• 제목/요약/키워드: mMT

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Cluster Analysis on the Distribution of Lichens in the Mt. Hanra (漢拏山 地依植物의 分布에 關한 集落分析)

  • Park Seung-Tai;Du-Mun Choe
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 1983
  • The cluster analysis on the distribution of epiphytic lichens on the north, south, east and west slope of Mt. Hanra was carried out by three methods, sum of square algorithm (SSA), prinicipal component analysis (PCA) and multidimensional scaling method(MDS). Analysis of concentration (AOC) was used for the comparison between the lichen communities of north and south slope. The lichen species was identified 35 species by Hale and Culberson technique. The classification of sites by SSA method was divided into two areas in four slopes, and that of species by SSA, PCA and MDS methods was classified into three clusters in east slope, four clusters in south and west slope, and there clusters in north slope. The comparison between north and south slope of the distribution of lichens indicates that loight elevation of north slope (NH; 1600m~1900m) was similar to that of relative low elevation of south slope (SL; 1000m~1300m). The genus lichen, Anaptychia, Parmelia, Lobaria and peltigera was found as the dominant genus in both slopes.

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Studies on the Vertical Distribution of the Corticolous Lichens in the Mt. Sobaeg. (소백산에 있어서 지의류의 수식분포에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Choon-Min;Lee, Hee-Sun
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 1977
  • The vertical distribution of the corticolous lichens in Mt. Sobaeg was detected by 10cm point quadrat. The dominant species of lichens was arranged in a single dimensional ordination along the elevational gradient with the frequency percentage of the species. Cetraria stracheyi, Parnaria leucosticta, Stieta platyphyll and Parmelia petusa were found in order of abundant from lower, Samgadong(400m) to higher, Birobong(1439m) in which they occurred mainly on the southwest slope. However, such species as Cetraria juniperina was more abundant than Parnaria leucosticta and Stieta platyphylla at the southeast slope. The distribution of Cetraria Stracheyi and Parnaria leucosticta was limited below 1200m height, while Parmelia petusa and Cetraria juniperina mostly above 900m height.

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A Spirulina maxima-derived peptide inhibits HIV-1 infection in a human T cell line MT4

  • Jang, In-Seung;Park, Sun Joo
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.37.1-37.5
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    • 2016
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the causative agent of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Anti-HIV agents targeting various steps in HIV life cycle have been developed; however, so far, no effective drugs have been found. We show here that a peptide isolated from Spirulina maxima (SM-peptide) inhibits HIV-1 infection in a human T cell line MT4. SM-peptide inhibited $HIV-1_{IIIB}$-induced cell lysis with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration ($IC_{50}$) of 0.691 mM, while its 50 % cytotoxic concentration ($CC_{50}$) was greater than 1.457 mM. Furthermore, the SM-peptide inhibited the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase activity and p24 antigen production. This suggests that SM-peptide is a novel candidate peptide, which may be developed as a therapeutic agent for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome patients.

On the Populus maximowiczii Forest of Sangcheon Ravine, Mt. Seolag (설악산 상천 계곡의 황철나무)

  • Yim, Yang-Jai
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 1984
  • The Populus maximowiczii dominated forest of the Sangcheon ravine, Mt. Seolag, is distributed in the area with the conglemerates substrate, along the ravine stream from 170m to 550m in altitude. Toward the both slopes of the northern and southern peak from the stream side, the zonal distribution of vegetation was recognized; P. maximowiczii forest of Pinus densiflora forest and deciduous broad leaved forest. The pure community of P. maximowiczii with even more 80-98% in relative basal area (aspen basal area/basal area) was found in the ravine area from 360m to 420m in altitude, the optimal ranges in the species and community by two dimensional ordination with thermal and xeric cline axis. The species compete with Pinus densiflora, in the ravine stream side, and with deciduous broad leaved tree species such as Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Prunus sargentii, Lindera obtusiloba, in the mountain slope sides. On the other hand, the ravine vegetation, including the aspen forest, was classified into Pinus densiflora, Pinus densiflora-Carpinus laxiflora, Pinus densiflora-Populus maximowiczii, jessoensis, Acer mono-Fraxinus rhynchophylla, Carpinus laxiflora-Quercus mongolica, Quercus variabilis-Quercus ariena, Quercus ariena, Quercus variabilis-Stephanandra incisa, Picrasma quassioides-Celtis sinensis, Betula davurica-Zanthoxylum schinifolium and Styrax obassia-Lindera obtusiloba association.

