• Title/Summary/Keyword: load handling capacity

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Physiological viewpoint of the recommended safe weights of load for manual materials handling tasks (인력물자취급의 권장안전하중에 대한 생리학적 고찰)

  • 김홍기
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.23-36
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    • 1997
  • The objective of this study was to make a comparison of the oxygen consumption rates during the lifting activities and the physiological criteria of the recommended weights of RWL, AL, and MPL by NIOSH Guideline. The physical Work Capacity (PWC) based on the bicycle ergometer was 2562.71ml/min, and the one based on the treadmill was 2874.89ml/min for the college male students of Korea. Lifting activities with four different lifting frequencies(2, 5, 8, 11 lifts/min) for one lifting range from floor to 76cm height were studied. The oxygen consumption rates and the heart rates were measured or recorded while subjects were lifting the weight of RWL, AL, and MPL. The heart rates and the oxygen consumption rates increased as the frequency increased from 2 to lifts/min. However, those slightly decreased at the frequency of 11 lifts/ min. The measured oxygen consumption rates were ranging from 2.3% to 29.6% higher than the physiological criteria 620, 700, and 1000ml/min, respectively, of the RWL, AL, and MPL for all the lifting frequencies (5, 8, 11 lift/min) except 2 lifts/min. It si suggested that the physiological criteria of NIOSH Guideline should be based on the lifting PWC, which can consider the type of lifting activity and the frequency of the task, rather than using the PWC by ergometer or treadmill. The measured oxygen consumption rates were ranging from 13.26% to 40.11% higher than the values estimated using the models by Garg and Kim. From these findings it is suggested that the NIOSH Equation should not be directly applied to Korean without resonable modifications.

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A Study on the Minimization of Power Dissipation in Control Element of the Series D.C. Voltage Regulator (직류안정전화원의 제어소자에 전력소모의 최소화에 관한 연구)

  • Choe, Byeong-Ha;Lee, Gyun-Ha;Choe, Hui-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.12-18
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    • 1975
  • Triac phase controlled pre-regulator를 이용한 직류안정화전원에서 제어소자 전력소모를 촤소로 줄이기 위하여, 부하전류의 증가에 따라 제어소자 양단전압을 낮추어 주는 회로를 고안하여 부가하였다. 이렇게 하므로써 제어소자의 전력소모가 약 40%정도 감소되어 방열장치가 간단해지거나 전력용량을 증가할 수 있게 되었으며 열발산이 곤란한 monolithic I.C.화에 유용하도록 하였다. A method on minimizing the power dissipation in the control element of a series D.C. voltage regutator is devised. An additional control circuit which reduces the average voltage drop across the control element according to increasing the load current is attached :o the trial phase controlled pre-regulator system. It is verified that the power dissipation in the control element is reduced up to 40% by this. circuit arrangement. The heat sink system can be simplified and the capacity of tile handling power is also increased. It is expected that this circuit arrangement can be applied to I.C. fabrication.

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Development and Verification of PZT Actuating Micro Tensile Tester for Optically Functional Materials

  • Kim Seung-Soo;Lee Hye-Jin;Lee Hyoung-Wook;Lee Nak-Kyu;Han Chang-Soo;Hwang Jai-Hyuk
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.477-485
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    • 2005
  • This paper is concerned with the development of a micro tensile testing machine for optically functional materials such as single or poly crystalline silicon and nickel film. This micro tensile tester has been developed for testing various types of materials and dimensions. PZT type actuation is utilized for precise displacement control. The specifications of the PZT actuated micro tensile testers developed are as follows: the volumetric size of the tester is desktop type of 710mm' 200mm' 270mm; the maximum load capacity and the load resolution in this system are IKgf and 0.0152mgf respectively and; the full stroke and the stoke resolution of the PZT actuator are $1000{\mu}m$ and 10nm respectively. Special automatic specimen installing and setting equipment is applied in order to prevent unexpected deformation and misalignment of specimens during handling of specimens for testing. Nonlinearity of the PZT actuator is compensated to linear control input by an inverse compensation method that is proposed in this paper. The strain data is obtained by ISDG method that uses the laser interference phenomenon. To test the reliance of this micro tensile testing machine, a $200{\mu}m$ thickness nickel thin film and SCS (Single Crystalline Silicon) material that is made with the MEMS fabrication process are used.

