• Title/Summary/Keyword: life aims

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A Study on the Development of Occupational Purpose Korean Language Curriculum for Foreign Deck Crews (외국인 갑판부선원을 위한 직업목적 한국어 교육과정 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kyeung-Eun;Park, Jin-Soo;Ha, Weon-Jae
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.253-266
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to develop the occupational Korean language curriculum for the foreign seafarers working on the Korean coastal vessel. In the recent years, the employment of foreign seafarer has increased significantly to meet the shortage of the Korean seafarers. As the number of the mixed-crew vessels has increased, communication and cross-cultural awareness among different nationalities have emerged as an important issue. Therefore, the foreign seafarers are obliged to undergo Korean language training to help them in adapting to the Korean vessel according to the 'Guidelines of foreign seafarers management'. However, the time for language training is very short, and there are no systematically developed textbooks. Therefore it is essential to develop curriculum and textbooks for foreign seafarers to acquire training in fundamental Korean dialogues for their daily life and work on board. This study was carried out using the DACUM method to draw core tasks from various works and tasks on board. Firstly, the existing Korean language teaching materials for the foreign crew should be analyzed. Secondly, the job analysis committee should be organized based on the analysis. Then, the list of the tasks for the crew through the committee workshop should be prepared. Thereafter, a questionnaire survey should be carried out to identify the level of importance and frequency by the seafarers working on the coastal vessel. Finally, the core curriculum of the Korean language should be developed for foreign deck crews.

Electoral Redistricting Problems of Non-autonomous Gu ('자치구가 아닌 구'의 선거구획정 문제)

  • Lee, Chungsup
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.371-389
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    • 2014
  • This study aims to analyze the redistricting problems in non-autonomous Gu. Although non-autonomous Gu is a just local administrative district, it has been regarded as an important and basic spatial unit in electoral redistricting. By the reform of Public Official Election Act in 2012, however, non-autonomous Gu is distinguished from local governments like Si, Gun and autonomous Gu, in boundary delimitation for the 19th National Assembly election, and some are divided into a part of another constituency. About these background, this study points out the following problems. First, in national scale, the reform of Act made the malapportionment in constituencies of non-autonomous Gus, comparing with those of local governments. Second, there was the discriminative application of Act in each non-autonomous Gu and it will make the malapportionment worse in next election, considering the reorganization of local administrative system. Finally, this study propose that it is necessary to select one from a variety of redistricting principles, especially between the prevention of gerrymandering, the representativeness of local government and the apportionment, prior to another amendment of redistricting system and the debate about political reform.

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Economic and Environmental Assessment of a Renewable Stand-Alone Energy Supply System Using Multi-objective Optimization (다목적 최적화 기법을 이용한 신재생에너지 기반 자립 에너지공급 시스템 설계 및 평가)

  • Lee, Dohyun;Han, Seulki;Kim, Jiyong
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.332-340
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to propose a new optimization-based approach for design and analysis of the stand-alone hybrid energy supply system using renewable energy sources (RES). In the energy supply system, we include multiple energy production technologies such as Photovoltaics (PV), Wind turbine, and fossil-fuel-based AC generator along with different types of energy storage and conversion technologies such as battery and inverter. We then select six different regions of Korea to represent various characteristics of different RES potentials and demand profiles. We finally designed and analyzed the optimal RES stand-alone energy supply system in the selected regions using multiobjective optimization (MOOP) technique, which includes two objective functions: the minimum cost and the minimum CO2CO2 emission. In addition, we discussed the feasibility and expecting benefits of the systems by comparing to conventional systems of Korea. As a result, the region of the highest RES potential showed the possibility to remarkably reduce CO2CO2 emissions compared to the conventional system. Besides, the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of the RES-based energy system is identified to be slightly higher than conventional energy system: 0.35 and 0.46 $/kWh, respectively. However, the total life-cycle emission of CO2CO2 (LCECO2LCECO2) can be reduced up to 470 gCO2CO2/kWh from 490 gCO2CO2/kWh of the conventional systems.

