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Subalpine Vegetation Structure Characteristics and Flora of Mt. Seoraksan National Park (설악산국립공원 아고산대 식생구조 특성 및 식물상)

  • Lee, Sang-Cheol;Kang, Hyun-Mi;Kim, Dong-Hyo;Kim, Young-Sun;Kim, Jeong-Ho;Kim, Ji-Suk;Park, Bum-Jin;Park, Seok-Gon;Eum, Jeong-Hee;Oh, Hyun-Kyung;Lee, Soo-Dong;Lee, Ho-Young;Choi, Yoon-Ho;Choi, Song-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.118-138
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to identify the vegetation structure of major vegetation by region and elevation in the subalpine zone of Seoraksan National Park and prepare an inventory of flora. We reviewed the results of the previous subalpine studies and, through a preliminary survey, determined that the first appearance point of subalpine vegetation was about 800 m based on the south. Then we conducted a site survey by installing a total of 77 plots, including 12 plots on the northern Baekdamsa-Madeungnyeong trail (BD), 13 plots on the west Hangyeryeong-Kkeutcheong trail (HG), 13 plots on the east side of Sinheungsa-Socheongbong trail (SA), and 39 plots in the southern Osaek-Kkeutcheong, Osaek-Daecheongbong trail (OS), in an interval of 50 m above sea level. The analysis classified 7 communities, including Qercus mongolica-Abies holophylla-Acer pseudosieboldianumcommunity, Q. mongolica-Tilia amurensiscommunity, Q. mongolica-Pinus koraiensiscommunity, Q. mongolica-A. pseudosieboldianumcommunity, Betula ermanii-A. nephrolepiscommunity, P. koraiensis-A. nephrolepiscommunity, and mixed deciduous broad-leaf tree community according to the species composition based on the appearance of the major subalpine plants such as Quercus mongolica, Betula ermanii, and Abies nephrolepis, region, and elevation. 10.68±2.98 species appeared per plot (100 m2), and 110.87±63.89 individuals were identified. The species diversity analysis showed that the subalpine vegetation community of Seoraksan National Park was a mixed forest in which various species appeared as important species. Although there was a difference in the initial elevation for the appearance of major subalpine plants by region, they were distributed intensively in the elevation range of 1,100 to 1,300 m. In the Seoraksan National Park, 322 taxa, 83 families, 193 genera, 196 species, 1 subspecies, 26 varieties, and 4 forms of vascular plants were identified. One taxon of Trientalis europaeavar.arcticawas identified as the protected species. The endemic plants were 19 taxa, and 58 taxa were identified as subalpine plants.

Application of SP Monitoring in the Pohang Geothermal Field (포항 지열 개발지역에서의 SP 장기 관측)

  • Lim Seong Keun;Lee Tae Jong;Song Yoonho;Song Sung-Ho;Yasukawa Kasumi;Cho Byong Wook;Song Young Soo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.164-173
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    • 2004
  • To delineate geothermal water movement at the Pohang geothermal development site, Self-Potential (SP) survey and monitoring were carried out during pumping tests. Before drilling, background SP data have been gathered to figure out overall potential distribution of the site. The pumping test was performed in two separate periods: 24 hours in December 2003 and 72 hours in March 2004. SP monitoring started several days before the pumping tests with a 128-channel automatic recording system. The background SP survey showed a clear positive anomaly at the northern part of the boreholes, which may be interpreted as an up-flow Bone of the deep geothermal water due to electrokinetic potential generated by hydrothermal circulation. The first and second SP monitoring during the pumping tests performed to figure out the fluid flow in the geothermal reservoir but it was not easy to see clear variations of SP due to pumping and pumping stop. Since the area is covered by some 360 m-thick tertiary sediments with very low electrical resistivity (less than 10 ohm-m), the electrokinetic potential due to deep groundwater flow resulted in being seriously attenuated on the surface. However, when we compared the variation of SP with that of groundwater level and temperature of pumping water, we could identify some areas responsible to the pumping. Dominant SP changes are observed in the south-west part of the boreholes during both the preliminary and long-term pumping periods, where 3-D magnetotelluric survey showed low-resistivity anomaly at the depth of 600m\~1,000m. Overall analysis suggests that there exist hydraulic connection through the southwestern part to the pumping well.

