• Title/Summary/Keyword: laser drilling

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The Analysis of the Residual Stress and Bending Characteristics on the Heterogeneous Materials by Laser Welding (레이저 용접에 의한 이종재료의 잔류응력과 굽힘 특성 분석)

  • 오세헌;민택기
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.45-49
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    • 2004
  • Generally, it is used the compensation spring to compensate the inaccuracy of screen image induced by thermal deformation in CRT monitor. Its mechanism is hi-metallic system made of heterogeneous metals and these springs are bonded by laser welding. But laser welding induces a non-uniform temperature distribution, and residual stress is yielded locally by these temperature deviation. Therefore, this study measures the curvature constant to assess functions of the compensation spring of shadow mask with respect to increment temperature and estimates the effect of residual stress on the performance of tri-metal used to compensation spring.

The Digital Controlled Implementation of the Resonant DC-DC Converter with High Voltage, High Frequency For Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser (고전압과 고주파수형 공진형 DC-DC 콘버터를 이용한 펄스형 Nd:YAG 레이저의 디지틸제어 구현)

  • Kim, Whi-Young
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2001.09a
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    • pp.777-783
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    • 2001
  • This paper is mainly concerned with the state of the practical developments of a constants PWM bridge type resonants DC-DC suitable converter for Nd:YAG Laser with a Microprocessor. (PIC16C54 & 8051) The use of IGBT power supply with feedback control of flashLamp currents imparts a advantages to Nd:YAG Laser for materials processing. these include the alility to tailor the pulseshape and modify pulse parameters on a pulse- by pulse basis. And Correct choice of pulseshape can enhance the repeatability of the process. as higher power IGBT became available, act ive pulseforming power supplies will find greater user in deep hole drilling machine By Using certain control tecniques, utililized in designing Pic16c54 from Microchip technology and Intel 8051, also Mornitoring from Microsoft Visual Basic 5, And it allowed us to designed and fabricate ahigh repel it ion rate and high power(HRHP) pulsed Nd:YAG laser system, As a result of that, the current pulsewidth could be contort led 200s to 350s(step 50s) , and the pulse repetition rate could be adjusted 500pps to 1150pps. In addition, in the case of one laser head consisting of a Nd:YAG laser rod and two flashlamps , the maximum laser output of 240w was produced at the condition of 350s and 1150pps, and that of about 480w was generated at the same condition when two laser heads were arranged in cascade.

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Surface Transformation Hardening for Rod-shaped Carbon Steels by High Power Diode Laser (고출력 다이오드 레이저(HPDL)를 이용한 탄소강 환봉의 표면변태경화)

  • Kim, Jong-Do;Kil, Byung-Lea;Kang, Woon-Ju
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.31 no.8
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    • pp.961-969
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    • 2007
  • The laser material processing has replaced a conventional material processing such as a welding, cutting, drilling and surface modification and so on. LTH(Laser Transformation Hardening) is one branch of the laser surface modification process. A lot of energy is needed for the LTH process to elevate workpiece surface to temperature of the austenite transformation($A_3$), which results from utilizing a beam with a larger size and lower power intensity comparatively. The absorptivity of the laser energy with respect to material depends on the wave length of a beam. This study is related to the surface hardening for the rod-shaped carbon steel by the high power diode laser(HPDL) whose beam absorptivity is better than conventional types of lasers such as $CO_2$ or Nd:YAG laser. Because a beam proceeds on the rotating specimen the pretreated hardened-phase can be tempered and softened by the overlapping between hardened tracks. Accordingly, the longitudinal hardness measurement and observation of the micro structure was carried out for an assessment of the hardening characteristics. In addition, a hardening characteristics as a hardenability of materials was compared in the point of view of the hardness distribution and hardening depth and width.

High -Rate Laser Ablation For Through-Wafer Via Holes in SiC Substrates and GaN/AlN/SiC Templates

  • Kim, S.;Bang, B.S.;Ren, F.;d'Entremont, J.;Blumenfeld, W.;Cordock, T.;Pearton, S.J.
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.217-221
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    • 2004
  • [ $CO_2$ ]laser ablation rates for bulk 4H-SiC substrates and GaN/AIN/SiC templates in the range 229-870 ${\mu}m.min^{-1}$ were obtained for pulse energies of 7.5-30 mJ over diameters of 50·500 ${\mu}m$ with a Q-switched pulse width of ${\sim}30$ nsec and a pulse frequency of 8 Hz. The laser drilling produces much higher etch rates than conventional dry plasma etching (0.2 - 1.3 ${\mu}m/min$) making this an attractive maskless option for creating through-wafer via holes in SiC or GaN/AlN/SiC templates for power metal-semiconductor field effect transistor applications. The via entry can be tapered to facilitate subsequent metallization by control of the laser power and the total residual surface contamination can be minimized in a similar fashion and with a high gas throughput to avoid redeposition. The sidewall roughness is also comparable or better than conventional via holes created by plasma etching.

Study on Characteristics of Laser Surface Transformation Hardening for Rod-shaped Carbon Steel (I) - Characteristics of Surface Transformation Hardening by Laser Heat Source with Gaussian Intensify distribution - (탄소강 환봉의 레이저 표면변태경화 특성에 관한 연구 (I) - 가우시안 파워밀도 분포의 레이저 열원을 이용한 표면변태경화 특성 -)

  • Kim, Jong-Do;Kang, Woon-Ju
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.78-84
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    • 2007
  • Laser Material Processing has been replaced the conventional machining systems - cutting, drilling, welding and surface modification and so on. Especially, LTH(Laser Transformation Hardening) process is one branch of the laser surface modification process. Conventionally, some techniques like a gas carburizing and nitriding as well as induction and torch heating have been used to harden the carbon steels. But these methods not only request post-machining resulted from a deformation but also have complex processing procedures. Besides, LTH process has some merits as : 1. It is easy to control the case depth because of output(laser power) adjustability. 2. It is able to harden the localized and complicated a.ea and minimize a deformation due to a unique property of a localized heat source. 3. An additional cooling medium is not required due to self quenching. 4. A prominent hardening results can be obtained. This study is related to the surface hardening of the rod-shaped carbon steel applied to the lathe based complex processing mechanism, a basic behavior of surface hardening, hardness distribution and structural characteristics in the hardened zone.

