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Analysis on the Current Status of Impervious Ratio in Land-use Zone Using Pervious/Impervious Map based on GIS - Focused on Bupyeong-gu Incheon - (GIS기반의 투수/불투수도를 이용한 용도지역별 불투수율 현황분석 - 인천시 부평구를 대상으로 -)

  • Oh, Seong Kwang;Kim, Kye Hyun;Lee, Chol Young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.191-191
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    • 2015
  • 무분별한 도시화 및 산업화로 인해 불투수면이 증가하고 있다. 불투수면은 빗물이 투과하지 못하는 지면을 의미한다. 이러한 불투수면은 강우 시 지면에 있는 유해물질이 그대로 인근 수계로 유입되게 함으로써 심각한 수질 오염을 야기한다. 이와 관련하여 환경부에서는 불투수율 관리를 위하여 2013년에 전국토를 대상으로 불투수율을 산정한바 있으나, 소축척 수준의 시 또는 유역 단위 통계만을 산출하였고 대축척 수준의 소규모 개인 필지 내 조경지역 등을 반영한 불투수율 통계는 현재까지 부재하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 인천시 부평구를 대상으로 소규모 필지까지 적용 가능한 고해상도 투수/불투수도를 제작 및 활용하여 용도지역별 불투수율 현황을 분석하였다. 불투수면의 공간적 분포 확인을 위해 토지피복지도, 수치지형도, 항공사진(25cm급) 등을 활용하여 고해상도 투수/불투수도를 제작하였다. 투수/불투수도는 세분류 토지피복지도 제작 지침인 선형 요소의 경우 폭 3m, 면형 요소의 경우 면적 10m×10m(100m2)를 참조하여 제작되어 개별 필지단위의 불투수면까지 확인 가능하다. 이후 용도지역도를 수집하여 GIS 환경에서 투수/불투수도와 중첩하여 용도지역별 불투수율을 산출하였다. 불투수율을 산정한 결과 부평구 전체 불투수율은 64%로 확인되었다. 또한 용도지역도 중분류상 주거지역의 경우 불투수율이 82.1%, 상업지역의 경우 91.7%, 공업지역의 경우 94.1%, 녹지지역의 경우 30%로 확인되었다. 상업지역 및 공업지역의 경우 불투수율이 90%이상으로 불투수면 관리가 시급하다고 판단되었다. 본 연구 결과는 기존 환경부에서 제작한 투수/불투수도 보다 정확한 불투수면의 공간적 분포 확인 및 불투수 면적 산출이 가능하여 불투수면 우선관리지역 선정을 위한 기초자료로 활용 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 향후 연구에서는 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 불투수율이 높은 지역을 우선 선별하여 저영향개발(LID, Low Impact Development) 및 그린빗물인프라(GSI, Green Stormwater Infrastructure)의 활용 방안에 관한 연구가 이루어져야한다. 특히, 불투수율이 높은 상업지역 및 공업지역에 대해서는 연구 결과의 적극적인 활용을 통한 개선이 요구된다.

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Assessment of Rainfall Runoff and Flood Inundation in the Mekong River Basin by Using RRI Model

  • Try, Sophal;Lee, Giha;Yu, Wansik;Oeurng, Chantha
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.191-191
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    • 2017
  • Floods have become more widespread and frequent among natural disasters and consisted significant losses of lives and properties worldwide. Flood's impacts are threatening socio-economic and people's lives in the Mekong River Basin every year. The objective of this study is to identify the flood hazard areas and inundation depth in the Mekong River Basin. A rainfall-runoff and flood inundation model is necessary to enhance understanding of characteristic of flooding. Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation (RRI) model, a two-dimensional model capable of simulating rainfall-runoff and flood inundation simultaneously, was applied in this study. HydoSHEDS Topographical data, APPRODITE precipitation, MODIS land use, and river cross section were used as input data for the simulation. The Shuffled Complex Evolution (SCE-UA) global optimization method was integrated with RRI model to calibrate the sensitive parameters. In the present study, we selected flood event in 2000 which was considered as 50-year return period flood in term of discharge volume of 500 km3. The simulated results were compared with observed discharge at the stations along the mainstream and inundation map produced by Dartmouth Flood Observatory and Landsat 7. The results indicated good agreement between observed and simulated discharge with NSE = 0.86 at Stung Treng Station. The model predicted inundation extent with success rate SR = 67.50% and modified success rate MSR = 74.53%. In conclusion, the RRI model was successfully used to simulate rainfall runoff and inundation processes in the large scale Mekong River Basin with a good performance. It is recommended to improve the quality of the input data in order to increase the accuracy of the simulation result.

