• 제목/요약/키워드: light cycle

검색결과 610건 처리시간 0.029초

여성 의류매장의 VMD(Visual Merchandising)에 관한 연구 (A study on the VMD(visual Merchandising) of Female Clothing store)

  • 신수연;김희수
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제10권6호
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    • pp.617-632
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    • 2002
  • The purposes of this study are 1) to classify the consumer group according to clothing purchase store(department store, road shop, discount store, Dongdaemoon & Namdaemoon markets) 2) to analyze the differences between VMD attributes which each consumer group value. The attributes on the VMD are categorized as 5 areas 1) interior 2) show window 3) product display & display change cycle 4) color · light · music · small instrument 5) promotion(POP & salesperson). The data were collected from 238 females students and were analyzed by frequency, percent and X²-test. The results of this study are as fellows . 1) On the attribute of Interior, there were significant differences in terms of flow in a store, rest area, the cleanness of floor, show case, and the merchandise itself. 2) On the attribute of show window, there were significant differences in terms of interst of show window. 3) On the attribute of product display & display change cycle, there were significant differences in terms of display method, and display change cycle. 4) On the attribute of color · light · music · small instrument, there were significant differences in terms of interest of color coordination, luminosity and effect of light, and necessity of music & small instrument. 5) On the attribute of promotion(POP & salesperson), there were significant differences in terms of aid of POP.

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생애주기비용분석 기법을 이용한 채광기능성 창호시스템의 경제성 평가에 관한 연구 (Economic Probation on the Benefit of Daylighting by a Light-Guide System)

  • 김곤;김정태
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2006
  • Attention on daylighting should be focused not so much on a simple maximization of the natural light available in a space, as on improving the quality of lighting by ensuring as even but intense distribution of illumination in inner areas. An architectural means of optimal daylight distribution is by using so-called light shelf systems, horizontal shading and redirecting devices. The overall performance of the daylighting system can be improved by the incorporation with electric lighting control devices. This paper aims to exemplify the benefit of daylighting in term of economic consideration. In such a case a reasonable technique to compare system costs is by life-cycle costing. Stated simply, a life-cycle cost represents the total cost of a system over its entire life cycle, that is, the sum of first cost and all future costs. Four different electric lighting system designs are proposed and a lighting control system that is continuously operating according to the level of daylight in the space has been adapted. The result shows clearly that although denser layout of lighting fixtures might be more effective to interface to the level of daylight ceaselessly changeable, its economic benefit may not meet the expected criterion the reason of increased initial investment and maintenance cost for the fixtures and control devices.

Behavioral characteristics of a chondrostean sturgeon species Acipenser baerii prelarvae in response to different environmental light intensities in a diel photoperiodic cycle

  • Kim, Eun Jeong;Park, Chulhong;Nam, Yoon Kwon
    • 한국동물생명공학회지
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.245-257
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    • 2020
  • Behavioral response to a diel photoperiodicity (500 lx for 16 h, 5 lx for 4 h and < 0.5 lx for 4 h) and phototactic characteristics in dark conditions were examined with Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii (Chondrostei, Actinopterygii) prelarvae. Siberian sturgeon prelarvae represented both qualitative and quantitative changes in their behavioral patterns according to different light intensities in a diel photoperiodicity. Under daylight conditions (500 lx), prelarvae displayed saltatory changes of behavioral features with ages (Day 0-Day 9) in a general order of swimming-up/drifting, swimming in the upper water column, benthic swimming with rheotaxis, schooling and post-schooling behavior. Compared to daylight conditions, prelarvae tended to show more benthic performances and quantitative reductions of schooling and post-schooling behaviors under dimlight conditions (5 lx). Under dark conditions (< 0.5 lx), prelarvae exhibited a fairly uniform behavioral pattern characterized by the benthic swimming across the bottom of the tank. From phototaxis tests under dark conditions, navigational responses of prelarvae to a spotlight illumination were quantitatively changed as their ages increased. The phototactic responses reached the peak on Day 2, continued until Day 4, and then gradually decreased until Day 8. A partial recovery of positive phototaxis was observed on Day 9. Data from this study suggest that the diel light cycle as well as the light intensity of each interval in the cycle should be considered as important components of a practical guide for evaluating fitness and developmental states of artificially propagated Siberian sturgeon prelarvae.

