• Title/Summary/Keyword: lentinula

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Sequence Variation of cel7A in a Cellulase Activity Enhanced Mutant of Lentinula edodes KACC42378

  • Chung, Kyung Sook;Lee, Young-Keun;Kim, Jin-Baek
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.145-149
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    • 2017
  • The cel7A sequence variation was analyzed between the wild type (Lentinula edodes KACC42378) and its cellulase activity enhanced mutant LER277. LER277 was induced by using gamma ray radiation ($^{60}Co$) at the $LD_{99}$ dose (0.94 kGy). Cloning and sequencing results showed that the cel7A coding DNA sequence (CDS) of LER277 had five nucleotide substitutions ($T{\rightarrow}C$, 201, 285 and 744 nt; $A{\rightarrow}G$, 525 nt; $C{\rightarrow}T$, 540 nt) and one hexanucleotide repeat insertion (GGCACC, within 1375-1392 nt) compared to that of the wild type. The Five nucleotide substitutions did not change the deduced amino acids and the hexanucleotide insertion elongated the GT repeat in a serine/threonine/glycine-rich linker. These results suggest that the enhancement of the cellulase activity in LER277 partly stemmed from cel7A changes by which the GT repeat of the linker is elongated.

Comparison of Cultivation, Mushroom Yield, and Fruiting Body Characteristics of Lentinula edodes Strains according to the Inoculation Method

  • Jang, Yeongseon;Jeong, Yeun Sug;Ryoo, Rhim;Ka, Kang-Hyeon
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.525-530
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    • 2021
  • The cultivation in sawdust media, mushroom productivity, and fruiting body characteristics of Lentinula edodes strains NIFoS 2778 and NIFoS 3363 were compared according to the inoculation conditions. The cultivation period was 5% shorter when liquid spawn was used. Fruiting bodies were induced after 113 days of incubation on media inoculated with liquid spawn, and the cultivation period was 119 days on media inoculated with solid spawn. Mushroom productivity of NIFoS 2778 was the highest (661.4 g) when 36 mL of liquid spawn was used. For NIFoS 3363, mushroom production was higher under liquid inoculation conditions when the same amount of liquid and solid spawns were used. The mushroom characteristics of the two strains were not significantly different, except for gill width and stipe diameter.

Selection of parental strain on the sawdust cultivation and mycelial growth and cultural characteristics of Lentinula edodes hybrid strains (표고 톱밥재배용 모균주 선발과 교배균주의 균사배양 및 생육 특성)

  • Noh, Jong-Hyun;Ko, Han-Gyu;Park, Heung-Soo;Koo, Chang-Duk
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2015
  • In order to breed new strains of oak mushroom, Lentinula edodes, on the sawdust cultivation, we collected 10 from Korea, Taiwan and China respectively and examined somatic incompatibility, morphological features of fruiting body and productivity. Four strains(SANJO701HO, FMRI2534, FMRI2337 and FMRI2613) shown remarkable results, were confirmed with parental strains. 80 monokaryotic strains derived from the selected 4 parental strains, were selected and 117 hybrid strains were made by mono-mono mating. Aslo, Physiological characteristics were investigated. Average of the mycelial growth of hybrid strains of mating combination SANJO701HO-FMRI2337 was approximately 10% lower than other mating combinations. Overall, This study was founded to develop new varieties of L. edodes. The productivity of new 117 strains on sawdust cultivation needs continued research.

Application of spent oyster mushroom substrate for bag cultivation of Lentinula edodes (느타리버섯 수확후 배지를 이용한 표고 배지 개발)

  • Kim, Jeong-Han;Kang, Young-Ju;Baek, Il-Sun;Jeoung, Yun-Kyeoung;Lee, Yong-Seon;Lee, Young-Soon
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.70-73
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    • 2018
  • To determine the optimum amount of spent oyster mushroom substrate (SOMS) for use in cultivation of Lentinula edodes, the chemical properties of the substrate and culture conditions of Lentinula edodes were investigated. Replacing 20-50% of a sawdust substrate with SOMS yielded a C/N ratio of 62-76. In case of substrates containing SOMS, the total nitrogen and phenolic contents of were higher, whereas fructose and organic acid contents were lower than those of the control substrate. Cultivation tests showed that the 3-cycle yield of 20% SOMS treatment was 286.7 g, similar to that of the control, while 50% SOMS treatment significantly decreased the yield. In conclusion, development of oak mushroom substrate using SOMS would recycle waste products and decrease material costs.