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Estimation of the Hapcheon Dam Inflow Using HSPF Model (HSPF 모형을 이용한 합천댐 유입량 추정)

  • Cho, Hyun Kyung;Kim, Sang Min
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.61 no.5
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this study was to calibrate and validate the HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran) model for estimating the runoff of the Hapcheon dam watershed. Spatial data, such as watershed, stream, land use, and a digital elevation map, were used as input data for the HSPF model. Observed runoff data from 2000 to 2016 in study watershed were used for calibration and validation. Hydrologic parameters for runoff calibration were selected based on the user's manual and references, and trial and error method was used for parameter calibration. The R2, RMSE (root-mean-square error), RMAE (relative mean absolute error), and NSE (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient) were used to evaluate the model's performance. Calibration and validation results showed that annual mean runoff was within ±4 error. The model performance criteria for calibration and validation showed that R2 was in the rang of 0.78 to 0.83, RMSE was 2.55 to 2.76 mm/day, RMAE was 0.46 to 0.48 mm/day, and NSE was 0.81 to 0.82 for daily runoff. The amount of inflow to Hapcheon Dam was calculated from the calibrated HSPF model and the result was compared with observed inflow, which was -0.9% error. As a result of analyzing the relation between inflow and storage capacity, it was found that as the inflow increases, the storage increases, and when the inflow decreases, the storage also decreases. As a result of correlation between inflow and storage, R2 of the measured inflow and storage was 0.67, and the simulated inflow and storage was 0.61.

Multi-objective Optimization of BMPs for Controlling Water Quality in Upper Basin of Namgang Dam (남강댐 상류유역 수질관리를 위한 BMPs의 다목적 최적화)

  • Park, Yoonkyung;Lee, Jae Kwan;Kim, Jeongsook;Kim, Sangdan
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.591-601
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    • 2018
  • Optimized BMP plans for controlling water quality using the Pareto trade-off surface curve in upper basin of Namgang Dam is proposed. The proposed alternatives consist of BMP installation scenarios in which the reduction efficiency of non-point pollutants is maximized in a given budget. The multi-objective optimization process for determining the optimal alternatives was performed without direct implementation of a watershed model such as SWAT analysis, thereby reducing the time taken. The shortening of the calculation time further enhances the applicability of the multi-objective optimization technique in preparing regional water quality management alternatives. In this study, different types of BMP are applied depending on the land use conditions. Fertilizer input control and vegetative filter strip are considered as alternatives to applying BMP to the field but only control of fertilizer input can be applied to rice paddies. Fertilizer input control and vegetative filter strip can be installed separately or simultaneously in a hydrologic response unit. Finally, 175 BMP application alternatives were developed for the water quality management of the upper river basin of Namgang dam. The proposed application alternative can be displayed on the map, which has the advantage of clearly defining the BMP installation location.

Particulate Matter Rating Map based on Machine Learning with Adaboost Algorithm (기계학습 Adaboost에 기초한 미세먼지 등급 지도)

  • Jeong, Jong-Chul
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2021
  • Fine dust is a substance that greatly affects human health, and various studies have been conducted in this regard. Due to the human influence of particulate matter, various studies are being conducted to predict particulate matter grade using past data measured in the monitoring network of Seoul city. In this paper, predictive model have focused on particulate matter concentration in May, 2019, Seoul. The air pollutant variables were used to training such as SO2, CO, NO2, O3. The predictive model based on Adaboost, and training model was dividing PM10 and PM2.5. As a result of the prediction performance comparison through confusion matrix, the Adaboost model was more conformable for predicting the particulate matter concentration grade. Although air pollutant variables have a higher correlation with PM2.5, training model need to train a lot of data and to use additional variables such as traffic volume to predict more effective PM10 and PM2.5 distribution grade.