후기황체기 불쾌기분장애(LLPDD) 환자의 광선치료 1례 (Trial of Light Therapy on a Woman with LLPDD : A Case Report)

  • 조숙행
    • 수면정신생리
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.188-192
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    • 1994
  • The author reports a 32 years old female patient with late luteal phase dysphoric disorder who received evening bright light treatment for 7 consecutive days during the late luteal phase of menstrual cycle. After the treatment, beneficial clinical effects were observed. This result suggests that bright light can be an alternative treatment for LLPDD. However, the placebo effects should be ruled out completely. Further controlled studies with more patients will be needed.

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Diversification of the molecular clockwork for tissue-specific function: insight from a novel Drosophila Clock mutant homologous to a mouse Clock allele

  • Cho, Eunjoo;Lee, Euna;Kim, Eun Young
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제49권11호
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    • pp.587-589
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    • 2016
  • The circadian clock system enables organisms to anticipate the rhythmic environmental changes and to manifest behavior and physiology at advantageous times of the day. Transcriptional/translational feedback loop (TTFL) is the basic feature of the eukaryotic circadian clock and is based on the rhythmic association of circadian transcriptional activator and repressor. In Drosophila, repression of dCLOCK/CYCLE (dCLK/CYC) mediated transcription by PERIOD (PER) is critical for inducing circadian rhythms of gene expression. Pacemaker neurons in the brain control specific circadian behaviors upon environmental timing cues such as light and temperature cycle. We show that amino acids 657-707 of dCLK are important for the transcriptional activation and the association with PER both in vitro and in vivo. Flies expressing dCLK lacking AA657-707 in $Clk^{out}$ genetic background, homologous to the mouse Clock allele where exon 19 region is deleted, display pacemaker-neuron-dependent perturbation of the molecular clockwork. The molecular rhythms in light-cycle-sensitive pacemaker neurons such as ventral lateral neurons ($LN_vs$) were significantly disrupted, but those in temperature-cycle-sensitive pacemaker neurons such as dorsal neurons (DNs) were robust. Our results suggest that the dCLK-controlled TTFL diversify in a pacemaker-neuron-dependent manner which may contribute to specific functions such as different sensitivities to entraining cues.

동력형 욕창예방제품의 교대부양 압력 프로파 특성 (Alternating Pressure Profile Characteristics of Powered Pressure Ulcer Preventing Devices)

  • 원병희;송창섭
    • 대한인간공학회지
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    • 제29권4호
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    • pp.639-646
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    • 2010
  • The APAM's quantitative effectiveness and comparative study in preventing and treating pressure ulcer has not been sufficiently evaluated mainly because of uncertainty of pressure load input and lack of interpretation of dynamic perfusion recovery characteristics of soft tissue. The purpose of this paper was to quantify and analyze the alternating pressure characteristics of APAM as a preventive measure for pressure ulcers. To quantify the alternating load to human body, we introduced alternating pressure profile concept and developed parametric model of the profile. Regarding pressure level and cycle time, 3 global and 7 local periodic parameters were used to define the profile such as light, standard, typical and heavy duty profile shape. Pressure impulse ratio of light duty is the lowest but pressure fluctuation is significantly high. For the same duty shape, contact conditions are changed with alternating cycle time and more dramatically in shorter alternating cycle time conditions. We can conclude that if we use shorter alternating cycle time on APAM's operation we can get more positive effects regarding to inflated contact time condition. We proposed the quantitative methods on tissue viability study of external loading by simultaneous measurement of interface pressure and tissue perfusion with proper alternating pressure profile conditions.

Flow Cytometer를 이용한 소 과립막세포의 분석 : 난포성숙에 따른 세포주기의 변화 (Flow Cytometric Analysis of Bovine Granulosa Cells : Changes of Cell Cycle During Follicular Maturation)