Moth Diversity (Insecta: Lepidoptera) of Bulgapsan Mountain, Younggwang, Jeonnam (전라남도 영광군 불갑산 나방 (곤충강: 나비목) 다양성 연구)

  • Choi, Sei-Woong;Jang, Beom-Jun;Lee, Jae-Young;Kim, Nang-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2017
  • This study investigates the spatial and temporal variations of moth diversity of Bulgapsan Mountain, Younggwang, Jeonnam. Moth collecting was carried out using a UV light trap at three different sites from February to October 2016 (5 times). A total of 177 moth species and 911 individuals in 17 families were identified. The family Geometridae (51 species and 282 individuals) was the most dominant in the numbers of species and individuals, followed by Erebidae (46 species, 248 individuals), Noctuidae (34 species, 219 individuals) and others. Seasonal change of the number of species and individuals showed a M-shaped pattern with May and July peaks. The Chao 1 estimated number of species using the observed species was 224~326 species, but the graph did not reach an asymptote. Among the surveyed sites, the Neolitsea sericea community showed the highest numbers of species and individuals.

Purification and Biochemical Characterization of Lectin from Viscum album (겨우살이 Lectin의 정제 및 생화학적 특성)

  • Jang, Cheol-Su;O, Mi-Jeong;No, Gwang-Su
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.578-584
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    • 1999
  • The lectin was purified through 0.15 M NaCl extraction, ammonium sulfate precipitation, sepharose 4B affinity chromatography and gel filtration using sephadex G-150 from the leaves of Visum album collected in Mt. Duk Yu. The final gel filtration step resulted in 11.64 folds purification with 0.14% of recovery yield. We also performed biochemical characterization of the purified Visum album lectin. HPLC analysis of lectin purified by gel filtration revealed a singel peak. The analysis of the purified lectin by SDS-PAGE showed a tetramer composed of two identical subunits with molecular weights of 32 and 30 kDa. The lectin was a glycoprotein containing 14.4% carbohydrate, which consist of glucose, fructose, arabinose and xylose, and the amino acids such as phenylalanine, lysine and tyrosine. The purified lectin agglutinated human red blood cell types with similar potency, but when tested against red blood cells from mouse, bovine, rabbit, chicken and porcine, significant difference in potency were observed. Hemaggluting activity was inhibited by D-galactose, D-mannose, D-lactose and D-raffinose, but not by D-glucose, D-glucosamine, D-mannosamine, L-fructose, D-xylose, D-arabinose, D-galacturonic acid, D-fructose, L-rhamnose and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine. The optimal pH and thermal stability of the purified lectin were pH 4.0-7.0 and 20-50C, respectively.

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Vegetation Structure of the Woongseokbong in the Jirisan(Mt.) (지리산 웅석봉지역의 산림군집구조)

  • An, Hyun-Cheul;Choo, Gab-Cheul
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.547-555
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    • 2010
  • To investigate the vegetation structure of mountain ridge from Bammeorijae to Woongseokbong, 25 plots(400m2) selected by random sampling method were surveyed. Three groups of Quercus mongolica - Pinus densiflora community, Q. dentata community and Q. mongolica - Q. dentata community were classified by cluster analysis. Q. dentata, Q. variabilis, Pinus densiflora, Acer pseudosieboldianum and Q. mongolica were found as mostly dominant woody plant species in the Woongseok-bong area. In the future, the importance percentage of Pinus densiflora might be eventually decreased, but those of Q. mongolica, Q. variabilis and Q. dendata might be gradually increased. There were strong positive correlations between Pinus densiflora, Zanthoxylum piperium and Lindera obtusiloba; Q. mongolica and Rhododendron mucronulatum; Styrax obassia and R. schlippenbachii; Fraxinus sieboldiana, Zanthoxylum piperium and Styrax obassia; Acer pseudosieboldianum and Fraxinus sieboldiana; Cornus controversa and Corylopsis coreana were relatively weak negative correlations between Q. dentata and Q. mongolica; Lindera erythrocarpa, Q. mongolica and Q. variabilis; Q. mongolica, Larix leptolepis and Q. variabilis; Symplocos chinensis for. pilosa and Rhododendron mucronulatum. Species diversity index(H') of investigated groups was ranged from 0.09832 to 1.1102.

