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Development of Scanner Test and Vectorizing Programs for Digitization of Cadastral Maps (지적도면 전산화를 위한 스캐너 검사 및 벡터화 프로그램 개발)

  • Jeong, Dong-Heon;Jeong, Jae-Jun;Shin, Sang-Hee;Kim, Byung-Guk;Kim, Young-Il
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 1999
  • Much efforts are being process at many ways for digitization cadastral maps that will be the base map of Parceled Based Land Information Systems. But, current digitizing systems need too much time and cost digitizing about 720,000 cadastral maps. That's way we develop new digitization system for cadastral maps by using scanning and vectorizing methods. In this paper, we treat scanner test and vectorizing program that are the most important parts of new digitization system for cadastral maps. we analyze needs of Korean Cadastral Survey Corporation, and discuss algorithms and functions of developed programs. Using newly developed scanner test program, user could test various scanners, and use inexpensive scanner if it satisfy the accuracy needed. And vectorizing program will reduce much time and cost, because it is designed and customized practically to he adequate to cadastral maps and to improve work speed, accuracy and usage.

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Analysis of the Watershed Information and Pollutants Load using GIS in Mankyung and Dongjin Rivers (지리정보체계를 이용한 만경강.동진강의 유역정보 및 오염부하량 분석)

  • Ko, Jae-Won;Jeong, Shin-Taek;Kim, Chul;Cho, Hong-Yeon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.237-244
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    • 2001
  • The watershed information of the Mankyung River and Dongjin River is obtained and analysed using the GIS tool. The informations i.e., digital map, land use, point sources, weather station, water quality measurement station, and pollutants load unit are managed by DB system. The slope, rainfall, and generated pollutants loads of COD, TN and TP which are the input data of the rainfall-runoff-pollutants load model are estimated. From the analysis of the collected and generated data, the almost watershed area is composed of agricultural lands except the upstream regions. The population and industrial area are densely located in Cheonju City and Iksan City, whereas the farming areas are widely distributed.

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Analysis of Factors Affecting Rail Transit Ridership at Urban Rail Stations (도시철도역별 이용수요의 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chan Hwi;Yun, Dae Sic
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.139-151
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    • 2014
  • This paper analyzes factors affecting rail transit ridership at urban rail stations of the Daegu Metropolitan City in 2011. Rail transit ridership is analyzed by dividing weekdays and weekends in order that their differences may be observed. The data used in this study includes various explanatory variables, such as floor area which was collected from building ledger and GIS cadastral map, number of bus routes(line) possible to transfer from urban rail transit, number of students enrolled in middle and high schools, and universities located in access areas of rail transit. For this study, multiple regression models are estimated including various explanatory variables affecting rail transit ridership of weekdays and weekends. From the study, the number of statistically significant explanatory variables and the relative effect of each variable are shown to be different between weekdays and weekends.

A study on Watershed Model for Predicting the Runoff Characteristics of Urban Area (도시 지역의 유출량 변화 예측을 위한 유역 모델 연구)

  • Lee, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.1089-1094
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    • 2009
  • The SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) was applied to Princeton University campus, USA to predict the change of the runoff characteristics. Topography and infra structure of urban area are used in detail and watershed is made as form of regular square to improve the efficiency of data. Princeton campus was divided into 131 sub-basins and model input parameters were obtained from DEM (Digital Elevation Model), land use type, and campus management map, etc.. The model was validated based on the measured meteorological data. The validated model was used to analyze the change of the runoff characteristics according to urbanization, which are two different scenarios: 50% and 100% increase of impervious area. The increase of impervious area causes the increase of runoff, especially in the first-flush.

Near Real Time Flood Area Analysis Based on SAR Image and GIS (GIS와 SAR 영상을 연계한 근 실시간 홍수지역 분석)

  • Sohn, Hong-Gyoo;Song, Yeong-Sun;Kim, Gi-Hong;Yun, Kong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.4 no.4 s.15
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2004
  • Accurate classification of water area is a preliminary step to analyze the flooded area and damages caused by flood. This is essential process for monitoring the region where annually repeating flood is a problem. The accurate estimation of flooded area can ultimately be utilized as a primary source of information for the policy decision. In this paper, flooded areas was classified using 1:25,000 land use map and a RADARSAT image of Ok-Chun and Bo-Eun located in Chung-Book province taken in 12th of August, 1998. Then we analyzed the flood area based on GIS. A RADARSAT image was used to classify the flooded areas with slope theme generated from digital elevation model. In processing on a RADARSAT image, the geometric correction was performed by a backwardgeocoding method based on ephemeris data and one control point for near real time flood area analysis.


  • HoWoongShon
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.267-285
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    • 2001
  • This study has tried to develop the modified DRASTIC Model by supplying the parameters,such as structural lineament density and landuse, into conventional DRASTIC medal, and to predict the potential of groundwater contamination using GIS in Whanam 2 Area, Gyeonggi Province, Korea. Since the aquifers in Korea is generally through the joints of rock-mass in hydrogeological environment, lineament denisity affects to the behavior of goundwater and contaminated plumes directly, and land-use reflect the effect of point or non-point source of contamination indirectly. For the statistical analysis, lattice layers of each parameter were generated, and then level of confidence was assessed by analyzing each correlation coefficient. Composite contamination map was achieved as a final result by comparing modified DRASTIC potential and the amount of generation load of several contaminant sources logically. The result could suggest the predictability of the area of contamination potrntial in the respects of hydrogeological aspect and water quality.

