• Title/Summary/Keyword: land change ratio

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Runoff Characteristics Change of a Basin under Urbanization (도시화 진행에 따른 유역 유출특성 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Kwang-Ik;Kim, Min-Chol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 2010
  • It is well known that the drastic change of hydrological characteristics of an urbanized basin causes severe runoff, sediment yield, and peak flow. High vulnerability of urban flood disasters is caused by land-use change and development of a basin. A typical site suffering urbanization was selected and the experimental site has being operated last three years. Hydrological and hydraulic characteristics of the urbanizing basin were examined by observation of runoff, sediment loads and precipitation with T/M. The effects of land-use change were analyzed by examination of the hydrological characteristics, such as run-off ratio (runoff volume/rainfall volume), sediment yields. Runoff coefficient of rational equation was increased as basin was urbanized. Suspended sediment yields due to a urban development activities were raised almost 10 times compare to undisturbed condition for small runoff less than 1 cms. Meanwhile, no big change could be detected for bed loads.

A Reconstructive Study on the Urban Structure of the Original Masan Early in the 20th Century (20세기 초 원마산(原馬山) 도시공간의 복원적 연구 -1912년을 기준으로-)

  • Heo, Jeong-Do;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.9 no.1 s.22
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    • pp.27-46
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    • 2000
  • This study aims at examining the background and development process of Masan city after Koryo Dynasty, making a reconstructive map of Original Masan using the first registration maps made in 1912 and analyzing the urban structure of the Original Masan area. The origin of Masan city went back to Koryo dynasty. Around 1040 Koryo government placed an official shipping facility in Masan to transport the taxed grain to the capital city. After that Masan became an important port covering the southern part of KyungSang-Do. And the urbanization of the Original Masan began to bud after a shipping facility was again established by the Chosun Dynasty in 1760 and strengthened in the 19th century after the social standing system was broken and many peasants moved to cities as daily workers. In 1899 Masan was forced to be opened to foreign powers and they placed an international settlement distanced from the area(Original Masan). After this many Japanese advanced to the international settlement and further to the area. The advancement of Japanese brought a critical change in the urban structure of the area. Land was owned by Japanese and many modern sysytems were introduced such as modern buildings, new roads, railroad and modern factories. According to the reconstructive map of the area, 80.5% of land lots are less than $200m^2$ showing the size of each land lot is comparatively small. And Japanese occupied 31.5% of the land in the area. Their land was located on the stratigic points near the port and the center of commerce. The ratio of the road area to the whole land was around 14%, not so low for urban areas in that time. The reconstructive map reveals the exact coastline of the year 1912 erased now due to filling the sea and extending the land, Present Masan city has been developed having the Original Masan as its nucleus. The area has been always the center of urban activities for Masan city. Making an exact reconstructive map for the area and analyzing the urban structure of the area in 1912 is a very important work to understand Masan city wholy.

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Accuracy Analysis of Topographic Survey Data for the Official Land Price Appraising (공시지가산정을 위한 지형·지세조사 자료의 정확도 분석)

  • Lee, Chang-Han;Sung, Chun-Ja
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.153-167
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    • 2018
  • Despite many criticisms that topographic survey data for the official land price appraising collected annually using field survey method might be inaccurate, there is only few concrete research on it. This paper investigated whether the topographic survey data collected by a local government using field survey method is consistent with the data analyzed using the digital elevation model to examine its accuracy. The accuracy analysis indicated that 324 out of 1537 lots of land have inconsistent results which means the ratio of inconsistency is 17.36%. Among 11 areas studied, five had the inconsistency ratio above 20% while the worst one had 38.71%. The inconsistency ratio is generally higher for the rough terrain with irregular slope and high altitude while it is relatively lower for the terrain with smooth landform. The analysis results imply that there are limitations in investigating the topology by field survey method. Therefore, the official land price appraising policy should set precise criterion and change over to highly accurate geographic information analysis method to effectively and accurately examine topology, given the fact that the topology of the Republic of Korea has complicated features with irregular slope and altitude.

