hyun-Woo;Ahn, Hee-Young;Eom, Kyung-Eun;Heo, Su-Jin;Cho, Young-Su
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.750-759
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    • 2010
  • The bioactive materials (phenolic compounds, flavonoids, minerals, decursin and decursinol angelate) and biological activities (DPPH [$\alpha,\alpha$'-diphenyl-$\beta$-picrylhydrazyl] free radical scavenging capability, reducing power, and tyrosinase activity) in the extracts of leaf, stem mixture (AGLS), and root (AGR) from Angelica gigas Nakai were examined by using water, hot water and ethanol solvent. The highest extract yield (21.89%) was found in the water extract of AGR. The highest concentrations of phenolic compounds and flavonoids in the ethanol extracts of AGLS and AGR were 14.99% and 14.79%. Major minerals of AGLS and AGR were K, Mg, Fe, Na and Ca. Decursin and decursinol angelate were the major ingredients of Angelica gigas, detected at 18.71 and 18.89 min of retention time by HPLC analysis, respectively. The highest concentrations of decursin and decursinol angelate in the Angelica gigas ethanol extract were found in root ($41.7\;{\mu}g/g$) and leaf ($34.04\;{\mu}g/g$). The highest free radical scavenging activity was found in the hot water extracts of AGLS and AGR, and its activity was stronger in all extracts of AGLS than AGR. The highest reducing power was found in the ethanol extracts of AGLS and AGR and this was dependent on the sample concentration. The hot water extracts of AGLS and AGR revealed the highest inhibition activity on tyrosinase. Overall, these results may provide the basic data needed to understand the biological activities of bioactive materials derived from Angelica gigas.

Mineralogical and Physico-chemical Properties of Sludge Produced During Artificial Sand Processing (국내 화강암류를 이용한 일부 인공쇄석사 제조과정에서 발생되는 슬러지의 광물.물리화학적 특성)

  • Yoo, Jang-Han;Kim, Yong-Ug
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.303-311
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    • 2007
  • The consumption of artificially crushed sands exceeds more than 30 percent of the domestic sand supply in South Korea, and its rate is still increasing. For the manufacture of crushed sand granites and granitic gneisses are preferred, fine fractions (i.e. sludge, particles finer than 63 microns) are removed by use of flocculation agents, and its amount occupy about 15 wt%. The sludges consist of quartz, feldspars, micas, chlorite/vermiculite, kaolinites, smectites and occasionally calcite. Among the clay minerals micas are usually predominant, and $14{\AA}$ minerals, kaolinites and smectites are rather scarce. Jurassic granites usually contain more kaolinites and smectites than those of Cretaceous to Tertiary granites, probably due to longer geologic ages. On the other hand, sludge from Precambrian gneiss does not contain kaolinites and smectites. Chemical analyses for the granites and their sludges show rather clear differences in most of major chemical components. Except for $SiO_2,\;Na_2O\;and\;K_2O$, all other components represent rather clear increase. Decrease of $SiO_2$ content is attributed to the relative decrease of quartz in the sludges. And the $Na_2O decrease is caused by a relatively stronger weathering property of albite compared to Ca plagioclase. The $K_2O$ content shows rather small differences throughout the whole samples. The increases of $Al_2O_3$ and other major components resulted from weathering processes and most of colored components are also concentrated in the sludges. Particle size analyses reveal that the sludges are categorized as sandy loams in a sand-silt-clay triangular diagram. The sludge is now classified as industrial waste because of its impermeability, and this result was also confirmed by rather higher hydraulic conductivities. For the environmental problems, and accomplishing effective sand manufacture, more fresh rocks with little weathering products must be chosen.

Chemical Composition and Electron Donating and Nitrite Scavenging Activities of Glechoma hederacea var. longituba $N_{AKAI}$

  • Deokjo Jo;Lee, Jungeun;Jungeun Noh;Kim, Ok-Kyung;Kwon, Joong-Hoo
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.142-146
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    • 2001
  • This study was performed to investigate chemical and functional properties of Glechoma hederacea leaves in respect to its potential use as food material or as a medicinal herb. The chemical compositions on a dry harris were 20.38% in protein, 3.96% in fat, 59.58% in carbohydrate, 15.78% in ash, 5.36% in reducing sugar, 14.11% in total sugar and 0.26% in polyphenol, respectively. The free sugars were mainly comprised of glucose, fructose and sucrose. In fatty acids compositiosn, linolenic acid showed the highest concentration at 45%, while the ratios of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids were 1 : 1.91. Seventeen kinds of total amino acids were determined, with the highest concentration (2,465.71 mg%) of glutamic acid. Among the free amino acids, praline showed the highest concentration (260.09 mg%), followed by glutamine, $\alpha$ -amino adipic acid, glutamic acid and valine. The contents of major minerals were 647.32 mg% in Na, 597.53 mg% in K and 239.75 mg% in Ca. The antioxidative activity of 10% water extract was similar to that of 50 ppm tocopherol. The nitrite scavenging ability reached the highest bevel at pH 1.2 and the lowest at pH 6.0.

