• Title/Summary/Keyword: kakdugi radish cube

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Effects of Salting Process on Ascorbic Acid Contents, ${\alpha}-Amylase$ Activity, Seasoning Penetration and Microbial Counts of Radish Cubes for Kakdugi (간절임이 무우 Cube의 Ascorbic Acid 함량, ${\alpha}-Amylase$ 활성, 양념류 침투성, 생균수에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Joong-Man;Shin, Mi-Kyung;Hwang, Ho-Sun;Kim, Hyung-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.492-495
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    • 1990
  • In succession to the previous paper(Korean J. Food Sci. and Techn., 21(2), 300, 1989), to investigate effect of salting process on physico-chemical properties of Korean radish cubes processed for kakdugi Ascorbic acid content, ${\alpha}-amylase$ activity, the penetration rate of glucose and red-pepper juice into the radish cubes, and aerobic microbial counts (bacteria, yeast and mold) were investigated during salting (packout ratio : 1:1g/ml) of radish-cube$(2{\times}2{\times}2cm)$ for kakdugi in the 15%(w/v) sodium chloride solution. For 6hr salting, ascorbic acid was reduced from 38.5mg% to 15.7 mg%, ${\alpha}-amylase$ activity was gradually increased until 5hr salting, and then deceased, Amount and rate of penetration of glucose and red-pepper juice(on base of redness) into the salted radish cube were both higher than raw cubes, and microbial counts were decreased, and mostly within one hour of salting.

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Characteristics of Kakdugi Radish Cube by Autumn Cultivars during Salting (가을무 품종별 깍두기 무 절임 특성)

  • 김미리;박한용;전병문
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2001
  • Characteristics (salt concentration, weight loss, soluble solid content, moisture content, pH, textural properties) of kakdugi radish cube (kakdugi radish, $2{\times}2{\times}2\;cm$) were evaluated during salting. Five different radish cultivars harvested in autumn were immersed into 10, 15 or 20% brine solution (radish : brine solution = 1 : 2) at $15^{\circ}C$ for 5hrs. The time required to reach the optimum salt concentration (3.0%) was different among cultivars; in the 10% brine solution, 5hr for 'Taeback', 4hr for 'Bakja', 3hr for 'Kwandong' and 'Bakbong', 2hr for 'Bagkwang'. Generally, it was observed that it took shorter salting time at higher concentration of brine solution. While the highest value of weight loss of kakdugi radish cubes was observed with 'Bagkwang', the lowest, 'Taeback'. There was a decrease of pH of kakdugi radish during salting; while 'Bakja' showes little change in pH, 'Bagkwang' shows large decrease of pH. Hardness and fracturability decreased during salting; the highest value of hardness was observed with 'Taeback', the lowest, 'Bagkwang' has the highest moisture content, the lowest soluble solid content and hardness. There was a similarity of characteristics of kakdugi radish cube between two cultivars, 'Taeback' and 'Bakja', as well as 'Bagkwang', and those of 'Kwandong' and 'Bakbong' were between two types of cultivars.

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Characteristics of Kakdugi Radish Cube by Spring Cultivars during Salting (봄무 품종별 깍두기 무의 절임 특성)

  • 김미리;오상희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.819-825
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    • 2001
  • Characteristics (salt concentration, weight loss, soluble solid content, moisture content, pH, textural properties) of kakdugi radish cube (2$\times$2$\times$2 cm) were evaluated during salting. Four different radish cultivars harvested in spring were immersed into 5, 10 or 15% brine (radish : brine - 1 : 2) at 15$^{\circ}C$ for 5 hr. The time required to reach the optimum salt concentration (3.0%) was different among cultivars; in 10% brine solution, 5 hr for ‘Bakbong’and ‘9621’, and 4 hr ‘Bagkwang’ and ‘Housebommu’, in 15% brine, 3 hr for ‘Bakbong’and ‘9621’, and 2 hr for ‘Bagkwang’and ‘Housebommu’. While the highest value of weight loss of kakdugi radish cube was observed with ‘Bagkwang’, the lowest, ‘Bakbong’. There was a decrease of pH of kakdugi radish during salting ; while ‘Bakbong’ showed little change in pH, ‘Bakbong’and ‘Housebommu’ showed large decrease of pH. Hardness and fracturability decreased during salting; the highest value of hardness was observed with ‘Bagkwang’, the lowest, ‘Bagkwang’. ‘Bakbong’ has the lowest moisture content, but the highest soluble solid content, while ‘Bagkwang’and ‘Housebommu’ have the highest moisture content, but the lowest soluble solid content. There was a similarity of characteristics of kakdugi radish cube between two cultivars, ‘Bagkwang’and ‘Housebommu’.

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Physico-chemical Changes of Radish Cubes for Kakdugi during Salting (간절임중 깍뚜기용 무우 Cube의 이화학적인 변화)

  • Kim, Joong-Man;Shin, Mi-Kyung;Hwang, Ho-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.300-306
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    • 1989
  • Physico-chemical changes caused by salting Korean radish cubes (for Kakdugi) with sodium chloride solution were investigated. Two-centimter cubes of Korean radish were soaked in saline solution of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 percent concentration. Optimum salinity, 3% as determined by taste, was reached in six hours at 5% strength, two hours in 10%, one hour at 15% and within one hour at concentration of 15% plus. Radish cubes salted in 5, 10. 15, 20 and 25% sodium chloride solution in a cube/solution weight ratio of 1:1 decreased in volume from 7.6 to 11.2% after one hour, and from 11.2 to 17.9% after six hours. Decrease in moisture content was from 83.0 to 75.9% in one hour and from 74.5 to 68.5% after six hours. $Potassium\;ion(K^+)$, $calcium\;ion(Ca^{2+})$ and $magnesium\;ion(Mg^{2+})$ content was significantly decreased by salting, but $sodium\;ion(Na^+)$ content greatly increased. In addition, salting caused firmness of the cubes to decrease, and cell shapes to shrink by plasmolysis.

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