• Title/Summary/Keyword: land characteristics

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Assessment on Location Characteristics of Urban Park as Public Service Using Geographic Information Analysis System: Focused on Cheongju City (지리정보분석시스템을 활용한 공공서비스로서의 도시공원 입지특성 평가 - 충북 청주시를 대상으로 -)

  • Bae, Min-Ki
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2013
  • The Purpose of this research was to propose positioning strategies of urban park (UP) based on the assessment of location characteristics at cheongju city. To do that, this research found out urban park service area (UPSA) using GIS network analysis and built socio-economic attribute database, UP map, and other public service thematic maps such as public transportation, education, child-care, and convenience services. And this research analyzed spatial and attribute data using Pearson's correlation analysis, multiple linear regression, and binary logistic regression methods. As a result of this analysis, 1) the nearer neighborhood park and children's park, the higher land price and assumption income level (AIL). 2) children's parks were closed to living convenience facilities such as bank, hospital, and convenience store. 3) land price, AIL, population, and other public services level (PSL) in UPSA were higher than that of non-UPSA. 4) The higher land price, AIL, population, and other PSL, the higher urban park service level. The results of this research may contribute to resolve the regional UP unbalance and to improve UP service level as public service.

A Study on Characteristics of Urban Landscape using Digital Elevation Model and Land Use Data -The Case of Chunchon City- (수치표고모델과 토지이용 데이터를 이용한 광역 도시경관의 특성에 관한 연구 -강원도 춘천시를 사례로-)

  • 한갑수
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.1025-1032
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of the urban landscape by CG(Computer Graphic) pictures and visibility analysis. In this study, the CG picture was created by using zoning data and DEM(Digital Elevation Model) on Chunchon city. The landscape type was classified into three by cluster analysis using the area rate of the element which constitutes CG picture. Visible analysis used DEM as fundamental data, and was performed by using GIS(Geographic Information System). And the frequency seen on viewshed was classified into five grades. The result of this study are as follows: 1. The area rate of the element which constitutes CG picture was high development restriction zone(43%) in type 1, green land area(39%) in type 2, and city area(24%) in type 3. 2. In the analysis results of GIS visibility analysis, it turns out that Euiam lake is important area on the landscape in all types. 3. The land use of high frequency seen on viewshed was water area, residential area in type 1, development restriction area, park area in type 2, and development restriction zone, water area in type 3.

A Study on the Changes in Land Use and the Distribution Characteristics of Locational Facilities in the Downtown of a Small Town - Focused on a downtown in Yeongam-eup - (소도시 도심지역의 토지이용 변화와 입지시설 분포 특성에 관한 연구 - 영암읍 도심지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Yun-hag;Moon, Dong-il
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2011
  • This study examined the changes in land use and the distribution characteristics of locational facilities in the downtown space of a small town and the following results were obtained. The population of the subject small town was 9,476 as of 2010 which accounts for 15.8%. of Yeongam-gun. Regarding to a period, the population has been continuously decreased by 20.4% on average. Regarding to age group, while young people of 30 and under have been decreased, old people of 60 and over have been increased, suggesting a rapid increase in old population. Regarding to the area by land classification in the subject small town, while land has been increased by 6.9% on average, forests and fields have been decreased. Regarding urban planning area, residential and commercial areas have been increased by 3.1% and 5.8% on average respectively. It suggests that a rural area(arable land) tends to be gradually decreased, whereas a urban area tends to be steadily increased. Regarding the number of layers of buildings in the subject downtown streets, while one and two stories accounted for most parts in 1977, one story has been decreased but two and three stories have been increased since 1987. Regarding the use of buildings, living convenient facilities such as sale/retail trade and service/restaurant showed high location. In particular, one story which influences street vitality showed high location in sale/retail trade and service/restaurant, but many empty stores were also shown.

