• 제목/요약/키워드: logistic service

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A Study on Integrated Logistic Support (통합병참지원에 관한 연구)

  • 나명환;김종걸;이낙영;권영일;홍연웅;전영록
    • Proceedings of the Korean Reliability Society Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.277-278
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    • 2001
  • The successful operation of a product In service depends upon the effective provision of logistic support in order to achieve and maintain the required levels of performance and customer satisfaction. Logistic support encompasses the activities and facilities required to maintain a product (hardware and software) in service. Logistic support covers maintenance, manpower and personnel, training, spares, technical documentation and packaging handling, storage and transportation and support facilities.The cost of logistic support is often a major contributor to the Life Cycle Cost (LCC) of a product and increasingly customers are making purchase decisions based on lifecycle cost rather than initial purchase price alone. Logistic support considerations can therefore have a major impact on product sales by ensuring that the product can be easily maintained at a reasonable cost and that all the necessary facilities have been provided to fully support the product in the field so that it meets the required availability. Quantification of support costs allows the manufacturer to estimate the support cost elements and evaluate possible warranty costs. This reduces risk and allows support costs to be set at competitive rates.Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) is a management method by which all the logistic support services required by a customer can be brought together in a structured way and In harmony with a product. In essence the application of ILS:- causes logistic support considerations to be integrated into product design;- develops logistic support arrangements that are consistently related to the design and to each other;- provides the necessary logistic support at the beginning and during customer use at optimum cost.The method by which ILS achieves much of the above is through the application of Logistic Support Analysis (LSA). This is a series of support analysis tasks that are performed throughout the design process in order to ensure that the product can be supported efficiently In accordance with the requirements of the customer.The successful application of ILS will result in a number of customer and supplier benefits. These should include some or all of the following:- greater product uptime;- fewer product modifications due to supportability deficiencies and hence less supplier rework;- better adherence to production schedules in process plants through reduced maintenance, better support;- lower supplier product costs;- Bower customer support costs;- better visibility of support costs;- reduced product LCC;- a better and more saleable product;- Improved safety;- increased overall customer satisfaction;- increased product purchases;- potential for purchase or upgrade of the product sooner through customer savings on support of current product.ILS should be an integral part of the total management process with an on-going improvement activity using monitoring of achieved performance to tailor existing support and influence future design activities. For many years, ILS was predominantly applied to military procurement, primarily using standards generated by the US Government Department of Defense (DoD). The military standards refer to specialized government infrastructures and are too complex for commercial application. The methods and benefits of ILS, however, have potential for much wider application in commercial and civilian use. The concept of ILS is simple and depends on a structured procedure that assures that logistic aspects are fully considered throughout the design and development phases of a product, in close cooperation with the designers. The ability to effectively support the product is given equal weight to performance and is fully considered in relation to its cost.The application of ILS provides improvements in availability, maintenance support and longterm 3ogistic cost savings. Logistic costs are significant through the life of a system and can often amount to many times the initial purchase cost of the system.This study provides guidance on the minimum activities necessary to Implement effective ILS for a wide range of commercial suppliers. The guide supplements IEC60106-4, Guide on maintainability of equipment Part 4: Section Eight maintenance and maintenance support planning, which emphasizes the maintenance aspects of the support requirements and refers to other existing standards where appropriate. The use of Reliability and Maintainability studies is also mentioned in this study, as R&M is an important interface area to ILS.

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Prevalence of and Risk factors for Latent Tuberculosis Infection among Employees at a Workers' Compensation Hospital (산재요양기관 종사자에서 잠복결핵감염 유병율 및 위험요인)

  • Hwang, Joohwan;Jeong, JiYoung;Choi, Byung-soon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.238-244
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The major objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of and risk factors for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) among employees at a workers' compensation hospital. Methods: Among the 394 employees at Incheon Hospital, 362 were enrolled in the study. An interferon-gamma release assay(IGRA) for diagnosis of LTBI was performed using QuantiFERON$^{(R)}$ TB Gold In-Tube(QFT-IT). Risk factors for LTBI were analyzed using logistic regression analysis. Results: The overall prevalence of LTBI was 32.0%(116/362). The non-medical departments have a significantly high prevalence compared to medical departments(39.7% vs 23.2%). In multivariate logistic regression analysis, experience working in the pneumoconiosis hospital(OR, 3.6; 95% CI, 1.3-10.3) was associated with development of LTBI. Conclusions: Korean guidelines for the management of tuberculosis recommend annual regular health examinations for TB and LTBI for health care workers(HCWs). Considering the high prevalence of and risk factors for LTBI among non-HCWs, it suggests a need for annual regular health examinations for TB and LTBI for all employees at workers' compensation hospitals, including pneumoconiosis hospitals.

