• Title/Summary/Keyword: landscape evaluation map

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Locational Decision of the Viewpoint Using GIS and Space Syntax (공간구문론과 GIS를 이용한 조망점 위치결정)

  • Choi, Chul-Hyun;Jung, Sung-Kwan;Lee, Woo-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2011
  • A selection of viewpoint is a first priority for landscape evaluation. However, it has been artificially carried out by a subjective method without of criterion. Therefore, this study proposed the objective and quantitative viewpoint selection methods using space syntax and GIS. For this, the study area on samduk3 residential improvement district located at Daegu city was divided into 24 sectors of visibility zone by distance and direction. After that, the preliminary viewpoints equally distributed in space were selected by axial map analysis of space syntax and viewshed-frequency analysis of GIS. According to the result of selection of the final viewpoints using the VEI(Viewpoint Evaluation Index), all the final viewpoints were placed in the National Debt Repayment Movement; VEI value of VP-2 was 112.63 in the foreground, VP-10 was 18.31 in the middleground and VP-18 was 5.55 in the background. Selected viewpoints were verified as a big changing of landscape variation and high chance of view such as the public area, the park and the high-density residential area. Thus, VEI will be used as a quantitative method of selecting viewpoints and it is expected to be able to use as the objective indicator.

Development of Forests Ecosystem Assessment Technique of Environmental Impact Assessment(I) : In the Case of the Sanchong Pumping-up Power Plant of Mt. Chiri (환경영향평가중 삼림생태계 평가기법 개발 (I) : 지리산 산청 양수발전소 건설예정지를 중심으로)

  • Choi, Song-Hyun;Lee, Kyong-Jae
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.71-91
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    • 1995
  • In order to develop an appropriate set of criteria applicable for environmental impact assessment (EIA) of natural forest 8 items are proposed. The criteria are vegetation distribution area (DA), distribution pattern (DP), size (S), diameter of breast height of tree (DBH), humus (H), sustainment (ST), successional stage (SS) and impact of adjacent ecosystem (IAE), Each criterion has an interval which minimum 1 score to maximum 5 score Forest Evaluation Index (FEI) was obtained as the sum of 8 criteria value. Above 70% is considered to be absolutely conservative and from 50% to 70% range of total score is to be considered conservative. In the case of the Sancho˘ng Pumping-up Power Plant of Mt. Chiri, 8 criteria were applied base on actual vegetation map. Pinus densiflora community got 73%(29 scores) and Quercus variabilis - Q. serrata community got 60%(24 scores). This may be said that this local vegetation has high ecological potentiality. These criteria cannot always be absolutely evaluation tool. So it is expected to take the more time to be developed further, and holistically added by the other field such as fauna, geological feature etc.

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Prior Eco-preserve Zoning through Stream Ecosystem Evaluation on Dam Basin -A Case of Yongdam-dam Watershed, Jeollabukdo Province- (댐유역 하천생태계평가를 통한 생태보전우선지역설정 -용담다목적댐 유역을 사례로-)

  • Lim, Hyun-Jeong;Lee, Myung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to specify the prior eco-preserve zone by establishing the eco-landscape unit on the stream corridor and evaluating the stream ecosystem in the dam basin. The fundamental ecological data was surveyed and collected through "the ecosystem project on Yongdam multipurpose dam watershed" from 2008 to 2009. The Yongdam Dam Watershed has several streams, Jujacheon, Jeongjacheon and Guryangcheon, of which the area is $930km^2$, stretching to Jinangun, Jangsugun and Mujugun Jellabukdo. In spite of being used for drinking purpose, the dam water quality and ecosystem is threatened by in-watershed pollution produced by development, golf course grounds and sports complex, etc. The landscape unit of stream corridor was zoned across by 250m, 500m, and 750m from the vicinity line of stream, which was decided to the accuracy of mapping and surveying. Types of evaluation are the Stream Corridor Evaluation(SCE) and the Vegetated Area Evaluation(VAE). In the process of SCE, several indices were analysed, fish species diversity, species peculiarity, and stream naturality. Indices for VAE were forest stand map, vegetation protection grade, species diversity and peculiarity for wild bird and mammal life. The importance of the ecological items is categorized into three levels and overlapped for specifying the prior preserve zone. The area at which legally protecting species appeared is categorized as absolute preserve area. This study might be meaningful for proposing the evaluation process of a stream corridor ecosystem, which can synthesize a lot of individual ecological surveys. We hope further research will be actively performed about the ecotope mapping which is based on a individual wildlife territory and habitats and also their relationships.