Modern Laser Technology and Metallurgical Study on Laser Materials Processing

  • Kutsuna, Muneharu
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.561-569
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    • 2002
  • Laser has been called a "Quantum Machine" because of its mechanism of generation since the development on July 7,1960.by T.H.Maiman. We can now use this machine as a tool for manufacturing in industries. At present, 45kW CO2 laser, 10kW Nd:YAG laser, 6kW LD pumped YAG laser and 4kW direct diode laser facilities are available for welding a heavy steel plate of 40mm in thickness and for cutting metals at high speed of 140m/min. Laser Materials Processing is no longer a scientific curiosity but a modern tool in industries. Lasers in manufacturing sector are currently used in welding, cutting, drilling, cladding, marking, cleaning, micro-machining and forming. Recently, high power laser diode, 10kW LD pumped YAG laser, 700W fiber laser and excimer laser have been developed in the industrialized countries. As a result of large numbers of research and developments, the modem laser materials processing has been realized and used in all kinds of industries now. In the present paper, metallurgical studies on laser materials processing such as porosity formation, hot cracking and the joint performances of steels and aluminum alloys and dissimilar joint are discussed after the introduction of laser facilities and laser applications in industries such as automotive industry, electronics industry, and steel making industry. The wave towards the use of laser materials processing and its penetration into many industries has started in many countries now. Especially, development of high power/quality diode laser will be accelerate the introduction of this magnificent tool, because of the high efficiency of about 50%, long life time and compact.

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Computational Analysis of 355 nm UV Laser Single-Pulsed Machining of Copper Material Considering the Strain Rate Effect (변형률 속도 효과를 고려한 355 nm UV 레이저 구리재질의 싱글 펄스 전산해석)

  • Lee, Jung-Han;Oh, Jae Yong;Park, Sang Hu;Shin, Bo Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.56-61
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    • 2010
  • Recently, UV pulse laser is widely used in micro machining of the research, development and industry field of IT, NT and BT products because the laser short wavelength provides not only micro drilling, micro cutting and micro grooving which has a very fine line width, but also high absorption coefficient which allows a lot of type of materials to be machined more easily. To analyze the dynamic deformation during a very short processing time, which is nearly about several tens nanoseconds, the commercial Finite Element Analysis (FEA) code, LS-DYNA 3D, was employed for the computitional simulation of the UV laser micro machining behavior for thin copper material in this paper. A finite element model considering high strain rate effect is especially suggested to investigate the micro phenomena which are only dominated by mechanically pressure impact in disregard of thermally heat transfer. From these computational results, some of dynamic deformation behaviors such as dent deformation shapes, strains and stresses distributions were observed and compared with previous experimental works. These will help us to understand micro interaction between UV laser beam and material.

A study on ceramic and metal composite material joining for micro filter using thermal spray and laser welding (용사법과 레이저 용접을 이용한 복합소재 미세필터 연구)

  • Song, In-Gyu;Choi, Hae-Woon;Kim, Joo-Han;Yun, Bong-Han;Park, Jung-Eon
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 2010
  • Hybrid material(ceramic+metal) processes were developed for micro filter using ceramics coating at metal filter surface by thermal spray method, micro hole drilling at ceramic coated filter surface by femtosecond laser, and fiber laser direct welding of ceramic and metal (SUS304, SM45C) by capillary effect. Thermal spray process was used for ceramic powders and metal filters. The used ceramic powders were $Al_2O_3+40TiO_2$(Metco 131VF) powder of maximum particle size $5{\mu}m$ and ${Al_2O_3}99+$(Metco 54NS) power of maximum particle size 45m. Ceramic coated filters using thermal spray method had a great influence on powder material, particle size and coating thickness but had a fine performance as a micro filter. CW fiber laser was used to drill the top ceramic layer and melt the bottom metal layer for joining applications.

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Development of Step Drill Geometry for Burr Minimization (버형성 최소화를 위한 스텝드릴 개발)

  • 장재은;고성림
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.183-191
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    • 2002
  • Drilling tests were carried out using drills with various drill shapes for burr minimization. Final objective of this study is to develop compatible drill shape for minimization of burr formation. For experiments, general carbide drills, round drills, chamfered drills and step drills are designed and manufactured. Burrs are formed by various cutting conditions and in 4 different work materials. Laser sensor is used to measure burr geometries. Cutting forces in drilling are also measured and compared in every drill. As a result of the experiments, step drills with specific step angle and step diameter are suggested for burr minimization.


  • Takagi, Kiyoshi
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 1999
  • The integration of the LSI has been greatly improved and the circuit patters on the LSI are becoming finer line and pitch. The high-density electronic packaging technology is improved. In order to realize the high-density packaging technology, the density of the circuit wiring of the printed circuit boards have also been more dense. The build-up process multilayer printed circuit board technology have a lot of vias, possibilities of the finer conductor wirings and have a freedom of capabilities of wiring design. The build-up process printed circuit boards have the wiring rules which are the pattern width: $100-20\mu\textrm{m}$, the via hole diameter: $100-50\mu\textrm{m}$. There three kinds of build-up processes as far materials and hole drilling. In this paper, the recent technology trends of the build-up printed circuit board technologies are described.

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