A Study on CO2 Emissions to Establish a LCI DB at the Disuse Stage (폐기단계에서 LCI DB구축을 위한 CO2 발생량에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Doo-Sung;Park, Jin Jong;Chun, Hung Chan
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2013
  • This study aims to calculate the CO2CO2 emissions by the properties of construction waste to establish a LCI DB of construction waste generated at the disuse stage. The CO2CO2 emissions from apartment houses was calculated by calculating the energy consumptions by treatment steps to calculate the CO2CO2 emissions by the treatment steps of construction waste. As a result of analyzing the CO2CO2 emissions from a total of 27 complexes, maximum 46,791g-CO2/m2CO2/m2, minimum 34,893g-CO2/m2CO2/m2 and average 38,713g-CO2/m2CO2/m2 were generated, and were varied by the quantity of construction waste in general, but were affected by the transportation distance in case of transportation steps as well. As a result of analyzing the CO2CO2 emissions by the properties of construction waste, average 19,815.50g-CO2/m2CO2/m2 was generated, the highest, from the example complex at the demolition stage in case of construction wastes, and 1.72g-CO2/m2CO2/m2 was generated, the lowest, during reclamation. In case of combustible waste, average 11,495.63g-CO2/m2CO2/m2 was generated, the highest, from the example complex during incineration of wastes, and 21.48g-CO2/m2CO2/m2 was generated, the lowest, at the waste transportation stage. In case of noncombustible waste, average 522.43g-CO2/m2CO2/m2 was generated, the highest, from the example complex at the demolition stage, and 1.07g-CO2/m2CO2/m2 was generated, the lowest, at the transportation stage. In case of other construction wastes, average 645.42g-CO2/m2CO2/m2 was generated, the highest, from the example complex at the demolition stage, and 47.38g-CO2/m2CO2/m2 was generated, the lowest, at the middle treatment stage.

Feasibility of seed bank for restoration of salt marsh: a case study around the Gwangyang Bay, southern Korea

  • Lee, Seon-Mi;Cho, Yong-Chan;Lee, Chang-Seok
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2012
  • Salt marsh is an important transitional zone among terrestrial, riverine, and marine ecosystems and is a productive habitat that interacts extensively with adjacent landscape elements of estuarine and coastal ecosystems. Nowadays, in addition to various human activities, a variety of natural processes induce changes in salt marshes. This study aims to provide background information to restore disturbed salt marshes and to propose their ecological restoration using seed banks. The study area is a prepared area for the Gwangyang Container Port located in the southern Korea. This area was formed by accumulating mud soils dredged from the bottom of the forward sea. This land was created in a serial process of preparing the Gwangyang container port and the salt marsh was passively restored by seeds buried in mud soil dredged from seabed. As a result of stand ordination based on vegetation data collected from the land, stands were arranged according to tolerance to salinity in the order of SuaedaSuaeda maritimamaritima, SalicorniaSalicornia europaeaeuropaea, and PhragmitesPhragmites communiscommunis communities on the Axis 1. Landscape structure of the projected area was analyzed as well. Edges of the projected area were divided from the marginal waterway by the dike. Four types of vegetation appeared on the dike: AlnusAlnus firmafirma plantation, RobiniaRobinia pseudoacaciapseudoacacia plantation, LespedezaLespedeza cyrtobotryacyrtobotrya plantation, and grassland. In the more internal areas, two types of vegetation sequences appeared: AsterAster tripoliumtripolium community-SuaedaSuaeda glaucaglauca community-SalicorniaSalicornia europaeaeuropaea community sequence and AsterAster tripoliumtripolium community-SuaedaSuaeda maritimamaritima community-S.S. europaeaeuropaea community sequence. Mixed community showed the highest species diversity (H' = 0.86) and S.S. europaeaeuropaea community showed the lowest (H' = 0.0). Evenness is the highest in Mixed community (J' = 2.26) and the lowest in S.S. maritimeS.maritimeS. europaeaeuropaea community (J' = 0.0). Several plant communities were successfully established on the land created by mud soil dredged from the bottom of Gwangyang Bay. Moreover, community diversity in this area approached a similar level with those from other studies involving natural salt marshes. Therefore, restoration effect based on community diversity obtained in our study can be evaluated as a successful achievement. In this respect, although most salt marshes in Korea and other places worldwide have been destroyed or disturbed by excessive land use, feasibility of seed bank as a restoration tool is greatly expected.