Factors Influencing Intention of Vietnamese to Use Korean Medical Tourism (베트남인의 한국 의료관광 이용의도에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Yom, Young-Hee;Kim, Myoung Ae
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.332-343
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to Vietnamese customers who use Korean medical and tourism services. The study was based on the Anderson Models Methods: Participants were 173 Vietnamese who were living in Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi in Vietnam. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ${\chi}^2$, t-test and Multiple Logistic Regression. Results: Research necessary factors had the most significant effect among the preceding factors, possible factors and necessary factors. Human service and outstanding natural beauty of necessary factors had significant influence on customer intention to use. According to the result of the stepwise logistic regression analysis, the most important item in medical services was human service OR=1.89 (p=.014), and for tour services, outstanding natural beauty OR=4.30 (p=.033). The explained variance for customer intention to use was 91.9%. Conclusion: These results suggest the need to improve the human service and outstanding natural beauty to retain customers' intention to use.

Analysis on the Sleep Patterns and Design of System for Customized Deep Sleep Service in Motion Bed Environments (모션 베드 환경에서 맞춤형 숙면 서비스를 위한 시스템 설계 및 수면 패턴 분석)

  • Kang, Hyeon Jun;Lee, Seok Cheol;Jeong, Jun Seo;Cho, Sung Beom;Lee, Won Jin;Lee, Jae Dong
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.1109-1121
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    • 2022
  • As the demand for quality sleep increases in modern society, the importance of sleep technology has increased. Recently, development of sleep environment improvement products and research on the user's sleep improvement have been activated. Representatively, user sleep pattern analysis research is being conducted through the existing polysomnography, but it is difficult to use it in the sleep environment of daily life. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a system design that can provide a customized deep sleep service to users by detecting sleep disturbance factors in a motion bed environment. In order to improve the user's sleep satisfaction, a logistic regression-based sleep pattern analysis model is proposed and accuracy and significance are verified through experiments. And to improve user's sleep satisfaction, we propose a logistic regression-based sleep pattern analysis model and verify accuracy and significance through experiments. The proposed system is expected to improve the user's sleep quality and effectively prevent and manage sleep disorders.

Odds Ratio and Probability of Conception of Holstein Friesian Dairy Cows in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

  • Ali, A.K.A.;ALEssa, A.A.;Alshaikh, M.A.;Aljumaah, R.S.;Al-Haidary, A.A.;Alkraidees, M.S.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.308-313
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    • 2005
  • Logistic Regression Analysis was used to compute the odds ratio (OR) and probability of conception of Holstein dairy cows of AL-MARAIE company. Data consisted of 103,778 reproductive records collected from three farms in the central region in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Records were classified according to lactation number, season of calving and milk level. At first lactation, OR of first service was 0.63 of other services and probability of pregnancy from first services was 0.39. Odds ratio increased to 1.72 at fourth lactation or probability of conception reached 0.63. The probability of conception increased from 0.39 for cows inseminated at first services to 0.75 at fifth service insemination. Odds ratio of cows calving in winter were higher than those calving in summer. Odds ratio of conception of low producing cows is about twice as likely to occur from first service as from other services. However, OR of conception of high producing cows was higher than one (probability=0.56) from first service and increased to 1.63 (probability=0.65) from third service. Odds ratio was in favor of the right uterus horn where probability of conception from first service was slightly greater than 50% in first and second lactations and less than 50% in favor of left horn in later lactations.

Needs for the employer-supported day care service of the married man and women workers (기혼취업남녀의 직장보육시설에 대한 요구)

  • 곽인숙;홍성희
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.171-183
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    • 2000
  • The purposes of this study were to identify the needs for the employer-supported day care service and to analyze the factors related to the needs for the day care service of the married employees. KLFI(1995)'s National data were used and three Logistic models and one Catmod model were employed to analyse the effects of the independent variables on the needs for the day care service. The results of this study were as follows: First, half of employed workers needed the employer-supported child care service. Second, they preferred the day care center near their residential area than in their work site. Third, according to their age, type of occupation, and their difficulties for the childcare and household work, employed men and women needs on site day care differently. Finally, their needs for the expenditure of duty care service differed by their age, sex, and occupation, and their levels of difficulties for the childcare and household work. These findings suggest that duty care service for the employed man and woman are supported diversely according to their needs and preferences.