I2DM : An Improved Identity Management Protocol for Internet Applications in Mobile Networks (모바일 네트워크에서 인터넷 응용을 위한 향상된 ID관리 프로토콜)

  • Park, In-Shin;Jeong, Jong-Pil
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.19C no.1
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2012
  • Due to rapid spread of smart phones and SNS(Social Network Service), using of Internet applications has increased and taking up bandwidth more than 3G network's capacity recently. This caused reduction of speed and service quality, and occurred strong needs that backbone network company to increasing investment costs. Also a great rise of mobile network users causing identity management problems on mobile service provider through mobile network. This paper proposes advanced IDM3G[1] - to solve user ID management and security problems on mobile internet application services over 3G network and more - authentication management protocol. $I^2DM$ protocol breakup loads which made by existing IDM3G protocol's mutual authentication via mobile operator, via sending some parts to internet application service provider, enhancing mobile and ID management of service provider and network load and process load from information handling and numbers of transmitting packets, to suggest more optimized protocol against further demanding of 3G mobile network.

A Flexible Multi-Threshold Based Control of Server Power Mode for Handling Rapidly Changing Loads in an Energy Aware Server Cluster (에너지 절감형 서버 클러스터에서 급변하는 부하 처리를 위한 유연한 다중 임계치 기반의 서버 전원 모드 제어)

  • Ahn, Taejune;Cho, Sungchoul;Kim, Seokkoo;Chun, Kyongho;Chung, Kyusik
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.3 no.9
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    • pp.279-292
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    • 2014
  • Energy aware server cluster aims to reduce power consumption at maximum while keeping QoS(quality of service) as much as energy non-aware server cluster. In the existing methods of energy aware server cluster, they calculate the minimum number of active servers needed to handle current user requests and control server power mode in a fixed time interval to make only the needed servers ON. When loads change rapidly, QoS of the existing methods become degraded because they cannot increase the number of active servers so quickly. To solve this QoS problem, we classify load change situations into five types of rapid growth, growth, normal, decline, and rapid decline, and apply five different thresholds respectively in calculating the number of active servers. Also, we use a flexible scheme to adjust the above classification criterion for multi threshold, considering not only load change but also the remaining capacity of servers to handle user requests. We performed experiments with a cluster of 15 servers. A special benchmarking tool called SPECweb was used to generate load patterns with rapid change. Experimental results showed that QoS of the proposed method is improved up to the level of energy non-aware server cluster and power consumption is reduced up to about 50 percent, depending on the load pattern.

A Study on the Strength Evaluation Method of Submersible Mooring Pulleys for Detachable Mooring Systems (탈착계류시스템 반잠수식 무어링 풀리의 구조강도평가법에 관한 연구)

  • Kangsu Lee;Byoungjae Park
    • Journal of Wind Energy
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2024
  • Rapid progress is being made in foundational technology research and engineering for the construction of floating offshore wind farms. There is active development of technology for detachable mooring systems, which have strengths in addressing maintenance issues that arise in floating offshore wind farms and enhance their economic viability. Conventional detachable mooring systems use Kenter links inserted into the middle of mooring chains, which require excessive time for retrieval by Anchor Handling Tug Supply (AHTS) vessels during detachment operations. Moreover, these operations pose risks of link damage and accidents. Therefore, there is a demand for the development of a new concept of detachable mooring systems. The proposed detachable mooring system in this study simultaneously integrates a fairlead chain stoppers (FCS) and submersible mooring pulleys (SMP), which enables all operations to be conducted on the AHTS vessel without underwater tasks. This study detailed the design and safety evaluation of the SMP, a core component of the detachable mooring system, based on the minimum breaking load (MBL) of selected mooring lines according to the capacity of the floating platform. It referenced international codes (AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings D5, Pin-Connected Members) for design verification and performed finite element analysis to evaluate the strength of major components in installation and operation scenarios. Additionally, procedures and techniques for evaluating the structural strength of components under uncertain boundary conditions were proposed.