Human-Powered Generator designed for Sustainable Driving (고출력 지속이 가능한 인체 구동 방식의 자가 발전기 개발)

  • Lim, Yoon-Ho;Yang, Yoonseok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.7
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2015
  • Human-powered self-generating devices have been attractive with its operation characteristic independent from outer environment such as weather condition and wind speed. However, conventional self-generators have low electric power output due to their weakly-coupled electromagnetic structure. More importantly, rotary crank motion which is usually adopted by conventional self-generator to generate electricity requires specific skeletal muscles to maintain large torque circular motion and consequently, causes fatigue on those muscles before it can generate enough amount of electricity for any practical application. Without improvement in electric power output and usability, the human-powered self-generator could not be used in everyday life. This study aims to develop a human-powered self-generator which realized a strong electromagnetic coupling in a closed-loop tubular structure (hula-hoop shape) for easy and steady long-term driving as well as larger electric output. The performance and usability of the developed human-powered generator is verified through experimental comparison with a commercial one. Additionally, human workload which is a key element of a human-powered generator but not often considered elsewhere, is estimated based on metabolic energy expenditure measured respiratory gas analyzer. Further study will focus on output and portability enhancement, which can contribute to the continuous power supply of mobile equipments.

Social Innovation and New Roles of Public Institution as a Regional Development Agency: The Preliminary Study with the Case of Urban Development Corporations (사회적 혁신과 지역발전 주체로서 공공기관의 새로운 역할 -광역단위 도시.개발공사 사례를 통한 시론적 검토-)

  • Lee, Wonho
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.310-321
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    • 2013
  • The paper aims to understand the concept of social innovation and its development stages emerging as a new regional development policy trend and to define the role of public sector for social innovation. Spatial policy issues that urban development corporations to carry out development projects for regional policy need to deal with have expanded to include crucial social issues such as poverty, quality of life and happiness. Therefore it is increasingly significant for them to take social innovation into consideration. In this context, this study formulates evaluation framework for the role of public sector in social innovation and investigates its position and limitation in social innovation practices. As a result, almost all corporations have made various efforts for promoting both public purposes of housing and land development and social contribution for the community. However, few corporations have achieved organizational capacity building and idea implementation for social innovation. Growing demand for social innovation in both spatial and regional policies tends to bring up profound challenges to public regional development agencies including urban development corporations. It is then a time to seek to carry out related researches and policy option formulation for social innovation in the near future.

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A Geographical Study on the Behavior Changes of Telemedicine Participants in Terms of Time and Space (시공간 관점에서 본 원격진료 이용자 행태 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sookyung;Hanashima, Yuki
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.198-217
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    • 2013
  • This research aims to examine the behavior changes of telemedicine participants with regard to time-space reconfiguration and to address the implications of telemedicine in terms of extensibility and restrictions (ambilaterality). According to the results of this research, telemedicine can lead to behavior changes in telemedicine participants, particularly patients. However, it is difficult to anticipate the time-space reconfiguration of telemedicine participants drastically. In other words, although telemedicine minimizes patients' burden of accessibility to and utilization of medical institutions, it requires the patients to visit medical institutions at least once due to the restricted application of telemedicine related to technological problems, the characteristics of medical practice and mutual stakes among the medical institutions involved in telemedicine. And physicians (telemedicine providers as mediators between medical specialists and patients) and medical specialists (as the ultimate telemedicine providers) do not evidence considerable changes in their behaviors, except for offline meetings for information sharing and medical training. Because the present telemedicine system does not require simultaneity between physicians, patients and medical specialists. Furthermore, present telemedicine operation is absorbed into existing medical activities as a health care delivery method. These phenomena are due to 1) the interests among medical institutions and the limitation or generalization of telemedicine technologies to stimulate regional-based telemedicine operation and 2) the goal of face-to-face interactions between patients and doctors, which is to avoid misdiagnosis and side effects. Finally, medical activities related to telemedicine do not differ from general medical activities. The ambilaterality of telemedicine in terms of extensibility and the restriction of time-space reconfiguration is an unsettled problem in the ICT technologies of medical services.

