• Title/Summary/Keyword: low flow

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Performance Analysis of a Deep Vertical Closed-Loop Heat Exchanger through Thermal Response Test and Thermal Resistance Analysis (열응답 실험 및 열저항 해석을 통한 장심도 수직밀폐형 지중열교환기의 성능 분석)

  • Shim, Byoung Ohan;Park, Chan-Hee;Cho, Heuy-Nam;Lee, Byeong-Dae;Nam, Yujin
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.459-467
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    • 2016
  • Due to the limited areal space for installation, borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) at depths deeper than 300 m are considered for geothermal heating and cooling in the urban area. The deep vertical closed-loop BHEs are unconventional due to the depth and the range of the typical installation depth is between 100 and 200 m in Korea. The BHE in the study consists of 50A (outer diameter 50 mm, SDR 11) PE U-tube pipe in a 150 mm diameter borehole with the depth of 300 m. In order to compensate the buoyancy caused by the low density of PE pipe ($0.94{\sim}0.96g/cm^3$) in the borehole filled with ground water, 10 weight band sets (4.6 kg/set) were attached to the bottom of U-tube. A thermal response test (TRT) and fundamental basic surveys on the thermophysical characteristics of the ground were conducted. Ground temperature measures around $15^{\circ}C$ from the surface to 100 m, and the geothermal gradient represents $1.9^{\circ}C/100m$ below 100 m. The TRT was conducted for 48 hours with 17.5 kW heat injection, 28.65 l/min at a circulation fluid flow rate indicates an average temperature difference $8.9^{\circ}C$ between inlet and outlet circulation fluid. The estimated thermophysical parameters are 3.0 W/mk of ground thermal conductivity and 0.104 mk/W of borehole thermal resistance. In the stepwise evaluation of TRT, the ground thermal conductivity was calculated at the standard deviation of 0.16 after the initial 13 hours. The sensitivity analysis on the borehole thermal resistance was also conducted with respect to the PE pipe diameter and the thermal conductivity of backfill material. The borehole thermal resistivity slightly decreased with the increase of the two parameters.

Relationship between Gb3 Expression and Cytotoxicity of Shiga-like Toxin I (Shiga-like Toxin I의 세포독성과 수용체 Gb3 발현과의 관계)

  • Lim, Suk-Hwan;Kim, Gi-Young;Kim, Hyung-Chun;Kim, Young-Hee;Son, Yong-Hae;Oh, Yang-Hyo;Park, Yeong-Min
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.143-153
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : Infection with Shiga-like toxin (SLT)-producing Escherichia coli, an emerging human pathogen found particularly in young children under 5 years of age, causes a spectrum of illnesses with high morbidity and mortality, ranging from diarrhea to hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic uremic syndrome. Host mediators play an important role in the pathogenesis of SLT-I toxicity. The experiments described here were designed to investigate the effect of SLT-I on TNF-${\alpha}$ production and to understand the effect of TNF-${\alpha}$ on GB3 expression. We also further examine the relationship between the Gb3 level and the differential susceptibility of cells to the cytotoxic action of SLT-I. Methods : The effect of purified SLT-1 from E. coli O157 : H7 (ATCC 43890) on tumor necrosis factor-${\alpha}$ (TNF-${\alpha}$) production in Raw264.7 cells was investigated. Many mediators regulate endothelial cell membrane expression of the glycolipid globotriaosyleramide (Gb3), which serves as the toxin receptor, suggesting that the host response to the toxin or other bacterial products may contribute to pathogenesis by regulating target cell sensitivity to the toxins. Therefore, the relationships between Gb3 expression and cytotoxicity against SLT-I on three types of cells were evaluated. Results : Detectable levels of TNF-${\alpha}$ were produced as early as six hours after induction and continued to increase during 48 hours by SLT-I. It was also found that Vero cells and dendritic cells (DC2.4 cells) expressed high levels of Gb3, 83% and 68%, respectively, and that Raw264.7 cells had a low level of Gb3 (29%) and appeared refractory to cytotoxicity against SLT-I. Vero cells and DC2.4 cells expressing high levels of Gb3 were highly susceptible to SLT-I. Furthermore, macrophages showed a resistance to SLT-I cytotoxicity, despite the fact that Gb3 expression was enhanced. Conclusion : These results strongly suggest that the expression of Gb3 is necessary but not sufficient to confer sensitivity of macrophages to SLT-I and further underpin the important role of SLT-I and its Gb3 receptors in the pathogenesis of E. coli O157 infection.