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Magnetotelluric survey applied to geothermal exploration: An example at Seokmo Island, Korea (자기지전류법을 이용한 석모도에서의 지열자원 탐사)

  • Lee, Tae-Jong;Han, Nu-Ree;Song, Yoon-Ho
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2010
  • A magnetotelluric (MT) survey has been performed to delineate deeply extended fracture systems at the geothermal field in Seokmo Island, Korea. To assist interpretation of the MT data, geological surveying and well logging of existing wells were also performed. The surface geology of the island shows Cretaceous and Jurassic granite in the north and Precambrian schist in the south. The geothermal regime has been found along the boundary between the schist and Cretaceous granite. Because of the deep circulation along the fracture system, geothermal gradient of the target area exceeds $45^{\circ}C/km$, which is much higher than the average geothermal gradient in Korea. 2D and 3D inversions of MT data clearly showed a very conductive anomaly, which is interpreted as a fracture system bearing saline water that extends at least down to 1.5 km depth and is inclined eastwards. After drilling down to the depth of 1280 m, more than 4000 tons/day of geothermal water overflowed with temperature higher than $70^{\circ}C$. This water showed very similar chemical composition and temperature to those from another existing well, so that they can be considered to have the same origin; i.e. from the same fracture system. A new geothermal project for combined heat and power generation was launched in 2009 in Seokmo Island, based on the survey. Additional geophysical investigations including MT surveys to cover a wider area, seismic reflection surveys, borehole surveys, and well logging of more than 20 existing boreholes will be conducted.

1-D Deep Resistivity Structure of the Korean Peninsula Using Magnetotelluric(MT) Data (MT 자료를 이용한 한반도의 심부 1차원 전기비저항 구조 연구)

  • Yang, Jun-Mo;Lee, Heui-Soon;Lee, Chun-Ki;Kwon, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.153-164
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    • 2009
  • We examined the regional 1-D deep resistivity structure of the Korean Peninsula using MT data acquired at seven sites located in the Kyongsang Basin and Kyonggi Massif. At the sites located in the Kyongsang Basin, surrounding sea distorts observed MT response and hence this distortion, so called "sea effect", is corrected using an iterative tensor stripping method. The 1-D layered inversion results for the seven MT sites reveal 4 layered structure, which is composed of 1) near surface layer, 2) upper crust, 3) lower crust and upper mantle, and 4) asthenosphere from the surface downward. Conrad interface, which is a boundary between upper and lower crust, is distinctly identified beneath all the MT sites. Conrad interface depth is estimated to about be 17km in the Kyongsang Basin and about 12km in the Kyonggi Massif, while the upper crust of the Kyongsang Basin is about 5 times more resistive than that of the Kyonggi Massif. Finally, asthenosphere is inferred to exist below a depth of approximately 100km with a resistivity of 200-300 ohm-m.