Rule set of object-oriented classification using Landsat imagery in Donganh, Hanoi, Vietnam

  • Thu, Trinh Thi Hoai;Lan, Pham Thi;Ai, Tong Thi Huyen
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.6_2
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    • pp.521-527
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    • 2013
  • Rule set is an important step which impacts significantly on accuracy of object-oriented classification result. Therefore, this paper proposes a rule set to extract land cover from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery acquired in Donganh, Hanoi, Vietnam. The rules were generated to distinguish five classes, namely river, pond, residential areas, vegetation and paddy. These classes were classified not only based on spectral characteristics of features, but also indices of water, soil, vegetation, and urban. The study selected five indices, including largest difference index max.diff; length/width; hue, saturation and intensity (HSI); normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and ratio vegetation index (RVI) based on membership functions of objects. Overall accuracy of classification result is 0.84% as the rule set is used in classification process.

Water quality big data analysis of the river basin with artificial intelligence ADV monitoring

  • Chen, ZY;Meng, Yahui;Wang, Ruei-yuan;Chen, Timothy
    • Membrane and Water Treatment
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.219-225
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    • 2022
  • 5th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Weather (AR5) predicts that recent severe hydrological events will affect the quality of water and increase water pollution. To analyze changes in water quality due to future climate change, input data (precipitation, average temperature, relative humidity, average wind speed, and solar radiation) were compiled into a representative concentration curve (RC), defined using 8.5. AR5 and future use are calculated based on land use. Semi-distributed emission model Calculate emissions for each target period. Meteorological factors affecting water quality (precipitation, temperature, and flow) were input into a multiple linear regression (MLR) model and an artificial neural network (ANN) to analyze the data. Extensive experimental studies of flow properties have been carried out. In addition, an Acoustic Doppler Velocity (ADV) device was used to monitor the flow of a large open channel connection in a wastewater treatment plant in Ho Chi Minh City. Observations were made along different streams at different locations and at different depths. Analysis of measurement data shows average speed profile, aspect ratio, vertical position Measure, and ratio the vertical to bottom distance for maximum speed and water depth. This result indicates that the transport effect of the compound was considered when preparing the hazard analysis.

The Comparative Study on Performance Evaluation of Outdoor Space for Remodeling Apartment (리모델링 공동주택단지의 외부공간 성능평가 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Ho-Yun;Lee, Sang-Suk;Yu, Joo-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2016
  • In this study, remodeling projects are perceived as a sustainable urban management policy to boost the value of old apartments and stimulate urban regeneration and development. To evaluate the physical environmental performance of external spaces of remodeled apartments, an evaluation model was developed. After applying it to the target places, the following results were obtained. First, analysis of the external space change index of the target apartments revealed that institutional standards are necessary in line with the building arrangement type, parking lot expansion method, and changes in the building-to-land ratio. Second, the score ratio as to the external space change index performance is as follows: safety (48.30); pleasantness (25.90); convenience (18.90); eco-friendliness (14.90). In other words, "safety" had the biggest score ratio. Third, to boost the external space performance of remodeled apartments, the needs of residents and neighboring environmental plans should be considered from a communality standpoint.

The Derivation of a Model to Estimate Compensation for Damages in Chartered Fisheries by Using CVP Analysis (CVP 분석을 이용한 면허어업 손실보상액 평가 모형의 도출)

  • 정형찬
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.133-153
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    • 2000
  • During the last several decades, Korea has been regarded as one of the fastest growing economies in the world. However, the small size of national land has not met the vigorous demand for land necessary to develop economic infra-structures such as large-scale harbors airports and highways. In order to satisfy the growing demand for land, the Korean government and industry have implemented the national land development programs to reclaim land from the sea fur the several decades. It is certain that these land development programs have resulted in a lot of property disputes between fishermen and public project administrators. This paper is to develop a quantitative model to estimate compensation for damages or restriction of charted fisheries resulting from large-scale public projects. In this paper, the compensation model is derived by using cost-volume-profit analysis framework because the compensation for charted fisheries basically depends on the factors such as the costs, production volume, profit of charted fisheries damaged or restricted by public projects. The model shows that the compensation for damages or restriction of charted fisheries is determined by the average annual profit, damage duration period, and the degree of fishery damages. In addition, the degree of fishery damages measured by the ratio of lost profit to annual average profit turns out to be determined by the following factors: annul profit, unit variable cost, decrease in production volume, the rate of increase in variable cost, and a change in fixed cost. Furthermore, this parer discusses the nam issues related to practices and regulation of the compensation for fishery damages in the current Fishery Act of Korea and suggests some appraisal methods which will be able to lead to theoretically correct and fair compensation for fisheries damages resulting from large-scale public projects.