A Review of the Systemic Analysis Method on Dental Sedation for Children (소아 치과환자에 대한 진정법의 체계적 분석 방법 고찰)

  • An, Soyoun;Lee, Jewoo;Kim, Seungoh;Kim, Jongbin
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.331-339
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    • 2015
  • The first priority of sedation for incorporative children in pediatric dentistry is a safety. Therefore, evidence-based practices in health care are needed for preventing medical accidents. In accordance with the rise of the evidence based medicine, the interest in Evidence-Based Dentistry is increasing in the field of dentistry. However, systematic research about Evidence-Based sedation in Korea has rarely been done. As such, the purpose of this systematic review is to critically analyze the available scientific literature regarding dental sedation and to seek the next developmental strategies about evidence based pediatric dental sedation. A broad search of the 5 databases of the systematic reviews manual of the National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency in Korea were referenced: 1) Core search database- KMbase, KISS; 2) Academic information and portal; 3) the National Assembly Library; 4) DBpia, and 5) RISS. Of a total 470 themes limited to the search term of "dental sedation", in accordance with the PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews of health sciences interventions, a literature selection process, which includes the removal of overlapping down the flow chart, was performed. Of the remaining 31 articles, two authors read through articles independently and added or removed articles using the exclusion criteria. Finally, twenty published papers of acceptable quality were identified and reviewed. This systemic review of Korean pediatric dental sedation practices for the last twenty-five years was based on the objective criteria defined in the GRADE process and identified consistent evidence. The results were evidence of moderate quality. Therefore, more systemically well-designed clinical studies are needed about the safe use of a sedative medicines (drugs).

Seasonal Variation and Natural Attenuation of Trace Elements in the Stream Water Affected by Mine Drainage from the Abandoned Indae Mine Areas (인대광산 지역 광산배수에 영향을 받은 하천에서 미량원소의 계절적인 수질변화와 자연저감)

  • Kang, Min-Ju;Lee, Pyeong-Koo;Choi, Sang-Hoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.40 no.3 s.184
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    • pp.277-293
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    • 2007
  • Seasonal and spatial variations in the concentrations of trace elements, pH and Eh were found in a creek watershed affected by mine drainage and leachate from several waste rock dumps within the As-Pb-rich Indae mine site. Because of mining activity dating back to about 40 years ago and rupture of the waste rock dumps, this creek was heavily contaminated. Due to the influx of leachate and mine drainage, the water quality of upstream reach in this creek was characterized by largest seasonal and spatial variations in concentrations of Zn(up to $5.830 mg/{\ell}$), Cu(up to $1.333 mg/{\ell}$), Cd(up to $0.031 mg/{\ell}$) and $SO_4^{2-}$(up to $173 mg/{\ell}$), relatively acidic pH values (3.8-5.1) and highly oxidized condition. The most abundant metals in the leachate samples were in order of Zn($0.045-13.909 mg/{\ell}$), Fe($0.017-8.730mg/{\ell}$), Cu($0.010-4.154mg/{\ell}$) and Cd($n.d.-0.077mg/{\ell}$), with low pH(3.1-6.1), and high $SO_4^{2-}$(up to $310 mg/{\ell}$). The mine drainage also contained high concentrations of Zn, Cu, Cd and $SO_4^{2-}$ and remained constantly near-neutral pH values(6.5-7.0) in all the year. While the leachate and mine drainage might not affect short-term fluctuations in flow, it may significantly influence the concentrations of chemicals in the stream. The abundance and chemistry of Fe-(oxy)hydroxide within this creek indicated that the Fe-(oxy)hydroxide formation could be responsible for some removal of trace elements from the creek waters. Spatial and seasonal variations along down-stream reach of this creek were caused largely by the influx of water from uncontaminated tributaries. In addition, the trace metal concentrations in this creek have been decreased nearly down to the background level at a short distance from the discharge points without any artificial treatments after hydrologic mixing in a tributary. The nonconservative(i.e. precipitation, adsorption, oxidation, dissolution etc.) and conservative(hydrologic mixing) reactions constituted an efficient mechanism of natural attenuation which reduces considerably the transference of trace elements to rivers.