A Study on Landscape Management Techniques of Cultural Heritage Designated Area Using 3D Mapping Method (3D맵핑을 이용한 문화재 지정구역 경관관리기법 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Ung;Lee, Won-Ho;Shin, Hyun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to propose the construction of a visibility analysis model, which is the basis of the analysis for landscape management on the heritage sites such as historic villages and scenic sites. Results of the visibility analysis using DEM and the visibility analysis of DSM based on 3D mapping data are compared as follows: Precision level of the extracted data was confirmed to be less than 6.5cm, based on RTK survey results produced by constructing orthoimage data and DSM from the digital data of 2cm-class GSD(Ground Sample Distance) obtained by using a small UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). As a result of comparing the visibility analysis data of Digital Surface Model (DSM) using a small UAV with Digital Elevation Model(DEM) applying the height of the building to the Digital Topographic Map, it was confirmed that more realistic visibility analysis can be accomplished by applying DSM, as the structures such as fences, trees, and houses are reflected in the topographic data. The visibility analysis model using the 3D mapping technique can efficiently obtain the constantly changing topographic information when needed, by immediately constructing the data by utilizing a small UAV. It seems to be possible to propose a reasonable analysis result for preservation management such as landscape evaluation of cultural property.

A Study on the Geostatistical Evaluation of Urban and Environmental Structure of Taegu Metropolitan Region (대구광역도시권의 지리통계적 도시환경구조 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Park, In-Hwan;Jang, Gab-Sue
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to evaluate urban environmental structure in Taegu metropolitan region(TMR) with factor analysis, fuzzy set theory, geostatistic and geographic information system(GIS). The factor analysis could choose the representative one out of multiple variables and simplify the evaluation of the urban environmental structure. The fuzzy approach is an attempt to model an aspect of human thinking previously neglected; it starts from the premise that humans don't represent classes of objects as fully disjoint but rather as sets where transitions from membership to non-membership is gradual. The Geographic Information System(GIS) could connect attributes of factor scores derived from factor analysis to digital map by a method so called 'Spatial join'. The results obtained were as follows: Urbanization appearance was concentrated in the large cities, and this appearance was partial extremely, therefore, there has been a structural gap between urban area and agricultural area which was unified into the urban area. All inclinations didn't become worse after sudden urbanization. For example, suburban agriculture was developed as a large scale in the region near the large cities. Then it encouraged farmers in changing their old cultivating methods to the latest ones. But many districts in urban fringe had symptom of urbanization, the districts which were located between large cities have been developed gradually because of urban sprawl, and played a role in connecting each city. Therefore, due to the urbanization, forestry area and agricultural land, well conserved in the agricultural town, could be easily destroyed. In a different way with the urbanization of the Seoul metropolitan region, that of TMR was centralized upon the center of each city, and it was also very partial. But, because so many regions have the potentiality of urbanization, hereafter, the urbanization process in each region is likely to be different multifariously according to the urban management methods.

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Fertility Evaluation of Tobacco Field by Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Soils (토양의 정량적 및 정성적 특성을 이용한 연초 경작지의 비옥도 평가)

  • 홍순달;김기인;이윤환;정훈채;김용연
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.123-132
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    • 2000
  • Evaluation method of soil fertility by combination of soil color characteristics and survey data from soil map as well as chemical properties was investigated on total 35 field and pot experiments. Total 35 tobacco fields including 11 fields located at Cheonweon county in Chungnam Province, 9 fields located at Goesan county in Chungbuk Province, and 15 fields located at Youngcheon county in Kyongbuk Province were selected in 1984 to cover the wide range of distribution in landscape and soil attributes. Yields of tobacco grown on the plots of both the pot and field experiment which were not applied with any fertilizer were considered as basic fertility of the soil (BFS). The BFS was estimated by 32 independent variables including 15 chemical properties, 3 color characteristics, and 14 soil survey data from soil map. Twenty-four independent variables containing 16 quantitative variables selected from 24 quantitative variables by collinearity diagnostics and 8 qualitative variables, were classified and analyzed by multiple linear regression (MLR) of REG and GLM models of SAS. Tobacco yield of field experiment showed high variations by eight times in difference between minimum and maximum yield indicating the diverse soil fertility among the experimental fields. Evaluation for the BFS by the MLR including quantitative variables was still more confidential than that by a single index and that showed more improvement of coefficient of determination ($R^2$) in pot experiment than in field experiment. Evaluation for the BFS by MLR in field experiment was still improved by adding qualitative variables as well as quantitative variables. The variability in the BFS of field experiment was explained 43.2% by quantitative variables and 67.95% by adding both the quantitative and qualitative variables compared with 21.7% by simple regression with NO$_3$-N content in soil. The regression evaluation for the best evaluation of the BFS of field experiment by MLR included NO$_3$-N content, L value, and a value of soil color as quantitative variables and available soil depth and topography as qualitative variables. Consequently, it is assumed that this approach by the MLR including both the quantitative and qualitative variables was available as an evaluation model of soil fertility for tobacco field.