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Analysis of food availability and food security status in Nepal for forest resource conservation purpose

  • Panta, Menaka;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Neupane, Hari Sharma;Joshi, Chudamani
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 2008
  • Agriculture and forest are basis for livelihood in Nepal while both sectors constitute around 40 percent of the national product and over two-thirds of the economically active population is dependent on agriculture. However, radical changes in land use, depletion in crops production and food availability are major threats due to loss of soil fertilityand severe environmental degradation. In this study, we used time series data from 1986/87 to 2005/06 about food crop production and population published by Government of Nepal, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives and Central Bureau of Statistics. Descriptive statistics and ArcGIS were used to assess and map the food security status of Nepalese Terai based on the local food demand and supply system. Food supply to demand ratio(FSDR) was the main idea of assessment. Our results showed that out of 20 districts, only 8 districts were categorised under secured food districts whereas 5 districts were still under food unsecured situation. The analysis further revealed that 7 districts had faced food deficit more than 8-16 times during the last 20 year periods. Data further showed that there was surplus food supply relative to the requirements dictated by FSDR. However, the average FSDR was less than 1.2(less than 20% surplus) exploring fact that most of the districts were not producing sufficient food to cope up the food shock and after 1995 it was relatively stagnant. Our prediction reveals that food supply in Terai even in the future would remain at almost the same level as now, and there will not more than 16-17% surplus by 2021 considering medium vibrant population growth. The findings thus, indicate that Terai may not be a food secure region in the future, even though the region is considered as a food storage house of Nepal. In addition, this paper suggests ways to make future comprehensive case studies more widely comparable in Terai, Nepal.

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Aeromagnetic Pre-processing Software Based on Graphic User Interface, KMagLevellingTM (그래픽 사용자 인터페이스 기반 항공자력탐사 전처리 S/W, KMagLevellingTM)

  • Ko, Kwang-Beom;Jung, Sang-Won
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2014
  • Aeromagnetic survey generally require much more pre-processing steps than that of common land survey due to several complex and cumbersome steps included in pre-processing stage. Therefore it is desirable to use specific processing tool especially based on graphic user interface. For this purpose, aeromagnetic pre-processing software based on graphic user interface under the Windows environment, called KMagLevellingTM was developed and briefly introduced. In an aspect of its user-friendliness and originality, three noticeable features of KMagLevellingTM are summarized as the following (1) function of representation and handling for large amount of aeromagnetic data set as a visualization in the form of flight-path (2) function of selective exclusion of unwanted data by using survey area information expressed as polygon, and (3) function of selective removal processing for the irregular flight-path data acquired within the entire survey area by implementing the segmentation of flight-path technique.

Spatial Decision Support System for Development and Conservation of Unexecuted Urban Park using ACO - Ant Colony Optimization - (장기 미집행 도시계획시설 중 도시공원을 위한 보전/개발 공간의사결정 시스템 - 개미군집알고리즘(ACO)를 이용하여-)

  • Yoon, Eun-Joo;Song, Eun-Jo;Jeung, Yoon-Hee;Kim, Eun-Young;Lee, Dong-Kun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2018
  • Long-term unexecuted urban parks will be released from urban planning facilities after 2020, this may result in development of those parks. However, little research have been focused on how to develop those parks considering conservation, development, spatial pattern, and so on. Therefore, in this study, we suggested an optimization planning model that minimizes the fragmentation while maximizing the conservation and development profit using ACO (Ant Colony Optimization). Our study area is Suwon Yeongheung Park, which is long-term unexecuted urban parks and have actual plan for private development in 2019. Using our optimization planning model, we obtained four alternatives(A, B, C, D), all of which showed continuous land use patterns and satisfied the objectives related to conservation and development. Each alternative are optimized based on different weight combinations of conservation, development, and fragmentation, and we can also generated other alternatives immediately by adjusting the weights. This is possible because the planning process in our model is very fast and quantitative. Therefore, we expected our optimization planning model can support "spatial decision making" of various issue and sites.

Evaluation of Habitat Function of National Park Based on Biodiversity and Habitat Value (보호지역의 지정 및 관리를 위한 국립공원의 서식처 기능 평가 -생물종다양성과 서식처 가치에 기반하여-)

  • Ryu, Ji-Eun;Choi, Yu-Young;Jeon, Seong-Woo;Sung, Hyun-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.39-60
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    • 2018
  • National parks are designated for the purpose of maintenance, conservation and utilization of different habitats. Therefore, it is necessary to select habitats of a high value as a protected area in order to balance conservation and development. However, the existing national park boundary adjustment and new designation criteria only focused on the endangered species and protected area, without proper evaluation of the habitat value of actual species. Therefore, this study aims to quantitatively evaluate habitat function in terms of biodiversity and habitat value, so that it can be referred to for the designation and boundary adjustment of national parks. We assessed species diversity and habitat values for each of the habitat types, for mammals only, as they are able to choose preferred habitats. In order to evaluate biodiversity, we used Maxent to derive species richness map and used InVEST's Habitat quality model to evaluate habitat value. As a result of evaluation, species richness was high in the national park boundary area. Also, even if the same edge is adjacent to the development area depending on the land cover, the species richness is low. Compared with Wolaksan and Sobaeksan National Park, the species richness and habitat value of the northern area, which is connected with other forests, were higher than those of the southern area where roads were developed. Therefore, it is expected that the use of the result of this study for the national park boundary adjustment and management will enhance the function of the national park as a habitat.