Comparison of Ventilation Efficiency in an Enclosed and Conventional Growing-Finishing Pig House (개방형과 무창형 육성비육돈사의 환기효율 비교)

  • Song, J.I.;Choi, D.Y.;Jung, J.W.;Yang, C.B.;Choi, H.L.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.459-468
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    • 2004
  • An experiment was conducted to establish comparison of ventulation efficiency in an enclosed and conventional growing-finishing pig house. The main results of the experiment are as follows : In the established temperature was sustained at the level of summer 24.8${\sim}$29.1$^{\circ}C$, winter 17.9${\sim}$23.1$^{\circ}C$ during the experimental period of enclosed growing-finishing pig house, and conventional growing-finishing pig house was at the lovel of summer 24.7${\sim}$32.3$^{\circ}C$, winter 14.5${\sim}$18.2$^{\circ}C$ during the experimental period respectively. As for the results of dertimental gas(ammonia) concentration ratio analysis, while the conventional pig house sustained of summer 9.3${\sim}$16.9 mg/$\ell$ level, enclosed growing-finishing pig house sustained of summer 7.9${\sim}$16.1 mg/$\ell$, and the latter one is lower than that of the conventional growing-finishing pig house. Air flow rate on the floor level which is the low part of pen and the active area of pigs in the enclosed growing and finishing pig house during winter was measured at 0 to 0.87 m/s at the 0.01 to 2.73 m/s at the maximum ventilation efficiency. As for breeding pigs in summer, the pigs from the conventional pig house weighed 100.2kg, on the other hand, the pigs from enclosed growing-finishing pig house weighed 107.3 kg ; the differnce between the two kinds was about 7 kg. This was because the most adequate environment, which was not influenced by the exterior atmosphere, was offered to the pigs from enclosed growing-finishing pig house, and all of this could reduce pigs stress effectively.

Linearity Estimation of PET/CT Scanner in List Mode Acquisition (List Mode에서 PET/CT Scanner의 직선성 평가)

  • Choi, Hyun-Jun;Kim, Byung-Jin;Ito, Mikiko;Lee, Hong-Jae;Kim, Jin-Ui;Kim, Hyun-Joo;Lee, Jae-Sung;Lee, Dong-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.86-90
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Quantification of myocardial blood flow (MBF) using dynamic PET imaging has the potential to assess coronary artery disease. Rb-82 plays a key role in the clinical assessment of myocardial perfusion using PET. However, MBF could be overestimated due to the underestimation of left ventricular input function in the beginning of the acquisition when the scanner has non-linearity between count rate and activity concentration due to the scanner dead-time. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated the count rate linearity as a function of the activity concentration in PET data acquired in list mode. Materials & methods: A cylindrical phantom (diameter, 12 cm length, 10.5 cm) filled with 296 MBq F-18 solution and 800 mL of water was used to estimate the linearity of the Biograph 40 True Point PET/CT scanner. PET data was acquired with 10 min per frame of 1 bed duration in list mode for different activity concentration levels in 7 half-lives. The images were reconstructed by OSEM and FBP algorithms. Prompt, net true and random counts of PET data according to the activity concentration were measured. Total and background counts were measured by drawing ROI on the phantom images and linearity was measured using background correction. Results: The prompt count rates in list mode were linearly increased proportionally to the activity concentration. At a low activity concentration (<30 kBq/mL), the prompt net true and random count rates were increased with the activity concentration. At a high activity concentration (>30 kBq/mL), the increasing rate of the prompt net true rates was slightly decreased while the increasing rate of random counts was increased. There was no difference in the image intensity linearity between OSEM and FBP algorithms. Conclusion: The Biograph 40 True Point PET/CT scanner showed good linearity of count rate even at a high activity concentration (~370 kBq/mL).The result indicates that the scanner is useful for the quantitative analysis of data in heart dynamic studies using Rb-82, N-13, O-15 and F-18.

