• 제목/요약/키워드: king's library

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조선 후기 무위(武威)의 상징 대기치(大旗幟) 고증 (A historical study of the Large Banner, a symbol of the military dignity of the Late Joseon Dynasty)

  • 제송희;김영선
    • 헤리티지:역사와 과학
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    • 제54권4호
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    • pp.152-173
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    • 2021
  • 대기치는 임진왜란 중에 새로운 군사 제도와 함께 도입된 깃발이다. 군사 훈련에서 표식으로 세워 군사들의 움직임을 통제하거나 상급자를 영접하기 위해 세우던 사방 4자 이상의 큰 깃발로 군영에서 국왕을 영접할 때 국왕 행차 앞에 세우는 어전 대기치, 사신 영접과 파견, 지방관의 행차 등에 다양하게 쓰였다. 군사 훈련권을 상징하는 대기치를 통해 무위를 과시하는 사회적 상황을 확인할 수 있다. 대기치의 깃대 장식을 영두·주락(상모)·운봉을 갖춘 I유형과 영두·주락·치미를 갖춘 II유형으로 나누어 형식적 특징을 분석하였다. I유형에는 청도기·각기·문기가, II유형에는 대·중·소 오방기와 금고기·표미기가 속하는데 각각의 용도에 맞추어 장식을 달리하였다. 깃발의 크기는 네 변이 4자 이상의 정사각형에 상하와 세로 한 면에 화염각을 달아 세로가 약간 긴 정사각형에 가까웠던 것으로 추정된다. 대기치는 음양오행의 원리에 따라 오방색을 기본으로 활용하였다. 대기치의 문양은 오방을 상징하는 신수와 도교 부적 글자를 결합한 대오방기, 오방을 호위하는 신장들을 그린 중오방기, 팔괘문을 그린 소오방기, 군문을 엄격히 지키라는 뜻의 익호 문양의 문기로 대별된다. 대기치 제작을 위한 채색 사료로 오사카부립도서관 소장품 컬러 필사본 『기제』를 18세기 중후반의 용호영의 견식으로 비정하고 본 논고 서술과 시각화 작업에서도 중요하게 활용하였다. 대기치의 바탕 재료는 군권의 위엄을 드러내기 위해 수입 운문대단을 썼다. 크기는 영조척 1자(30cm)를 적용하여 4자 깃발은 세로 170cm, 가로 145cm, 5자 깃발은 세로 200cm, 가로 175cm로 확정하였다. 아울러 국왕 의장기 중 대기 > 중기 > 대기치로 조선 후기 전체 깃발 안에서의 위계 질서를 확인하였다. 위의 문헌 및 회화 분석을 통한 고증과 유물 자료를 토대로 두 유형으로 나눈 대기치를 시각화하였다. 시각화에서는 본 논고에서 고증한 깃발의 크기, 깃대 장식, 깃발별 문양 장식을 고려하여 제시하였다. 깃발의 바탕은 운문대단으로 18세기 운보문단 유물에 표현된 운문과 보문 문양을 제시하여 원형에 가깝게 복원하고자 하였다. 색상과 크기, 재질의 문양, 부대물품 등을 함께 제시함으로써 3D 콘텐츠 제작뿐만 아니라 실물 제작까지 가능하도록 하였다.

Short-Term Effect of Elevated Temperature on the Abundance and Diversity of Bacterial and Archaeal amoA Genes in Antarctic Soils

  • Han, Jiwon;Jung, Jaejoon;Park, Minsuk;Hyun, Seunghun;Park, Woojun
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • 제23권9호
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    • pp.1187-1196
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    • 2013
  • Global warming will have far-reaching effects on our ecosystem. However, its effects on Antarctic soils have been poorly explored. To assess the effects of warming on microbial abundance and community composition, we sampled Antarctic soils from the King George Island in the Antarctic Peninsula and incubated these soils at elevated temperatures of $5^{\circ}C$ and $8^{\circ}C$ for 14 days. The reduction in total organic carbon and increase in soil respiration were attributed to the increased proliferation of Bacteria, Fungi, and Archaea. Interestingly, bacterial ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) genes were predominant over archaeal amoA, unlike in many other environments reported previously. Phylogenetic analyses of bacterial and archaeal amoA communities via clone libraries revealed that the diversity of amoA genes in Antarctic ammonia-oxidizing prokaryotic communities were temperature-insensitive. Interestingly, our data also showed that the amoA of Antarctic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) communities differed from previously described amoA sequences of cultured isolates and clone library sequences, suggesting the presence of novel Antarctic-specific AOB communities. Denitrification-related genes were significantly reduced under warming conditions, whereas the abundance of amoA and nifH increased. Barcoded pyrosequencing of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene revealed that Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Actinobacteria were the major phyla in Antarctic soils and the effect of short-term warming on the bacterial community was not apparent.