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Effects of Internationalization on Innovation in the Service Industry: Evidence from Korea

  • Lee, Jaeho;Lee, Ji-Hwan;Choi, Baeho
    • East Asian Economic Review
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.339-366
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    • 2014
  • This paper examines the impact of internationalization on the product, process and organizational innovations of Korean service firms. Despite the increasing importance of the service sector and the discrepancies in the natures of the manufacturing and service industries, the internationalization-innovation link in the context of service firms has rarely been examined empirically on a large sample. Based on the results of the logistic regressions using the 2006 Korean Innovation Survey data, we found that Korean service firms' international expansion is significantly and positively associated with their product and organizational innovations. In addition, the magnitude of the estimates in our models revealed that internationalization has a greater impact on product innovation than on process or organizational innovation.

Relationship between Medical Service Experience and Subjective Health Awareness of Patents with Industrial Accident (산업재해 환자의 의료서비스 경험과 주관적 건강 인식과의 관계)

  • Choi, Ryoung;Hwang, Byung Deog
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This study intends to analyze the relationship between medical service experience and subjective health awareness by using data from Panel Study of Worker's Compensation Insurance(PSWCI). Methods: Tte χ2-test was performed to investigate subjective health awareness and medical service experience relevance. Logistic analysis was performed to analyze the influencinge factors. Results: The subjective health awareness scored "bad" in"'lack treatment period" compared to "adequate treatment period" in medical service experience (OR = 2.603 [95% CI = 1.666-2.555]). Conclusions: To improve the subjective health awareness of patients with industrial accidents, the industrial accident compensation and medical care approval system should be improved, and long-term industrial accident insurance policies should be developed to accommodate direct and indirect medical services.

A Study on Modeling and Forecasting of Mobile Phone Sales Trends (이동통신 단말기 판매 추이에 대한 모형 및 수요예측에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2016
  • Among high-tech products, the mobile phone has experienced a rapid rate of innovation and a shortening of its product life cycle. The shortened product life cycle poses major challenges to those involved in the creation of forecasting methods fundamental to strategic management and planning systems. This study examined whether the best model applies to the entire diffusion life span of a mobile phone. Mobile phone sales data from a specific mobile service provider in Korea from March of 2013 to August of 2014 were analyzed to compare the performance of two S-shaped diffusion models and two non-linear regression models, the Gompertz, logistic, Michaelis-Menten, and logarithmic models. The experimental results indicated that the logistic model outperforms the other three models over the fitted region of the diffusion. For forecasting, the logistic model outperformed the Gompertz model for the period prior to diffusion saturation, whereas the Gompertz model was superior after saturation approaches. This analysis may help those estimate the potential mobile phone market size and perform inventory and order management of mobile phones.

A Study on the Competitiveness Improvement of Coastal Shipping for Northeast Asia Logistics-Hub (동북아(東北亞) 물류거점화(物流據點化)를 위한 연안해운(沿岸海運) 경쟁력(競爭力) 제고방안(提高方案)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Yon-Jae;Ahn, Ki-Myung;Kim, Kwang-Hee;Kim, Hyun-Duk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.441-449
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research is to present the improvement measure of lagging behind coastal shipping system to be a logistic hub-nation with a competitive edge. For this purpose, this research tries to find out major northeast asia environment factors and accordingly the effects of its. The effects of coastal shipping system's development strategy is analysed by structural equation model and multiple regression model. Research results show that three types of coastal shipping developing strategy(connected transportation system, structure of coastal shipping system, governmental support policy) will contribute much to be logistic hub-nation. The contribution effects is increasing cargo from strengthened feeder transport system and maximizing logistic service &minimizing logistic costs. From the result, some implications are derived as follow. First, familiar environmental balanced ocean-coastal transport system is required. Second the one-stop logistic service system is necessary to build excusive feeder port, and to establish Ro-Ro ship & high-speed ship, etc.. Third, governmental support policy and subsidy(tax exempted oil & various tax benefits) are required to bring up lagging behind coastal shipping system to be a logistic hub-nation with a competitive edge.

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