Analysis on the Characteristics of the Landslide in Maeri (III) - With a Special Reference on Slope Stability Analysis - (매리 땅밀림형 산사태(山沙汰)의 발생특성(發生特性)에 관한 분석(分析) (III) - 사면(斜面)의 안정해석(安定解析)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Park, Jae-Hyeon;Choi, Kyung;Bae, Jong Soon;Ma, Ho-Seop;Lee, Jong-Hak;Youn, Ho-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.94 no.6
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    • pp.377-386
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to analyse the landslide characteristics by ground investigation, borehole image processing system, field seismic test, laboratory test and ground stability analysis at the landsliding area occurred in Maeri, Sangdong-myeon, Gimhaesi, Gyeongsangnam-do. Region I needs to install data logger system to monitor a land displacement during the heavy rainfall events because the region can be liable to occur the land slide by land creeping. It is needed to restore rapidly, if the land displacement occurs in Region I. Region II needs to monitor and repair because of the possibility of slope failure by long-term soil loss. Region III needs constructions to remove ground runoff and ground water to be infiltrated from talus. Region IV where is a stable region, needs to be protected from land cutting or other man-made damage.

Multi-dimensional Development Type and Plan for Railway Facility Site - Focus on the Gyeongbu Line Railway Multi-Dimensional Project in Busan (철도시설 부지 입체개발 유형 및 개발 방안 - 경부선 철도 입체화 사업을 대상으로 -)

  • Keum, Yun Jeon ;Kim, Jong Gu
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.525-533
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    • 2023
  • Due to the topographical characteristics of Busan, which has many mountainous areas, there is a shortage of available land, and even the Gyeongbu Line railroad crosses the city center, hindering the disconnection of living areas and urban development. Accordingly, the need for multi-dimensional development has been raised to secure land, and recently, interest has been increasing in connecting cities divided by the undergroundization of the Gyeongbu Line railway and making efficient use of land. In this study, the development type was analyzed through the case of multi-dimensional development of land, and the development direction for each three-dimensional development type was set based on the results of the multi-dimensional development of four areas (Sasang Station, Gupo Station, Gaya Station, and Busanjin Station). In addition, reflecting the regional characteristics of the target area and the ongoing urban regeneration project, we will propose a design plan for horizontal and vertical space utilization of the railway site through multi-dimensional development through the efficient land use.

Analysis on the Characteristics of the Landslide in Maeri (I) - With a Special Reference on Geo-Topographical Characteristics - (매리 땅밀림형 산사태(山沙汰)의 발생특성(發生特性)에 관한 분석(分析) (I) - 지형(地形) 및 지질특성(地質特性)을 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Park, Jae-Hyeon;Choi, Kyung;Bae, Jong Soon;Ma, Ho-Seop;Lee, Jong-Hak
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.94 no.3 s.160
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 2005
  • Ths study was carried out to understand the geo-topographical characteristics of the landslide area (1.5 ha) in Maeri, Sangdong-myeon, Gimhaesi, Gyeongsangnam-do. The bedrock of the landslide area was diollites and the area in and around the upper slope with the scattered talus was composed of Masanam originated from Igneous rocks. The landslide occurred in 19th of April, 2004 and the amount of rainfall for 3 days before the landslide was 74mm. The landslide by land creeping in this area was mainly attributed to geo-topographical characteristics such as well developed colluvial and/or weathered soils, and land cutting in lower slope, although the landslide could be affected by the rainfall. The type of the landslide can be classified into the land creeping by concave colluvial soils.

Application of Margin of Safety Considering Regional Characteristics for the Management of Total Maximum Daily Loads (지역특성을 고려한 수질오염총량관리 안전부하량 적용)

  • Park, Jun Dae;Oh, Seung Young;Kim, Yong Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.351-360
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    • 2014
  • The allocation of margin of safety (MOS) at a uniform rate to all areas of the unit watershed makes it very difficult to keep the load allotment stable in the area for lack of reduction measures like forest land. This study developed an equation to calculate margin of safety differentially according to the regional characteristics. The equation was formulated on the basis of the regional characteristic factors such as a load contribution factor for land use type and a site conversion factor for the unit watershed. The load contribution factor represents a contribution of loads from a particular land use. The site conversion factor was derived from the site conversion ratio of a unit watershed. Margin of safety for the non-point pollution load in the land use sector decreased by 20~25% in three river basins. The margin of safety in the unit watersheds with low site occupation ratios decreased in high rate, while in the unit watersheds with large urban area decreased in low rate. With the application of the differential margin of safety considering regional characteristics, not only the reduction of pollution loads can become lighter but also it can be easier to develop plans for Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) even where the reduction measures are not available.