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Cooperative Induction of HL-60 Cell Differentiation by Combined Treatment with Eugenol and 1α,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 (Eugenol과 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3의 병합처리에 의한 HL-60 세포의 분화 유도)

  • Oh, Mi-Kyung;Park, Seon-Joo;Kim, Nam-Hoon;Cho, Jin-Kyung;Jin, Jong-Youl;Kim, In-Sook
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.17 no.9 s.89
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    • pp.1191-1196
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    • 2007
  • Eugenol (4-allyl-2-methoxyphenol) is a main component of essential oils obtained from various spices. Recent reports have shown that eugenol induces growth inhibition and apoptosis of malignant tumor cells. In this study, the stimulatory effect of eugenol on cell differentiation was investigated in HL-60 promyelocytic leukemia cells. When HL-60 cells were treated in combination with 150 ${\mu}M$ of eugenol and 3 nM of $1{\alpha},25-dihydroxyvitamin$ $D_{3}$, cell growth was slower than that of cells treated with eugenol or $1{\alpha},25-dihydroxyvitamin$ $D_{3}$ alone. Eugenol enhanced low dose of $1{\alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin }$ $D_{3}-induced$ a $G_{0}/G_{1}$ phase arrest in cell cycle. Consistent with this, combined treatment of eugenol and $1{\alpha},25-dihydroxyvitamin$ $D_{3}$ cooperatively increased p27 level and decreased cyclin A, cdk 2 and cdk 4 levels, which are cell cycle regulators related to $G_{0}/G_{1}$ arrest. According to flow cytometric analysis, the expression of CD14 (monocytic differentiation marker) was more increased in the cells co-treated with eugenol and $1{\alpha},25-dihydroxyvitamin$ $D_{3}$. These results indicate that eugenol potentiates cell differentiation mediated by $1{\alpha},25-dihydroxyvitamin$ $D_{3}$ of suboptimal concentration. The differentiation-inducing property of eugenol maybe contributes to chemopreventive activity of cancer.

Natural Treatment of Wastewater from Industrial Complex in Rural Area by Subsurface Flow Wetland System (인공습지에 의한 농공단지 폐수처리)

  • Yoon, Chun-Gyeong;Lim, Yoong-Ho;Kim, Hyung-Joong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.170-174
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    • 1997
  • Constructed wetland system was studied to treat wastewater from industrial complex in rural area. Pilot plant at the Baeksuk Nongkong Danzi in Chunahn-City was used for field study. For the DO, the effluent concentration was higher than the influent concentration and it implies that natural reaeration supplies enough oxygen to the system. For the SS, the effluent concentration was consistently lower than the water quality standard even though the influent concentration varied significantly, which showed that SS was removed by the system effectively which is consist of soil and plants. For the BOD and COD, the average removal rate of them were 56% and 43%, respectively, therefore, the effluent concentration could not meet water quality standards when influent concentration was high. The removal rate of BOD and COD can be improved by supplemental treatment in addition to this system if necessary. For the T-N and T-P, the influent concentration of them were lower than the water quality standards than no further treatment was needed. Overall, the result showed that constructed wetland system is a feasible alternative for the treatment of wastewater from industrial complex in rural area. For actual application of this system, further study on design factors including loading rate, removal mechanism, and temperature effects is required to meet water quality standard consistently. Compared to existing systems, this system is quite competitive because it requires low capital cost, almost no energy and maintenance, and therefore, very cost effective.

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The Effect of Oxygen Therapy on VPB in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (만성 폐쇄성 폐질환 환자에서 심실 조기수축에 대한 산소치료의 효과)