Cultural characteristics and formation of fruiting body in Lentinula edodes (표고버섯의 배양적 특성 및 자실체 형성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Kim, In-Yeop;Ko, Han-Gyu;Kim, Seon-Cheol;Choi, Sun-Gyu;Noh, Jong-Hyun;Park, Heung-Soo
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.24-28
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    • 2014
  • Lentinula edodes is known by oak mushroom. It has been favored as delicious and nutritious food and the low-calorie food with a high nutritional value. It is also functional food since it contains a material well-known for its medicinal benefits. Since the growth and quality of oak mushrooms are sensitively affected by environmental conditions, an adequate environmental control is very essential to improve the yield and quality under protected cultivation. The main objectives of the study were to investigate cultural characteristics of mycelial growth and in vitro fruiting of Lentinula edodes. The optimum culture media for mycelial growth of L. edodes were PDA and MYA. Similarly, optimum temperature was $25^{\circ}C$. Malt extract(2%) and yeast extract(0.2%) were optimum carbon and nitrogen sources. Optimal culture period was 110~120 days in sawdust medium. Mycelial growth in medium(61 mm/7 days) Quercus mongolica extract the most good. Among different five log types, highest mycelial growth and fruiting productivity were observed in Quercus variabilis sawdust(20.9%).

Diversity analysis of culture-dependent fungal species isolated from the sawdust media of Lentinula edodes (표고 톱밥배지에서 분리한 배양 진균의 다양성 분석)

  • Kim, Min-Keun;Sim, Soon-Ae;Choi, Si-Lim;Hong, Kwang-Pyo
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.179-184
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate the diversity of culture-dependent fungal species in the sawdust media of Lentinula edodes. A total of 405 fungi were isolated from the specimens and identified to belong to 24 genera and 42 species. Among the identified 42 species of fungi, 26.2% belonged to Penicillium sp., 9.5% belonged to Trichoderma sp., and 64.3% belonged to others. Especially, Trichoderma harzianum, which is a causal agent of fungal disease in mushroom, was found on all the farms, and showed the highest frequency among the identified fungi. Community analysis showed that the fungal diversity patterns of the samples were similar to each farm and many kinds of fungi existed in the sawdust media at high levels. These results showed that the management of internal environments would be required for the stable cultivation of Lentinula edodes.

Changes of Nutrients in Media and Mycelia on Liquid Spawn Culture of Lentinula edodes (표고 액체종균 배양시 배지와 균사체의 양분변화)

  • Shim, Kyu-Kwang;Yoo, Young-Jin;Koo, Chang-Duck;Kim, Myung-Kon
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.144-149
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    • 2014
  • Lentinula edodes liquid spawn growth under explosive aeration (supplying air with tiny bubbles) and soybean meal addition to liquid culture medium were investigated in terms of mycelial growth and residual free sugar content. The two treatments were effective for homogeneous culturing of mycelial spawn and for separating colonies during multiplication after an exponential growth period without limiting sustaining nitrogen nutrients. The mycelial growth and carbon dioxide concentration were greatest on the 13th day since the inoculation. At 12th day, however, free sugars were almost depleted in the upper part of the liquid medium. Total nitrogen content within precipitated mycelia was the highest at the 13th day. Chitin and sucrose contents in the mycelia were the highest at the 18th day, but ergosterol content became highest at 22 days. These results suggest that Lentinula edodes liquid spawn is ready in 18 days after inoculation.