Population Ecological Characteristics of the Soft-shelled Clam, Mya japonica in the Intertidal Zone of South Sea in Korea (한국 남해안 조간대에 서식하는 우럭, Mya japonica의 자원생태학적 특성)

  • 이선길;장창익
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.234-243
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    • 2000
  • This paper is to study population ecological characteristics, including growth parameters, survival rate, instantaneous coefficients of natural and fishing mortalities, and age at first capture of the soft-shelled clam, Mya japonioa in the intertidal zone of South Sea in Korea. For describing growth of the clam a von Bertalanffy growth model was adopted, The von Bertalanffy growth curve had an additive error structure and the growth parameters estimated from a non-linear regression were SH/sub ∞/=79.83mm, K=0.26, and t/sub 0/= -0.01. Survival rate (S) of the soft-shelled clam was 0.26 (SD=0.02). The instantaneous coefficients of natural mortality (M) was estimated to be 0.78/year and fishing mortality (F) 0.57/year for the soft-shelled clam. The age at first capture (t/sub c/) was estimated as 2.69 year. The mean densities of the soft-shelled clam by bottom type were 3.40 inds./m²(SE=0.18) in the sand, 63.4 inds./m²(SE= 0.53) in the muddy sand, and 0 inds./m2 (SE=0) in the gravelly sand. The mean densities of the soft-shelled clam by 3 different areas were 4.88 inds./m²(SE=0.09), 2.61 inds./m²(SE=0.13), 7.20 inds./m²(SE=0.18), respectively and the biomass of the clam were estimated as 131mt, 121mt, 665mt, respectively. An yield-per-recruit analysis showed that the current yield-per-recruit of about 8.30g with F=0.57/year and the age at first capture (t/sub c/) 2.69 year, was lower than the maximum possible yield-per-recruit of 9.60g. Fixing to at the current level and increased fishing intensity (F) could produce an increase in the predicted yield-per-recruit from 8.30g to about 9.40. However, estimated yield-per-recruit increased to 1.30g by decreasing to from the current age (2.69 year) to age two with F fixed at the current level. Yield-per-recruit was estimated under harvest strategies based on F/sub max/ and F/sub 0.1/.

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Distribution Characteristics and Dynamics of the Lindera sericea Population at Mt. Mudeung, Mt. Cheonbong and Mt. Chogye (무등산, 천봉산 및 조계산에서 털조장나무 개체군의 분포특성과 동태)

  • Lim, Dong-ok;Choi, Dea-hun;Yun, Hong-gyun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.570-579
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    • 2015
  • Lindera sericea, which belongs to genus Lindera in the Lauraceae family, is labeled under Least Concerned (LC) among Korean rare plants, floristics specific species IV grade and also flagpole species of the Mudeung National Park. It is distributed in Mt. Mudeung, Mt. Cheonbong and Mt. Chogye within gradients from $12^{\circ}$ to $51^{\circ}$. The slope area is from northeast to northwest sides and the altitude range of distribution site is between 220 m and 533 m. The vascular plants in the quadrate where Lindera sericea were studied were identified as a total of 72 taxa; 37 families, 54 genera, 66 species, 5 variants and 1 forma. Among the floristics specific species, IV grade species was Lindera sericea and III grade species were Stewartia pseudocamellia and Acer palmatum. Korean endemic species were Stewartia pseudocamellia and Carex okamotoi. As for the vegetation group, Quercus mongolica and Q. serratak - Lindera sericea, Styrax japonicus populations were found in Mt. Mudeung area where Lindera sericea appeared, Stewartia pseudocamellia-Lindera sericea and Sasa borealis populations were found in Mt. Cheonbong areas, Carpinus laxiflora - Lindera sericea and Sasa borealis populations were found in Mt. Chogye area, and Stewartia pseudocamellia-Lindera sericea and Sasa borealis populations were found in Songgwangsa area. A total number of 662 Lindera sericea individuals were examined. The number of trees with 1 trunk including younger individuals was 353 (53.32%), and the number of trees with 2 to 5 stems was 270 (40.79%). The number of trees with the greatest number of sprouts was 27. Of 662 trees in total, the total number of sprouts was 1,198. Among these, 699 trees (58.34%) were between 50 cm and 150 cm in height. The tallest tree was 585 cm. The most common root-collar diameter of sprouts (992, 82.81%) was under 1 cm, followed by the sprouts with collar diameter from 1.0 to 1.5 cm(156, 13.2%). Among them, the largest root-collar diameter was 3.2 cm. This Lindera sericea specimen had the tallest trunk (565 cm) which was torn lengthwise on one side. Its root and breast parts were decayed by 50% and 25 respectively. Some branches of the three trunks that were more than 4 m in length were dead in the apical portion. Therefore, it is proposed that the Korean Lindera sericea maintains an apical dominance tree type while showing morphological adaptation as a typical shrub because it autonomously decays some branches and trunks over a certain height while increasing the number of its sprouts.