A Study on the Changes in the Physical Environment of Resources in Rural Areas Using UAV -Focusing on Resources in Galsan-Myeon, Hongseong-gun- (무인항공기를 활용한 농촌 지역자원의 물리적 환경변화 분석연구 - 홍성군 갈산면 지역자원을 중심으로 -)

  • An, Phil-Gyun;Kim, Sang-Bum;Cho, Suk-Yeong;Eom, Seong-Jun;Kim, Young-Gyun;Cho, Han-Sol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is increasing in the field of land information acquisition and terrain exploration through high-altitude aerial photography. High-altitude aerial photography is suitable for large-scale geographic information collection, but has the disadvantage that it is difficult to accurately collect small-scale geographic information. Therefore, this study used low-altitude UAV to monitor changes in small rural spaces around rural resources, and the results are as follows. First, the low-altitude aerial imagery had a very high spatial resolution, so it was effective in reading and analyzing topographic features. Second, an area with a large number of aerial images and a complex topography had a large amount of point clouds to be extracted, and the number of point clouds affects the three-dimensional quality of rural space. Third, 3D mapping technology using point cloud is effective for monitoring rural space and rural resources because it enables observation and comparison of parts that cannot be read from general aerial images. In this study, the possibility of rural space analysis of low-altitude UAV was verified through aerial photography and analysis, and the effect of 3D mapping on rural space monitoring was visually analyzed. If data acquired by low-altitude UAV are used in various forms such as GIS analysis and topographic map production it is expected to be used as basic data for rural planning to maintain and preserve the rural environment.

A Study on the Change of Living Service and Spatial Structure according to the Change of Accessibility in Vulnerable Areas in Rural Areas - Focusing on Sayang Village, Goheung-gun - (농어촌 취약지역 접근성 변화에 따른 생활서비스와 공간구조 변화에 관한 연구 - 고흥군 사양도 사양마을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Yong-Gyun;Kim, Sang-Bum;Kim, So-Ra
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2023
  • This study investigated changes in the spatial structure of rural villages in Sayang Village, where accessibility restrictions to island areas were improved, and analyzed the spatial composition of houses according to changes in the living environment. First, despite the island's vulnerable transportation requirements being resolved by the completion of the land and bridge in 2018, the local economy continues to stagnate due to a vicious cycle of local living services and job losses. Second, when a survey of residents' changed living services was conducted through the continuation of the specification map, the scope of living areas was expanded by analyzing the frequency and place of visit of fresh food purchases, use of convenience facilities, and medical visits. Third, it is judged that the naturally formed village is composed of small roads to the inside of the village due to the disorganized street system and the form of walking instead of vehicles. Finally, as a result of analyzing the residential space of houses in fishing villages, the aging rate of houses over 30 years old was 62 (91.2%), and the average area of the first house space built was 65.2m2 to 14.1m2, an increase of 17.8% of the total area.

Plant Hardiness Zone Mapping Based on a Combined Risk Analysis Using Dormancy Depth Index and Low Temperature Extremes - A Case Study with "Campbell Early" Grapevine - (최저기온과 휴면심도 기반의 동해위험도를 활용한 'Campbell Early' 포도의 내동성 지도 제작)

  • Chung, U-Ran;Kim, Soo-Ock;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2008
  • This study was conducted to delineate temporal and spatial patterns of potential risk of cold injury by combining the short-term cold hardiness of Campbell Early grapevine and the IPCC projected climate winter season minimum temperature at a landscape scale. Gridded data sets of daily maximum and minimum temperature with a 270m cell spacing ("High Definition Digital Temperature Map", HD-DTM) were prepared for the current climatological normal year (1971-2000) based on observations at the 56 Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) stations using a geospatial interpolation scheme for correcting land surface effects (e.g., land use, topography, and elevation). The same procedure was applied to the official temperature projection dataset covering South Korea (under the auspices of the IPCC-SRES A2 and A1B scenarios) for 2071-2100. The dormancy depth model was run with the gridded datasets to estimate the geographical pattern of any changes in the short-term cold hardiness of Campbell Early across South Korea for the current and future normal years (1971-2000 and 2071-2100). We combined this result with the projected mean annual minimum temperature for each period to obtain the potential risk of cold injury. Results showed that both the land areas with the normal cold-hardiness (-150 and below for dormancy depth) and those with the sub-threshold temperature for freezing damage (15C and below) will decrease in 2071-2100, reducing the freezing risk. Although more land area will encounter less risk in the future, the land area with higher risk (>70%) will expand from 14% at the current normal year to 23 (A1B) 5 (A2) in the future. Our method can be applied to other deciduous fruit trees for delineating geographical shift of cold-hardiness zone under the projected climate change in the future, thereby providing valuable information for adaptation strategy in fruit industry.