Economic Self-Sufficiency Criteria for New Town Planning by Network Characteristics (도시네트워크 특성에 따른 신도시 경제적 자족성 기준 연구)

  • Song, Young-Il;Rhim, Joo-Ho
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.251-259
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    • 2016
  • As the spatial structure of a region is evolving into a decentralized multi-nucli model, networked connection among cities in a region is emerging as an important issue to strengthen regional competitiveness. This paper focused on the limitation of current new town planning criteria which just suggest a uniform standard for economic self-sufficiency by new-town size, without representing the network characteristics of new town. If a new town is planned as a economic strongpoint within a region, it needs to secure appropriate industrial functions. This study classified the characteristics of new towns by network analysis and reviewed the economic self-sufficiency criteria by new town types. Using various network connectedness indices, the 1st and 2nd round new towns in the capital region were analyzed, and land-use distribution of new-towns in other countries were also examined comparatively. The network characteristics of new towns are classified as three types: mono-nucleus, distributed center, and dependent. Based on this classification, planning criteria for self-sufficiency were compared among 6 new towns. This study provides implications for the amendment of "the sustainable new town planning criteria" or the revision of development plans.

Analysis of Characteristics in the Land Cover Types of Inland Wetlands Using the National Wetland DB at South Korea (국가습지 DB를 활용한 남한 내륙습지의 토지피복 유형 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Ye-Seul;Yoon, Hye-Yeon;Lee, Seong-Ho;JANG, Dong-Ho;Yun, Kwang-Sung;Lee, Chang-Su
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.71-88
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    • 2020
  • This study modified the properties and boundaries of the inland wetland types through the structural edit of the National Wetland DB, and analyzed the characteristics of the different land cover by area and the entire inland wetlands of South Korea. The inland wetlands of the Gangwon Basin had a small area of waters. In addition, the ratio of natural barren was high, reflecting the characteristics of the upper reaches of the large river in the east and west part of Gangwon Province. The Geum River Basin had a high percentage of aggregate land due to the development of large alluvial land, and the ratio of artistic barren was low, so various ecosystem service of wetland elements were distributed evenly. The Nakdong River Basin had a high proportion of waters as water level in the channel rose due to the installation of 4 Major Rivers Beam, and the ratio of Natural barren was low. Moreover, the water level of the main attributes flowing into the Nakdong River drainage system was not high, so the ratio of vegetation concentration was high. The Yeongsan River Basin showed that Waters had the high proportion. And the distribution of Natural barrens represented differently according to the Yeongsan River Basin and the Seomjin River Basin. Finally, Sand and Gravels supplied to rivers during precipitation were deposited in the main stream of the Han River Basin, and the differences between the side and high side was large in the area, reflecting the characteristics of the mouth of a river, so the Natural barren of Clay was distributed.

Topography and Soil Characteristics Related to Land Creep in 37 Areas in South Korea (우리나라 37개 땅밀림지의 지질 및 토양 특성)

  • Park, Jae-Hyeon;Seo, Jung Il;Ma, Ho-Seop;Kim, Dongyeob;Kang, Minjeng;Kim, Kidae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.4
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    • pp.540-551
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to provide basic data for classifying patterns of land creep in 37 areas in South Korea using geological and soil property analyses. Geological time, as it relates to land creep areas in South Korea, had been most impactful for the Gyeongsang Supergroup and its sedimentary bedrock during the Cretaceous period. In this area, perfect ridge cliffs in land creeping areas included 20 plots (approximately 54.0%), while tension cracking areas with ambiguous ridge cliff characteristics included 17 plots (approximately 46.0%). Hesitant slide slope types included 20 plots (approximately 54.0%) within theslide slope of an incident pattern (slide slope figure) in land creeping areas. Colluvial debris types among land creep patterns were the most frequent and included 25 plots (approximately 68.0%). The direct causes of land creep were cutting of foothills, quarrying, land-clearing in mountains, mining exploration, and the creation of burial grounds, all of which added to geological impacts. Among land creeping areas, 27 plots (approximately 73.0%) were the result of man-made activities, and 10 plots (approximately 27.0%) were derived via natural causes such as earthquakes, heavy rainfall, and caving.