Biochemical Characteristics of Lectins Isolated from Lentinula edodes (표고버섯으로부터 분리한 렉틴의 생화학적 특성)

  • Kim, Young-Sin;Cho, Nam-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2001
  • Lectin was isolated from shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes) with 0.15 M NaCl solution, and purified by the following procedures : precipitation by ammonium sulfate, anion exchange column chromatography on DEAE Sephadex A-50 and hydroxyapatite column chromatography. The fresh pileus part of the mushroom contained more than two times of lectin compared to the stipe part, and lectins and its activity were reduced by heating. The extraction yield of crude lectin was 46.03%, 28% yield after purification on on DEAE Sephadex A-50 column chromatography. Some amino acids, aspartic acid, serine, alanine and histidine, were increased by purification process. Relatively low molecular weight parts of lectin had the agglutinating activity for rabbit blood, and its molecular weight was about 23 kDa The molecular weights of purified lectins, LA-a and LB-b, by the hydroxyapatite column chromatography were 24 kDa and 23 kDa, respectively.

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Quality Changes of Low Temperature Storage and Storage Period of New Cultivar Dewdrop Pine Mushroom (Lentinula edodes GNA01) and Button Mushroom (Agaricus bisporus Sing.) (신품종 이슬송이버섯(Lentinula edodes GNA01)과 양송이버섯(Agaricus bisporus Sing.)의 저온 저장과 저장기간에 따른 품질 변화)

  • Choi, Duck-Joo;Lee, Yun-Jung;Kim, Youn-Kyung;Kim, Mun-Ho;Choi, So-Rye;Youn, Aye-Ree
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.174-180
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate quality characteristics and antioxidant effects on storage by temperature between new cultivar Dewdrop Pine Mushroom (Lentinula edodes GNA01) and button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus). Methods: Dewdrop Pine Mushroom and button mushroom were prepared at low storage temperature. Results: Weight loss increased with time, whereas the new cultivar Dewdrop Pine Mushroom showed a decrease of less than 4% until 15days. Hardness of new cultivar Dewdrop Pine Mushroom was reduces less than button mushroom during storage. Color change of new cultivar Dewdrop Pine Mushroom was not altered during storage. For viable cell count, new cultivar Dewdrop Pine Mushroom proliferated less than button mushroom. For antioxidant activity, polyphenol content increased with storage period of both mushrooms. The electron-donating action of new cultivar Dewdrop Pine Mushroom maintained high antioxidant activity accounting for 80% until 12 days of storage. New cultivar Dewdrop Pine Mushroom was evaluated as better than pine mushroom as it exceeded the middle of storage in sensory characteristics; such as appearance, color, aroma and overall acceptability, etc. Conclusion: In summary, new cultivar Dewdrop Pine Mushroom was stored for 12 days while button mushroom was stored for 9 days.

Selection of domestic shiitake strains suitable for the cultivation in Jangheung region (국내 표고(Lentinula edodes) 주산지인 장흥지역에 적합한 국산 원목품종 선발)

  • Jeong, Sang-Wook;Jang, Eun-Kyoung;Jang, Hye-Mi;Ha, Neul-I;Choi, Sun-Gyu;Ban, Seung-Eon
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.347-352
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    • 2021
  • In this study, to select suitable shiitake strains in Jangheung region for domestic strains of Lentinula edodes for log cultivation, a total of five different Korean strains(Chunbaegko, Sanjo 303ho, Poongnyunko, Baekhwahyang, Soohyangko) and two Japanese strains (Mori 290, Moriyujiro) were selected and a cultivation test was conducted to select suitable strains. As a result of the yield, Sanjo 303ho produced 40.9 kg, which was superior to 39.2 kg for Mori 290 and 37.7 kg for Moriyujiro. As for the quality characteristics, it was confirmed that Baekhwahyang had a hemispherical shape, and high quality fruit bodies. In conclusion, Sanjo 303ho, which has excellent production, and Baekhwahyang, which is advantageous for producing high-quality shiitake, were selected in Jangheung region for domestic strains.