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Numerical analysis of flow and bed change at a confluence of the Namhan River and the Seom River using a two-dimensional model (2차원 수치모형을 이용한 남한강과 섬강 합류부 구간의 흐름 및 하상변동 해석)

  • Park, Moonhyung;Kim, Hyung Suk;Baek, Chang Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.51 no.12
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    • pp.1273-1284
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    • 2018
  • The flow and bed change were analyzed using the CCHE2D model, which is a two-dimensional numerical model, at a confluence of the Namhan River and Seom River where deposition occurs predominantly after the "Four Major Rivers Restoration Project." The characteristic of the junction is that the tributary of Seom River joined into the curved channel of the main reach of the Namhan River. The CCHE2D model analyzes the non-equilibrium sediment transport, and the adaptation lengths for the bed load and suspended load are important variables in the model. At the target area, the adaptation length for the bed load showed the greatest influence on the river bed change. Numerical simulation results demonstrated that the discharge ratio ($Q_r$) change affected the flow and bed change in the Namhan River and Seom river junction. When $Q_r{\leq}2.5$, the flow velocity of the main reach increased before confluence, thereby reducing the flow separation zone and decreasing the deposition inside the junction. When $Q_r$>2.5, there was a high possibility that deposition would be increased, thereby forming sand bar. Numerical simulation showed that a fixed sand bar has been formed at the junction due to the change of discharge ratio, which occurred in 2013.

Analysis on Local Residents' Recognition of Farmland Conversion - Focused on Four Ris (Villages) of Bongdong Eup - (농지전용 주변지역의 주민인식 분석 - 봉동읍 4개 리를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Dong-Heon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2014
  • This study analyzed the recognition of local residents surrounding farmland conversion area. The details of the survey on the residents included recognition of farmland conversion, the usage and reason of farmland conversion in the surrounding area, impacts of farmland conversion on the local region and agricultural production, and change in farmland prices. According to the analysis, the aging of the local residents progressed, and the ratio of farming population was high in the case study area. There were many warehouse facilities and small scale factories in terms of farmland conversion in the case study area, due to the surrounding area characteristics of industrial complex and relatively cheaper land prices. The farmland conversion affected the local area and residents both positively and negatively, and the surrounding area's land prices rose. The policy implications, based on the findings in this study, indicate the following need to be carried out: the consolidation of action on farmland pollution upon farmland conversion, review of planned collective conversion mode, and return of the land price hike profits to the affected local area and residents. Actually, farmland conversion should be conducted, after a comprehensive and systematic review, because it affects the local area and residents in a complex way.

A Study on Land Surface Temperature Changes in Redevelopment Area Using Landsat Satellite Images : Focusing on Godeok-dong and Dunchon-dong in Gangdong-gu, Seoul (Landsat 위성영상을 활용한 재건축 지역의 지표 온도 변화에 관한 연구 : 서울특별시 강동구의 고덕동과 둔촌동을 중심으로)

  • Jihoon HAN;Chul SON
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.42-54
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    • 2023
  • The population is concentrated in the metropolitan areas in Korea, and low-density residential areas are transforming into high density residential areas through redevelopment to meet this demand. However, large-scale redevelopment in a short period of time has a negative impact on the urban climate, such as generating a heat island effect due to the reduction of urban green areas. In this study, the change in surface temperature from 2013 to 2022 in the redevelpment areas of Godeok-dong and Dunchon-dong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, was analyzed using Landsat 8 satellite images. In the Godeok-dong area, the difference in surface temperature was analyzed for the target redevelopment area, forest area, mixed forest and urban area, and low density residential area. In the Dunchon-dong area, the difference in surface temperature was analyzed for the target redevelopment area, forest area, and low density residential area. The difference in surface temperature was analyzed through multiple regression analysis conducted yearly over the three different stages in redevelopment period. The results from the multiple regression analysis show that in both areas, the land surface temperature of target redevelopment area was higher than that of the forest area and lower than low density residential area. It can be seen that these results occurred because the low-density residential area in Godeok-dong and Dunchon-dong had a lower green area ratio and a higher building-to-land ratio than the target redevelopment area. The results of this study suggest that even if low-density residential areas are transforming into high-density areas, adjusting the management of green areas and building-to-land ratio can contribute to lessen urban heat island effect.