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A Study of Family Relations in the Urban Middle-Class Home - A Changing Value System between Parents and Their Son's Family - (대도시 중류가정의 가족관계 - 양친가족과 아들부부가족간의 가치체계를 중심으로-)

  • 이정우
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.107-121
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    • 1973
  • As Korean society of today is rapidly changing, the value system which has been traditionally accepted in the family ought to undergo inevitable changes. This paper aims at investigating and analyzing the prevalent value system of the family and the degree to which it is changing in the middle-class families in Seoul. Particular attention has been paid in this paper to the relationship between a married women and her mother-in-law. The conclusion at which this paper has arrived are as follows : (1) more than the half of both married women and their mothers-in-law of the middle class in Seoul feel satisfaction for the family life ; yet the rest who have responded in terms of "average" seem in fact to feel unsatisfactory in their marriage, even though they do not specifically regard themselves "unhappy" ; (2) generally, married women, including their mothers-in-law, prefer the independent, autonomous household management ; (3) both married women and their mothers-in-law wish to live independently but the former prefer the living-together with their mothers-in-law ; (4) married women plan to support economically the parents-in-law more than the latter want to be supported ; (5) the relationship between the parents-in-law and the married women is regarded as "good" by 62% of the former while the latter in 41% only see it in "good" terms, which indicates actually their unhappy psychological state ; (6) married women in general dislike their husband's sisters in comparison with their mothers-in-law, which seems to betray the commonly accepted view that married women go worst off with their mothers-in-law ; (7) the absolute majority of women, whether a parent and her son's wife, believe that the maintenance of a good relationship between families is essential to the happiness of marriage ; (8) surprisingly, a great majority of married women whichever their side may be think that no interference with their children's home is better ; (9) more than a half of mothers-in-law expect their son's wife to live distance from her own parents ; (10) married women believe that the good cause for a better marriage lies in mutual understanding and help exchangeable between them and their mothers-in-law. This investigation has shown, to be sure, some of the salient problems in family relations which will certainly encourage further attempts to study.

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A Meta-Analysis of the Variables Related with Acculturative Stress for Marriage-based Migrant Women (결혼이주여성의 문화적응스트레스 관련 변인에 관한 메타분석)

  • Shin, Hyejung;Nho, Choongrai;Heo, Seonghui;Kim, Jeonghwa
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.67 no.3
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    • pp.5-29
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    • 2015
  • Using meta-analysis, this study aims to examine individual, familial, and social support variables in relation to acculturative stress by in order to draw implications for social welfare practice and policy. For the purpose of this study, authors selected 37 studies between 2000 and 2013. Results are as follows: First, acculturative stress of marriage-based migrant women showed statistically significant average effect size in individual, familial, and social support variables. Second, each variable showed at least 'medium' and above size. Further, marital satisfaction and social support showed 'large effect size' and life satisfaction, family relations and functions, self-esteem, psychological well-being, and depression showed 'near large effect size.' Third, when moderating effect was examined, Korean language proficiency, economic difficulty, depression, and self-esteem among individual variables showed differences in effect size according to socio-economic variables. Meanwhile, marital satisfaction and couple relationship among familial variables and social support among social variables showed differences in effect size according to socio-economic variables. Based on these results, authors suggested ways to prevent or reduce acculturative stress among marriage-based migrant women in Korea.

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