Geochemical Characteristics of the Quaternary Jungok Basalt in Choogaryong Rift Valley, Mid-Korean Peninsula (추가령 열곡대에 분포하는 전곡현무암의 지화학적 특성)

  • Wee, Soo-Meen
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 1996
  • Quaternary Jungok basalts are distributed along the old Hantan river in Mid-Korean Peninsula. They were flowed out from Mt. Ori and Upland (680 m), and they formed narrow and long basalt plateau showing the layers of 10 to 20 meters in thickness and about 95 km in length. Fifty seven samples were collected from the study area, and sixteen rock samples were selected and analysed for major and trace elements. The analyzed samples have alkalic composition and show a relatively restricted variation in major element chemistry (except MgO), as comparing to the that of trace element. Based on major element chemistry, a quantitative modelling of fractional crystallization by multiple linear regression method suggests that the chemical evolution of the evolved rocks can be generated by fractionation of olivine, plagioc1ase, clinopyroxene, and magnetite in proportion of 56 : 25 : 17 : 2, respectively. The calculated trace element abundances by mineral proportions estimated from major element modelling, however, underestimate the incompatible element concentrations in the evolved rocks. According to the incompatible element abundances, simple fractional crystallization process has difficulty to explain the chemical variation of the evolved rocks. It seems that the other processes, which enrichment of incompatible elements can occure without concomitant changes in major element compositions, are needed in order to explain the chemical variation of the Jungok basalts. Thus, the major elements and compatible trace elements variations of the Jungok basalts are due to fractional crystallization, but the incompatible elements variation is due to fractional crystallization superimposed on already varying concentrations caused by slightly different degrees of melting of the same source, and/or due to periodic replenishment, tapping and fractionation(RTF) processes.

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The Flora of Mt. Galbangsan in Bonghwa-gun (봉화군 갈방산 일대의 식물 분포 연구)

  • Byeon, Jun Gi;Lee, Dong Hyuk;Heo, Tae Im;Lee, Jun Woo;Park, Byeong Joo;Kim, Yeong-Su;Kim, Hyun Tak;Shin, Seung Taek
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.45-45
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    • 2018
  • 경상북도 봉화군에 위치한 갈방산(712m)은 백두대간 옥석산(1,244m)에서 분기한 문수지맥의 산지 가운데 하나다. 본 연구는 갈방산 일대 관속식물의 분포상을 파악하고자 2017년 5월부터 2018년 9월까지 진행되었다. 연구 결과 92과 265속 373종 4아종 44변종 5품종으로 총 426분류군의 관속식물이 조사지에서 확인되었다. 이는 경상북도 관속식물 1,684분류군(Korea National Arboretum, 2016)의 25.3%, 한반도 관속식물 4,499분류군(Korea National Arboretum, 2018; Http://의 9.5%에 해당되는 것으로 분석되었다. 갈방산 일대의 주요 식물 가운데 한국특산식물은 11분류군(키버들, 병꽃나무, 처녀치마 등)이 확인되었고, 산림청 지정 희귀식물은 VU등급(세잎승마) 1분류군, LC등급(도깨비부채, 태백제비꽃) 2분류군으로 총 3분류군의 희귀식물이 분포하는 것으로 조사되었다. 또한, 식물구계학적 특정식물 V등급 1분류군, IV등급 2분류군, III등급 10분류군, II등급 16분류군, I 등급 23분류군이 확인되었고, 외래식물은 총 22분류군으로 도시화지수(%) 6.3%, 귀화율은 5.2%에 해당되는 것으로 분석되었다. 조사된 식물의 유용성 분석 결과, 식용식물 345분류군(81%), 섬유용식물 4분류군(0.9%), 약용식물 85분류군(20.0%), 관상용식물 18분류군(4.2%), 목초용식물 109분류군(25.6%) 목재용식물 15분류군(3.5%) 등으로 확인되었다. 요컨대 갈방산 일대의 식물 현황을 제시함으로써 본 연구 결과물이 갈방산 일대의 희귀특산식물과 유용식물의 보전 및 활용 방안을 마련하기 위한 기초자료로 활용 될 것이라 기대한다.