Influence of lateralized versus medialized reverse shoulder arthroplasty design on external and internal rotation: a systematic review and meta-analysis

  • Kevin A. Hao;Robert J. Cueto;Christel Gharby;David Freeman;Joseph J. King;Thomas W. Wright;Diana Almader-Douglas;Bradley S. Schoch;Jean-David Werthel
    • Clinics in Shoulder and Elbow
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.59-71
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    • 2024
  • Background: Restoration of external (ER) and internal rotation (IR) after Grammont-style reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) is often unreliable. The purpose of this systematic review was to evaluate the influence of RSA medio-lateral offset and subscapularis repair on axial rotation after RSA. Methods: We conducted a systematic review of studies evaluating axial rotation (ER, IR, or both) after RSA with a defined implant design. Medio-lateral implant classification was adopted from Werthel et al. Meta-analysis was conducted using a random-effects model. Results: Thirty-two studies reporting 2,233 RSAs were included (mean patient age, 72.5 years; follow-up, 43 months; 64% female). The subscapularis was repaired in 91% (n=2,032) of shoulders and did not differ based on global implant lateralization (91% for both, P=0.602). On meta-analysis, globally lateralized implants achieved greater postoperative ER (40° [36°-44°] vs. 27° [22°-32°], P<0.001) and postoperative improvement in ER (20° [15°-26°] vs. 10° [5°-15°], P<0.001). Lateralized implants with subscapularis repair or medialized implants without subscapularis repair had significantly greater postoperative ER and postoperative improvement in ER compared to globally medialized implants with subscapularis repair (P<0.001 for both). Mean postoperative IR was reported in 56% (n=18) of studies and achieved the minimum necessary IR in 51% of lateralized (n=325, 5 cohorts) versus 36% (n=177, 5 cohorts) of medialized implants. Conclusions: Lateralized RSA produces superior axial rotation compared to medialized RSA. Lateralized RSA with subscapularis repair and medialized RSA without subscapularis repair provide greater axial rotation compared to medialized RSA with subscapularis repair. Level of evidence: 2A.

조선후기 영남 문집 목판본 간행의 확산 양상에 관한 연구 - 한국국학진흥원 소장 책판을 중심으로 - (Spread of Publication of the Literary Collection by Wood-block printing in the Late of Joseon Dynasty - Centered on wooden blocks for printing housed in KSAC -)

  • 손계영
    • 한국도서관정보학회지
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.447-470
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    • 2013
  • 이 논문은 조선시대 전반에 걸쳐 목판본 문집 간행의 문화적 양상이 시기에 따라 어떻게 변화하였는지에 관한 연구이다. 조선 초기 조정에서는 명현의 글을 보존하기 위해 문집 간행의 필요성이 계속적으로 부각되었으며, 국가에서 적극적으로 개입하여 문집 간행을 주도하였다. 16세기부터 18세기 초반에는 감사 수령이 중앙에서 지방으로 파견되어 그들의 주도에 의해 지방관아에서 문집이 집중적으로 간행되었다. 17세기를 거쳐 18세기 초중반에는 부세 제도 변화로 지방관아의 재정이 제한되어 문집간행 사업이 현격하게 줄어든 반면, 숙종대에 서원의 수가 폭증하자 지방관 중심의 문집 간행이 18~19세기에는 서원 중심으로 전개되었다. 19세기 후반에는 이전 시기의 형태들이 여전히 존재하였던 반면, 서원의 제도권에 속하지 못하거나 서원의 지지를 얻지 못하였던 사족들의 문집 간행이 19세기 말부터 폭발적으로 이루어져 양반층 전반의 문화로 확산되어 갔다.