$H_{2}$ production of photosynthetic bacteria transferred TOL plasmid from flavobacterium odoratum (Flavobacterium odoratum의 TOL 플라스미드를 전달받은 광합성세균으로부터의 수소 생성)

  • 오순옥;조인성;이희경;민경희
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.408-415
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    • 1991
  • TOL plsmid size of Flavobacterium odoratum SUB53 was estimated as 83 Md and the optimum concentration of m-toluate degradation by TOL plasmid was 5 mM. $H_{2}$ production by Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides KCTC1425 was largely dependent on nitrogenase activity and showed the highest at 30 mM malate with 7 mM glutamate as nitrogen source. Nitrogenase activities were inhibited by 0.3 mM $NH_{4}^{+}$ions, to be appeared the decrease of $H_{2}$ production. Conjugation of TOL plasmids from F. odoratum SUB53 and Pseudomonas putida mt-2 to R. sphaeroides showed the optimum at the exponential stage of recipient cells in presence of helper plasmid pRK2013. According to the investigation of catechol-1,2-oxygenase (C-1, 2-O) and catechol-2,3-oxygenase (C-2,3-O) activities of R. sphaeroides C1 (TOL SUB53) and C2 (TOL mt-2), the gene for C-2,3-O is located on TOL plasmid and gene for C-1, 2-O on the chromosome of R. sphaeroides. m-Toluate was biodegraded by TOL plasmid in R. sphaeroides C1 and C2, presumably to be produced $H_{2}$ gas from the secondary metabolites of m-toluate.e.

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Unrecorded moss species from Korean flora II

  • Yoon, Young Jun;Kim, Chul Hwan;Gorobets, Konstantin-V.;Sun, Byung-Yun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.235-241
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    • 2011
  • Five unrecorded species (Oedipodium griffithianum, Myurella tenerrima, Trachypus bicolor, Coscinodon humilis, Meteorium miquelianum subsp. atrovariegatum) with one unrecorded family and two unrecorded genera, were reported as new to the Korean moss flora. The monotypic family Oedipodiaceae consisting of a single genus and single species was distinguished from Splachnaceae by small plants that were 10 mm in length simple or sometimes branched, obovate-spathulate to ${\pm}$ orbicular, costa ending below the apex and entire margins except for the lower long-ciliate portion The species was first found at the top of the Mt. Seorak at an altitude of 1708 m. The two genera, Myurella and Coscinodon were found in the Korean Peninsula. Myurella tenerrima (Theliaceae) was found around the top of Jung-bong on Mt. Jiri. It was mixed with other mosses in the crevices of rocks in the alpine regions. The species is similar to M. sibirica, yet it can be distinguished by the position of papilla in the median laminal cells. Coscinodon humilis (Grimmiaceae) were found on the ridge of Mt. Gaya. C. humilis has a variety of hyaline apex according to leaf position and forms a capsule so it can be distinguished by family. Trachypus bicolor and Meteorium miquelianum subsp. atrovariegatum are unrecorded species. T. bicolor (Trachypodaceae) were found on the ridge of Mt. Gaya. T. bicolor is similar to T. humilis but distinguished by the costal lengths of the leaves. M. miquelianum subsp. atrovariegatum (Meteoriaceae) was found in Gageo-do. This species was distinguished by the plant form and morphology of stem leaves in the same genus.