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Assessment of Stand Diversity Change by Different Silvicultural Treatments for Natural Deciduous Forests in Mt. Gariwang (가리왕산 일대 천연 활엽수림의 산림작업별 시업전후의 임분다양성 변화 평가)

  • Sung, Joo Han;Lee, Young Geun;Park, Ko Eun;Shin, Man Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.4
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    • pp.613-621
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to estimate the changes of stand diversity before and after applying three different silvicultural treatments such as selection cutting system, two-storied system, and shelterwood system. Data were collected in the natural deciduous forests in Pyungchang of Gangwon Province, Korea. Nine permanent sampling plots of 0.09 ha were established in the forests and the each of silvicultural treatments was applied to three sampling plots, respectively. Some tree variables were measured in each stand before and after the silvicultural treatments were applied. With these data, stand attributes were estimated in each stand before and after the silvicultural treatments. In this study, two different indices related to each of stand diversity indices such as contagion, DBH-difference, height-difference, and mingling were estimated and compared to analyze the differences of stand diversity among the stands before and after silvicultural treatments. As a result, total eight stand diversity indices were used to analyze the differences among structures of stands managed by three different silvicultural treatments. Duncan's multiple range test and t-test were then employed to statistically analyze the difference of stand diversity among the stands. The results revealed that stand structures seem to be improved after applying the silvicultural treatments. There are significant differences in the stand diversity indices between before and after silvicultural treatments for each stand. According to the evaluation of stand diversity indices, it was confirmed that spatial structure of the stands was improved by applying the silvicultural treatments.

Analysis of Vegetational Community Structure and Phytosociological Changes During Eight Years of the Namsan Nature Park in Seoul (남산자연공원(南山自然公園)의 식물군집구조(植物群集構造) 및 8년간(年間)의 식생변화분석(植生變化分析))

  • Lee, Kyong-Jae;Park, In-Hyeop;Oh, Koo-Kyoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.76 no.3
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    • pp.206-217
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    • 1987
  • To investigate and analyze the vegetational structure, thirty sites were sampled with clumped sampling method and seventeen belt transects were sampled to analyze the vegetational change during 8 years(from 1978 to 1986)at the Namsan Nature Park in Seoul. Robinia pseudoacacia community of actual vegetation covered 29.39%, Quercus mongolica community 21.25% and Pinus densiflora community 17.58% of the Mt. Namsan forest. The degree of human disturbance of vegetation of 8, 7 and 6 area covered 43.2%, 7.8% and 30.8% respectively. The Quercus mongolica community at the northern slope and R. pseudoacacia community at the edge zone will keep their present structure. And P. densiflora community at the eastern and southern slope shall be succeeded to deciduous trees such as Q. mongolica. As to changes of plant community structure during 8 years, density of understory species, species diversity and Raunkiaer's frequency class A and E showed an increase and vegetation structure was developed to unification.

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Evaluation of Forest Recreation Functions through Quantification Method II (수량화II류를 이용한 산림휴양기능의 평가)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.97 no.4
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    • pp.437-444
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    • 2008
  • This study has intended to evaluate the forest recreation functions to seek methods to designate the recreational areas inside a recreation forest. This study has Mt. Chung-ok in Korea as a study area to which Quantification method II as a valuation measure was applied. This study also has chosen a degree of recreational utility as an external criterion and six factors including Forest type, Forest age, Slope, Riparian area, Road, and Facility for the 173 stands in this area. As a result, absolute discriminated success rate was obtained, so that the first and second estimated correlation ratios were 82% and 74%, respectively. Road and Slope had great influences on the potential power of recreational functions. In the category, recreational function was more influenced by the existence of road and the lower degree of slope. Also, this study has drawn an evaluation map, which displayed the potential power of recreational functions by classifying three discrimination points such as H(High), M(Medium), and L(Low) through calculating the degree of recreational utility of the recreation forest for the stands by applying an estimation formula of recreational function in the stands. This study seems to be worthwhile in terms of actual, experimental, and intuitive interpretation for the degree of recreational utility calculated by using Quantification method theory.