고려 초조대장경 각판의 발원 장소 및 일자에 관한 연구 (A Research on the Place and Date of Praying for the Engraving of the First Edition of Tripitaka Koreana)

  • 김성수
    • 한국문헌정보학회지
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    • 제45권2호
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    • pp.75-96
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    • 2011
  • 이 논문은 고려 초조대장경 각판(刻板: 雕造)과 관련한 발원(發願)의 장소(發願地) 및 그 일자(發願日)의 문제를 규명한 연구이다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 초조대장경 각판 발원의 단서는 이규보의 <대장각판군신기고문>에서 '초조대장경의 초창지단(初創之端)'의 내용에 입각하였다. 2) 거란군이 침략하고, 현종이 남순(南巡: 몽진)하다가 다시 개경(開京)으로 환궁하기까지의 기간 사이에, 군신(君臣)이 함께 거란군(契丹軍)을 물리치기 위한 대규모 행사의 개최 또는 신명(神明)이 보답하는 제사(報祠)를 올린 기록을 "고려사"와 "고려사절요"에서 검색하였다. 그 결과, '"고려사절요" 제3권, 현종 2년(1011) 2월 정사일(丁巳: 13일)'條의 내용이 <대장각판군신기고문>의 초조대장경 각판 발원의 내용과 일맥상통함을 파악하였다. 이에 따라 <대장각판군신기고문>의 내용 또한 역사적 진실(史實)을 담고 있는 기록임을 파악하였다. 3) "고려사절요" 현종 2년(1011) 2월 13일의 기록 즉, '거란군이 스스로 물러가도록 신명(神明)이 보답할 수 있는 제사를 올렸다'는 사항은 바로 2월 15일에 청주 행궁(行宮)에서 거행된 <연등회(燃燈會)>의 의식 및 제사를 말하는 것이며, 이 연등회의 제례(祭禮)에서 신명께 기고(祈告)한 내용은 곧 '초조대장경 각판의 발원'이었을 것임을 입증하였다. 4) 그리하여 초조대장경 각판의 발원장소는 청주행궁(淸州行宮)이며, 그 발원일자(發願日)는 1101년(현종 2) 음력 2월 15일임을 규명하였다.

중국의 사지서목에 대하여 -육사예문$\cdot$경적지의 분류 및 편목체재 비교를 중심으로- (On the Bibliographies of Chinese Historical Books - Classifying and cataloguing system of six historical bibliographies -)