A Hybrid Dasymetric Mapping for Population Density Surface using Remote Sensing Data (원격탐사자료를 바탕으로 인구밀도 분포 작성을 위한 하이브리드 대시메트릭 지도법)

  • Kim, Hwa-Hwan;Choi, Jin-Mu
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2011
  • Choropleth mapping of population distribution is based on the assumption that people are uniformly distributed throughout each enumeration unit. Dasymetric mapping technique improves choropleth mapping by refining spatially aggregated data with residential information. Further, pycnophylactic interpolation can upgrade dasymetric mapping by considering population distribution of neighboring areas, while preserving the volumes of original units. This study proposed a combined solution of dasymetric mapping and pycnophylactic interpolation to improve the accuracy of population density distribution. Specifically, the dasymetric method accounts for the spatial distribution of population within each census unit, while pycnophylactic interpolation considers population distribution of neighboring area. This technique is demonstrated with 1990 census data of the Athens, GA. with land use land cover information derived from remotely-sensed imagery for the areal extent of populated areas. The results are evaluated by comparison between original population counts of smaller census units (census block groups) and population counts of the grid map built from larger units (census tracts) aggregated to the same areal units. The estimated populations indicate a satisfactory level of accuracy. Population distribution acquired by the suggested method can be re-aggregated to any type of geographic boundaries such as electoral boundaries, school districts, and even watershed for a variety of applications.

Relationship between fish assemblages community and Streamline complexity (어류군집 특성과 하안형태복잡도와의 관계)

  • Kim, Jin-Ah;Lee, Sang-Woo;Hwang, Gil-Son;Kim, Chulgoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2012
  • Numerous studies suggested that fish assemblage structure reflects the status of stream ecosystems. The status of streams integrity, including various trophic levels, water quality and habitat degradation, can be assessed by fish assemblages. In this study, we investigated the relationships between fish assemblages and streamline geometry of streams. Previous studies suggested that geomorphologic parameter can be a critical factor of permeability between adjacent two systems. From a landscape ecological perspective, edges may partially control the flow rate of energy between two adjacent systems. Thus, the Streamline geometry can be a geomorphologic parameter that exhibits the integrity of stream. We selected the Nakdong river for study areas, which is one of major rivers and the longest (525 km) River in South Korea. We used the revised IBI representing overall ecological characteristics of Korean fish assemblages and eight sub-assessment criteria of IBI, collected from 82 sampling sites in the Nakdong River. For calculating the Streamline geometry, we measured fractal dimension index that generally used in biology, ecology and landscape ecology. We used the digital land-use/land-cover map and generated a 1-km buffer for each sampling site and refined the shape of the Streamlines. Pearson correlation analyses were performed between Streamline geometry and IBI and sub-assessment criteria of IBI. The results show that IBI and eight sub-assessments of fish are significantly correlated with geometry of Streamline. The fractal dimension of Streamline geometry were related with IBI (r = 0.48) and six sub-assessments of IBI, including total number of native fish and native species, the number of riffle benthic species, sensitive species, tolerant species and native insectivore. Especially, the number of tolerant species(r = -0.52) and native insectivore(r = 0.52) show strong correlation with geometry of Streamline. These results indicate that lower Streamline geometry can result in poor fish assemblages, while higher geometry of Streamline can enhance fish assemblages by potentially supplying insects and better habitat conditions. We expect the results of our study to be useful for stream restoration and management. However, we see the necessity of study investigating the mechanisms how Streamline geometry affect fish assemblages.