  • Shin, Kyu-Suck;Ko, Jeong-Seok;Kim, Seo-Jong;So, Kun-Ho;Jin, Gyo-Hyun;Lee, Keun;Lee, Gwi-Lae;Roh, Yong-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.42-49
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    • 1999
  • Background: In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD). it is well known that hypoxemia increases the frequency of VPB, which is associated with the poor prognosis such as sudden death. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of short and long-term low flow oxygen therapy on the development of VPBs in patients with COPD by correcting the hypoxemia. Method: In 19 patients with COPD, oxygen saturation and VPB's were monitored by pulse oxymeter and 24-hour Holter EKG, with room air and oxygen saturation and VPB's were monitored on the 1st and on the 8th day during oxygen therapy with nasal prong (2L/min). Results : The arterial oxygen saturation was significantly higher on the 1st day of oxygen therapy compared with breathing room air, and was also higher on the 8th day of oxygen therapy than on the 1st day. We found that there was significant correlation between the lowest value of the arterial oxygen saturation and the mean value of the arterial oxygen saturation. The number of VPB's per hour was significantly lower on the 1st day of oxygen therapy compared with breathing room air, and also lower on the 8th day of oxygen therapy than on the 1st day. Our results showed positive correlation between the decrease in the frequency of VPB's and the increase in the lowest arterial oxygen saturation, even though correlation was not significant(p=0.056). Conclusion: With oxygen therapy, the arterial oxygen saturation was increased and the number of VPB's was decreased. Long-term oxygen therapy more than 7days, would be helpful to decrease the number of VPB' s in patients with COPD.

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Imaging Neuroreceptors in the Living Human Brain

  • Wagner Jr Henry N.;Dannals Robert F.;Frost J. James;Wong Dean F.;Ravert Hayden T.;Wilson Alan A.;Links Jonathan M.;Burns H. Donald;Kuhar Michael J.;Snyder Solomon H.
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 1984
  • For nearly a century it has been known that chemical activity accompanies mental activity, but only recently has it been possible to begin to examine its exact nature. Positron-emitting radioactive tracers have made it possible to study the chemistry of the human mind in health and disease, using chiefly cyclotron-produced radionuclides, carbon-11, fluorine-18 and oxygen-15. It is now well established that measurable increases in regional cerebral blood flow, glucose and oxygen metabolism accompany the mental functions of perception, cognition, emotion and motion. On May 25, 1983 the first imaging of a neuroreceptor in the human brain was accomplished with carbon-11 methyl spiperone, a ligand that binds preferentially to dopamine-2 receptors, 80% of which are located in the caudate nucleus and putamen. Quantitative imaging of serotonin-2, opiate, benzodiazapine and muscarinic cholinergic receptors has subsequently been accomplished. In studies of normal men and women, it has been found that dopamine and serotonin receptor activity decreases dramatically with age, such a decrease being more pronounced in men than in women and greater in the case of dopamine receptors than serotonin-2 receptors. Preliminary studies in patients with neuropsychiatric disorders suggests that dopamine-2 receptor activity is diminished in the caudate nucleus of patients with Huntington's disease. Positron tomography permits quantitative assay of picomolar quantities of neuro-receptors within the living human brain. Studies of patients with Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, acute and chronic pain states and drug addiction are now in progress. The growth of any scientific field is based on a paradigm or set of ideas that the community of scientists accepts. The unifying principle of nuclear medicine is the tracer principle applied to the study of human disease. Nineteen hundred and sixty-three was a landmark year in which technetium-99m and the Anger camera combined to move the field from its latent stage into a second stage characterized by exponential growth within the framework of the paradigm. The third stage, characterized by gradually declining growth, began in 1973. Faced with competing advances, such as computed tomography and ultrasonography, proponents and participants in the field of nuclear medicine began to search for greener pastures or to pursue narrow sub-specialties. Research became characterized by refinements of existing techniques. In 1983 nuclear medicine experienced what could be a profound change. A new paradigm was born when it was demonstrated that, despite their extremely low chemical concentrations, in the picomolar range, it was possible to image and quantify the distribution of receptors in the human body. Thus, nuclear medicine was able to move beyond physiology into biochemistry and pharmacology. Fundamental to the science of pharmacology is the concept that many drugs and endogenous substances, such as neurotransmitters, react with specific macromolecules that mediate their pharmacologic actions. Such receptors are usually identified in the study of excised tissues, cells or cell membranes, or in autoradiographic studies in animals. The first imaging and quantification of a neuroreceptor in a living human being was performed on May 25, 1983 and reported in the September 23, 1983 issue of SCIENCE. The study involved the development and use of carbon-11 N-methyl spiperone (NMSP), a drug with a high affinity for dopamine receptors. Since then, studies of dopamine and serotonin receptors have been carried out in over 100 normal persons or patients with various neuropsychiatric disorders. Exactly one year later, the first imaging of opitate receptors in a living human being was performed [1].

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