  • 김해정;김동훈;이훈택;정길생
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.279-285
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    • 1994
  • The objective of the present study was to characterize the cell cycles of granulosa cell populations during follicular maturation in cattle by using flow cytometer. Granulosa cells were isolated from bovine preovulatory antral follicles of F1(>10mm), F2(5~20mm), F3(3~4mm) and F4(1~2mm) diameter and fixed and stained with fluorochromes that selectively bine to DNA. Flow cytometer equipped with a laser excitation system was used to analyze the intensity of fluorescence from stained cells. Forward angle light-scatter(FSC) and 90$^{\circ}$light-scatter(SSC) signals were adopted to measure the size and the granularity of granulosa cells. As a results of FSC/SSC analysis, granulosa cell populations(G1 phase of cell cycle) from each follicle were relatively regular in size and granularity, regardless of follicular size. However, their distribution in granularity was greater than that in size. Most of granulosa cell populations collected from each follicle were distributed in G0/G1, S and G2/M phases. As the follicles approached to ovulation the percentage of cells in the proliferative phases of cell cycle (S and G2/M) decreased significantly, but there was a concomitant increase in the percentage of granulosa cells in G1 phase. Therefore, these data indicate the proportion of main populations to cell cycle of granulosa cells may be changed from proliferative phase to G1 phase during follicular maturation in cattle.

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시스템엔지니어링 기법 적용에 따른 경량전철시스템 요구사항체계 구축에 관한 연구 (A study on System Requirement Structure of LRT's System on the advanced Systems Engineering)

  • 허재훈;배준호;최원찬;배성훈;주지영
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2011년도 정기총회 및 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.1523-1529
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    • 2011
  • Light Rail Transit is system that offer target Performance and function because various sub-system such as vehicles, power supply, signaling, communication, mechanical, track, civil is consisted as large complex system. Light Rail Transit and the complex system of safety, reliability to be a behavior, and target performance and function properly to system's configuration, design, manufacture, installation and test verification, through operations system requirements to accurately describe what It is more important. With this study, light rail system KSX ISO/IEC 15288 system life cycle process by applying engineering techniques utilizing light rail system in the early stages of construction from the concept, design, production, operation, maintenance and end-use to the disposal stage throughout the entire life cycle, from the beginning of construction until the end of construction of the stakeholder to define requirements, analyze the introduction of the system developers and system requirement of those who wish to be described accurately by selecting the best system and system requirement in order to achieve their purpose.

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  • Hanna, Magdy A.;Awadalla, Nabil S.
    • 천문학회지
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2011
  • The photometric light curves of the W-type W UMa eclipsing contact binary system BB Pegasi have been found to be extremely asymmetric over all the observed 63 years in all wavelengths UBVR. The light curves have been characterized by occultation primary minima. Hence, the morphology of these light curves has been studied in view of these different asymmetric degrees. The system shows a distinct O'Connell effect, as well as depth variation. A 22.96 years of stellar dark spots cycle has been determined for the system. Almost the same cycle (22.78 yr) has been found for the depth variation of MinI and MinII. We also present an analysis of mid-eclipse time measurements of BB Peg. The analysis indicates a period decrement of $5.62{\times}10^{-8}$ day/yr, which can be interpreted in terms of mass transfer at a rate of $-4.38{\times}10^{-8}M_{\odot}$/yr, from the more to the less massive component. The O - C diagram shows a damping sine wave covering two different cycles of 17.0 yr and 12.87 yr with amplitudes equal to 0.0071 and 0.0013 day, respectively. These unequal durations show a non-periodicity which may be explained as a result of magnetic activity cycling variations due to star spots. The obtained characteristics are consistent with similar chromospherically active stars, when applying the Applegate's (1992) mechanism.

Effect of Light/dark Cycles on Wastewater Treatments by Microalgae

  • Lee, Kwangyong;Lee, Choul-Gyun
    • Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering:BBE
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.194-199
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    • 2001
  • Chlorella kessleri cultivated in artificial wastewater using diurnal illumination of 12h light/12h dark (L/D) cycles. The inoculum density was 10(sup)5 cells/mL and the irradiance in light cycle was 45$\mu$mol㎡s(sup)-1 at the culture surface. As a control culture, another set of flasks was cultivated under continuous illumination. Regardless of the illumination scheme, the total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) was reduced below 20% of the initial concentration within a day. However, cell concentration under the L/D lighting scheme was lower tan that under the continuous illuminating scheme. Thus the specific removal rate of organic carbon under L/D cycles was higher than that under continuous illumination. This result suggested that C. kessleri grew chemoorganotrophically in the dark periods. After 3 days, nitrate was reduced to 136.5 and 154.1mg NO$_3$-N/L from 168.1mg NO$_3$-N/L under continuous illumination and under diurnal cycles, respectively. These results indicate nitrate removal efficiency under continuous light was better than that under diurnal cycles. High-density algal cultures using optimized photobioreactors with diurnal cycles will save energy and improve organic carbon sources removal.

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