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Present Scenario and Future Prospects of Phytase in Aquafeed - Review -

  • Debnath, Dipesh;Sahu, N.P.;Pal, A.K.;Baruah, Kartik;Yengkokpam, Sona;Mukherjee, S.C.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.1800-1812
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    • 2005
  • Aquaculture pollution is a major concern among the entrepreneurs, farmers and researchers. Excess discharge of phosphorus and nitrogen into the water bodies is the principal pollutant responsible for this. Plant-based feed ingredients due to its high phytic acid content enhances both nitrogen and phosphorus discharge thereby increasing the pollution level. Dietary phytase treatment is probably the best answer to address this problem. This review explains the nature and properties of phytate, its interactions with other nutrients and the application of phytase in aquafeed to reduce the pollution. This review also covers the different biotechnological aspects for lowering the phytic acid level in the common aquafeed ingredients, as an alternate approach to controlling the pollution level. Some of future research needs have also been highlighted to attract the attention of more researchers to this area.

Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Jido kaolin deposits (지도 도석광상에 대한 광물학적 및 지구화학적 연구)

  • Park, Young Seog;Kim, Jin
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.80-93
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    • 1993
  • Jido kaolin deposits developed in the rhyolitic tuff of Cretaceous are located in the western part of Sinan-gun, Jeonranam-do. Jido kaolin deposits is predominantly composed of pyrophyllite, kaolinite and illite. On the basis of mineral assemblage Jido kaolin deposits can be divided into three alteraion zone from the center of alteration to the margin; kaolinite, kaolinite-pyrophyillite and pyrophyillite zones. Discriminant analysis show that $Al_2O_3$, $K_2O$, $Na_2O$, CaO of major elements are discriminant elements classifying kaolinite, kaolinite-pyrophyllite and pyrophyllite zones, while in case of trace elements Cr, Ni, Sc, Zn, and Zr are discriminant elements. Kaolin deposits has been formed by the hydrothermal alterations of the volcano rocks such as rhyolitic tuff and lapilli tuff, in late cretaceous. On the basis of the results of X-ray diffraction analysis, the deposits can be classified into three types of minerals assemblages; kaolinite, kaolinite-pyrophyllite and pyrophyllite zones. All the assemblages contain quartz and muscovite, but the kaolinite zone contains kaolinite, illite and chlorite, the kaolinite-pyrophyllite zone contains kaolinite, pyrophyllite and the pyrophyllite zone contains illite and pyrite.

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A review of canola meal as an alternative feed ingredient for ducks

  • Wickramasuriya, Samiru Sudharaka;Yi, Young-Joo;Yoo, Jaehong;Kang, Nam Kyu;Heo, Jung Min
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.57 no.9
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    • pp.29.1-29.9
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    • 2015
  • This review provides an overview of the published data on the canola meal and its suitability for duck as an alternative plant-origin protein source to soybean meal. Canola meal is a legume origin protein source containing comparable amino acid profile to soybean meal and rich in essential minerals and vitamins. Nonetheless, it is known to contain less in energy content than soybean meal. Factors like field conditions and processing methods creates compositional variations among canola meal. Presence of anti-nutritional factors such as phenolic substances, phytate and glucosinolates which are known to reduce growth performance in livestock animals, are the major drawbacks for canola meal to be a competitive plant-origin protein source in the feed industry. This review is focused to address i) nutritional characteristics and feeding value of canola meal for ducks and ii) impacts of feeding canola meal on performances of ducks.

A Survey on Knowledge and Attitude of Food and Nutrition Held by Schoolgirls in Korea (여자중고등학생들의 식품영양지식 및 태도에 관한 조사)

  • 정문희;이명숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 1980
  • This survey was conducted to provide fundamental data for a practical school health education by grasping the extent to what schoolgirls in Korea made out the conceptions for nutrition often misunderstood. Questionnaires were given to schoolgirls in the 3 classes per grade in a school in Seoul and in the 2 classes in a school in a rural area from the ist grade in the middle school to the 3rd grade in the high school; which were selected at random by school nurses. 96.6% of Questionnaires were collected(total 1,689) and by means of computational treatment of them the anther obtained statistically highly significant results. 1. on the average sghoolgirls had incorrect conceptions on 9.29 items (37.16%) of total 25 items which are often misunderstood. 2. Shoolgirls in higher grades revealed misconceptions on less items than those in lower ones : on 9.56 items in the case of those in the middle school and on 8.82 items in the case of those in the high school. 3. Three major misconceptians of total 25 ones were as follows; (1) Chemical additives are dangerous in food (86.7%). (2) Spinach is a highly concentrated source of vitamins and minerals (82.8% ), (3) The more vitamins you take the better (71.3%).

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