  • 강순애
    • 한국문헌정보학회지
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    • 제24권
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    • pp.289-332
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    • 1993
  • In china, six bibliographies of offical historical books are evaluated at the most important things among the systematically-editing bibliographies. These bibliographies would be usful to study the orign of classical sciences and their development, bibliographic research of Chinese classics, bibliographic judgement on genuine books, titles, authors, volumes. They could be refered to research into graving, correcting, and existence of ancient books. therefore, these bibliographies would be applied to estimation the phase of scientific and cultural development. The study of these bibliographies has been not yet made in Korea. This thesis lays its importance on the background of their appearance, their classification norms, organizing system of their catalogue, and comparison between their difference. 1. Editing and compiling of Chilyak (칠약) by Liu Chin (유흠) and official histories played an important role of entering an apperance of historical book's bibliographies. Chilyak has been lost. However, its classification and compiling system of classical books would be traced by Hansoyemunji(한서예문지) of which basic system is similar to Chilyak. It classified books according to their scientific characteristic. If a few books didn't have their own categories, they were combined by the circles parallel to the books' characteristic. With the books classified under the same scientific characteristic, they were again divided into the scientific schools or structures. It also arranged the same kinds of books according to the chronology. The some books wi th duplicate subjects were classified multiplely by their duplicate subject. 2. Ssu-ma Chon's (사마천) The Historical Records (Saki, 사기) and Pan Ku's (반고) The History of the Former Han Dynasty (Hanso, 한서) has also took effects on appearance of historical books' bibliographies. Covering overall history, Saki was structured by the five parts: The basic annals(본기), the chronological tables (표), the documents (서), the hereditary houses (세가), biographies (열전). The basic annals dealt with kings and courts' affairs according to the chronology. The chronological tables was the records of the annals. The documents described overall the social and cultural systems. The hereditary houses recorded courts' meritorious officials and public figures. The biographies showed exemplars of seventy peoples selected by their social status. Pan Ku(반구)'s The History of the Former Han Dynasty(한서) deserved to be called the prototype for the offical histories after Saki's (사기; The Historical Records) apperance. Although it modelled on Saki, it had set up its own cataloguing system. It was organized by four parts; the basic annals (본기), the chronological tables (표), treatises(지), biographies (열전). The documents in the Hanso(한서) was converted into treatises(지). The hereditary houses and biographies were merged. For the first time, the treatise with The Yemunji could operate function for historical bibliographies. 3. There were six historical bibliographies: Hansoyemunji(한서예문지), Susokyongjeokji (수서경적지), Kudangsokyongjeokji(구당서경적지), Shindangsoyemunji (신당서예문지), Songsayemunji (송사예문지), Myongsayemunji (명사예문지). 1) Modelling on Liu Chin's Chilyak except Chipryak(집략), Hansoyemunji divided the characteristic of the books and documents into six parts: Yukrye(육예), Cheja(제자), Shibu(시부), Pyongsoh(병서), Susul(수술), Pangki(방기). Under six parts, there were thirty eight orders in Hansoyemunji. To its own classification, Hansoyemunji applied the Chilyak's theory of classification that the books or documents were managed according to characteristic of sciences, the difference of schools, the organization of sentences. However the overlapped subjects were deleted and unified into one. The books included into an unsuitable subject were corrected and converted into another. The Hansoyemunji consisted of main preface (Taesoh 대서), minor preface (Sosoh 소서) , the general preface (Chongso 총서). It also recorded the introduction of books and documents, the origin of sciences, the outline of subjects, and the establishment of orders. The books classified by the subject had title, author, and volumes. They were rearranged by titles and the chronological publication year. Sometimes author was the first access point to catalogue the books. If it was necessary for the books to take footnotes, detail notes were formed. The Volume number written consecutively to order and subject could clarify the quantity of books. 