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Mapping of Inundation Vulnerability Using Geomorphic Characteristics of Flood-damaged Farmlands - A Case Study of Jinju City - (침수피해 정보를 이용한 농경지의 지형학적 침수취약지도 작성 - 진주시를 사례로 -)

  • Kim, Soo-Jin;Suh, Kyo;Kim, Sang-Min;Lee, Kyung-Do;Jang, Min-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study was to make a map of farmland vulnerability to flood inundation based on morphologic characteristics from the flood-damaged areas. Vulnerability mapping based on the records of flood damages has been conducted in four successive steps; data preparation and preprocessing, identification of morphologic criteria, calculation of inundation vulnerability index using a fuzzy membership function, and evaluation of inundation vulnerability. At the first step, three primary digital data at 30-m resolution were produced as follows: digital elevation model, hill slopes map, and distance from water body map. Secondly zonal statistics were conducted from such three raster data to identify geomorphic features in common. Thirdly inundation vulnerability index was defined as the value of 0 to 1 by applying a fuzzy linear membership function to the accumulation of raster data reclassified as 1 for cells satisfying each geomorphic condition. Lastly inundation vulnerability was suggested to be divided into five stages by 0.25 interval i.e. extremely vulnerable, highly vulnerable, normally vulnerable, less vulnerable, and resilient. For a case study of the Jinju, farmlands of $138.6km^2$, about 18% of the whole area of Jinju, were classified as vulnerable to inundation, and about $6.6km^2$ of farmlands with elevation of below 19 m at sea water level, slope of below 3.5 degrees, and within 115 m distance from water body were exposed to extremely vulnerable to inundation. Comparatively Geumsan-myeon and Sabong-myeon were revealed as the most vulnerable to farmland inundation in the Jinju.

Evaluation of the environmental and ecological value indicators for railway development area selection (철도개발지 선정을 위한 환경·생태적 가치 지표 평가)

  • Kim, Min-kyeong;Kim, Dong Yeob
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2017
  • Recently mountain tourism has been promoted and introduction of railroads with utilizing mountain resources is being planned. With the government policies to increase the share of eco-friendly transportation on railroad, national double-tracking of single rail and improvement projects are on going. However, the eco-friendly railroad policy suggests the environmental impact assessment items only on air quality, water quality, geographical/geological features, fauna/flora, natural/environmental resources, noise/ vibration, and recreation/landscape. And for fauna/flora and natural/environmental resources, confirming the presence of environmental protection zone is enough to satisfy legal requirement. This study suggested to evaluate environmental/ecological values with quantitative data. Evaluation indices and evaluation items have been selected to provide the data. Each of the subject map and railroad network was overlapped. The study selected naturalness and diversity as major indicators and calculated weight values of the items under the indicators, which are to be usd for the selection of the sites for railway development. This assessment method could be applied to the environmentally friendly construction of railroads in the future.

Sensitivity Analysis for Railway Development Areas Using Land Cover Map (토지피복지도를 활용한 철도개발지의 민감도 분석)

  • Kim, Min-Kyeong;Kim, Dong-Yoeb
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 2017
  • Recently, the 'Ecological Network Restoration Project at Chupungnyeong' has been placed; this project is located at the center of the Baekdu mountain spine, the core of the ecological network of the Korean Peninsula. In the process of industrialization since the early 1900s, this area has been under railroad and road construction; as such, wildlife movements have been interrupted and many cases of road-kill have been found. The investment in railroads has increased because railroads are an environmentally sound means of transportation. Single track railways have been converted to double track electric railways and track reforming projects are underway in order to speed up the current railway system. This study suggests to take land use as a standard for assessing the ecological weaknesses of the domestic geo-spaces that are to be affected by rapid extension of railway lines. The land cover map issued by the Ministry of Environment was overlapped with the Korean Railway Line Map for analysis. The results showed that five items were high in sensitivity: paddy fields, fields, deciduous forests, bare land, and inland waters. It seems to be necessary to set weights for highly sensitive land use types; also, specific evaluation criteria need to be reestablished.

Land Cover Mapping and Availability Evaluation Based on Drone Images with Multi-Spectral Camera (다중분광 카메라 탑재 드론 영상 기반 토지피복도 제작 및 활용성 평가)

  • Xu, Chun Xu;Lim, Jae Hyoung;Jin, Xin Mei;Yun, Hee Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.589-599
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    • 2018
  • The land cover map has been produced by using satellite and aerial images. However, these two images have the limitations in spatial resolution, and it is difficult to acquire images of a area at desired time because of the influence of clouds. In addition, it is costly and time-consuming that mapping land cover map of a small area used by satellite and aerial images. This study used multispectral camera-based drone to acquire multi-temporal images for orthoimages generation. The efficiency of produced land cover map was evaluated using time series analysis. The results indicated that the proposed method can generated RGB orthoimage and multispectral orthoimage with RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) of ${\pm}10mm$, ${\pm}11mm$, ${\pm}26mm$ and ${\pm}28mm$, ${\pm}27mm$, ${\pm}47mm$ on X, Y, H respectively. The accuracy of the pixel-based and object-based land cover map was analyzed and the results showed that the accuracy and Kappa coefficient of object-based classification were higher than that of pixel-based classification, which were 93.75%, 92.42% on July, 92.50%, 91.20% on October, 92.92%, 91.77% on February, respectively. Moreover, the proposed method can accurately capture the quantitative area change of the object. In summary, the suggest study demonstrated the possibility and efficiency of using multispectral camera-based drone in production of land cover map.