2) Refering to Classfication System by Seven Norms (칠분법) and Classification System by Four Norms(사분법), Susokyongjeokji(수서경적지) had accomplished the classification by four norms. In fact, its classification largely imitated Wanhyosoh(완효서)'s Chilrok(칠록), Susokyongjeokji's system of classification consisted of four parts-Kyung(경), Sa(사), Cha(자), Chip(칩). The four parts were divided into 40 orders. Its appendix was again divided into two parts, Buddihism and Taiosm. Under the two parts there were fifteen orders. Totally Susokyongjeokji was made of six parts and fifty five orders. In comparison with Hansoyemunji(한서예문지), it clearly showed the conception of Kyung, Sa, Cha, Chip. Especially it deserved to be paid attention that Hansoyemunji laied history off Chunchu(춘추) and removed history to Sabu(사부). However Chabu(사부) put many contrary subjects such as Cheja(제자), Kiye(기예), Sulsu(술수), Sosol(소설) into the same boundary, which committed errors insufficient theoretical basis. Anothor demerit of Susokyongjeokji was that it dealt with Taiosm scriptures and Buddism scriptures at the appendix because they were considered as quasi-religion. Its compilation of bibliographical facts consisted of main preface(Taesoh 대서), minor preface(Sosoh 소서), general preface (Chongsoh 총서), postscript (Husoh 후서). Its bibliological facts mainly focused on the titles. Its recorded authors' birth date and their position. It wrote the lost and existence of books consecutive to total number of books, which revealed total of the lost books in Su Dynasty. 3) Modelling on the basis of Kokumsorok(고분서록) and Naewaekyongrok(내외경록), Kudangsokyongjeokji(구당서경적지) had four parts and fourty five orders. It was estimated as the important role of establishing basic frame of classification by four norms in classification theory's history. However it had also its own limit. Editing and compling orders of Kudangsokyongjeokji had been not progressively changed. Its orders imitated by and large Susokyongjeokji. In Its system of organizing catalogue, with its minor preface and general preface deleting, Kudangsokyongjeokji by titles after orders sometimes broke out confusion because of unclear boundaries between orders. 4) Shindangsoyemunji(신당서예문지), adding 28,469 books to Kudangsokyongjeokji, recorded 82,384 books which were divided by four parts and fourty four orders. In comparison with Kudangkyongjeokj, Sindangsoyemunji corrected unclear order's norm. It merged the analogical norms four orders (for instance, Kohun 고훈 and Sohakryu 소학류) and seperated the different norms four orders (for example, Hyokyong 효경 and Noneuhryu 논어류, Chamwi 참위 and Kyonghaeryu 경해류, Pyonryon 편년 and Wisaryu 위사류). Recording kings' behaviors and speeches (Kikochuryu 기거주류) in the historical parts induced the concept of specfication category. For the first time, part of Chipbu (집부) set up the order of classification norm for historical and literatural books and documents (Munsaryu 문사류). Its editing and compiling had been more simplified than Kudangsokyongjeokji. Introduction was written at first part of bibliographies. Appendants except bibliographic items such subject, author, title, volume number, total were omitted. 5) Songsayemunji(송사예문지) were edited in the basis of combining Puksong(북송) and Namsong(남송), depending on Sabukuksayemunji(사부국사예문지). Generally Songsayemunji had lost a lot of bibliographical facts of many books. They were duplicated and wrongly classified books because it committed an error of the incorrectly annalistic editing. Particularly Namsong showed more open these defaults. Songsayemunji didin't include the books published since the king Youngchong(영종). Its system of classification was more better controlled. Chamwiryu(참위류) in the part of Kyongbu(경부) was omitted. In the part of history(Sabu 사부), recordings of kings' behaviors and speeches more merged in the annals. Historical abstract documents (Sachoryu 사초류) were seperately arranged. In the part of Chabu(자부), Myongdangkyongmaekryu(명당경맥류) and Euisulryu(의술류) were combined. Ohangryu(오행류) were laied off Shikuryu(시구류). In the part of Chipbu(집부), historical and literatural books (Munsaryu 문사류) were independentely arranged. There were the renamed orders; from Wisa(위사) to Paesa(패사), Chapsa (잡사) to Pyolsa(열사), Chapchonki(잡전기) to Chonki(전기), Ryusoh(류서) to Ryusa(류서). Introduction had only main preface. The books of each subject catalogued by title, the volume number, and author and arranged mainly by authors. Annotations were written consecutively after title and the volume number. In the afternote the number of not-treated books were revealed. Difference from Singdangsohyemunji(신당서예문지) were that the concept and boundary of orders became more clearer. It also wrote the number of books consecutive to main subject. 6) Modelling on Chonkyongdangsomok (경당서목), Myongsayemunji(명사예문지) was compiled in the basis of books and documents published in the Ming Danasty. In classification system, Myongsayemunji partly merged and the seperated some orders for it. It also deleted and renamed some of orders. In case of necessity, combining of orders' norm was occured particulary in the part of Sabu(사부) and Chabu(자부). Therefore these merging of orders norm didn't offer sufficient theretical background. For example, such demerits were seen in the case that historical books edited by annals were combined with offical historical ones which were differently compiled and edited from the former. In the part of Chabu(자부), it broke out another confusion that Pubga(법가), Meongga(명가), Mukga(묵가), Chonghweongka's(종횡가) thoughts were classified in the Chapka(잡가). Scriptures of Taiosim and Buddhism were seperated from each other. There were some deleted books such as Mokrokryu(목록류), Paesaryu(패사류) in the part of history (Sabu 사부) and Chosaryu(초사류) in the part of Chipbu(집부). The some in the each orders had been renamed. Imitating compiling system of Songsayemunji(송사예문지), with reffering to its differ-ence, Myongsayemunji(명사예문지) wrote the review and the change of the books by author. The number of not-treated books didn't appear at the total. It also deleted the total following main subject.

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"의방류취(醫方類聚)"에 대한 판본(版本) 연구 (A study on the xylographica of ${\ulcorner}$Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions${\lrcorner}$)

  • 신순식;최환수
    • 한국한의학연구원논문집
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 1997
  • ${\ulcorner}$Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions${\lrcorner}$(1445) is a book compiled the medical achievements of China and Choseon in those times and it's our source of pride to have it In this country. It also deserves careful investigation since this book can provide some clues of features of missing books in China and Korea. The extent of accuracy of xylographica of old books determines the possiblity of in depth further study. So authors attempted to investigate the xylographica of ${\ulcorner}$Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions${\lrcorner}$ one of the 3 main books in Korea. Previous investigation done by Miki Sakae and Kim Doo Jong are noticeable. On the basis of their respective works, we analyzed 'Annals of the Choseon Dynasty' to find records related with ${\ulcorner}$Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions${\lrcorner}$ and estimated the situation of its publication. We tried figure the situation of those times of China, Japan and Korea(including North Korea) and tried to estimate the book's original xylographica as much as we could. By King Sejong's command, the first draft of ${\ulcorner}$Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions${\lrcorner}$ consisted of 365 books was made by collaboration of civil officials and medical officers during the period from 1443 to 1445. And then from 1451(first year of Moonjong's reign) to 1464(l0th year of Sejo's reign) lots of manpowers were employed and through the process of countless erasure, proofreading, arrangement and rearrangement revised version of ${\ulcorner}$Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions${\lrcorner}$ which is called by Sejo text was completed. After 3 years of wood engraving work, the first printed form of ${\ulcorner}$Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions${\lrcorner}$ (alternately called Seongjong text) in folding case consisted of 266 chapters, 264 volumes came into the world in 1477.(8th year of Seongjong's reign). This was 32 years after the initial completion of the edition. So ${\ulcorner}$Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions${\lrcorner}$ exists in three forms as Sejong text, Sejo text and Seongjong text respectively. Since those texts were plundered during the Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592, none of the original copy remains within korea. The texts were constantly moved to kadeungcheongieong, to Kongdeungpyeongio, Jesookoan of Edo, to East University of department of classic books, to Cheoncho archives, to the Imperial Museum and finally is kept in the royal palace at present. (Doseoryo text Eulhae printing type) Reduced-size republication books of ${\ulcorner}$Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions${\lrcorner}$ in wooden type were imported at the time of 'Byeongja Korea-Japan Treaty in 1876' and of those 2 books, one copy was treasured in the Royal Household of the Yi Dynasty and than was lost during the Korean War circa 1950. The other remaining copy has been kept succesively by Kojong's imperial grant, Royal doctor Hong Cheol Bo, Hong Taek Joo, Hong Ik Pyo the book agent, and now is kept In Yonsei University Library and this is the only existing copy in Korea at present. In 1965, Dongyang Medical college published the transcription version of ${\ulcorner}$Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions${\lrcorner}$ consisting of 11 books and then in 1981 after edition and arrangement by Choonghoa(中華) publishing company, photoprint copy of ${\ulcorner}$Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions${\lrcorner}$ was published in Keumgang(金剛) publishing company In 1991, October Yeokang(驛江) publishing company producd photocopies of ${\ulcorner}$Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions${\lrcorner}$ which were previously translated into Korean by North Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine and then issued by medical publishing company. In China, two institutes, Zhejiang Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Huzhou Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital cooperated to publish a revised and marked text consiting of 11 books by adding marking points to japanse Edohakhoondang text which were used as a reference. Both the korean and chinese texts issued were grounded by the ${\ulcorner}$Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions${\lrcorner}$ kept in the royal palace. Any further study concerning ${\ulcorner}$Classified Collection of Medical Prescriptions${\lrcorner}$ can acquire its accuracy and objectivity when the japanese text kept in the royal palace is taken as an original copy.

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소주(蘇州) 서광사탑(瑞光寺塔) 출토(出土) 북송초기(北宋初期)의 불교문헌(佛敎文獻) 연구(硏究) (A Study on the Early North Sung Period Buddhist Literatures Found in the Pagoda of Suzhou Ruiguangsi)

  • 송일기
    • 한국도서관정보학회지
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    • 제45권1호
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    • pp.81-102
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    • 2014
  • 이 논문은 지난 1978년 서광탑의 수리를 위한 조사과정에서 3층 탑심부의 천궁에서 다량의 불교문화재를 수습하였다. 당시 수습한 문화재에는 당대에서 북송초기에 조성된 귀중한 불교문헌 123점이 포함되어 있다. 소주 서광사는 적조(赤鳥) 4(241)년에 오나라 첫 번째 왕이었던 손권(孫權)이 강거국에서 온 승려 성강(性康)을 맞이하기 위해서 세워진 사찰이며, 창건 당시에는 보제선원(普濟禪院)으로 부르다가 북송 초기 원희 연간에 와서 대대적으로 중창하고 지금의 서광사(瑞光寺)로 개명하였다. 서광탑은 서광사가 완공된 직후인 적조(赤鳥) 10(247)년에 손권이 모친의 극락왕생과 국태민안을 기원하기 위해 사찰 내에 13층탑을 세웠으며, 이후 오랜 세월이 지나 이 탑이 크게 파손되어 천희(天禧) 1 (1017)년에 새로 중건하고 이름을 다보탑(多寶塔)이라 하였다. 서광탑에서 출토된 불교문헌은 크게 다라니류 3건 107점과 전적류 5종 16권 등 모두 123점으로 파악되었다. 특히 전적류 가운데 법화경사경은 당대에 감지에 금자로 조성된 것으로 전 7권이 비교적 완전한 상태이며, 동아시아 국가에 현존하는 감지금자사경 가운데 최선본으로 평가할 만하다. 또한 북송초기에 간행된 목판본이 6권이나 완전한 상태로 발견되었다. 그동안 일본학자 나가자와(長澤)가 이와 동일본인 중촌본(中村本)을 초당본(初唐本)으로 잘 못 소개한 이후 모든 개설서에 그대로 반영하고 있는데, 이 연구를 통해 오류를 수정할 계기가 되었다는 점이 의미가 있다.